Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 834 The Nobel Prize

Chapter 834 The Nobel Prize
My hand hurts out of nowhere, it's really difficult, seeing that this month is coming to an end, I beg everyone to buy a monthly pass.


What attracted fans was a piece of news about the Nobel Prize on Weibo.

As the highest award in human history, many scientists are honored to receive the Nobel Prize.

Of course, there are also many academic experts who have won awards, which makes the Nobel Prize feel honorable.

However, there are not many such big cows still alive, and China happens to have one.

And the physicist who is close to ninety years old has only recently returned to Chinese nationality. Among the physicists in the entire history of mankind, they are all great existences that can be ranked in the top five.

This is the case where the Nobel Prize was given to him, which is the glory of the Nobel Prize.

Of course, today's protagonist is not this great god, but Luo Quan.

In the entertainment industry, Luo Quan has won numerous heavyweight awards, but it is not yet complete.

There is a saying in the United States called EGOT, which is the four major awards of Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony. Only by winning these four can we be called the real success of the entertainment industry.

At present, the United States has these four awards, and all of them are patriarch-level stars with very high influence.

Luo Quan has already won two, and the Emmys linked to TV dramas are probably not far away.

The response of The Walking Dead is very good. This kind of plot depicting the distortion of human nature under the doomsday has always been the favorite of the academic school.

If the production of the next two seasons is still online, it is quite hopeful to win an Emmy Award.

As for General Tony, it's a bit difficult to be honest.

Because this award is related to the Broadway stage, Luo Quan has not yet participated in any Broadway-related performances, and has no basis for winning the award.

So it is quite troublesome for Luo Quan to collect EGOT.

As for the Nobel Prize, I never even thought about it.

And she is an entertainment star, no matter how you think about it, she has nothing to do with the Nobel Prize.

But today, a foreign media even reported that the judges of the Nobel Prize for Literature actually fell in love with Luo Quan's works.

This is quite surprising.

In the past, the Nobel Prize for Literature was relatively valuable. The winning works were usually serious literature, depicting the customs of a country and the unknown darkness.

But now, the Nobel Prize is somewhat suspected of being politically correct, and the quality of the winning works is also declining.

Probably in order to increase attention, the Nobel Prize for Literature will cooperate with a certain young Japanese writer every year, saying that you are on the list of candidates every year, and then running with you every year.

In fact, when the Nobel Prize is selected, the outside world will not let the outside world know who the candidates are. The so-called accompanying runners are all the media talking about themselves.

As for whether these media have colluded with the Nobel Prize in Literature, it is unknown.

In short, this Japanese writer who runs with him every year has indeed provided a lot of discussion enthusiasm for netizens.

And this year, besides him still running with him, Luo Quan unexpectedly also appeared in the list of candidates.

In other words, she also had a chance to win the Nobel Prize in Literature, which was awarded in October last year.

As soon as the news came out, it hadn't caught on abroad, but the domestic public opinion exploded first.

Many people on the Internet question whether Luo Quan is eligible for the Nobel Prize?

Those who describe Luo Quan's career, if they use euphemistic words, they are stars, but if they use harsh words, they are directly actors.

It is also said that giving such awards to actors is a kind of pollution to the world view of young people's values, making them even more addicted to the bad atmosphere of entertaining to death.

Zhihu has an answer that says:

"When we were young, our dream was to be a scientist, an astronaut, or a wealthy business owner.

But now, many want to be anchors and stars.

Many people say that there is no distinction between high and low in dreams, but I want to say that this is all nonsense.

Although Luo Quan is a clear stream among the domestic stars, an actor is an actor after all, and in ancient times, he was a low-level one. That is to say, the environment has changed now to have such a status. "

This answer full of superiority comes from a graduate of a famous school in the United States.

Now all major apps can see the IP address of the commenter. Sometimes when you see a person say something outrageous, you can understand why he does this by looking at the area where he is located.

As for the one in front of him, he obviously inherited the arrogance of the Americans all the time, and also inherited their unique aura of wisdom.

However, the fans will not be merciful because he is "mentally handicapped", and they will all align with cynicism, or directly curse.

There are also some fans @罗泉 on Zhihu’s account, wanting her to come out with a few words, after all, she is an expert in this field.

And Luo Quan happened to be live broadcasting at this time, and just finished talking to fans about Heisi, and then the barrage started to brush her up and got scolded.

Click into Zhihu to see that the heat is not low.

As for the words to scold her, it is said that she is an actor with a low status in ancient times, and the words between the lines imply that she is entertaining people with sex.

Well, it's not unreasonable.

After all, what makes her most talked about is her appearance, which is indeed more intuitive than other talents.

"You let me fight, what's there to hate?"

Luo Quan turned off Zhihu casually, and said to fans: "This so-called Nobel Prize candidate list is just a gimmick, and there is no evidence that I really became a candidate.

You can't just treat it as a standard when any foreign media publishes biased news.

In this case, I can also spend some money to get another media to publish a report, saying that Luo Quan has entered the list of candidates for the Nobel Prize in Physics.

Because she discovered that when a person's appearance is high enough, it will also have an impact on the movement of the stars.

As for how it was discovered, the reason is that when the most beautiful person in the world was admiring the moon at night, he found that the moon in the sky was bigger than in previous years. This must have been attracted by her beauty. "

Luo Quan laughed and started talking nonsense.

To fans, at least, that's bullshit.

"Bah, shameless!"

"Luo Baoyi is quite humorous, but you are so beautiful, it is not impossible to pinch."

"I said that I want to watch your live broadcast so much recently, so it's because of the gravitational force."

"I decided to call this phenomenon Luo You Gravity."

"Awesome, I won't watch the Nobel Prize in Physics next year without you!"


The fans obviously thought that Luo Quan was joking, but they didn't know how many truths were told in the form of jokes.

But even if Luo Quan told everyone the truth in a serious manner, no one would believe it.

Attract the moon by its appearance?
Don't be kidding, when Newton heard this, he might have to lift the coffin board and come out to slap you twice as soon as he heard this.

And Luo Quan just wanted to make his explanation more humorous by saying this.

After talking about this unfounded Nobel candidate list, Luo Quan talked about Zhihu's answer that scolded her:

"You asked me to hate him, but I actually don't think there is anything to hate.

His language is full of decadent feudalism, as if in his eyes, I am nothing more than a low-level person who cannot stand on the stage.

He wanted to go back to the era when everything was low-grade and only high-level reading was good, but he didn't have the slightest integrity of a scholar. After he went abroad, he made so many hateful remarks about the country.

I can't go up, I can't get down, I'm stuck there.

This kind of person is like a patient with terminal cancer, and I will not have any arguments with him.

Because think about it, everyone, he is already like that, so why not obey him?

Do you have to compete with a terminal cancer for those few words?
Totally unnecessary.

Of course, this is just a metaphor. I have deep sympathy for those unfortunate people who are seriously ill. I have always been helping those families who are sick but have no money for medical treatment.

I also hope that modern hospitals can overcome this difficult problem that plagues human health as soon as possible.

As for the answerer on Zhihu, he seems to be healthy, but in fact, the bones in his heart have already been softened. "

I don't mean to hate people, but how could Luo Quan have the kind of temper that swallows his anger?

It can only be said that in the past she might swear, but now she will use a more civilized way, but the effect may be better.

And this remark also made fans enjoy it:
"Luo Bao is still awesome, he doesn't use dirty words when he hurts people."

"This can be said to be a new online Bible quotation, Fire Tong Liu Ming."

"It is recommended to recite it all over the Internet, and it will be a must in the future!"

"Luo Bao says he doesn't hate people, but his actual actions are merciless."

"Nonsense, people are jumping at you and scolding you, can you bear it?"

"I just think it's still too civilized. If it were me, I would just yell at him. It's obviously a rumor spread by the unscrupulous media, and he would be called an actor in the end."

"What a joke, Luo Quan is an artist now, and he is different from an ordinary star."

"It can only be said that the person who wrote that answer is really brainless."


The fans in the live broadcast room must be on her side unconditionally.

And on Weibo, "he's already like this" soon became a trending search.

In just half an hour, Luo Quan's live broadcast received tens of millions of views.

In this era of flirting when there is a disagreement, Luo Quan's flirtatious attitude is quite popular among netizens.

If someone like you thinks it's my problem, then it's my problem.

Because you are already like this, why don’t I obey you?

This is hospice care, and it can also be regarded as a kind of Ah Q spirit.

And Luo Quan summed up this spirit with refined language, and it was only a matter of time before it became popular.

Undoubtedly, this should be the fastest-growing Internet meme since the New Year.

And visually it should be the hottest one.

After this stalk appeared, people soon began to use it on various occasions on various platforms.

A hot meme is like this. It was really novel when it first appeared, and everyone was using it.

But it comes and goes quickly, and it won't last long before it will be replaced by new memes.

But at least during the duration of the hot stalk, the wise man who led this stalk will be remembered by the big guys.

It's a pity that when a large army of Luoquan fans were ready to go out together to help her vent her anger.

The respondent deleted the comment and ran away.

I guess it was also because the rhythm of the band was too big, and I felt a little overwhelmed, so I was afraid.

Maybe when he scolded Luo Quan, he didn't expect to be promoted to such a conspicuous position.

And his previous historical remarks are indeed quite outrageous. If he is human fleshed out, it will be difficult for foreign countries and foreign countries to mix in the future.

It can only be said that this person is not too stupid.

As for Luo Quan's side, he pissed off the person who scolded her, and even made a stalk, which gained a lot.

As for the Nobel Prize, she had never expected it.

Besides, recently, the reputation of the Nobel Prize is not very good.

Of course, physical chemistry and biology are full of gold.

But other things are more political.

She thought it was funny to think that the President of the United States could still win the Peace Prize.

Obviously, the country that provokes the most disputes in the world is the United States, which is notorious for causing war everywhere.

In this way, he can still win the Nobel Peace Prize, and some of the judges are more or less terminally ill.

As for literary awards.

Although she had reproduced Bob Dylan's award-winning works before, that was the honor she had been creating for decades.

I have only debuted for a few years now, and I have not accumulated much precipitation at all. No matter how good the work is, it is difficult to win an award.

So this news is obviously made by someone who wanted to stir up the popularity.

The unlucky guy before was the Japanese writer who had been accompanying him all the time, but now it's her.

However, Luo Quan didn't intend to take the blame, and made it clear during the live broadcast that she should not be used to hype her up.

All foreign related news shall be regarded as rumors.

This way, she will be much less affected.

"Okay, let's stop here for tonight's live broadcast. If we continue to broadcast, we will miss the best time for beauty sleep."

Luo Quan stretched his waist and yawned, showing off his figure a little, and covering his mouth with his right hand so that no one would say that she has a deep mouth.

"Okay, today's station B is here."

"You're wrong."

"Speaking of which, the management of Station B has had a hard time recently."

"It's time to change the leader."

"Uncle, I really want to send it this time."

"Haha, I told you to scold your uncle all the time, now change to an aunt, and see what it will look like in the future."


Watching the fans chatting, Luo Quan turned off the live broadcast.

She had also heard what they said.

It seems that station B has been doing nothing lately, and most of the planned activities have hit the street, and they have been losing money, causing the stock price to fall.

So there was a change of management.

Of course, Station B is still in Mr. Cheng's hands, but he may not be the one who will come out to engage in various activities in the future.

However, these are just rumors at present, and have not been implemented, so we have to observe for some time.

But whether it is true or not, the relationship with her is actually not very big.

After all, she is not a shareholder of Bilibili.

And the live broadcast was just turned off here, and there was a message in the system.

"The task is completed, and the host will be rewarded next!"

This sudden voice gave Luo Quan a look of surprise: "You are finally here, you sixth son."

(End of this chapter)

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