Chapter 893
"Check your respective backpacks first. We don't know how long we will stay after we go to the island. Sufficient supplies must be prepared."

Qi Yuan stared at his solar charger while talking.

There must be a difference between the secret realm and the real world. If the sunlight here cannot be charged, their range of activities will be relatively limited.

The good news is that the solar charger will still work without any issues.

On the other side, all the team members have also checked their equipment.

Qi Yuan left five people to watch the boat, and led the rest towards the depths of the island, and the destination was the high mountain shining with golden light.

In a rainforest with dense vegetation and abundant water vapor, the most important thing is to prevent snakes, insects, rats and ants.

As long as the large beasts are not at night when the visibility is relatively low, the danger will not be particularly high, and there are ways to deal with them.

But those all-pervasive insects sometimes really have nothing to do. The only thing to do is to tighten the collar of the trousers and wear a mask and sunglasses.

The good news is that the rainforest here does not know what kind of ecological environment it is. Along the way, I have not seen many annoying insects in the rainforest such as leeches, ants, and mosquitoes.

Coupled with the surrounding greenery and the fresh air, the mood of the group is quite good.

However, just after advancing for less than five kilometers, a new situation appeared.

After pushing aside the dense leaves, everyone saw a tragic battlefield.

The relatively short plants around have fallen down, and the cause of this scene should be the four-piece broken giant python on the ground.

The largest existing python in the world is the reticulated python, and the limit individual can reach about 15 meters.

And the boa constrictor in front of him has been broken into four pieces, each piece is bigger than the largest reticulated python, and its body width can be compared with that of a rhinoceros. This terrifying body shape reminds Luo Quan of a movie—— - "The Calamity of the Python".

In fact, the one in front of me is even bigger than the one in the Calamity of the Python. I don't know how big the battle will be when I start the madness. The plants that have been razed to the ground are the proof of its destructive power.

The good news is that even such a behemoth is still dead.

Luo Quan lowered his body and looked at the wound. There were obvious tears and extensions, indicating that it was not cut off by a sharp weapon, but ripped apart.

Such mighty power reminded Luo Quan of those Icelandic warriors in the first round of men's competition yesterday.

Maybe when he defeated Takeda Takeda yesterday, he didn't try his best.

"Everyone, be vigilant, the size of this python is a bit abnormal, beware of its kind appearing nearby!"

Qi Yuan has already drawn out his own weapon, which is a Tang knife with a cold light.

In fact, he didn't need his size. Others already understood the seriousness of the situation when they saw the python's body.

This kind of thing will not laugh at you, once you encounter it, it will be a life-and-death struggle, and it is very normal for some casualties to occur at that time.

The good news is that there are more than 200 people in their team, and there are many experts.

The bad news is that God knows how many pythons of this size exist in this rainforest.

After changing their mentality, when everyone explored and moved forward, they became more cautious and slowed down.

After walking less than five kilometers, the bodies of two giant pythons were seen on the ground.

But this time it was not broken by brute force, but died by a large-caliber bullet.

The bodies of the two snakes were almost shot into a hornet's nest, and the nearby trees were also full of fist-sized potholes. They didn't look like ordinary rifles, but most likely they were Gatling cannons.

Just when Qi Yuan squatted down and wanted to study which force's method it was, there was a change in the surrounding woods.

It can be seen that the forest in the distance is collapsing one by one, and the vibration of the ground indicates that a big guy is about to appear.

"Everyone spreads out!"

Qi Yuan reacted quickly and asked everyone to retreat immediately.

Seeing the collapsed tree getting closer and closer to everyone, everyone's hearts were raised in their throats.

Ten seconds later, with a loud bang, a huge brown-haired wild boar appeared in front of everyone.

The size of the wild boar is even more terrifying than that of an adult African elephant. It is nearly ten meters tall, and the tusks on the edge of its mouth are bigger than that of a mammoth.

Seeing so many people suddenly appearing in front of him, the big wild boar also acted a little restless, bowing his head and roaring, as if trying to scare them away.

As everyone knows, the villains in front of it also have the same idea, trying to scare it away by relying on the large number of people.

Both sides held the same idea and refused to give an inch, so they confronted each other like this.

In the end, the big wild boar lost his patience and rushed towards Qi Yuan who was closest to him.

Qi Yuan's body was as light as a swallow, and after bending his legs, he bounced into the air, flipped his wrist and slashed down with the Tang Dao.

"It's a good move to split Huashan!"

A few martial artists behind him gave a low-pitched compliment, obviously amazed by Qi Yuan's martial arts.

However, the knife hit the wild boar's head, and it got stuck only three inches in.

The skull is the hardest part of most living things. Obviously, Qi Yuan's strength is not enough to completely split the wild boar's head in half.

But the deep bone scars also caused huge damage to the wild boar, causing it to back up in a howl.

Originally, Qi Yuan wanted to hold the handle of the knife and hang it on the wild boar's head.

But to be conservative, he let go of his saber and fell to the ground.

The wild boar who was badly injured took two steps back, his eyes were red with blood, obviously planning to fight for his life.

Unexpectedly, Qi Yuan took out a pistol from the back of his waist and fired it twice.

The bullet accurately shot into the wild boar's eyes, smashing its brain into pieces along the cranial cavity.

The wild boar didn't even make a sound, and fell to the ground.

"It's not about martial ethics." A few old-fashioned warriors said in their hearts.

And Qi Yuan walked up calmly, and pulled Tang Dao out of the wild boar's skull: "It's not difficult to deal with, after all, it is a body of flesh and blood, and it will die if killed."

These words restored the confidence of the rest of the team.

Originally, I was startled when I saw such a big wild boar. The height of ten meters is equivalent to a four-story building. When ordinary people see such a tall living thing rushing towards them, their legs are probably already weak in fright.

But Qi Yuan only used one knife and two guns to deal with it, it really didn't take much effort.

You must know that Qi Yuan is only a second-rank martial artist, which makes those first-rank or even true martial artists feel a lot more relaxed, thinking that I can do it myself.

But Luo Quan felt that things were not that simple.

The ecological environment here reminded her of King Kong Skull Island, where the giant titans were B times larger than ordinary beasts and insects.

The wild boars and pythons in front of them are much larger than natural ones. Although their defense power is also high, they can at least be handled.

What she was most worried about were the insects. If thousands of mosquitoes and ants were killed several times, the consequences would be serious.

So when Luo Quan saw the dead python, he made the big black and the little jade turn back into a circle and fly towards her.

With a weapon at hand, no matter what kind of situation you encounter later, you can better deal with it.

After confirming that the wild boar was dead, Qi Yuan directed the team to move on.

On the way, there were several attacks of huge wild beasts, but they were all shocking and safe, and there were no casualties.

After continuing to advance for twenty kilometers, he finally contacted Sergey.

They were the first to reach the island, and now they have penetrated fifty kilometers from the coast.

In addition, Sergei told Qi Yuan a good news and a bad news.

The good news is that they have discovered several caves, and the detection instruments show that there are many good things in them.

The bad news is that Wilkins is almost here.

After hearing this, Qi Yuan couldn't sit still, and immediately ordered the team to move forward at full speed after finishing the call.

The previous cautious exploration was carried out at every step, and it was not worth mentioning in front of the visible interest.

And since both Sergey and Wilkins have arrived at the cave, it means that the monsters on the road have been cleaned up, and they will probably not encounter any danger if they go there.

The fact is indeed the case. Everyone marched all the way in a hurry, and all they saw were the corpses of giant beasts, and there were really not many living creatures.

More than ten minutes later, Qi Yuan arrived at Sergei's position with a large force.

Sergey and his men have already set up camp here, and Wilkins and his men are more than 100 meters away, neither far nor near.

Wilkins saw Qi Yuan and others who suddenly appeared, without any expression, he entered the tent after a while.

"Where's the cave?" Qi Yuan didn't talk nonsense, and asked Sergey where the cave full of treasures he was talking about was me.

"Take it easy my friend."

Sergey patted Qi Yuan on the shoulder and laughed: "The cave is just behind the hillside in front, but although there are many good things inside, you can't enter it rashly."

Qi Yuanxin said that he knew it would not be that simple. If Sergey could handle it by himself, he would have packed up the treasure in the cave and taken it away, so why would he and Wilkins come.

"After I discovered the cave, I sent a drone in to investigate the situation, but there was no news after flying for a long time. I suspected that there was a big guy inside, so I didn't act rashly. I will make a long-term plan after you all arrive."

These words made Qi Yuan wonder if the person in front of him was lost.

During the meeting a few days ago, he was still fearless. Just now he was able to do the operation of shutting down the beach, but now he knows how to take a long-term plan. It is really abnormal.

"Sergey, if you don't tell the truth, I think it will be difficult for us to cooperate." Qi Yuan sighed and did not directly agree to the proposal.

"Hahahaha, it's actually not an important thing." Sergey smiled dryly: "There are indeed big guys in the cave. In addition to the drone, I also sent a 20-man team."

"What's the situation?" Qi Yuan frowned, faintly guessing the result.

Sergey looked solemn: "The whole army was wiped out, and none of them escaped back. I heard them shouting monsters during the call with the team leader. It took less than one minute from encounter to complete annihilation.

Of course, there may be more than one monster. "

"If this is the case, it really needs a long-term discussion. Let's call Wilkins." Qi Yuan glanced at another camp in the distance and said.

Soon, the three team leaders Qi Yuan, Sergey, and Wilkins entered the tent and discussed how to capture the cave.

The most basic thing must be to lure the snake out of the hole. It is impossible to fight monsters inside. The terrain is unfamiliar and the visibility is low. It is almost impossible to fight inside.

But there are many ways to force the monster out, the simplest one is to pour water and smoke.

Of course, drawing the monster out was only the first step. How to defeat this monster and how to distribute the spoils after it was done was the most important part. This was also the part where the three quarreled the most. It took an hour to barely reach an agreement.

On the other side, Luo Quan was talking to the system.

"The aura here must be much stronger than outside, right?" Luo Quan meditated cross-legged, looking like he was practicing.

"It's thicker than your home. If you can live here for a long time, and add those treasures, the speed of cultivation will definitely increase by leaps and bounds!"

"Will that improve you?" Compared to her own cultivation speed, Luo Quan is more concerned about whether the system can open higher-level shopping malls.

"No, this quantitative change is far from causing a qualitative change, and don't expect this spiritual energy concentration to quickly fill any door with energy." The system's answer was still disappointing as always.

"By the way, can you feel the aura in this secret realm?"

Luo Quan suddenly said: "After I came in, I always felt that the environment here was indescribably comfortable. It was like a fish entering the water and an eagle soaring in the sky. I felt that every cell in my body was cheering."

"It's normal, because this is a paradise."

"What is the Paradise of Paradise?" Luo Quan asked suspiciously.

"Actually, it is the place where the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is full, but it is not a general filling, but the kind that is enough to cultivate immortals.

There must have been some incredible fairy god in this place, or more than one, otherwise the sky would not have so much purple air. "

"Purple Qi?" Luo Quan opened his eyes and looked at the sky, only the blue sky and white clouds.

"You are only a little higher than the mortal body, where can you see such high-end things?" The system began to mock again when it disagreed.

Luo Quan's face darkened, thinking that if you don't complain, will your master suffocate to death?Will it suffocate!
"It's going to be crazy."

The system only used three words to make Luo Quan no longer bother to argue with it, and changed the subject: "Since it is a blessed land that can produce immortals, if I practice here, will I have a chance to attain the Tao?"

"It's very difficult. You don't have a suitable cultivation method at present, and the aura here is too far from its heyday. It is estimated that it will be difficult to cultivate another true immortal."

"Sure enough." Luo Quan sighed, it really is too difficult to become a fairy.

Even if it is a blessed place, it cannot resist the erosion of time.

"All assembly!"

When Luo Quan sighed, the battle plan had already been drawn up.

In order to prevent flooding from destroying the possible antiquities in the cave, the three of Qi Yuan and Sergey Wilkins agreed to use smoke and tear gas in combination to smoke out the monsters inside.

As for the others, they will lie in ambush around the cave, and when the monster comes out, everyone will go up shoulder to shoulder!

(End of this chapter)

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