Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 868 New tasks and new assistants

Chapter 868 New tasks and new assistants
More than 30 new and old female stars performed on the same stage, she didn't know what kind of sparks would be created.

But before the program officially started recording, their respective fans were already pinching each other on Weibo.

For most "sisters" participating in variety shows, this is an opportunity to become popular.

Whether you can usher in a second spring in your career is to compete with other female stars.

Not only the lens, but also the popularity.

It is impossible to see the scenes of everyone singing and dancing with He Meimei on this stage.

Fighting openly and secretly is the theme, and it is also what netizens want to see most.

It can only be said that Mango TV will indeed be organized. Just a list of guests has already made "Sister Who Turned the River and Sea" the most popular variety show at present.

And there is still half a month before the official launch, and its popularity will continue to increase in the next few days.

"By the way, will this program group also invite me?" Luo Quan suddenly thought that he hadn't checked his mailbox for a long time.

I almost missed the invitation to the Hundred Flowers Awards before, I don't know if I missed any other announcements.

After flipping through it, I found that I was thinking too much.

There is no email signed by "Sister Who Turned the River and Sea" or Mango Station in the mailbox.

Only then did she suddenly say that she had some conflicts with Mango TV because of the variety show "Singer".

Although the variety show "Singer" has finally come to an end after the seventh season of constant criticism, it will not be done again in the future.

But Mango Terrace is still there after all.

Although Mango TV admitted that it was the fault of the program group, and dealt with the director who offended him seriously.

But at that time, the incident was full of turmoil, and Mango Station received a lot of scolding. It is estimated that those leaders were somewhat uncomfortable.

I didn't invite her this time, maybe because I felt resentful, or maybe it was simply because I didn't have enough budget to invite her.

Speaking of which, besides Mango TV, I also have grudges with Blue Ocean Satellite TV.

Pay attention to the wording, she has a conflict with Mango Terrace, and has an enmity with Lan Hai.

Because Su Yu participated in a variety show of Blue Ocean TV, she caught a bad cold after being soaked in cold water for half an hour. She tweeted about the program group.

Blue Ocean Satellite TV was not to be outdone, and called out for any bans, sanctions, and smears.

However, Luo Quan only used one trick, which was to take back the copyright of his song and not let it be used by Blue Sea Satellite TV.

Then several popular variety shows were forced to edit or silence overnight, and the loss was not ordinary.

At that time, some netizens and sailors felt that she was making a fuss out of a molehill, and said what happened to the celebrity suffering a bit?
As a result, the next day, when Su Yu's variety show group was recording, an artist suffered sudden cardiac death.

Fortunately, because of Luo Quan's anger, the program team temporarily found a few real doctors to fill the scene, but they didn't expect it to come in handy right away.

The artist named Ai Yang was able to escape from the dead, which is a blessing in misfortune.

After this incident, the public opinion of the whole network immediately reversed, directly scolding Blue Ocean Satellite TV for disregarding human life.

Then, there is the part of beating the dog in the water that everyone loves to see.

At this time, there is no need for Luo Quan to say anything, fans can help her solve everything.

After being blamed by both netizens and officials, many variety shows of Blue Ocean Satellite TV were affected, and several of them were forced to stop shooting just after they started filming. The losses were quite heavy.

From then on, Blue Sea Satellite TV also blacklisted Luo Quan.

Therefore, until now, no emails from these two stations have appeared in Luoquan's mailbox.

On the other hand, Bilibili and Weibo usually send her greetings every festival.

However, these two stations usually seldom have variety shows, so they didn't make much announcements.

In addition, several online video sites sent her some web drama invitations.

Luo Quan took a look and found that it was actually a romance.

This is a variety show that is very popular in domestic entertainment at present.

Ever since reality shows, idol talent shows, and music variety shows hit the street, it's forbidden.

In order to meet the needs of netizens watching variety shows, internal entertainment naturally racked their brains to copy from abroad... Well, to learn from the essence of popular foreign variety shows, and then use them for their own use.

After trying several types of variety shows, they finally found the answer, which is romance.

Love variety show, as the name suggests, is to allow two guests, a man and a woman, to get along like a couple, so that the audience can see how they get along, satisfying the fantasies of idols when they are in love, without making idols really fall in love.

In the beginning, love variety shows invited real celebrity couples or husbands and wives to perform, and later they directly started to play with each other. Netizens and program groups sent invitations to any celebrity couple who felt that they had a CP feeling.

In the current environment, the romance drama market is very good, so celebrities are also willing to come and shoot.

Then it entered a virtuous circle.

There are currently four love dramas currently on the air, and there are even more being filmed, estimated to be more than eight.

In the second half of this year, it is estimated that romance dramas will be completely popular.

Although Luo Quan has said more than once that he doesn't want to fall in love, there are really many program groups who want to invite her to film romance dramas.

He also said that the male stars in China Entertainment can be picked at will, as long as you mention it, the program team will find a way to invite them.

However, Luo Quan felt that if he really agreed to film, most of the male stars who were named would be willing to come even if the show crew didn't invite them.

A little narcissistic, Luo Quan couldn't help blushing and laughing when he thought of this.

However, China Entertainment really didn't have any male stars that she would want to shoot romance dramas with, so after Luo Quan finished laughing, he tactfully rejected these program groups.

As soon as the email was sent, the system beeped:

"Accepted a new mission, do you accept it?"

Luo Quan was startled, this guy couldn't just see the variety show and planned to let himself take this variety show to taste what it's like to be in love, right?

Suspicious Luo Quan opened the system interface, and he was relieved after seeing the contents.

It turned out to be just a random task. The content of the task was to let her establish an industrial brand within two years and earn more than [-] million yuan.

"Host, your thoughts are very dangerous. This is a great distrust of me. Am I the kind of system that will read your jokes?"

The system knew what Luo Quan was thinking, so it also protested now.

Luo Quan was expressionless: "When you complained about me before, you never missed my jokes."

After she finished speaking, she fell into thinking, thinking about what kind of physical business she could earn more than [-] million yuan.

If it's just about making so much money, the probability is simple, just make a movie.

But the task requirement is for her to establish a brand and sell products of this brand.

She doesn't know what is better sold in China now, so she can only search on the Internet.

"Milk powder... seems to have a good sales prospect." Luo Quan searched for a while, and found a business opportunity.

Since the problem of Sanlu milk powder, the credit of domestic milk powder collapsed almost instantly. No matter how many big manufacturers lowered the price and promised quality and safety, it was of no avail.

For parents, the baby's health is paramount.

The clothes you wear and the stroller you lie on all need to be carefully selected, not to mention the milk powder in your stomach?

Those babies who were poisoned by melamine even after such a long time have shocked the parents when they look at them now.

Behind this news, I don't know how many people's blood and tears were condensed.

Because of this, many domestic parents who have the conditions basically don’t buy domestic milk powder, but buy foreign milk powder.

Perhaps the nutritional value of foreign milk powder is not as high as advertised, but at least the safety is guaranteed.

In fact, there have been accidents with foreign milk powder, but they have been fined heavily, and if there is a problem, they will be compensated in the tens of millions.

Compared with the domestic strength, it is really a sky and an underground.

This also makes domestic parents trust foreign milk powder more.

In fact, the quality of domestic milk powder is quite good now, and the annual pass rate of random inspection is as high as 90.00%, which is better than many foreign milk powder.

But the price is really high, and the milk powder bought in foreign shopping malls is much more expensive.

Therefore, parents who have connections will choose to buy milk powder on behalf of them.

Those who have no connections would rather pay high prices than buy domestically produced ones.

This has nothing to do with patriotism or not.

Even Luo Quan herself would prefer to feed her younger sister milk powder from the UK.

After all, it is a special gift from the British royal family. It does not cost money and has high nutritional value.

Of course, this is a joke.

But it is a fact that domestic milk powder is not popular.

It takes ten years for a brand to build word of mouth, but it may only take one night to ruin it.

The same is true for an industry. It can only be said that milk powder will definitely not change in ten years.

Luo Quan chose this industry because she remembered that her father had a lot of arable land and pastures in the United States and Australia.

She had been to one of the pastures before and rode horses on it.

If such a large pasture is used to raise dairy cows, considerable cost savings can be achieved.

And excellent breeds of dairy cows can be purchased directly from the queen.

The British royal family also has a very large pasture, which is used to raise dairy cows and produce high-quality beef and dairy products.

Although it is a special gift for the royal family, it is really not a rare thing for the royal family.

Given her relationship with the Queen, it would definitely not be difficult to buy one for herself.

However, the gimmick of the royal family’s special supply is not enough. Other milk brands have a history of decades, and their popularity and reputation will definitely surpass this newcomer.

And the task is set for 2 years, how does she need to build up the brand's reputation in the limited time?

Luo Quan thought, and gradually frowned.

"You can take a look at the mall, there should be something that can help you." The system spoke suddenly.

Luo Quan immediately opened the mall, and after flipping through it for a while, she said lightly, "Why are there so many good things in the mall?"

At most, the previous mall was just to exchange some golden throat lozenges, lotion and other things. The effect is better than that of real products, but the effect is limited.

And now these new commodities can only be described by black technology.

Like any adult heightening pills, breast and buttock enhancement capsules without side effects, collagen supplements and so on.

If these things are taken out, then men and women all over the world will not be crazy about buying them?
However, it is precisely because the effect is too strong, so at most, I will use it for myself. After all, this is a difficulty that modern medicine has not yet overcome.

If she solves it and the scientists come over and ask, then it's still not revealed?

"I said before that the stronger the aura in the world, the more and stronger my functions will be. The addition of new products to the mall is just a manifestation."

The systematic answer helped Luo Quan resolve his doubts.

And she searched a lot, and finally saw what she wanted - "Super Power Niu Niu Transformer".

This machine is very small and can be set up to look like a stone.

Its effect is to modify the genes of cattle through a long period of subtle influence, so that the meat of beef cattle is more delicious, and the milk of dairy cows is more delicious and nutritious.

To what extent does the nutrition go, Luo Quan carefully read the introduction, it seems that it can make people grow taller and stronger.

However, this effect is not particularly obvious for adults, but it can be doubled for infants.

The milk produced surrounded by this machine is simply a super ration tailored for babies.

If the effect is confirmed, will it not be bought by parents all over the world?
And because it only makes the baby develop healthier, it can be explained as a good milk source, so there is no need to worry about being investigated by scientists.

In just a few minutes, the venue, cows, and black technology are basically done.

So the question is, what kind of name should I choose for my brand?

According to the habit of foreigners, they usually use their own names when naming brands.

Such as Chanel, Givenchy, Rockefeller and so on.

If her name was used, it would be Luoquan Milk Powder.

Hmm... It feels a little weird and doesn't sound serious.

When it's really on the shelves, I'm afraid adults will buy more.

Don't even think about it, this plan passes.

"By the way, isn't this machine called the Super Niu Niu Transformer!"

Luo Quan suddenly slapped his thigh: "Then it's better to call it super milk powder!"

There was a crisp sound in the room, and Luo Quan chose a name that sounded joyful.

If it is called Albert Milk Powder or Lyon Milk Powder, it may be taller.

But this can't reflect the characteristics of the product, and it's not easy to remember.

In comparison, super milk powder is quite simple and crude.

After the name was decided, Luoquan registered the company with the same name, and began to study what tests were required to sell milk powder, and what standards the company needed to meet.

On the other hand, she also told her brother and dad about it.

After all, the ranch is in the hands of the two of them, and if they want to requisition it, they need their consent.

The former head of the United States had millions of acres of private ranch, while my father and younger brother had much less, less than [-] acres.

Of course, that's more than enough cows to feed her.

"What, you plan to raise cows?"

When Leon heard his sister's words, his surprised expression seemed to think that he had misheard: "It's not appropriate to be a celebrity, why raise cows? You are not short of money."

"Less so much nonsense, I'll just ask you if you will give me this land?" Luo Quan asked his brother "gently and kindly".

(End of this chapter)

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