Chapter 814
"Awesome, there is such a thing."

"I feel like everyone's chat style will change in the future."

"Jie Jie, how do you mere Dongming Realm warriors compete with my Sun Opening Realm warriors? Hand over the martial arts secrets quickly!"

"Hehe, if you dare to talk to my young master like this, you already have a way to kill yourself."

"Our Zhang family in the capital city has a true martial arts ancestor, how dare you make a mistake?"


Netizens who like to work around directly turned the comment area into an online communication site for online texts.

But what is interesting is that such a dialogue may actually happen in reality in the future.

Even dull people should know that martial arts has become a popular skill after seeing a large number of news about martial artists since the second half of last year.

Now all kinds of martial arts gyms in China are blooming everywhere, and there are as many applicants as crucian carp crossing the river.

In less than three years, there will be tens of thousands more ninth-rank warriors in Huaxia, that is, warriors in the Yinyuan realm.

As for the masters who participated in the Martial Arts Masters Conference and won the provincial championship, they may not even need to take the exam level by level, and can directly enter the top three ranks.

Although the high grade cannot be directly converted into social status and money for the time being.

But this industry has just started, and there are still many opportunities waiting for people to develop.

The capital will definitely make a lot of money, and it will definitely not be difficult for those smart masters to make another money.

Looking at the current situation, it is estimated that the next ten years will be an era of vigorous development of the warrior industry, which contains countless business opportunities. As long as they are grasped, crossing classes will not be a problem.

Overnight, Luo Quan's few videos teaching ordinary people how to practice martial arts received thousands of reports, most of them were second- and third-level robot accounts, and they were professional sailors.

If ordinary people encounter such a large-scale report, no matter whether there is any problem with the video content, they will definitely be taken off the shelves first.

However, the audit saw that the video was sent by Luo Quan, and he didn't block it without thinking. Instead, he looked at the content carefully and found that there was nothing wrong with it.

So despite all the reports, the video is still there.

Then, the audit also told Luo Quan about this matter.

At that time, her mood was very complicated.

Martial artists have now become popular. Ordinary people who want to learn martial arts can only go to martial arts halls to learn except when they meet those hidden masters who are willing to teach martial arts.

But now, for any kind of boxing, the monthly tuition alone is several thousand, and for those who are a little famous, it is directly tens of thousands.

And if it is a top master in the real martial arts realm, it cannot be measured by money, and the price to be paid is extremely terrifying.

In such a huge business chain, Luo Quan actually explained the basics of martial arts in such a straightforward way, including many unique skills of boxing. The detailed analysis made a group of old boxers shout outrageous after reading it.

And the reward she asked for was actually one click and three consecutive matches. Isn't this a proper way to destroy the market!
A colleague is an enemy, not to mention an enemy like Luo Quan who doesn't want to reciprocate at all.

So some people want to take this video off the shelves by reporting it, so as not to give others a chance to learn.

It's a pity that they underestimated Luo Quan's status in station B, thinking that all problems could be solved by reporting, but they didn't know that after the review of station B found out that it was Luo Quan, they had no intention of blocking her video at all.

In addition, the videos posted by Luo Quan basically pay great attention to content regulation, and there is not even a borderline ball, so even if these people continue to report later, they will not be successful.

And being disgusted, Luo Quan would definitely not be dumb, so he sent a post directly:
"It's really interesting, my previous videos teaching ordinary people how to practice martial arts were reported, but luckily they were not taken down.

Although I don't know who did it, but I can definitely find out if I want to check it.

I think people who practice martial arts should talk about some martial arts virtues. If you make mistakes in what I teach, you can make a video to correct it.

But if I did such a despicable act just because I blocked your money, it would really be a disgrace to the warrior's name.

If there is a next time, I will definitely find out who is behind the scenes, and then pay a visit in person! "

Below the text, there is also a photo, which is her national martial artist certificate.

This is to show her own strength, and it is also a warning. She has a backer, and she is extremely strong.

After the news was posted, it immediately became a trending search.

No one thought that Luo Quan would become the first celebrity to suffer after the martial arts fire.

Netizens commented:
"Actually, this is a disaster for Luo Quan. If you really want to learn martial arts, you will definitely not just watch videos, but you will have to go to a professional martial arts gym in the end.

If you don't want to learn martial arts, you may not be able to practice even after watching these videos. "

"Cutting people off is like killing their parents. These people just don't want most people to have a free martial arts tutorial."

"It's disgusting. Luo Quan is the only one teaching real kung fu in the whole network now, but he still has to report it. Don't let me know who it is."

"Hurry up and cache the video, who knows if it will be blocked later."

"No, Luo Bao is still very popular in station B. Not to mention that there are no violations in the video, even if it is really driving around the corner, the reviewer will probably watch it with gusto."

"Is it so real?"

"You blocked her, who will give us benefits in the future? Are you coming!"

"Correct, direct, pertinent, elegant, objective."


Under the gags of netizens, the originally serious matter was expressed with great joy.

And after Luo Quan posted this post on the Internet, the report on her video stopped!

It is estimated that these people also know her character, and they are afraid of being kicked out of the pavilion.

At that time, it will not be as simple as losing a few students, and I am afraid that the entire martial arts school will not be able to continue.

After the domestic affairs were resolved, Luo Quan turned his attention back to the Europa Warriors competition.

The preliminary competition lasted for three days, and finally 61 contestants successfully advanced, and they will fight against each other in the next competition.

And the extra one will take the way of failure.

Luo Quan drew a lottery, but unfortunately the luck was not very good, and no lost money was drawn.

And her match was still the first match of the second round, and her opponent was Brother Lunt from the Holy See.

This opponent had no reputation on the Internet before, and there was very little information. At present, Luo Quan only knows his appearance and his identity as an ascetic monk.

The so-called ascetic monks are the names for some religious people.

These people believe that physical torture will make their beliefs more pious and closer to the truth.

Most religions have such practitioners, but the ways of tempering the will and the body are different.

In China, ascetic monks or ascetic monks have the training method of pilgrimage on foot, walking in one direction along the road, or worshiping every seven steps, or worshiping every five steps.

There was an ascetic monk reported in the news before, who spent ten years traveling all over China, prostrating every three steps, and he was still the kind who cast his body on the ground.

During the interview, his forehead was swollen due to frequent kowtows, but his eyes were radiant like a flashlight!
This is the harvest of penance.

And in India next door, there is also a well-known ascetic monk. His way of penance is to raise his right arm high for decades.

By now his arm was so withered that only a layer of skin and bones remained, and the nails grew out and curled around and around.

But he still insisted on raising his arms, and he couldn't feel any pain or fatigue from his expression, only tranquility and peace.

For these ascetic monks, physical pain is short-lived, and if it can be exchanged for spiritual satisfaction, the pain is absolutely tolerable.

It may be difficult for others to understand, but only these persistent ascetics can know the value in it.

And what Luo Quan was going to face this time was such an ascetic monk with firm belief.

Although I don't know how he carried out the penance, but he must be very strong in both will and body, and he will probably be a very strong opponent.

So Luo Quan went to bed early the day before the match, trying to recharge his batteries for the next day's duel.

On the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, the domestic Spring Festival stalls are in full swing. Unfortunately, the movies released are more than one level behind last year.

I don't know if "Farewell My Concubine" has given domestic directors the confidence to remake literary films. Since the second half of last year, there have been many tragic literary films in China.

But most of these are tragedies for the sake of tragedies, and the plot is too far behind "Farewell My Concubine", which is evaluated by netizens as a mere imitation.

And those literary films that were released during the Spring Festival were scolded bloody by netizens:

"Who wants to watch your tragedy when it's Chinese New Year? Is it so difficult for me to watch a movie so happily? Do you think you are Luo Quan, who can make my elder sister cry in the movie theater during the Chinese New Year?"

I don't know what mood those directors are in, anyway, Luo Quan can't hold back anymore.

People in China are watching movies, while people abroad are watching games.

Today, the first match of the second round of the Europa Warriors Contest, the focus of the match, Luo Quan vs. Brother Luente.

The two appeared almost at the same time, this time Luo Quan didn't wear body armor, but put on the iris flower armor that he got from Adrian for free before.

Luo Quan, who was wearing a silver helmet and holding a long sword, looked full of heroism, and the audience cheered as soon as he appeared on the stage.

Brother Lunt, on the other hand, only had a white linen robe on his body.

In fact, it can't be called white, because most parts of the robe are covered with dust stains, as if crawled out of a coal mine.

And Brother Lunt himself had a big beard and stubble, and his face was so dirty that he could rub off three catties of mud.

"Praise the Lord, you are really the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, I seem to see a saint in a trance."

Luente nodded to Luo Quan and praised him.

"Thank you, I don't know how you practice hard work, Master?" Luo Quan asked after politely responding.

"To live together with everything in the world." Lunt spread his hands and said something more abstract.

Luo Quan guessed that it was probably to survive in the wilderness like Master Bei?
I guess so, and I don't know what kind of skills can be cultivated through such hard work.

"The duel begins!"

The referee didn't give the two of them much chance to chat, and rang the bell directly.

Lunt's weapon is a stick as thick as an arm. It's so dark that it can't see any material, but the whistling wind when he dances can be heard to be quite weighty.

As before, Luo Quan attacked him first.

The long sword in his hand flashed a long silver trace in the air and cut towards Lunt.

But the sword was dodged by the side of his body, and then raised his hand and struck Luo Quan's waist with a stick.

However, Luo Quanye, who was dodged from the attack, did not panic. She saw her body slanting like a spinning top several times in the air, dodging Lu Ente's powerful and heavy stick.

"I'll go, this waist is really strong!"

"By relying on the strength of the waist and abdomen to spin in the air, it's outrageous."

"What a crocodile turned over."

"Luo Bao is still fierce."


The fans who were watching the live broadcast applauded Luo Quan's beautiful dodge, but they didn't realize that Lu Ente had dodged Luo Quan's attack.

Before that, every attack of hers was almost never dodged, and the enemy always carried it hard.

Are these people trying to be handsome and not hiding on purpose?

Obviously not, because Luo Quan's speed was too fast, and he couldn't dodge it at all.

But this time, Lunt actually avoided it, and he did it with ease.

Luo Quan felt that this was not a coincidence, he must be like Cheng Daozhang, who is extremely good at body skills.

If this is the case, then you must attack him closely with short and fast attacks, and you must not give him a chance to breathe.

Thinking of this, Luo Quan stabbed the long sword into the ground, then dodged and rushed forward again, hitting Lu Ente with his fist like raindrops.

Even Wing Chun's quick punches at a regular speed look like special effects to outsiders, not to mention the quick punches performed by Luo Quan, which look just like Gatling.

However, what made people dumbfounded was that Lu Ente seemed to have maxed out his evasion skills, dodging between Luo Quan's fists, and none of them could touch him.

Just like when a black boxer faced his opponent, no matter how the opponent punched, he could dodge in advance like a prophet.

Luo Quan swung nearly a hundred punches in a short period of time, but all of them were useless.

Sensing something was wrong, she immediately jumped back a few steps and reached a safe distance.

"Your posture is very good." Luo Quan took a breath and praised.

"This is the result of penance."

Lunt replied softly: "It took me ten years to become one with nature. I can perceive all the changes around me very keenly, so it is impossible for your attack to hit me."

"That's not necessarily the case. It's just that my speed is not fast enough. After all, no matter how fast a person's nerve response is, it is impossible for you to make an action in an instant."

Luo Quan smiled slightly, and opened the second door, Hugh.

Lunt's pupils shrank, and he sensed an extremely dangerous aura.

This is the feeling that he will only appear when he encounters natural disasters during his hard work in natural awakening.

(End of this chapter)

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