Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 870 The Return of the King

Chapter 870 The Return of the King

Even if it is the world's number one female boxer, the female combat power is at its peak.

Every month, there will always be a few days when the anti-bleeding is broken, and it is said to be a leak-free golden body, but for Luo Quan, if he wants to be really leak-free, he needs to add another sanitary napkin.

And since she achieved great martial arts, she hasn't been injured for a long time.

Because of this, every time I visit relatives, the pain in my stomach is always very strong.

Only at this time did she realize how useful ibuprofen sustained-release capsules are.

One pill will relieve the pain within 15 minutes, and the effect can last for twelve hours.

If Ibuprofen approached her to shoot an advertisement during this period, Luo Quan would probably be very willing.

"Your sister has been visiting relatives for the past few days, and she's probably in a bad mood, so don't mess with her."

In the room, Mia reminded Leon who was about to leave.

Normally, Leon and Luo Quanpi didn't care, and they wouldn't kick him too hard.

But if it bumped into her when she was in a bad mood, it would be hard to say what the consequences would be.

As for Mia's kind reminder, Leon's expression was very surprised: "Do you remember this day too?"

Mia explained with a smile: "Girls are always more sensitive to such numbers."

"Okay, I remember."

Leon replied perfunctorily, but he was actually quite serious in his heart, after all, it was a matter of life.

When he came to the set, Luo Quan gnawed on the meat floss and butter bread as usual, ate a large piece and took a mouthful of real fruit.

"This is a heroic eating appearance." Leon said in a low voice.

As if hearing his younger brother's complaints, Luo Quan raised his head and looked over.

Leon's body froze immediately, thinking that he couldn't really hear it so far away, right?

After slowly walking over, Luo Quan greeted first: "It's so early today."

"Get up early and start practicing martial arts early." Leon replied hastily.

Luo Quan looked at him with sympathy: "You really need to work harder. Cheng Nuo's martial arts has already reached the eighth rank. After returning to Shanghai, with the bonus of the queen's crown, his strength will only increase." faster."

"What, Cheng Nuo is almost at rank eight!" Leon almost jumped up from the ground like a cat whose tail had been stepped on.

He was already surprised by Cheng Nuo's internal strength.

How long has it been since now? It's been less than a month since it was fully charged, and it's already almost eighth rank.

What speed is this?

Leon wondered if Cheng Nuo was the same character as the protagonists in Jin Yong's martial arts novels.

All of them have extremely high comprehension skills, and they have made rapid progress in practicing martial arts.

Luo Quan patted his younger brother on the shoulder: "This is the situation, that's why I asked you to work harder."

If this is a martial arts novel, Leon feels that he must not be the protagonist.

But he would not lose his fighting spirit because of this, instead, he surged up with a sense of competitiveness, turned his head and went back to the room to continue his cultivation.

Luo Quan started filming after eating bread and milk.

I was busy until noon, and then I ate rice with fish-flavored shredded pork at the dining table while watching today's news.

First of all, the newly released Fortune 500 companies. Usually this list has little influence, but today it is on the hot search.

The reason is that all the real estate companies in the top 500 companies, except the Albert Group, all come from China.

The Huaxia people fell silent after seeing the list.

At present, the real estate business in the world is still quite profitable, and it is not surprising that it can enter the world's top 500.

But what is unexpected is that the vast majority of them are from China.

The only exception is the Big Mac that dominates Europe.

But if you think about it carefully, there seems to be nothing strange.

The news of thunderstorms came out just before Yinheng Group, with a debt of [-] trillion yuan, unfinished buildings all over the country, and customers who bought houses with loans flocked to the Ark real estate to talk.

And Yinheng's boss said that he would live and die with Yinheng, and would never run away, and would do everything possible to repay the debt and let the client live in a house as he wished.

Still, such baseless promises are not much harder than bubbles.

What is the concept of two trillion in debt?
Many people may not be very clear about it, but they just know that many migrant workers have been working without food or drink. From the extinction of dinosaurs 500 million years ago to the present, they may not be able to make up two trillion yuan.

At present, Penguin, the company with the highest market value in China, is only more than 8000 billion.

It is equivalent to discounting more than half of Penguin's stock to cover Yinheng's liabilities.

The size of a Yinheng is already so terrifying, and it is just one of the many real estate companies in China.

Looking at it this way, it is not surprising that Huaxia Real Estate can occupy so many seats in the world's top 500.

Speaking of real estate, it is really easy to have accidents. The subprime mortgage crisis in 08 was also caused by the collapse of US real estate, which led to the financial crisis all over the world.

In addition, there is also the former richest man in China, Yifa Company's Silin, who is also in real estate. The entire company was almost wiped out, and it survived by selling a lot of company assets.

Back when Si Lin was the richest man in China, his son Si Cong was so arrogant that there was no one in the entertainment industry he didn't dare to criticize, and he even put on a variety show to openly choose a concubine.

Some people call him Citizen's Husband, while others call him the Disciplinary Inspection Commissioner of the Entertainment Industry. There have been a lot of scandals about celebrities from his mouth, and it's hard to tell whether it's true or not.

But one thing to say, Si Cong did have a lot of fun back then.

However, after Yifa Group's accident and the loss of all his investments, Si Cong kept a low profile.

He seldom speaks anymore on Weibo, but he is occasionally photographed by netizens going out and going to some entertainment venues, and the internet celebrity girlfriends around him never show the same thing.

Facts have proved that if the rich second generation just eat, drink and have fun, they really can't lose much money.

But what I'm afraid of is those who are not capable enough, but don't want to sit around and wait to die. Let them start a business, and if they don't pay attention, they will lose hundreds of millions of dollars.

At present, it seems that the water in real estate is really getting deeper and deeper.

Before that, she made a bold statement, saying that when she is well-off, she will also engage in real estate, specializing in selling affordable housing to those who do not have enough money to buy a house.

Now that I think about it, I am quite naive.

Dare to imagine real estate with a net worth of just over [-] billion.

Sighing for the current and upcoming house slaves in Huaxia, Luo Quan turned off this trending search full of closed and yin-yang comments.

The second trending search made her a little happier than the first one.

That is, "The Lord of the Rings 3: The Return of the King" is only two days away from release, and the film company is doing its best to promote the last film in the series.

As the heroine, Luo Quan has been reposting these days, letting everyone watch her first kiss on the screen.

When I mentioned this fan, I got angry:

"You don't obey women's morals, you want to learn from Pan Jinlian, don't you?"

"Forget about NTR, you actually let me watch the NTR scene, you are a bad woman."

"Why do I feel more excited?"

"My name is Theseus. I heard that there are tauren here?"

"The tauren must die!"

"Luo Bao kissing other men, don't do it, it will take at least another ten years."

"Haha everyone, don't be so excited, it's actually a borrowing, but it looks really sweet and touching~~~"

"Who would have thought that Luo Bao's first on-screen kiss was given in this way?"

"I can't accept it. No matter how good this movie is, I won't watch it."

"Everyone, stop discussing it. Luo Bao apologized to me for a long time because of this incident before asking me to forgive her, saying that it was necessary for work."

"Good guy, how many catties did you drink?"


It can be seen that the fans have gradually developed from the initial refusal to marry, despair and grief to the current acceptance, resignation and even secret joy.

To sum it up, let's make do with it, and how far we can get away.

In fact, for the kissing scene, she had greeted director Ford a few years ago when she was interviewing the heroine of Lord of the Rings.

In the first interview, I was rejected for this reason. However, Director Ford really couldn’t find a good actress, so he finally decided to let her start the show, and agreed to complete her kiss with Aragorn through PS and loan. play.

The kiss scene was completed last year, and Luo Quan at that time was not as shy about these things as when he first debuted.

And anyway, it wasn't for real, so I didn't act twitchy, and the filming was completed naturally.

The final effect is naturally beautiful, fully embodying the touch of "Victory Kiss".

After the filming of The Lord of the Rings 3, the editing, special effects, and soundtrack also took a long time, and it was not done until April this year.

Then, there will be two months of global publicity and warm-up.

When the promotional video was released a while ago, I found Luo Quan to write two songs.

Speaking of which, this is the only major production that Luo Quan has taken on since his debut.

Don't look at the movies she made that made so much money, but whether it's Resident Evil or a few other movies, it's all a small cost.

"The Lord of the Rings" is the one with the largest investment among the movies she has starred in, especially the third one.

In order to make her resume look better, Luo Quan of course played the promotional song that she thought was the best.

That is "Star sky" and "Victory".

As a common track for video clips of previous wars, these two songs are characterized by burning.

The song is magnificent and majestic, which can make people's blood boil, and they can't wait to step on the battlefield and fight the enemy for hundreds of rounds.

The Lord of the Rings' own soundtrack is already excellent, and she doesn't need to add bricks and tiles.

But if it is the theme song of the promotional film, the effect of using these two songs will definitely explode.

Also because the song is so hot, the promotional video went viral before the movie was even released.

Many netizens are asking what kind of movie this is and do they have resources.

Then a knowledgeable movie fan will answer that this is a promotional film for Lord of the Rings 3, and the movie will be released in a few days.

For this epic masterpiece, which took nearly ten years to prepare and shoot, everyone is looking forward to it, and it will have a perfect ending.

The unexpected journey from the first part brought everyone into a fantasy world of Middle-earth.

The desperate defense of the second part let everyone see how to shoot a war movie with a huge scene.

And every character in the movie is deeply remembered by countless fans.

Gandalf with the white horse and staff, Aragorn the masculine king, Legolas the handsome elf archer, and the elf princess who is so beautiful that the stars tremble.

Now, this magical epic is coming to its final conclusion.

Mordor launched his doomsday battle and attacked the King City of Gondor.

The escorting Lord of the Rings team finally arrived at Mount Doom after untold hardships.

How the plot will develop in the end, fans have been looking forward to it for a year.

Speaking of which, the first two Lord of the Rings films were also unlucky.

Fu Huadao, actors, directors, and scripts are all top-notch.

In any previous year, it was a masterpiece that could get excellent results.

It's a pity that when the first film was released, it encountered the politically correct "White Paper", and there was no dispute at all.

The second year's "Titanic" was so strong that it made people desperate, and Luo Quan's "The Silence of the Lambs" made the selection more difficult.

Director Ford also abruptly delayed the release of the second part of Lord of the Rings for several months.

Then, this highly anticipated "Twin Towers" met Luo Quan's "Forrest Gump" and "Joker".

One can imagine how exciting Director Ford felt when he saw these two movies.

These two films, especially Forrest Gump, are sure to win Oscars any year.

In terms of political correctness, "White Paper" is no match for "Forrest Gump".

This is the ultimate embodiment of the American dream, and what most Americans want to be like.

Although "Two Towers" has a good box office reputation, it cannot be compared with "American Dream" after all.

It would be fine if the Oscars weren't an American award.

Fortunately, after 2 years of preparation, Lord of the Rings 3 is finally here.

The name of this step is "The Return of the King", not only Huang is talking about the story of Aragorn.

Director Ford feels that this symbolizes that he, like the name of the movie, will return to Hollywood again.

This is the final crystallization of his ten years of hard work. All his talents and fatigue have been squeezed out, and finally gathered in "The Return of the King".

He has watched the finished film no less than twenty times, and every time he sees it, he feels that there is only one more shocking movie in the history of human cinema.

In the eyes of director Ford, this is the best movie.

Next year's Oscar, he is determined to win.

With "The Return of the King", no matter who the competitors are or what political correctness the judges want to do, he is not afraid.

Because this movie is too hanging, the kind that whoever touches it will die.

That is to say, "Forrest Gump" was released early, if it is released this year, next year he can only obediently be his second child!

Director Ford privately, sometimes indignantly thinks in his heart.

Of course, Luo Quan didn't know about these things.

But this year she really has no plans to make a movie to compete for the Olympics.

The reason is very simple, because of the release of "Lord of the Rings 3".

This is the most awarded film in Oscar history, tied for first place with "Ben-Hur" and "Titanic".

The emotions that have been accumulated for so many years are indeed time to explode.

If Lord of the Rings doesn't win the grand prize next year, Luo Quan himself won't be happy either.

After all, she is the only heroine of this epic masterpiece.

(End of this chapter)

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