Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 891 Valkyrie

Chapter 891 Valkyrie ([-])
Luo Quan knew that Japanese TV hosts in Secondary School like to have some weird-sounding nicknames.

Some are exaggerated, and some are hilarious.

Some sound domineering and mighty, and some are downright clowns.

Luo Quan thought that with his status in Japan, he wouldn't be able to pull his hips with a nickname, even if he called it "the last singer of the Heisei era", he would be able to accept it, but who knew that it would end up being called "Abyss Bawanghua"!
Luo Quan was [-]% sure that the person who took this name must be Heizi, and he definitely knew the stalk of the abyss giant mouth, otherwise, how could he give her a whole abyss overlord?

But now that the competition was about to start, she didn't have time to ask who was so daring, so she could only show an embarrassed but polite smile and walked onto the field.

On the other side, the fans in the live broadcast room are already laughing because of this nickname:

"This host, Tie Heizi, doesn't have to be washed!"

"Luo Bao, Luo Bao, after caring about her image for so many years, she still made a fool of herself after all."

"The Abyss Overlord Flower is really lucky for the person who picked the name to come up with it, but it sounds really attractive."

"Everyone should say a few words less. If anyone dares to mention this in Luobao's live broadcast in the future, it may not be as simple as being banned for one year."

"Let's watch the game first. I always feel that this Adeline is not that simple."


Somehow, fans and Luo Quan had the same thought.

The first time Luo Quan and Adeline looked at each other, they knew that this woman was very fierce, and she was not at the same level as most of the opponents she had encountered in the Europa Warriors Competition.

As for who is stronger with Grian, it is not clear yet, her intuition is not yet so sharp.

But in the end it is a master sent by the United States, so we should be more careful.

Under the guidance of the referee, the two fisted each other friendly first.

"Hello Luo Quan, I'm your fan."

Adeline tilted her head and smiled, Luo Quan saw that she was only in her early twenties, so she might indeed be his fan.

"Thank you for your love, but there are no fan idols on the field, please do your best." Luo Quan didn't intend to break up with Adeline on this occasion, so as not to be distracted.

And Adeline also understood this truth, she didn't make a sound, but took a few steps back.

With the referee's order, the game officially began.

Compared with Luo Quan, Adeline is an out-and-out muscular girl, with sharp six-pack abs and about the same height as Luo Quan, but her latitude is one grade higher than Luo Quan's, and her weight is estimated to be twenty or thirty catties higher .

In a normal match, this is not a heavyweight opponent at all, and Adeline has an overwhelming advantage.

But here is non-discriminatory fighting, and it doesn't matter how big the weight difference is.

Perhaps because of being able to fight on the same stage as her idol, Adeline looked extremely excited, and she took the lead in attacking Luo Quan without too much testing.

Luo Quan didn't dodge, intending to try his opponent's strength.

However, Adeline's fist, which didn't look fast, seemed to have a rocket accelerator added behind it. The moment it touched Luo Quan's palm, it suddenly exerted force, and blasted Luo Quan out in the blink of an eye.

The moment he was knocked into the air, Luo Quan saw with his own eyes the aura surging on the surface of Adeline's fist.

This aura is actually transparent, and ordinary people can't see it with the naked eye, but it endows Adeline with extremely terrifying power.

Luo Quan was caught off guard, and he flew backwards, embeding hard into the wall of the arena.

Even the walls made of bulletproof steel plates were smashed into big holes by Luo Quan.

Because of the color, a group of viewers who watched the live broadcast thought it was a plastic baffle, thinking that the Tokyo Olympics was really stretching their hips, and the quality of the venue was too bad.

Only the audience at the scene knew that the baffle under him was made of steel that could stop bullets.

Just like that, a hole was smashed out, and what was even more outrageous was that Luo Quan didn't even frown when he came out of the hole!
What level of muscular strength is this?Is it already the legendary indestructible body of King Kong?

"Grandpa, do you think Quan Jiang's body is so strong?"

In the stands, Junko curiously asked the old man sitting beside her.

Yagyu Yanzhai came to the competition site today, just to see the masters from various countries duel.

However, it didn't see any masters in the first three games. Although Takeda Takeda is strong in sumo wrestling, to him he is just a stronger reckless man, who can be brought down with two fingers.

Japan didn't send any real masters to fight this time. The reason is very simple. They just want to hide their strength and pretend to be pigs and tigers on the real battlefield.

However, Yagyu Yansai had a disagreement with the high-level people, so he was not told what the real battlefield was. This time he came to Tokyo, he just wanted to enjoy the fighting competition gathered by the masters up close.

The performance of the men's group was not particularly amazing, but the performance of the women's group made him stare wide-eyed.

The speed of Adeline's punch seemed slow, but the power of the punch was astonishing. Luo Quan flew away immediately after being hit.

However, this is not the most surprising thing. The bulletproof steel plate has a big hole knocked out and can still act as if nothing happened. This is the level of becoming a Buddha in the flesh.

"If my guess is correct, ordinary pistols and rifles can't penetrate your friend's body. Don't look at the thin skin and tender flesh, it's probably stronger than the city wall!"

"How thick should it be?" Junzi murmured in a low voice, and Wen Xia wanted to laugh when she heard it.

And Luo Quan, who had just come down from the wall, was not too surprised by Adeline's punching power. It would be strange if someone who could make her feel threatened did not have such strength.

Come and don't go indecently, Luo Quan has never been a person who won't fight back after being beaten. After estimating Adeline's approximate strength, she opened the second door and took a stride.

Adeline's fist is slow and powerful, so its fist is fast and hard.

In just one breath, Luo Quan's ghostly figure appeared in front of Adeline.

At this time, Adeline had just reacted, and she didn't even have time to raise her hands, so she could only quickly back up, but it was obviously too late.

But why do women make things difficult for women, for the sake of Adeline's appearance, Luo Quan's blow did not hit her in the face, avoiding the possibility of losing her appearance.

With a muffled "bang", Adeline didn't fly out, and stood motionless as if petrified.

"What's the matter, my sister can't beat this Adeline with a single punch?" Leon cried out in disbelief.

Don't blame him for fussing, the main reason is that the comparison between the two off-court before and after is too exaggerated.

Adeline punched Luo Quan flying more than ten meters away, and after Luo Quan hit him, Adeline didn't even move, the contrast was indeed quite strong.

Of course, you can't blame him.

After all, at Leon's current level, he didn't even know there was something called Huajin.

Luo Quan's blow looked mediocre, but it actually contained quite a huge destructive power.

Sure enough, after staying in place for five or six inches, Adeline's expression became ferocious, and her body trembled violently and fell to the ground, seemingly unable to get up again.

Luo Quan squeezed his fist, quite satisfied with the effect of his newly developed trick.

After successfully releasing the curry stick before, she was thinking, since the aura can be released, why can't it be gathered.

The high concentration of spiritual energy exploded in an instant, and the power should be astonishing.

So she carried out research and experiments in this direction, and finally let her practice it.

However, this is the first time it is used in actual combat. Regarding the new trick, Luo Quan wants to present it as "concentrate on one point and reach the peak".

Haha, I don't know if Ghost Slayer will ask her for copyright fees.

Of course, this is just a joke, and she is not Japanese, so there is no need to take such a middle school name.

"Referee, does this count as my victory?"

Seeing Adeline kneeling on the ground, Luo Quan was drooling and tearing a lot, and felt that the result of the game was already determined.

The referee hesitated for a moment, wanting to step forward to check whether Adeline could continue to fight.

To be reasonable, that is to say, Luo Quan's shots are more measured. If it were those people in the octagonal cage, the referee would hardly stop unless the referee came up to stop him.

The opportunity was fleeting, and too many people were counter-killed because they didn't make up the knife.

The reason why Luo Quan didn't do this was because of his absolute confidence in his own strength.

However, before the referee approached, Adeline suddenly stood up.

Bloodshots began to appear in her eyes, and the blood vessels on the surface of her body became more prominent, like earthworms.

"Is this the hidden energy behind the activation?" Luo Quan blinked, remembering the capsules that Director Qi gave her before.

It seems to be the kind of banned drug that can gain combat power in a short period of time by overdrawing the body.

However, it seems that this medicine has the effect of healing injuries. Adeline was already unable to get up again, but in a blink of an eye, she regained her vitality and became full of energy.

"If you gained the strength to fight again through drugs, I advise you to admit defeat."

Luo Quan began to persuade Adeline in good faith: "You should have realized the gap with me in that round of confrontation just now, no matter how many times you can stand up with this medicine, the result will not change in any way.

If you overdraw your future because of this, I don't think it's very cost-effective. "

"If the roles were reversed, would you admit defeat for honor?" Adeline asked with a sneer.

Luo Quan didn't expect that this girl was still an American war hawk.

Where there is a wolf warrior, there must be a war eagle, but this kind of person has another name that is more familiar to the public, and that is MAGA.

If this is the case, it is probably impossible to convince with words, Luo Quan can only turn his attention to Adeline's coaching team.

That is, the three Americans in suits and leather shoes in the stands. They are not only coaches, but also investors and developers of Valkyrie Pharmacy.

Their main task here is to record data. If Adeline gives up so quickly, she will definitely not be able to complete the task.

So they knew what Luo Quan meant, but they still crossed their arms and looked silent.

"It's too cold-blooded." Luo Quan sighed for Adeline in his heart, he really didn't care about her life or death.

Just by looking into Adeline's eyes, one could tell that her body's potential was being stimulated, and she might be enduring great pain, but she remained indifferent.

Luo Quan didn't know why they didn't give up, but since Adeline still wanted to fight and her coaching team didn't feel sorry for her, let's keep fighting.

Of course, she chose the gentler way.

Knowing that Adeline's speed was far behind his own, Luo Quan walked around to Adeline's back again, and it was a naked choke.

She had never used this tactic before, mainly because the people she fought against were basically men, and if she used this tactic, her chest would stick to her back, and she would be taken advantage of by herself, so she used it in a more conventional way. tricks.

And the naked twist, which is known as the strongest lock technique, has almost no way to break free once it is formed.

Even as long as a force is exerted, the naked strangled person will not lose consciousness in a few seconds.

No matter how Adeline's potential is stimulated, it is impossible to break through the limit of the body.

Flesh and blood is so fragile, it should be dizzy or dizzy.

As for herself, she was no longer an ordinary body of flesh and blood.

The comprehensive crushing of speed and strength allowed Luo Quan to easily complete the naked twist.

Adeline also knew that she was in a very dangerous situation, and waved her elbow to beat Luo Quan down.

But it was as if his elbows were on the steel plate, and he couldn't shake Luo Quan at all.

Two seconds, just persisted for two seconds, Adeline's eyes went dark, and her whole body softened into a puddle of mud.

There was no need for the referee to come over to fight. Luo Quan let go of his hand after realizing that Adeline hadn't moved.

After sniffing, she was still relatively stable. She must have passed out. I hope Adeline can sleep comfortably this time.

Luo Quan yawned, she was also a little sleepy.

Woke up at five o'clock, just started to feel sleepy and sleepy.

However, after more than ten minutes, he will wake up a lot, but after another half an hour, the feeling of fatigue will immediately invade the whole body.

She is currently in the third stage, drowsy, and desperately wants to catch up on returning to the cage.

"I declare that Luo Quan wins!"

While Luo Quan was yawning, the referee had already determined the result of the game and raised Luo Quan's hand.

"How can Xiu, dare to touch my wife's hand!"

"Crooked sun, I haven't touched it yet!"

"I'm envious, I plan to be an Olympic referee in the future."


In the barrage, a group of fans were madly jealous of the referee.

The reason is that he actually held Luo Quan's hand, and he didn't wear gloves in an unprofessional way. It was so scheming. Fans felt that he must have done this on purpose, wanting to have physical contact with Luo Quan.

Of course, these are all speculations of fans blinded by jealousy. Whether it was intentional or not may only be known by the referee himself.

Besides, it's such an age, it's no big deal to touch hands.

The reason the fans were really mad was because they didn't get a chance to shake Luo Quan's hand.

As for Luo Quan, she really wants to sleep now.

Especially after the end of Bamen Dunjia, the massive consumption of aura made her body want to replenish it through sleep.

Yawning again, Luo Quan hurried backstage to get dressed and prepared to return to the hotel.

(End of this chapter)

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