Chapter 878
"I just thought it was outrageous to almost arrest Luo Quan, but I didn't expect the truth of the matter to be even more outrageous."

"I really doubt the ability of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department. It dispatched so many people and still let the suspect escape."

"Can something as important as the three artifacts be stolen?"

"If Luo Quan wasn't here, wouldn't this national treasure have been lost?"

"I suggest that all these wastes commit seppuku. Even a dead thing can't protect them. If the people encounter any threats in the future, wouldn't it be good for us?"

"Suddenly felt a little pessimistic."

"The Olympics are about to start, and it's a shame that something like this happened."


After the news of the blockade of Narita Airport was reported by reporters, the Internet was full of curses.

The only thing to be thankful for is that the eight-foot Qiong Gouyu was chased back anyway, otherwise today's action would have been a big joke.

And Luo Quan was praised by all the netizens because of her crucial performance in this operation, and she wished to worship her like a god, burning incense every morning and evening.

However, Luo Quan didn't know these things until the next day. After eating in the hotel, he simply washed up and fell asleep.

Already exhausted by boat and car, and sitting at the airport for more than an hour after arriving, everyone was already exhausted.

I originally said that I would go shopping in the streets of Tokyo at night, but now everyone is out of mood, so I can only talk about it the next day.

This time Luo Quan slept until ten o'clock. After waking up, he looked at his phone. Junko made several calls, the latest one was 10 minutes ago.

She rubbed her eyes and called back.

The call was quickly connected: "Quanjiang, is your phone out of battery?"

"I slept late, I didn't hear it." Luo Quan yawned, and then twisted on the bed like a seductive caterpillar, stretching his muscles and bones.

"I came to Tokyo by train to find you, and I will be there soon."

As the host, Junko originally planned to pick everyone up yesterday.

However, it was delayed because of family affairs, so I can only come back this morning.

"That's fine, you come directly to Tokyo International Hotel to find us, I'll wash up first."

"Okay!" Junko nodded.

Twenty minutes later, Luo Quan came to the gate of the hotel wearing sunglasses, and hugged Junzi who was flying towards him tightly.

"Why is there only Quanjiang, what about the others?" Junzi looked around, but she didn't find Wen Xia and the others, which was very strange.

Luo Quan smiled and said, "Yesterday I spent a whole night sleeping very late, and everyone else is probably still asleep."

"Speaking of which, what happened yesterday? Why did you fight with the Tokyo police?"

Walking into the elevator, Junko asked curiously what happened.

Luo Quan didn't hide anything, he told the truth, and then asked: "By the way, do you have any mysterious organization in Japan, dare to go against the royal family?"

Junko frowned and thought for a while, then shook her head and said, "I haven't heard of this before. After the aura revived, the Japanese royal family with many treasures easily cultivated quite a lot of powerful warriors and ninjas. The first force, it is too late for other people to curry favor, who would want to go against them?"

"Ninja?" Luo Quan's eyes widened in surprise, "It's the kind in Naruto, and you can eat it with the water escape and big mouthful of phlegm (big shark bomb technique)!"

I saw that her hands were in seals and her mouth was blowing out like a toad.

Among so many manga in Japan, Naruto is one of her favorites.

The millennium killing, the art of seduction, and the art of reverse harem are all familiar ninjutsu, and they are quite famous in the anime circles at home and abroad.

If someone can really practice such ninjutsu after the aura is revived, then she has to learn what she says, and it will be even more awesome if she can point to the pupil technique of writing sharing eyes or reincarnation eyes.

"What are you thinking?" Junko looked at Luo Quan with an idiot's eyes, "The ninjutsu in Naruto is all fiction, okay? How can there be such things in reality?
When I say ninja, I mean those assassins who are as light as a swallow and can sneak into the mansion of the target without making a sound.

These ninjas are not as good as samurai in frontal combat, but they are masters in assassination, undercover, and stealing information.
But it is definitely not the kind of monster in the comics that drives up to destroy the world at every turn. "

"I see." Luo Quan sighed in disappointment, "I thought there really were ninjutsu."

"However, with Quan Jiang's current strength and speed, if you perform physical skills such as Millennium Killing, the power must be unimaginable."

Junko's serious appearance made Luo Quan wonder if she was making fun of him.

Am I the type to use such indiscriminate tricks? Luo Quan rolled his eyes, expressing that he was speechless to her statement.

Millennium Killing deserves to be famous, and the scene is also very funny.

But there is no doubt that it is an obscene move, and no one will use it in a serious arena.

If you really use it, won't you be laughed at by others?
"So the influence of the Japanese royal family is quite high now, and those invincible chaebols like those before dare not provoke them?" Luo Quan came to such a conclusion through Junko's analysis.

Junko nodded: "That should be the case. Many samurai even expected that with this spiritual recovery, Japan could return to the shogunate era. That is to say, samurai have privileges and do not need to be responsible for killing people."

"How is it possible, whimsical."

Luo Quan let out a sneer: "In this society, the government will allow such outlaws to appear? Even though Japan rarely imposes the death penalty on criminals, most people who dare to do so will end up in prison."

Junkoye smiled: "My grandfather said the same thing, he said that every warrior who thinks like this is a big idiot.

The recovery of spiritual energy is only to improve people's physical fitness, but it does not make people become superhuman. They still have no power to fight back in front of bullets, and they will still be sanctioned if they dare to break the law. "

Luo Quan praised Junzi's wisdom in his heart, and at the same time said: "If you encounter such a warrior in the future, you should stay away.

In addition, I think this matter is mostly inseparable from the few chaebols in Japan. "

"Why do you say that?" Junko was surprised.

Luo Quan tried to explain his self-consciousness with reasoning: "There are only a few forces in Japan, either the government or the chaebol.

This time the Metropolitan Police Department has put in so much effort, it doesn't seem like they are passively sabotaging their work.

If it was done by the government, it is absolutely impossible to work so hard when the purpose is to take away Bachi Qiong Gouyu. "

When Junko heard this, her expression became worried: "If this is the case, this artifact theft will only be the beginning."

"This is just my guess. It is also possible that this Reihe Kaitou is a lone ranger without any forces behind him."

Luo Quan patted Junzi on the shoulder, comforted her and said, "Anyway, the sky is falling and there is a tall man standing on top of it, so don't worry so much, and it's not our turn to worry about these things."

"That's true." Junko grinned sweetly.

At noon, everyone who had slept all night woke up one after another.

Although most of them are martial arts practitioners, their physical fitness is not as good as that of Luo Quan, who has already achieved great martial arts skills. Compared with Luo Quan, the recovery speed of physical strength is much slower, and the natural waking time is also much longer.

"Let me introduce, this is Lin Ruoliu, a new member of Spring Entertainment."

Luo Quan introduced Junko.

"First meeting, please take care."

Junko made a standard ninety-degree bow, which flattered Lin Ruoli: "You are too polite, just shake hands."

Luo Quan said with a smile: "This is the standard etiquette in Japan. Anyway, it's over after bowing. It's not surprising that there are many people."

"That's what Izumi-chan said." Junko stroked her hair with a smile, her smile was very friendly.

"This is Cheng Nuo, my apprentice." Luo Quan continued to introduce.

"Hello, sister Chunzi." Cheng Nuo was the youngest, and was the first to greet Chunzi.

"Apprentice?" Junko opened her mouth in surprise, "I never heard of you accepting me as an apprentice in Japan?"

Luo Quan whispered, "It was collected in secret, not many people know about it."

"By the way, is Chunzi also a warrior? What is his strength?" Lin Ruoli suddenly asked curiously.

"You also know?" Junzi was stunned for a moment, and then replied: "My talent in martial arts is very average, and I only have the strength of the sixth grade."

"Rank [-]!" Wen Xia and Leon's eyes were immediately filled with envy, how could one be more fierce than the other.

Luo Quan coughed lightly, and said solemnly: "I would like to introduce to you all, Junko is the eldest granddaughter of Yagyu Xinyin Liuzhu.

Her grandfather, Mr. Yagyu Yansai, is not only the master of Yagyu Shinin-ryu, but also one of the four great sword masters in Japan. The sword is very powerful! "

Junko originally wanted to be humble, but what Luo Quan said was completely recognized facts, and there was nothing to be humble at all, so she could only nod:
"Yes, my grandfather is indeed one of the sword masters, so I have also practiced some swordsmanship since I was a child, but it is a pity that I am not good at learning.

And after the recovery of the spiritual energy, I also practiced for some time in the family gymnasium, and now I can see that my strength has reached the sixth rank, but it is really far behind Luoquan. "

"Rank [-] is already very powerful, okay?" Lin Ruoli said enviously.

At Tangong's house before, she overheard Luo Quan and the others chatting about martial arts levels and true energy.

At that time, Luo Quan didn't avoid Lin Ruoli when talking about these things, and it was only after the chat that she remembered that this was the first time she had come into contact with these secrets.

However, Luo Quan didn't find any excuses to fool him afterwards, and simply had a showdown with Jin Ruoli, letting her know about the recovery of spiritual energy.

For the vast majority of people, this is definitely a shocking secret that can collapse the world view.

Even if Luo Quan proved it with his superhuman athletic ability, it took Lin Ruoli a long time to finally accept this fact.

There is no doubt that Lin Ruoli also proposed the idea of ​​practicing after knowing that the spiritual energy had recovered.

At present, I am following the old path of Lyon Ge Wenxia, ​​starting from the most basic physical fitness, and the progress is neither slow nor fast.

Being praised by a beginner like Lin Ruoliu is not something worthy of showing off for Junko.

During her time in Japan, she met many Wu Dao geniuses who were about her age.

Some of them are less than twenty, and their strength has already reached the third rank, which is simply terrifying.

Of course, compared with Quan Jiang, these geniuses are the loach under Yamata no Orochi, not worth mentioning!
Quan Jiang is a real martial arts master who has beaten invincible opponents all over Europe. He is only a third-rank, and he can be defeated with a flick of his fingers.

Thinking of this, Junko laughed triumphantly, as if Luo Quan was powerful, she also became powerful.

"Since everyone is awake, let's take a stroll in Tokyo."

The main purpose of Mia's visit this time is to travel, so now she can't wait to start making proposals.

Although Luo Quan has lived in Tokyo for several years, she has always lived the life of a house girl. Most of the time is school-home, two points and one line, and she rarely goes shopping, so she doesn't know where it is fun or worth checking in.

So she looked at Junzi: "Junzi, please drive and lead the way, and take everyone to the city for a walk."

"However, I don't know which attractions to go to." Junko said that she is not a native of Tokyo either. She lives under Mount Fuji, which is the place she is most familiar with.

"Whatever it is, just go shopping in the street, wherever you go."

Wen Xia interrupted the process of determining the destination. Compared to this, she prefers to move forward without a destination.

Isn't it the meaning of the journey to not know what kind of things you will encounter during the journey?
This proposal was unanimously approved by all.

After changing my clothes, I went out into the noisy streets of Tokyo.

The case that happened at Narita Airport yesterday did not affect the city at all. Among the passers-by, you can see many photographers with cameras on their heads.

In this one of the best big cities in Asia, there are too many scenic spots and humanities worth taking pictures.

There are also many people in other countries who want to know what is going on in this city.

Even if it's just a trivial matter, taking a photo and posting it on the Internet can attract attention.

Speaking of it, Luo Quan became popular in the first place because of a Youtube anchor who was doing urban exploration content.

At that time, she was forced by the system to go to the street to sell and sing, otherwise she would go to Kabukicho to go to sea.

The situation was quite grim at first, but the appearance of that anchor made her become popular on the Internet overnight, and then it got out of hand.

When I came to the streets of Tokyo again, I could still see many street performers performing.

Most of them are mainly sub-singers, with varying levels, but everyone is characterized by being very confident.

Sometimes Luo Quan would stop and listen carefully.

When I thought it was exciting, I wanted to throw a few coins, but I touched my purse and realized that I hadn't brought any money for a long, long time.

The well-developed network payment allows people to do almost all transactions with just a mobile phone.

It is a pity that these street performers did not place QR codes in front of their performance booths.

So Luo Quan had nothing to give except applause.

And at this moment, Luo Quan's figure suddenly appeared on the large electronic screen above everyone's heads.

On the screen, Luo Quan was wearing a white T-shirt, and on his plump chest was a line of undulating red text: "Stubborn (come on)!"

(End of this chapter)

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