Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 808 A Big Gamble

Chapter 808 A Big Gamble

"Ps. At the beginning of next month, I usually ask for two days off, so don't wait for the update tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.


After the plane arrived, it was still Butler Barry who came to pick him up.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but I always feel that Butler Barry is much more energetic than the last time we met, and his movements are also more agile.

"Barry, you look much younger." Leon greeted enthusiastically.

It turned out that he also saw it.

Barry responded with a smile: "During this time, I really feel better physically than before."

Judging by the way he hesitated to speak, it is estimated that there is something else hidden.

It's just because I'm outside, so I didn't explain clearly.

At this point, Luo Quan basically guessed a general idea. It seems that there are quite a lot of antiques in Grandpa's place.

After driving all the way to the manor, the father who arrived first after getting off the car gave my mother a long-lost reunion hug.

Luo Quan looked behind his father and found that his second uncle, third aunt and other elders were all there, and the whole family gathered together.

After thinking about it, it seems that no elder is celebrating his birthday now, and I don't know what is the important reason that makes everyone so excited.

After all arrived, Wen Xia and Junzi were taken upstairs by Butler Barry and placed there, while the others followed the old man to a room guarded by several bodyguards.

"What's so grand, old man, don't you think you're planning to divide our family property?" The fourth uncle laughed, still out of shape.

But this time the old man was not angry, but nodded solemnly: "You can also say that."

Hearing this, the fourth uncle's expression changed: "Father, you must be suffering from some kind of illness, don't scare me."

When he was joking before, the old man scolded at least, and directly hit him at worst.

But this time, he didn't show anything. The fourth uncle subconsciously thought that something happened to the old man.

"I'm in good health, so you don't need to worry." The old man glanced at him, as if saying that I won't die even if you die.

"I called everyone here this time to tell you one thing. There have been some changes in the world we live in."

As the old man spoke, he pressed the button of the remote control, and a video began to play on the projection screen in the room, talking about the impact of the meteor shower last year and the revival of the aura sealed by the Mayan civilization.

After the video was played, some members of the family were surprised, as if they thought it was a joke.

And some have calm faces, as if they knew it a long time ago.

"Actually, a friend of mine in the United States told me that I have been collecting antiques during this time."

Eric said softly: "Even now, good antiques basically have owners, and they can't be bought easily, so it seems that it is still a step late."

"It's almost the same here. The good things are bought by others first." The second uncle Andre sighed.

Charles smiled slightly: "Fortunately, I have planned ahead, old man, and I know that these antiques are priceless treasures, and I have been collecting them all these years.

You also said that I wasted money, how about now? "

Sure enough, Jiang was still old and hot. When the old man opened his mouth, the sons and daughters immediately shouted wisely.

"However, my collection alone can't be said to be very good, but there will be a gamble jointly organized by the nobles of all Europe, and there will be quite a lot of treasures in this gamble."

Charles stood up and sent the information of the game to the screen.

This is a gamble organized jointly by the Holy See of Britain and Russia.

All European nobles, rich people and even officials can participate, and the bets can only be antiques.

Next, there will be a martial arts fight. The competition system is similar to the previous martial arts leader conference that was popular all over China. It is also a 1V1 group arena, and the winner will advance to the next stage.

But this time the scale is much smaller than that of Huaxia.

However, the scale is small and there are few contestants, which probably means that the proportion of masters will be very high.

"Then what is the winner's reward?" Luo Quan asked curiously.

"First option to the Shroud, and one year's use of the Crown of the British Empire."

With a low voice, Charles threw out a shocking big news.

I don't know what it is, but the Crown of the British Empire is really impressive.

It was built for Queen Victoria in 1838 and is inlaid with the Cullinan No. 5 diamond known as the "Star of Africa". In addition, there are 17 rubies, 11 sapphires, 269 emeralds, 2868 Pearls and [-] large and small diamonds.

Perhaps it is not the oldest crown in Britain, but the era when it was born was the most powerful period when Britain was also known as the empire on which the sun never sets, and it witnessed the rise and prosperity of the empire.

Of course, now also witnesses the decline of the empire.

However, as the crown that the current queen wears the most on important occasions, it still has a very high status, and it is not too much to say that it is a national treasure of the United Kingdom.

And such a treasure would be used as a bet, Luo Quan said that he couldn't understand it at all.

Can you imagine Huaxia taking out the Chuanguo Yuxi as a bet and betting with neighboring countries?
If this happened, no matter how generous the rewards were, even if they could win [-]% of the time, the person who made the suggestion would definitely be criticized by the majority of netizens.

But Daying did just that.

"This kind of treasure, the queen, is she willing to give up? If you lose this, wouldn't you be ashamed and humiliated?" Luo Quan, as most of the outsiders, also felt that doing this was outrageous, so he frowned and asked his grandfather.

The old man sighed: "There is no way, if you don't do this, how can you get the shroud of the Holy See?"

After being reminded by the old man, Luo Quan remembered that there was such a thing, and she asked curiously: "Then what is this shroud?"

"It is said that it is used for the human incarnation of the god, and it has the magical effect of bringing the dead back to life.

But these are all legends, but it is true that this thing can increase lifespan, and it has been tested before.

So the queen wanted to use this, but it happened that the Ekaterina family in Russia also wanted to use it, but this thing can only take effect once every six months, so the score is in order.

In half a year, many things will happen, and neither side dares to bet.

It just so happened that the Holy See also wanted a crown, so this gamble came into being. "

After listening to the ins and outs of what grandpa said, Luo Quan finally understood.

If it is really to prolong life, it is really necessary.

Now the various regions of the UK are also seemingly in harmony, if not for the Queen's pressure, I'm afraid they would have separated long ago.

With the queen here, Britain can at least maintain its current status and remain relatively stable.

But if her old man is gone, there will definitely be troubles in Northern Ireland, and it will really turn into a division of the three families, which will be a lot of fun.

Therefore, if this shroud really has the miraculous effect of prolonging life, then no matter how much the queen pays, she will want to get it and use it once.

What's more, if she just paid for the right to use the crown for one year, she would do the same.

After all, life is gone, why do you need this decoration?In the final analysis, this national treasure is also the queen's own property, and she has the final say on how to use it and lend it to whomever she wants.

"Actually, this is a gamble between these three forces, winning or losing has nothing to do with us.

But I don't know who came up with the idea to make the battle bigger, and that's why this gamble against the whole of Europe came about.

Of course, what was announced was just an ordinary martial arts match, and the gamble on the surface was only related to money, not antiques.

Only those of us who have received inside information can participate in the gambling of antiques.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, I also plan to take some antiques out for a gamble. "

The old man paused, took a sip of water, and continued: "But this time, bringing you back has nothing to do with the bet, it just wants to give you these antiques at home.

With the arrival of the new era, those who can quickly master spiritual energy will inevitably come out on top in the redistribution of resources, and with these antiques, the speed at which we can master spiritual energy will be greatly improved. "

While the old man was talking, the system gave Luo Quan a reminder:
"This crown and shroud is a good thing."

Luo Quan pouted: "Of course I know it's a good thing, I want you to tell me!"

One is the supreme treasure inherited from the world's largest religion for thousands of years. With the function of prolonging life alone, it can cause countless people to scramble for blood.

The other one is a symbol of imperial power that has witnessed the rise and fall of the empire on which the sun never sets. Although the grade is not as good as the jade seal of the uploaded country, the difference is not too bad.

After all, the height of the empire on which the sun never sets was still quite high at its peak, and its land spread all over the world, claiming that the sun never sets.

Even the current United States is only deploying military bases all over the world, and the gap can be imagined.

Of course, times have changed, and issues need to be viewed dialectically.

Compared with the Statue of Liberty, this crown is definitely not as good as it.

But that thing is so big that no one can take it for himself. Compared with it, the Declaration of Independence may be easier to carry.

But these things are not something she can get her hands on, and the crown of the British Empire in front of her is really taken as a bet.

After thinking about it for a while, Luo Quan said, "Grandpa, do you have any requirements for the contestants in this competition?"

"No, anyone can participate."

The old man frowned: "My dear granddaughter, are you planning to participate?"

Luo Quan smiled shyly: "Let's just join in the fun and go to practice."

The old man nodded: "This is indeed a good opportunity to practice, but it is also quite dangerous."

He knows how good his granddaughter is at fighting, but now that the aura is recovering and people's physical fitness is improving, being able to fight before doesn't mean they can fight now.

Moreover, there are so many masters in this competition, if the granddaughter participates, it is really hard to say whether she can pass the first round.

"Don't worry, I still have some confidence in my skills." Seeing his mother hesitate to speak, Luo Quan quickly comforted them.

The fourth uncle touched his chin: "I still feel a little unsafe, what if I get hurt?"

"You can let Zalt try it." The second uncle made a suggestion.

Eric asked curiously: "Who is this Zalt?"

"It's a fighting master sent by the family to participate in the competition this time. During this time, he has been using the antiques at home to assist in his training. He is very strong and is the favorite to break into the quarterfinals."

The old man explained it to everyone, and felt that the proposal was quite good, so he said, "Let Zalt come and compete with Luo Quan to see if she can participate in this competition."

Eric looked at Luo Quan: "Daughter, what do you think?"

Luo Quan shrugged: "I can do it, but I have to find a doctor in advance."

The third aunt nodded quickly: "That's right, if you get hurt later, you can treat him immediately, and you have to say hello to Zalt, and don't hit our Luo Quan in the face."

Hearing the worry of the elders, Luo Quan was both moved and amused.

She said that finding a doctor in advance was not for herself.

Hearing that her grandfather said that Zalt was quite capable, she decided to open eight doors to test his quality.

However, because it was the first time to fight against people while opening eight doors, it was inevitable that there would be excessive force, so it was necessary to find a doctor in advance.

As for her injury, since she obtained the No Leakage Gold, the mosquitoes have been unable to bite her in summer, and she still doesn't know how to write the word "injury".

Soon, Zalt was called.

It was a giant sweat in his early two meters, with muscles all over his body, standing up like a hill, and his aura alone could scare the legs of ordinary people.

However, this Zalt looks mighty, but he speaks honestly.

"Master, are you looking for me?" Zalter walked to Charles and lowered his body respectfully.

"This is my granddaughter Luo Quan." Charles said to Zalt.

Zalt grinned with a simple and honest smile: "Everyone knows the name of the little lady. In fact, my sister and I are both your fans."

"I'll sign autographs for you and your sister later." Luo Quan responded with a smile.

Zalt showed surprise eyes: "Thank you so much, Miss."

"Let's do business first." Charles coughed twice and said:
"My granddaughter wants to participate in the Imperial Warriors Competition, but we elders are worried, so we want you to compete with her to see if she can compete with those masters in this competition."

"I'm competing with the little lady?" Zalt looked at Luo Quan in astonishment.

He didn't mean to look down on him in any way, but this thin-armed and slender-legged guy, wouldn't he fall down at the touch of a hand?
Luo Quan smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm not as weak as you think."

"Master, do you really want to fight?" Zalt confirmed to Charles again.

Charles nodded, then moved his lips subtly: "Take it easy."

"Okay!" Zalt knew in his heart.

Luo Quan actually noticed all these little tricks, but he didn't point them out.

Because Zalt would soon know how quickly he would lose if he took his time.

"Miss, fists and feet don't have eyes, you have to be careful." Zalt and Luo Quan stood in the open space, cupping their fists.

"You know martial arts?" Luo Quan was stunned, she really didn't expect this development.

(End of this chapter)

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