Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 872 The Eve of the Olympic Games

Chapter 872 The Eve of the Olympic Games
Although after playing "Thinking Through Time and Space", the response from fans was very good, and it was listed on the Japanese Oricon Chart, but it is not clear whether it can be officially used.

After all, this is not an official song that she was asked to compose, it is purely a fan's self-indulgence.

Of course, Luo Quan loves fans so much, it doesn't matter if it's not used by the official.

June is approaching, and the Tokyo Olympics, which is scheduled to be held in mid-July, is not a few days away.

Since the start of the preparations for the Tokyo Olympics, the hardest job in Japan is not a worker on a construction site, but responsible for the financial accounting of the Tokyo Olympics.

Because their physical and mental health is really worrying, they either suffer from depression and resign or commit suicide by lying on the train.

There have been several suicides this year alone.

In addition, they always encounter supernatural events, that is, the special funds allocated by the government for the Tokyo Olympics are always missing, and they can't be found no matter how hard they are checked, it's amazing.

As the opening approached, these accounting officials basically lay flat, lying on the ground in three shifts all day long in izakaya, and still calling friends with great fanfare, not afraid of being photographed by the media, probably just to let everyone know that they are in Vegetarian meals in the corpse position, eating and drinking with public funds.

This situation makes netizens from all over the world extremely pessimistic about the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.

Of course, the athletes certainly don't worry about this. They only think about one thing when they participate in the Olympics, and that is to win the championship as low as possible.

As long as there are no problems with the venue, food, and accommodation, everything will be fine.

Of course, triathletes may be more distressed.

Because it was recently reported that the river where the triathlon was held had exceeded the standard of bacteria, which may have an impact on the contestants.

At present, the Japanese Olympic Organizing Committee has not responded to this rumor. Whether it is true or not will not be known until the players swim.

Netizens at the opening ceremony don't expect much.

After the Beijing Olympics, the overly exciting and grand performances gave people all over the world expectations that they shouldn't have.

The opening ceremonies of the latter two Olympic Games were relatively ordinary.

And the Tokyo Olympics is estimated to be hip-pull.

Of course, for the Olympic Games, the main event has never been the opening ceremony, but the various events that will be carried out afterwards.

Especially the newly added "Unlimited Fighting", this competition looks much more interesting than judo and boxing.

After all, it is an unlimited fight, and the process is often quite bloody if one party admits defeat or cannot recover.

And the two elements that human beings love most, one is GHS, and the other is violence.

Unrestricted fighting is basically the most extreme embodiment. When the game starts, the ratings will definitely not be low.

And Luo Quan, as one of the star players in this unlimited fighting competition, naturally received the highest attention.

However, netizens generally believe that she should go to the men's group.

Because when she participated in similar competitions in Europe, she was the only woman among the top [-] contestants, and she was the one who won the championship in the end.

This shows that there is no woman in the world who can compete with her in terms of force.

Of course, so is the value of the face.

The other female players are all going to fight for second this time, and maybe even the men's championship won by then may not be enough for her to win.

That is, the competition system does not allow it, otherwise she can really apply for another men's team, and then win two gold medals, wouldn't it be great?

Unfortunately, people can have many genders, but not two at the same time.

It's like you obviously have a body that goes in and out of the men's room, but you want to go in and out freely in the women's room, and you want other women to understand you.

This may be possible in the United States.

But if you are in Asia, people will only think that you are either crazy or playing hooligans.

The Olympic Organizing Committee never cares about these, and only judges from a medical point of view.


"We are gathered here today to celebrate the official completion of "Under One Man"."

During the banquet, Luo Quan held up grape juice that looked like red wine, and said his congratulations before the banquet: "This time "Under One Man" can be successfully completed so quickly, it is inseparable from the unremitting efforts of all employees.

I also hope that "Under One Man" will become popular after it is released, cheers! "



Everyone raised their glasses in response to the sound of harmony. Those who could drink were white wine, and those who could not drink beer.

Things like Luoquan that can't be touched at all are juice or cola.

After finishing the cheers, everyone raised their heads and drank.

Luo Quan drank up the grape juice in one breath, showing a heroic look to see how big I am, and returned to his seat amid the applause of the big guys.

"With this posture, I didn't know that I thought I drank two taels of Moutai." Before he could sit still, Wen Xia's teasing came first.

Luo Quan curled his lips when he heard this: "If it's Erliang Moutai, I'm afraid I can sleep better than Luoxi tonight."

"I still don't understand why my sister can't drink a little wine?"

Leon took a big sip of He Qizheng after speaking. The temperature has been getting higher and higher recently, and now he loves to drink this sweet and refreshing drink.

"Then who knows." Luo Quan shrugged and picked up the chopsticks: "Don't talk about it, the dishes are already served, everyone hurry up and eat!"

The crew had already wrapped up at noon, but there were still many follow-ups to be dealt with, plus the wrapping up press conference, so it was a busy afternoon.

Already already hungry, he looked at Wen Xia after clamping the end of the braised hoof with his chopsticks: "Wen Xia, hold that side down."

"Eating a feast is like killing a pig." Wen Xia stretched out her chopsticks dumbfounded, and acted as a fulcrum for Luo Quan.

Fortunately, there were no reporters at the wrap-up banquet, otherwise Luoquan would have produced a bunch of memes tomorrow.

The next day after everything was packed, Luo Quan returned to Shang Hai with his family.

There were five people when we came to Hengdian, but there were seven when we went back.

They took in two entertainers, Lin Mo and Lin Ruoli, plus apprentice Cheng Nuo.

However, after signing the contract, Lin Mo planned to add more books and wanted to go to university for further studies, so he didn't go back to Shanghai with Luo Quan and the others, and planned to come and live after the college entrance examination.

After returning home, Dahei Xiaoyu seemed to have sensed it a long time ago. As soon as the door was opened, he sat obediently at the door, and immediately rushed forward when he saw Luo Quan.

Luo Quan hugged them both, and asked happily: "Did you guys fight at home during this time?"

"Woof!" Dahei yelled, as if denying it.

"It's fine if you don't have one." Luo Quan said with a satisfied smile.

In fact, there is a surveillance camera at home, and she sometimes adjusts the camera remotely to observe the situation at home.

Dahei and Xiaoyu usually stay on the second floor, and the other stays on the first floor. The well water does not interfere with the river water, which is relatively harmonious.

A baby who can listen to her own words is a good baby, and Dahei Xiaoyu, who reunited with her master after a long absence, walked around her happily after getting off her body.

Leon walked in with his luggage, bent down and said with a smile, "Did you two miss me?"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to touch Xiaoyu's head.

But after being looked at with disgust by it, he avoided it.

Dahei is.He barked excitedly, as if saying that you can touch me.

Leon, who was rejected by Xiaoyu, had no choice but to rub Dahei's head again in order to save his respect, thinking that he would never get close to this cat again, and the dog is still cute.

As the whole family entered the house, Dahei Xiaoyu began to look at the two new members, namely Lin Ruoli and Cheng Nuo.

It's been a long time since a newcomer came to the house, but quite a few left.

Both babies have very good memories, and the two extra people this time are not one of the few who left before.

"These are the two pets raised by the boss, right?" Lin Ruoli blinked and stared at Daheixiaoyu.

But she was a little scared, so she didn't dare to reach out and touch it.

After all, it was the first time meeting the two pets, if she reached out rashly and bit her, it would be troublesome.

Although she never had a pet, there were quite a few similar news stories.

Cheng Nuo stood behind without saying a word, and fell into deep thought. She felt that there was a strange feeling about these two pets.

"It doesn't matter, although Xiaoyu doesn't like to be close to people, Dahei is still easy to get in touch with.

Moreover, these two brothers have a good temper and will never bite. Luo Quan saw Lin Ruoli's worry and comforted him, as if he was talking to Dahei Xiaoyu.

"Ah, it can be regarded as going home. After living outside for so long, the sofa at home is still comfortable."

Wen Xia put down her luggage, sat on the sofa and stretched her hands.

"Come on, I'll take you to your respective rooms."

Luo Quan waved to Lin Ruoli and Cheng Nuo, and they followed her upstairs with their luggage.

There are more than a dozen bedrooms on the second floor, but as more and more people live in, there are fewer and fewer rooms.

Fortunately, there are still several rooms on the first floor that have been vacant, so it is not necessary to seek a larger room for the time being.

After arranging Lin Ruoli's room, Luo Quan was held back by Cheng Nuo's room: "Master, why do I feel that something is wrong with your two pets?"

Luo Quan was very surprised: "What's wrong with you?"

Cheng Nuo said cautiously: "It's as if they can practice martial arts, I found that there is aura flowing in them, and there are quite a lot of them.

But I don't know if there is something wrong with my feelings. I always feel that animals practice martial arts, which sounds outrageous. "

You feel pretty good about it.

Luo Quan smiled inwardly, and then said: "Don't think too much about it, it may be that the concentration of aura is relatively high in this place. Anyway, I practice here at home, and the efficiency is much, much higher than that in a hotel."

"Really!" Cheng Nuo's eyes widened in surprise.

"You can try it right away, it's still early before dinner, and you have a few hours to experience it."

Luo Quan said and left the room, letting Cheng Nuo experience for himself what is called the paradise of warriors.

Her house has been nourished by several treasures for three months, and the concentration of aura has long been far beyond the outside world.

Cheng Nuo, who was already very talented, practiced here, and her skill growth rate would exceed everyone's imagination, including herself.

Of course, Cheng Nuo hadn't realized this yet.

After dinner at night, Luo Quan, who returned to his room, received a call from Director Qi.

"What's the matter, Director Qi?" I have also cooperated several times, and Luo Quan and Director Qi are half acquaintances, so the mood seems relatively relaxed.

"Luo Quan, I have good news and bad news to tell you, which one do you want to hear first?"

Luo Quan frowned slightly: "Bad news."

"The bad news is, you may have something to do in the future."

Luo Quan smiled: "It's not too bad, what about the good news?"

"The good news is that there are important tasks to be assigned, and there is a high probability that you will participate together."

"It doesn't sound too high." Luo Quan joked, "So can you tell me what the task is?"

Director Qi lowered his voice: "I don't know if you have heard about the ancient secret realm?"

Luo Quan nodded: "I seem to have heard from my grandfather that many people in Europe are looking for the entrance to the Pantheon, but there is no clue yet."

"There are already plans, but it is not yet certain whether we can find the real Pantheon."

Director Qi's words shocked Luo Quan: "I'll go, does this legendary thing really exist?"

"We now call the spiritual energy that appeared on the moon the recovery of spiritual energy, because there have been many civilizations based on spiritual energy on the earth before.

And those myths are the witnesses, and the Pantheon is only one of them.

But I didn't come to you this time because of the Pantheon. After all, that place is too far away from China, even if we find it, it's not our turn to dig it. "

Luo Quan's tone became a little excited: "Then why are you looking for me, Director Qi? Did you find a similar ancient secret realm in Huaxia?"

"It was discovered, but it was not fully discovered, and it was not in China."

Director Qi coughed lightly, and said: "Some time ago, our research found that Zhang Heng's seismograph can not only predict earthquakes, but also remotely locate large-scale spiritual recovery.

And it has recently located such a spiritual energy gathering point outside the East China Sea.

According to ancient books, this is one of the signs that the secret realm is about to open. "

"What about the location? Since it is the East China Sea, why should it be our territory in China?" Luo Quan said as a matter of course.

"If it was in ancient times, it can be said that, after all, it has been since ancient times."

Director Qi smiled dryly and said, "However, the location determined by the seismograph is in the high seas between Baodao and Japan, and does not belong to any country.

That is to say, as long as others are aware of it, then anyone can go in and get the treasure.

Unfortunately, this news has already been known by foreigners. "

"Such an important matter leaked out, what happened!" Luo Quan almost jumped up from the bed.

"Well..." Director Qi hesitated awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

Seeing this, Luo Quan couldn't understand what was going on?
There must be someone who picked up the inside and outside and leaked the information.

It's too late to hold people at all levels accountable now, and we have to get rid of this messy stuff first.

But these are not the point. The point is that the Tokyo Olympics will start soon, and countries can justifiably send a large number of people to Tokyo.

Then wait for the secret realm to open, and you can immediately enter to grab the treasure, and Huaxia doesn't even have any reason to stop it.

ps. Everyone can guess which secret realm it is.

(End of this chapter)

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