Chapter 895 Once again the hot spring water slides and washes the cream ([-])

Originally, Luo Quan was ready to rest, but not long after turning off the lights in the tent, there was movement outside the tent.

Through the dim light of the night watchmen at the camp, she saw a dark figure appear outside her tent.

If it was an ordinary girl, she would have screamed in fear.

But Luo Quan was quite calm, he lifted the quilt and moved his body quietly.

Just when she was about to punch the black figure through the tent, the system suddenly said: "The one outside the tent is not a living thing, it is made of aura."

"It's not a living thing?" Luo Quan was taken aback, "So it's a treasure like Big Black and Little Jade?"

"It should be like this, so don't be impulsive, open the tent first and see what it is going to do."

In fact, there is no need for the system to remind, Luo Quan has already planned to do this.

There are so many tents in the camp, since this baby found him by such a coincidence, there is probably something to explain it.

So Luo Quan quietly opened the zipper, wanting to see what it was.

A few seconds later, a cute-looking golden monkey came in. It looked up at Luo Quan, and jumped happily twice.

Luo Quan stretched out his hand to touch its head, and was not avoided, but stayed where he was and let her touch it.

"Is this wrong!" Luo Quan felt refreshed.

What is a koi?This is called a koi!

Others dug out a pile of accumulated weapons and first-rank pills from the cave only after beating their lives, and she could have top-level treasures delivered to her door by herself while staying in the tent!
But before she was happy, the golden monkey slipped away from her hand and took two steps back.

Luo Quan looked at it puzzled, but the golden monkey just waved to her, then turned around and got out of the tent.

"It looks like he's taking me on a treasure hunt!" Luo Quan followed with excitement in his eyes.

But after she came out, she glanced at the tent where Qi Yuan was. If she just left like this, wouldn't Captain Qi be very worried if he won't see anyone tomorrow?
Luo Quan thought for a while, and left a note in the tent: "I found a windfall, don't worry about me, I will follow the positioning system to catch up after I get it done."

Although such a reason is still very irresponsible, there is no good way.

The temptation of a metamorphosis treasure is too great, if you miss this village, you will lose this shop.

After leaving the note, Luo Quan chased after the golden monkey in the direction where it disappeared, and soon saw its figure bouncing on the ground.

Seeing Luo Quan catching up, the golden monkey jumped directly onto the tree.

This height is nothing to her, and she jumped up with a little effort.

After seeing that Luoquan's mobility was good, the golden monkey no longer restrained itself, and drove forward at full speed, only to see a golden ball jumping non-stop between the tree trunks, and rushed tens of meters in the blink of an eye .

Fortunately, Luo Quan can still keep up at this level. In addition, the spiritual energy in the secret realm is not very strong, so she can recover the spiritual energy while jumping, which can keep the state of speeding forward for a long time.

After jumping on the tree for half an hour, Luo Quan had no idea where he was.

When I jumped just now, there was a kind of mountain towering into the sky in front of me.

But now the mountain has disappeared, and I don't know if she is in the mountain or has already climbed the mountain.

The good news is that the speed of the golden monkey has finally slowed down, and it seems that it is about to reach its destination.


Suddenly, the golden monkey stopped in front of a hole, pointed inside and cried out.

This hole is about the size of two football goals stacked together, and it is completely covered by vines as thick as an adult's arm. You can't see what it looks like inside. You can only hear the sound of rushing water, which sounds like a waterfall. .

"It seems that the treasure is inside." Luo Quan was exhausted physically and mentally after running for half an hour, so he sat on the ground and planned to take a rest first.

But the golden monkey was a little anxious, circling around her, and finally even tugged at the hem of her clothes and barked twice, as if asking her to GKD.

"I don't have as much stamina as you, let me take a rest first." Luo Quan took a deep breath, telling the golden monkey to be calm.

Hearing this, the golden monkey could only sit helplessly at the entrance of the cave, flicking its tail anxiously.

Five minutes later, Luo Quan finished the meditation with his eyes closed and stood up.

Sensing the movement, the snub-nosed monkey immediately jumped onto the vine excitedly and began to help her remove these obstacles.

However, the golden snub-nosed monkey's jumping ability is so amazing, and its strength should be very strong, but there is nothing to do with these vines, and the vines still don't move for a long time.

Even the harder the golden monkey tried, the more the vines would shrink inward, releasing a dazzling golden light at the same time.

In this golden light, Luo Quan saw the six-character mantra of "Om Mani Padme Hum", and immediately said in surprise: "I'll go, is this the seal of the Tathagata Buddha?"

After speaking, she reached out and grabbed a vine.

However, the strange thing is that the vine that made the golden monkey helpless was torn off by her lightly.

"It's so simple? It seems that I am destiny!" Now Luo Quan finally knew why the golden monkey came to him, because she was the only one who could not be affected by this golden light.

Thinking of this, Luo Quan stretched out his hands and pulled all the vines down.

Through the moonlight, Luo Quan saw the situation in the cave.

The position she was standing on was like a balcony without railings, and there was a waterfall in front of her. The water flew down from a height of tens of meters above her head, and then fell into the bottomless hole below.

The golden monkey pointed at the waterfall, signaling Luo Quan to jump directly over it.

"Can this jump?" Luo Quan hesitated, if he jumped, wouldn't he be washed directly by the waterfall?
"Ah-ah!" The golden monkey got impatient, ran behind Luo Quan and pushed her forward.

In fact, with the scene in front of her, she had already vaguely guessed where it was.

The waterfall in front of me looks scary, but it is actually the last hurdle for the carp to jump over the dragon gate. As long as you jump over it, you can transform into a dragon and ascend to heaven.

Of course, if you can't jump over, you should be able to ascend to heaven.

"Let's jump, I sense a great opportunity behind the waterfall!" At this time, the system also began to stir.

Although the system usually has a bad mouth and likes to tease her, it hasn't cheated on her yet, so Luo Quan finally made up his mind after hearing this.

Holding the golden monkey in his arms, Luo Quan directly opened the door of the third disciple, and then jumped forward.

The turbulence falling from a high altitude did not knock her down, and after passing through the water curtain, a cave appeared in front of Luoquan's eyes.

After falling steadily to the ground, her hanging heart finally let go.

There is no moonlight in the cave, but there are many fireflies living there, enough to illuminate every corner.

With the light of fireflies, she saw a line of text on both sides of the cave entrance:
"Huaguo Mountain Blessed Land, Water Curtain Cave Cave Sky"

"Sure enough, it's Huaguo Mountain!" Luo Quan didn't have any unexpected emotions in his eyes.

The secret places by the sea, the monkeys, the waterfalls in the caves, if you still can’t figure it out, then it’s useless to read the 86 version of Journey to the West so many times.

"Let's go, let's see what's in this cave." Luo Quan put the golden monkey on the ground and strode in.

In her memory, there was a stone chair with neon lights in the Water Curtain Cave, but that was the plot of a TV series, and she no longer remembered what the original book was about.

As for the real situation in front of us, there is only one steaming pool in the Water Curtain Cave.

And around the pool, there are still a lot of pills piled up.

"These elixirs are at worst rank-five gold elixirs!"

The words of the system almost made Luo Quan's heart skip a beat.

In the next second, with a wave of her hand, she directly packed these pills into a big roll.

The system actually has storage space, but the volume of the space is not much larger than the sum of two suitcases. It can't hold anything or living things at all, so it's quite tasteless.

But now it has come in handy, just enough to fill up all the pills on the ground.

"One turn of the elixir can already withstand several months of hard work, how powerful these five turn elixir are." Luo Quan put his hands on his hips at this time, and his mouth was about to smile crookedly.

"You can't take it for the time being. The energy of the rank five elixir is too large. If you eat some directly, you will have big problems."

"Damn, I knew it!" Luo Quan had something in his heart that mmp didn't know if he should say it or not.

"So I tossed and tossed for most of the night, and the real harvest was just this golden monkey?"

Luo Quan glanced at the monkey on the ground, not knowing whether to cry or laugh.

"How is it possible, this hot spring is a treasure given by God. The spring water is crystal clear, without any impurities, so clean that there are no bacteria!"

Luo Quan's eyelids twitched: "So this is a pool of 84 disinfectant water?"

"It's much more powerful than 84 disinfectant water. Although I can't recognize what it is with my current knowledge, it's definitely beneficial and harmless for you to soak in it. It can make a qualitative leap in your physique!"

"So powerful?" Luo Quan was dubious.

"Believe it or not." After finishing speaking, the system went offline arrogantly, obviously heartbroken by Luo Quan's series of questions, how can you not coax it well.

After shouting twice but not answering, Luo Quan is not allowed to be coaxed.

Damn, she is the master, so I can't even question her.

Tucao belongs to Tucao, but since there is no harm after soaking, she must not miss it.

Speaking of which, soaking in the hot springs is indeed very comfortable. After returning from Hananosaka last time, she has been thinking about when to go to the hot springs again, but she did not expect to be able to soak again so soon.

"I don't know if someone will break in suddenly." Luo Quan folded his clothes and put them aside, then walked in.

The water in the hot spring pool is very clear and doesn't look deep, but after walking in, it directly covered her collarbone.

At the beginning, I felt no different from ordinary hot springs, warm and caring.

But gradually, she felt that this warm feeling seemed to be invading every pore of her body.

"It is recommended to dive directly, don't be like Achilles back then." The system suddenly reminded Luo Quan.

As we all know, Achilles was killed by Apollo because his heel was not blistered, which became his only weakness.

When Luo Quan heard this, he immediately took a deep breath, and then his whole body sank.

The water in this hot spring didn't know what it was made of. After opening her eyes, she didn't feel sour at all. Instead, it was as cool and comfortable as if she had been dripped with eye drops.

After staying up late until now, and with the long-distance running just now, the body should have started to be exhausted.

But after soaking for a while, Luo Quan felt that the tiredness had disappeared for some time, and his spirit was getting better and better.

"System, have you detected the composition of this water now?" Luo Quan asked the system again.

"Look to your left."

Luo Quan turned his head and saw a white round bead drifting past her.

He quickly reached out and held it in the palm of his hand, but before he could take a closer look, the bead sank into his palm.

"I'll go, what's the situation!" Luo Quan stared.

"This should be a Buddhist bone relic left by a certain eminent monk. When you meet someone who is destined, you will automatically recognize the owner and pass on all the wealth to you.

Obviously, you are the predestined person, and this pool of hot spring should be the essence of this Buddha bone relic gathered over the years, so I said that soaking is only good. "

The systematic answer made Luo Quan wonder: "Could the eminent monk you're talking about be the Great Sage Equaling Heaven?"

"They are all eminent monks, then they must have defeated the Buddha."

"Yes." Luo Quan nodded.

However, a few seconds later, a sense of dizziness suddenly rushed into his head, and his eyelids became extremely heavy like water-filled cotton.

This feeling is like drinking alcohol, and I can't help but want to lie down and have a good dream.

Just when Luo Quan was worried about something wrong with her, she suddenly found that she was sober.

Everything in front of me has changed from a cave hot spring to heaven.

Her whole body seemed to be surrounded by endless colorful clouds, and the sky was full of light, but the sun could not be seen.

"Where am I?" Luo Quan asked stupidly.

"This should be the illusory world created by that Buddha bone relic. It is for you to inherit. It will not appear again after passing on."

"Inheritance of what?" Luo Quan said excitedly.

"You'll know when you look up."

Luo Quan raised his head when he spoke the system.

On the right side of her head is a stalwart figure as high as the sky.

This figure is brightly dressed in golden armor, with a golden crown on his head, holding a Ruyi golden cudgel in his hand, and the robe behind him is as red as a cloud.

This is the only domestic superhero in the minds of countless Chinese teenagers, Monkey King, Monkey King!
On the opposite side of the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, there is a white light flowing all over his body, as if a Buddha statue made of white glass. The whole Buddha sits on a twelve-grade lotus platform, with hand-made flowers and a solemn treasure appearance.

However, the face of this Buddha statue is not kind at all, instead it is full of angry eyes, which is very vicious.

Opposite is Monkey King, so this should be fighting against Buddha.

"Is this asking me to choose one?" Luo Quan found it difficult to choose.

The system explained: "You think too much, which means that both are yours, but you can choose one to practice first."

"Ah..." Luo Quan fell into embarrassment.

(End of this chapter)

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