Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 692: Good Luck Like Black Box Operation

Chapter 692: Good Luck Like Black Box Operation

ps. The author suffered from tenosynovitis, and his typing speed is relatively slow. The update will be delayed for a while. You can wait for a later refresh, or refresh the next morning, but it’s just later than usual.

This situation will probably continue until the end of the year, and it will be almost enough to raise it for a few more days. After the new year, the update should return to normal.

Please bear with me for the inconvenience caused to book friends, and I apologize to everyone here.


Although Luo Quan did not ask for it, the fans who joined the group still previewed the "homework" in advance.

The so-called homework is actually the dispensation of the various bosses of the Molten Core group book. Many up masters of station b have done detailed tutorials.

Although the data of the public test and the internal test are not exactly the same, the overall mechanism will not change.

And because it was a land reclamation group, Luo Quan chose the second easiest "normal" difficulty.

But even so, it was quite strenuous to play.

The main reason is that some professions are really sewers, and some players are really good.

Fortunately, everyone mainly came to play with Luo Quan. The fun of listening to her command and speaking was better than the fun of exploding equipment.

As long as Luo Quan doesn't get angry, they naturally have no objections, and the longer they fight, the longer they can stay with Luo Quan.

After all, this is an opportunity to communicate directly with Luo Quan, not to mention once in a lifetime, but I don't know how long I have to wait for another opportunity like this next time.

Although Luo Quan gradually became helpless because of the destruction of the regiment.

But she didn't seem too anxious. After all, everyone has made progress. Every time the group is destroyed, the remaining HP of the boss is also less than before.

After trying four times in a row, I finally defeated the first boss of the Molten Core raid.

"It's awesome, everyone, it's passed so quickly. The first kill team died more than a dozen times before it passed." Luo Quan looked at the camera and smiled so relieved.

The barrage immediately began to complain:
"They are playing on epic difficulty. You have fought the first boss on normal difficulty for so long, how can you still get the next few?"

"I was so anxious to see it, I didn't have such a rush when I hit it with one hand."

"The leader's operation and command are both correct, which belongs to high-level play, but the members of the group are really pulling a bit."

"Professional players are not good either. Why do you need so many shamans? Wouldn't it be nice to bring more mages and thieves?"

"Don't engage in occupational discrimination, Luo Quan emphasized it."

"Luo Quan also added later, being handsome is a matter of a lifetime, and being weak or not is a matter of one version."

"Understood, the sewer profession will continue to be a weaker version."


The barrage was full of complaints, and many fans in the team who had cheated the team also quit the team voluntarily.

It can be heard that Luo Quan is a little tired from commanding, and the second boss is more difficult, and they probably won't be able to beat it if they stay any longer.

In order not to embarrass Luo Quan, he withdrew from the team.

"It's okay, everyone can go to the random difficulty raid and practice again, and come back to fight again when you have the opportunity." Luo Quan didn't persuade them to stay, but just helped them say a word of condolence.

After six walks this time, Luo Quan continued to open up applications for joining the group. This time, she kept a few things in mind when selecting candidates, and tried to choose fans with relatively high equipment levels.

After receiving strong support, the No. 2 boss immediately started fighting.

This time the battle was much simpler than before, and the boss was successfully killed after only one group was destroyed.

Next, comes the exciting moment.

Bosses 2 and 3 of the Molten Core raid will each drop an orange weapon production part.

Combining the two parts into one, you can start the production task of "Thunder Fury".

During the internal testing of this weapon, only ten players made it, and two of them got it through the first kill mechanism of random and normal difficulty, which shows how low the explosion rate is.

After the public beta, World of Warcraft has a total of four servers, namely the national server and Asian server operated by Penguin, and the US server and European server operated by Microsoft.

Four major servers, each with four difficulties, have already won the first kill.

In addition to these sixteen, millions of players around the world have yet to gather twenty mission props for making weapons.

Thunder Fury's handsome bursting special effects can be said to have attracted quite a few players into the pit.

And the ridiculously low explosion rate also raised the price of this weapon to a rather terrifying position.

Now in the World of Warcraft player forum, some bosses have already offered a price of one hundred thousand yuan, and the price changes every day, and it only goes up but not down.

Looking at this posture, even if it rises to 30, it is not impossible.

So many World of Warcraft players are also joking, saying that despite the point card system in this game, there is no value krypton gold content after buying the time.

But if you really spend money, it will be more exaggerated than many krypton gold mobile games.

However, the current heavy krypton content is linked to the appearance.

As an orange weapon, Thunderfury's stats and skills are graduation weapons for many professions, but in fact, it doesn't reach the level of 9999, which affects the balance of the game.

However, this one-handed sword with lightning flashes is really handsome.

Don't the local tyrants play games just to enjoy the feeling of being looked up to and envied by ordinary players?

Thunder Fury has the ability to bring such a sense of satisfaction, and it is much more difficult than those satisfactions that can be obtained by simply charging money.

Because there are a lot of bosses who offer a price of [-] yuan, but none of them have actually been bought.

It's not that the players don't want to sell it, the main reason is that it's really hard to get out.

However, the fans who stayed in the Luoquan live broadcast room were very honored to see how this human koi performed his skills.

"I have a hunch, I'm going to ship this time." Luo Quan first blew on his hand, and then clicked on the boss's body.

A dazzling light flashed, and an orange item appeared in her pick-up bar, which was one of the two quest items for making Thunderfury.

Seeing this, the barrage is directly frying the pan:

"Damn, it really came out!"

"The overlord's color is luck."

"As expected of you, Luo Quan."

"From now on, I will directly frame your photos and hang them on the wall. Three incense sticks every day, and the tribute will be exchanged every week!"


Luo Quan, who delivered the goods, laughed so hard that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear: "What, my luck for this day seems to be delayed. Originally, I was quite worried that I would run out of luck because of being too European."

With that said, she led the team members towards the No. 3 boss.

After the group was destroyed three times, Luo Quan killed the boss with difficulty.

With everyone watching, she blew again to her right hand.

"Next, it's time to witness the miracle!"

After finishing speaking, he clicked the mouse with his right hand, followed by a golden light.

"That's outrageous!"

"Is there really such a thing?"

"It's unscientific, I'm not convinced!"

"Could it be that Luo Quan is really the body of Lady Luck?"

"The first time I wrote the book, I went straight to work. Who would believe it?"


If the props for the first mission were mentioned, the fans could barely accept it.

But when Luo Quan released the second mission item, the fans had already broken their defenses collectively.

No one could have imagined that Luoquan could achieve this level. This can no longer be described as good luck. This is completely the explosion rate of the background change data level.

World of Warcraft has 800 million players worldwide, not to mention 100 million players who have played the dungeon, but there must be 40 million.

But 90.00% of the mission props have not been released by nine o'clock.

As for the one-time all-out, it has never happened before, and it is estimated that it will not be possible again in the future.

"I declare in advance that my account has not changed any data. It is just an ordinary account. Although I am the boss, it is not enough for me to change the data of the game."

Luo Quan saw that what many fans said in the barrage started to sound wrong, so he gave an explanation.

But in the eyes of the fans who have lost their minds, isn't this just trying to cover up the fact that there is no silver 300 taels here?
Seeing that everyone didn't believe it, Luo Quan didn't bother to explain, and continued to lead the team to fight the next boss.

Although when fighting the No. 5 boss, because he died too many times, the group broke up directly, and Luo Quan also went live.

But the turmoil caused by two oranges in a row has just begun.

The first is Zhihu, and the third on the popularity list is "How to evaluate Luoquan's production item that produced Thunder Fury in one instance?"

Faced with this seemingly outrageous problem, Zhihu users also expressed their opinions:

"Absolute black-box operation! It's impossible for a human being to go to this level.

There are tens of millions of things in the world that cannot be done, why do you do it right away?
Wait a minute, it seems that Luo Quan's good luck has been shown many times.

The last time I heard about her koi in the world, it was the i game s8 who won the championship. The last time, it was the weakest group for Huaxia football.

It seems that the gods will also favor the beautiful people, but I don't know if she is lucky enough to play poker, will she become the God of Gamblers in the new century? "

This seems to be a question, but it is actually an answer for Luo Quan to explain, directly listing Luo Quan's past achievements.

Whether a person is lucky or not can be seen from these records.

And Luo Quan's resume is the most powerful proof.

In other words, China's gambling broke the law. Luo Quan didn't mention the fact that he killed two professional poker players on the boat.

Otherwise, no one would question her now.

Although this highlighted answer is to defend Luo Quan, most people still think there is a problem.

Because this does not conform to the laws of science at all.

According to the official Thunder Sword drop rate, it should be 1%, that is, one out of [-] people.

And if you want two consecutive output, that is one ten-thousandth of the second power.

This is not one in a million, it is directly one in a million.

In terms of probability, this is simply impossible, and it is even more difficult than winning the 500 million lottery.

The key point is that there is no way to prove it for yourself, so many passers-by and players feel that there must be something tricky in it.

The next day, Blizzard Studios was under pressure and specially posted a Weibo, warning players all over the world that they could not do anything to hurt players for the sake of the boss.

The probability is there, no matter how low it is one in a billion, its denominator is also 1, not 0, then the boss is out, what can I do? Could it be that you are too lucky, affecting the game experience of most players, So decide to take it back?

That is definitely unreasonable, so please stop accusing me.

And Luo Quan also seemed very aggrieved in the live broadcast room at this time.

It's not her fault that she is lucky, besides, she has always been so lucky, just like her good looks, so she can't let it go, right?

To prove herself, she directly pulled out a revolver.

"To prove my innocence today, I decided to use Russian roulette to test my luck." Luo Quan looked at the camera with a determined expression on his face.

"No way, no way."

"Where did you get the gun, put it away quickly, don't hurt yourself."

"Damn it, what this gun shoots out is a toilet stick."

"Haha, if that's the case, then I dare to bet."


"No, no, I didn't take this to prove my courage."

Seeing that the fans were still joking, Luo Quan opened the magazine of the toy revolver.

There were six holes in it, and Luo Quan put five of them into the toilet bowl, no, it should be bullets.

With a touch of the hand on the magazine, it immediately turned.

Luo Quan raised his head, didn't look at it, closed it directly, and pointed it at his temple: "Next, I only have a one-sixth chance of winning. Whether I am a koi or not depends on this shot." .”

"I'll go, why am I still a little nervous?"

"It's obviously a toy gun, and it's as if it's really a life gamble."

"However, if the five bullets are really fired, you are really lucky."


Amidst the barrage of discussions, Luo Quan pulled the trigger.

There was a click, nothing happened, the magazine turned around, and there was nothing on her temple.

Then, she pointed the gun at the table and pulled the trigger again. This time a bullet flew out and stuck tightly to the table.

"As you can see, there is no problem with the gun, and I didn't get shot!"

Luo Quan looked at the fans proudly: "This, can it prove my luck?"

"No, just once is not enough!"

"That's right, it has to be done five or six times, and it's only convincing if you get enough samples."

"Yes, maybe you are a blind cat meeting a dead mouse this time?"


The fans were still unconvinced, and Luo Quan didn't say much, just pulled the bullets from the table, stuffed the magazine, and repeated the action just now.

The second shot was fired, and nothing happened.

Fired for the third time, still no bullets.

Fourth time, fifth time.

Until the tenth time, the bullet finally came out and stuck on her temple.

"Oh, it still hurts." Luo Quan grinned and pulled the bullet off his head.

At this time, the barrage was completely different from before.

"Can someone explain this and that?"

"Just 3 minutes ago, I believed in science."

"Nine consecutive empty shots, you are more deadly than a cat."

"Is this not a koi carp? It is recommended to put it in the temple for offering."

"I have nothing to say except outrageous!"

Undoubtedly, the fans were completely overwhelmed by Luo Quan's performance of luck.

(End of this chapter)

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