Chapter 89
ps. The chapter name is wrong, this is Chapter 89, the previous one is Chapter 88, but it does not affect reading.

The turmoil caused by the battle for the heroine of the ghost blowing lantern finally ended.

Feng Luzhen successfully portrayed herself as a poor actress who was oppressed by capital, and won a lot of sympathy and popularity. It is said that another crew has found her.

On Wen Xia's side, because of the timely clarification by the director and the crew, all the rumors about her fell apart, and those who brought her rhythm at the beginning also posted apologies on Weibo.

In addition, the drama of the ancient city of ghosts blowing a lamp has attracted a lot of attention before filming started. After all, it was Penguin Dad who invested capital. The service and special effects will definitely not be too bad. In addition, the director and the male lead are in It is also well-known in the industry, and there are idols such as Wen Xia who have both popularity and beauty to join, making this drama highly anticipated.

Such a wave of rhythms ended up being a win-win situation for Feng Luzhen and Wen Xia, which no one thought of.

However, Luo Quan, who is horizontally inserted, is probably the most unlucky. Not only has he become the target of Feng Luzhen's fans to divert their firepower, but also because of his extreme remarks, he has caused disgust and reports from the entire network.

Ordinary people scold celebrities, and slander celebrities do not have to bear any consequences, because the law does not blame the public.But it's not enough for celebrities to scold them back, because you are a public figure, you should pay attention to your own image and the impact you have caused.

Before Luo Quan, few celebrities dared to bombard her black fans with map cannons on Weibo, and after her, no one dares to do so again.

Because the lessons learned were there, Luo Quan was scolded, but the account was permanently banned, and because of her comments on Twitter, Weibo did not seem to want to unblock her.

But without Butcher Zhang, wouldn't you still eat pigs with hair?
Although Weibo is indeed the social media platform with the largest traffic in China, as long as you have the ability, you can still gain fame by changing the platform.

For example, at the moment, Luo Quan has made a lot of money in station B with only one song, and his popularity has been rising.

It's not that Luo Quan is really one dimension stronger than other stars, but her style is more suitable for station B. Just the setting of a Japanese singer has already surpassed that of domestic stars.

In any case, Luo Quan is barely able to gain a firm foothold in China, but she doesn't plan to touch Weibo anymore, and she will concentrate on managing the account of station B in the future. Isn't it beautiful to be an UP master who grumbles every day?
If Luo Quan's fans at station B knew that she was such an up-master, I'm afraid they would have arranged the ghost video directly.

In the blink of an eye, it was the weekend, and Luo Quan came to the activity room of the Philharmonic Club according to the agreement with Suzine Kamiya.

Calling it an activity room, it's actually an activity hall. It's about the same size as the gym where Luo Quan used to sign and sell books. However, there is a prominent red line in the middle of this activity room, and I don't know what it does.

"This is our club's activity room. How about it? It's very spacious." Kamiya Suzune opened her hands and said proudly.

"How can it be so big?"

"Because our president is rich, he and the president of the karate club next door paid for this unused gymnasium to serve as the activity room for our two clubs."

Luo Quan was taken aback: "So there is a karate club that shares an activity room with us?"

"Yes, and Sato Shuichi and Jinggong Masaku are also members of the karate club. It is said that apart from the president, three people in this club have reached the level of green belts!"

Luo Quan nodded thoughtfully: "Green belt... that's not bad."

Kamiya Suzune's eyes widened: "That's right? This has already stepped into the threshold of being close to a black belt. As long as you steadily refine your skills, you will definitely be able to become a black belt. How can ordinary people have the perseverance to persist until now at their age?"

"It's very powerful." Luo Quan showed a professional smirk. Am I going to tell you my karate rank?

"So this red line is used to distinguish our two clubs' activity sites?" Luo Quan asked, pointing to the red line on the ground.

Kamiya Suzuyin nodded: "Yes, but you don't need to pay much attention to it. It's not a big deal to step over once in a while... The president is here!"

Luo Quan turned his head to look, a handsome man with shoulder-length hair arrived at his side at some point.

"Introduce myself, I'm the president of the Philharmonic Society and the guitarist of the band, Yun Jingxiao!"

The handsome man didn't stretch out his hand, but just tilted his head and showed a hearty smile.

Luo Quan's eyes lit up: "You still have a band?"

Yun Jingxiao said with a smile: "The group is playing, but there is still one lead singer who can hold the audience, so we have been very distressed."

"Is this position just vacant for me?"

Yun Jingxiao didn't speak, Luo Quan naturally understood, everything was silent.

With Yun Jingxiao leading the way, the three walked towards the place where the members gathered.

Yun Jingxiao said as he walked: "There are only a dozen people in the club who often come to the activity room. Other members pay more attention to their studies and basically just put on their names. And those who come here often like music very much. We often sing together. Sometimes videos are recorded and uploaded to YouTube.”

Luo Quan was curious: "Is there a lot of clicks?"

Yun Jingxiao shook his head: "It can only be said in general. Before you, I was the lead singer, but my voice was really bad, so no one listened to the songs I sang."

"With such a big club, isn't there anyone else who can be the lead singer?"

Kamiya Suzune regretted: "Xia Zi's voice is actually very good, but because she has studied opera for a long time before, she now sings with an opera-like taste, and it doesn't sound good."

"What's the matter?" Luo Quan was stunned for a moment, then turned his head and said to Yun Jingxiao, "Wait a minute and sing to me, let me see where the problem is."

As soon as the words fell, the other members of the Philharmonic Society also noticed Luo Quan who was walking towards them, put down the semester in their hands, and gathered around cheering.

"Is it really Quan Shui himself?!"

"Longyin said before that he pulled you into our club, but I still don't believe it, I can't believe it's true!"

"I can't believe that one day I can be so close to the goddess!"

"Our president's band finally has a reliable lead singer, my ears are saved!"

"Who said that last sentence? Is it so scary for me to sing?" Yun Jingxiao scolded with a smile.

The members laughed, and the venue was filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

Luo Quan smiled: "You have a good relationship with the members."

Yun Jingxiao looked smug: "It's normal, mainly because of the charisma, so they love me very much~~~"

Luo Quan: Really narcissistic......

"By the way, let me introduce to you, this is the drummer of our band, Yuu Amuro,......Yu, don't hide!" Yun Jingxiao dragged the thin Yuu Amuro out of the crowd.

Yu's skin is very white, almost catching up with Luo Quan's fairness, and his appearance is also very delicate, his timid eyes make him look like a sensitive mimosa, with a little tenderness that I feel pity for.

"Are you a boy or a girl?" Luo Quan looked at Amuro Yu's face seriously, trying to distinguish his gender, but his face was so soft that it was really indistinguishable between males and females.

"I'm... I'm a boy." Amuro didn't dare to look into Luo Quan's eyes, and his cheeks quickly turned crimson as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Don't be so shy, we will be members of a band in the future." Luo Quan slapped him on the shoulder, Amuro Yu shrank all over, looking very nervous.

Yun Jingxiao explained: "You have been more introverted since he was a child. Don't take offense to Luo Quan, it will be fine when you get used to it."

"I'm sorry, I'm late!" Miyano Natsuko ran in from the activity room, "I'm a little late because I have a paper to write, sorry."

"Okay, the members of our band are all together." Yun Jingxiao walked up to the crowd, held his guitar in his hand, and pushed back his long hair with his right hand: "Introduce again, I'm from the band. Guitarist."

Kamiya Suzune: "I'm a keyboard player."

Natsuko Miyano: "I'm a violinist."

Amuro Yu: "I...I'm a drummer."

"The momentum is very good." Luo Quan did not hesitate to praise himself, "Then please President Yunjing sing us a song and let me see what your problem is."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the members suddenly changed.

"No, are you serious?"

"My otitis media just got better..."

"The scream of death is coming!"

"Hey! Did I say you have to do this?" Yun Jingxiao complained.

Luo Quan was also a little funny: "That's right, it's too exaggerated."

Kamiya Suzune had already put on a pair of earplugs for herself at some point: "You'll know when you listen to him sing."

Luo Quan encouraged Yun Jingxiao: "Don't worry about them, just sing."

"Then I'll be rude." Yun Jingxiao bowed to Luo Quan and pulled the microphone to his mouth.

The accompaniment sounded, Luo Quan's "First Love".

When Yun Jingxiao spoke up, Luo Quan finally knew why the members were so far away.

Yun Jingxiao's timbre is completely a broken gong's voice, and his five tones are incomplete. Not a single sentence he sings is in tune. What's outrageous is that his voice is still very loud, and he has his own stereo surround sound, 360 degrees besieging Luo Quan's auditory nerves. .

In the end, it even developed into a roar, like a roar of a demon.

"Stop!" Before Yun Jingxiao finished singing, Luo Quan shouted with all his strength.

The noise stopped abruptly, Yun Jingxiao looked at Luo Quan with an innocent face.

"Good guy, I almost sent it away." Luo Quan rubbed his aching temples, saying that it was very dangerous.

A warm love song was sung as if she was being buried for her, and this Yun Jingxiao was considered a talent.

Yun Jingxiao said helplessly: "I just said I can't do it."

Luo Quan raised his head and said with a weary face, "Although your voice doesn't feel good to sing gentle Japanese love songs, it's not that you can't sing at all."

(End of this chapter)

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