Be a goddess from Tokyo

Chapter 99 Dedication and Requisition

Chapter 99 Dedication and Requisition

The bleak autumn wind swept through the ginkgo leaves on the campus of Dongda University, and violently pulled them off the loose branches and threw them to the ground, colliding with the soil mixed with rain, splashing filthy water droplets. .

The pea-sized raindrops hit the ground in the whistling wind, and everyone was hiding under the protection of the teaching building.

It was obviously early autumn, but it was like a mid-winter scene. It can only be said that the weather in Tokyo has become too fast. It is still sunny in the morning, everyone is wearing short-sleeved shorts. The weather forecast is all wrong.

Even in such bad weather, there was still a figure running on the avenue. He rushed into the teaching building like a monkey passing through the water curtain hole, soaked all over.

Amuro Yu didn't seem to care about it at all, just wiped the rain off his face with his hands, and took out a plastic bag from his T-shirt.

"It's great, it didn't spill!" Amuro Yu held it in the palm of his hand, and there was a cup of milk tea in the plastic bag, and the temperature was as hot as his beating heart.

It has been almost a week since he and Haruko "confirmed their relationship", and although the progress is slow, he feels that their relationship is deepening day by day.

Haruko drinks milk tea every afternoon. This is an unstoppable habit. Amuro Yu will buy a cup of milk tea and deliver it to her every time. Even if it rains so much today, he still buys a cup.

Outside Haruko's class, the bell for the end of get out of class just rang, and Yuu Amuro wiped the water droplets from her face again.

Seeing Haruko walking out talking and laughing with her classmates, Yuu Amuro immediately greeted her, "Haruko, milk tea."

"Why are you covered in rain..." Haruko immediately remembered that it was raining heavily outside, and knew what was going on.

"Your boyfriend is so caring. He even brought you milk tea in such a heavy rain."

"I'm so envious~~"

Haruko's female classmates all laughed.

"Not my boyfriend yet." Haruko took the milk tea from Amuro Yu's hand and said to him, "Go and change your clothes, don't catch a cold."

Amuro Yu straightened his chest: "No, I'm fine!"

"I still have class, so I'll go first." Holding the milk tea, Haruko didn't say a word to Yuu Amuro, and left very simply.

Looking at her back, Yuu Amuro wanted to say something, but in the end she could only sigh...

"Ache!" Amuro, who had already changed his clothes, sneezed leisurely, feeling a little hot on his forehead. It seemed that his body was not as good as he said.

"It seems to be a little cold." Amuro murmured, when he remembered that there was still band training at the Philharmonic Club, and he hurried over before he even had time to buy medicine.

When he came to the activity hall, Yuu Amuro found that everyone's expressions were very solemn, especially the president, who seemed to have lost his temper and his face was gloomy.

"What's wrong with you?" Amuro Yu was puzzled.

"You can see for yourself." Natsuko Miyano handed her cell phone to Yuu Amuro, and there was a news on the screen:
"Super, a well-known rock band from Kyoto University, released a new song "Re:make", saying that it will use it to participate in the Japanese College Student Singing Competition in a month.

Because it is a competition track, this song will be banned from use by all individuals or groups except Super until the end of the competition. …”

"This... isn't this a song written by Luo Quan!" Amuro Yu shouted.

Kamiya Suzine shook her head: "Not now, this song has been copyrighted by the Japan Music Copyright Association a week ago, and every note written by Luo Quan is not bad, but the copyright owner refuses to disclose his information, We don't know who did it yet."

"It must be an inner ghost!" Yun Jingxiao slammed a fist on the table, "We have only played this song in the activity hall, and the members of the karate club have not come here very often these days, only the Philharmonic Club. The members of the company leaked it out!"

Hearing this, Amuro Yu's face suddenly turned pale, and his body shook slightly.

"Yu, you look very bad." Miyano Natsuko looked at Amuro Yu worriedly.

Amuro Yu shook his head: "I just got caught in the rain and caught a cold."

Luo Quan asked with concern: "Have you taken the medicine?"

"Wait and eat."

"Don't let me know who this bastard is, or I will definitely beat him to death!" Yun Jingxiao gritted his teeth in the air, the members didn't say a word, just lowered their heads, not knowing what they were thinking.

Although everyone didn't know who the betrayer was, Yuu Amuro had a candidate in mind, but he didn't believe that she did it anyway.

But the tune of this song has always been in the hands of their band members, and the other members of the Philharmonic Society are just music lovers, and it is impossible to transcribe the song into the sheet music verbatim, unless she has a complete sheet music!
Except for a few members of the band, only Haruko has obtained the score of this song, which does not require any reasoning and suspicion at all, the biggest suspect can only be her!

"I'm going out to make a phone call." Amuro Yu's voice was trembling, and before everyone could react, he turned around and staggered away.

Everyone looked at him suspiciously, only to see that he made a phone call at the door and rushed into the rain without saying a word, not even taking an umbrella.

"What's wrong with him?" Miyano Natsuko stood up worriedly.

"I'll go take a look. I'll call you again if there is any situation." Luo Quan seemed to understand something, took out two umbrellas from the umbrella stand by the door, opened one of them, and chased out.

"The plan has been successfully completed. I'm looking forward to Luo Quan and the others' expressions when they find out about this." Iwasaki Eiji had just come out of the lounge, his right arm around Haruko, and his expression was high.

Haruko said softly, "Master Yingshi, don't forget what you promised me."

"Don't worry, I'm a man of words." Iwasaki Eiji smiled wildly, just about to open the umbrella, but saw Yu Amuro standing not far away.

"Haruko, what are you doing?" Amuro walked slowly towards the two of them, shaking like a thunderbolt in his heart.

Sawano Haruko didn't show any surprise or panic, just said indifferently: "Since you have seen it, I will not hide it from you, I have always been the girlfriend of Young Master Yingshi, all the above are just lies yours."

"You also gave Luo Quan's songs to this guy?" Amuro Yu's lips trembled, and his eyes were still full of disbelief.

He couldn't believe how Haruko, who was as gentle as cherry blossoms in the past, could become so terrifying and unfamiliar. He wanted to pull Haruko away from the devil, but found that he couldn't reach out at all.

Iwasaki Yoshi denied: "Don't talk nonsense, it was originally a song written by someone else, when did it become Luo Quan's song?"

"Haruko, you lied to me, right? This guy must be threatening you with something, right! Don't be afraid, I can protect you, as long as you are willing to come to me, I will protect you with all my life. Yes!" Amuro Yu roared in the rain like a desperate beast, and many students in the cafeteria were attracted by him and pointed at him.

He was still sitting with his final struggles and fantasies. He didn't want to believe that the perfect girl's true face would be like this. It must be because of Iwasaki Eiji that she became like this.

"Going to your place?" Sawano Haruko smiled disdainfully, "Are you going to get in the rain at your place? Master Yingshi can call a spacious luxury car with just one phone call, what can't block it?
I've had enough of your careful planning. Even though I'm a poor man, I pretend to be a rich man to give me gifts that you can't afford at all. I have only one feeling in my eyes, that's ridiculous! "

Although the words are very realistic, this is the reality of this society. Who does not desire to be able to consume without worries, instead of making painful and difficult choices for the mere hundreds of dollars?

Haruko's choice was not wrong, but she shouldn't hang Yuu Amuro after making her choice.

"To tell you the truth, I feel uncomfortable every second I'm with you, every word you say has a sour taste, and every time I hold hands with you, I have to wash my hands for a long time when I go back. No girl likes a weak and opinionated person like you."

Haruko's every word was like a sharp knife, stabbed into Amuro Yu's heart fiercely. In this desolate wind and rain, Amuro Yu felt as if he had been abandoned by the whole world.

He raised his head blankly, letting the rain hit his face heavily, an indescribable sadness overflowing from his shattered heart, and desperate emotional cultivation covered him.

Sometimes it takes just a few words to break a man down.

Eiji Iwasaki, like a victor, showed off his power to Amuro: "Untouchables should have the consciousness of untouchables, wishful thinking is the greatest sorrow of a person like you, and what is even more sad is that you have no self-knowledge and even take pleasure in it.

You should thank this young master for letting you recognize the reality as soon as possible. As for Haruko, she is not someone like you who can care about her, so let's die as soon as possible.

In addition, you should still think about how you faced Luo Quan and the others just now. You are the biggest culprit in the leak of this song. You should be very clear in your heart, hahaha! "

This is a word of utter punishment. Upon hearing this, Amuro closed his eyes in remorse, and knelt on the ground weakly. At this time, he wanted to die.


There was a sound of unhurried footsteps from behind Amuro Yu, the footsteps stopped behind him, and the torrential rain that was still beating him frantically just now disappeared.

Amuro Yu raised his head and looked behind him, and water droplets like a bead chain fell from his forehead, covering his eyes.

Amuro Yu gently wiped, and finally saw the face of the girl in front of him.

At this moment, he was as stiff as an electric shock.

At this moment, he seemed to see Aphrodite in Greek mythology!
(End of this chapter)

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