Chapter 114 Recruitment

The new students have successfully started school, and the next step is military training.

According to the original arrangement, Shen Guanglin wanted to be the head teacher of a certain new class, but he gave up.

I am not Huang Xiaochu, and there is no Haiqing in the class.

After Li Rong came home, she talked about interesting things in the class. She just came to school, and she didn't know why she had so much to say.

Jiang Zhenhua told her that he was going to work at Capital University as well, and that he was assigned.

so good?
When one person gains the Tao, the chicken and the dog ascend to heaven.

The "Symmetry Breaking Institute" of Beijing University has been established for several days.

Jiang Zhenhua was cleaning the glass for cleaning, while Shen Guanglin and Xiao Lincheng sat facing each other and drank tea.

The paper they collaborated on has already been mailed out, and it is "Science". This review is different from the previous one. This is a serious paper.

"Shen Sang, our conditions are too poor, let's go to Fusang, where the scientific research conditions are better."

Shen Guanglin didn't answer, but still sipped the tea.

This is the Dongting Junshan Silver Needle brought by my classmates from southern Hunan. It needs to be brewed in a glass, and the enamel tea set insults it.

Good tea comes from the south, and Shen Guanglin has been in the capital for a long time, and he drinks jasmine tea the most.

Just like Suona is the king of musical instruments, Jasmine is the villain in tea.

However, if you want to say which tea has the most intense aroma, it must be jasmine tea.

Soak a cup of heavenly water, and the world can smell the fragrance for a long time.

The money in this era is still really spent, and the purchasing power is very sufficient.

The 10 US dollars brought by Makoto Kobayashi was spent like running water, and directly turned into a large pile of experimental equipment.

However, those things are still on the road, and it will take some time to reach the country.

Their lab is now nothing more than a few desks built from test benches.

Good for playing table tennis, spacious.

Xiaolin had long thought that China's scientific research conditions might not be good, but he never thought it would be so bad.

However, Shen Sang was able to be so powerful in such a bad environment, he was really an unborn genius.

Of course, no matter how talented you are, there are also shortcomings.

He also discovered that Shen Sang doesn't like to calculate, so it cannot be said that he is not good at mathematics, but as long as the content of calculation is involved, Shen Sang will be free.

Fortunately, otherwise, I would be too embarrassed to deal with him.

Another day of hard work.

Yamaki Haruko withdrew from the chemistry department again full of disappointment.

She wanted the money back, but was unsuccessful.

The Department of Chemistry moved too fast. In just a few days, the entire laboratory has been set up.

Not only that, but the schedule and division of labor arrangements still look quite decent.

Of course, they brought over other laboratories in a modified form, and worked overtime to compile some materials, just like bidding, who can see it?

In this era, the academic ability of Capital University is still worthy of recognition. At least, when they want to do superficial work, Haruko Yamaki can't find any mistakes.

But how can this fund be returned?

Of course I can't get it back!
The vice dean of the Department of Chemistry said, "We can compare with those of the School of Physics to see who is the first to produce results. It is really a waste of your money to Shen Guanglin, and he will not devote energy to this. , he is so young, it would be good to figure out his own field."

Young people have no experience, so they still have to look at the Department of Chemistry to get their grades.

Now this situation seems to be really coming true, because Shen Guanglin's laboratory has made no progress at all.

Even in this case, Takeda's money is still in place, $100 million, not a cent is missing.

Of course, at the expense of the Department of Chemistry, they demanded that the money should only be controlled by Shen Guanglin, and that the money should be donated to Shen Sang, not to the Laoshizi Research Institute.

The money is in place, but there is no one who manages the money.

Jiang Zhenhua is not suitable, Guadai Lixia, besides, she is not professional, and she still has a business.

Up to now, Shen Guanglin's laboratory does not even have a professional financial staff, how should the money be managed?
Moreover, the entire institute is just the three of them.

Let alone those who study chemistry, there are no one who studies physics.

There was really no other way, so Shen Guanglin found his doctoral supervisor, Dean Yu, the dean of the department, who is an expert in nuclear magnetic resonance.

"Teacher, it's not enough to have only the establishment, you need someone."

"Where is anyone? We can't arrange teaching tasks now. How can we assign people to you? Now, we must find some students to come over, or we can only wait for the country to rehabilitate whoever comes back. Whoever comes back first will arrange for you first." no."

The Department of Physics of Peking University is indeed in short supply of talents, and Professor Daniu has to teach the basic courses of freshmen.

What a tragedy, there is still a day when the job at Capital University cannot be recruited.

Shen Guanglin lives in the dormitory at night, and he is going to visit his neighbors.

The poaching starts with the neighbors, or you have to do it yourself.

I ate the cold noodles at Brother Zhao’s house for dinner. Although they were sweet and sour, they were not Korean cold noodles because half an egg was missing in it.

"Brother Zhao, what class do you teach?" Shen Guanglin had no choice but to think about Brother Zhao, otherwise it would be impossible, and he didn't even have a handy helper.

"Teacher of philosophy, what's the matter?" Brother Zhao was also interesting, eating garlic cloves while eating noodles, didn't he think it was spicy?

"Oh, it's alright."

What can a philosophy teacher do?
Philosophy in China is different from philosophy in foreign countries. Doctors of philosophy in foreign countries are called PhDs, which can cover any discipline, but domestic philosophy is just philosophy, and it is developing in a abnormal direction.

"Sister Zhao, what about you, what major do you teach?" Shen Guanglin didn't expect much from her, and this Hubi old lady probably did the same. , Otherwise, Lao Zhao will look good.

"A finance teacher, do you understand? They are accountants and bookkeepers. Why do you ask this, a foreign language teacher?" This bitch chewed up the food, took it out, and stuffed it into the child's mouth.

Shen Guanglin's eyes lit up immediately, ignoring the details of the feeding: "Sister Zhao, you are my own sister, come with me!"

"I can't do it for you, Lao Zhao can't agree." After she finished speaking, she motioned to Brother Zhao: "You say yes, Lao Zhao."

Old Zhao was eating noodles, and the noodles were spraying out from his nostrils. He couldn't stand it anymore, so he pushed aside the monk and went out to eat.

She didn't pay the public food for a few days, and she was lawless, which was too shameful.

"Sister Zhao, I'm telling the truth. I set up a laboratory, and now I lack financial personnel. Come and be an accountant." Shen Guanglin felt that Sister Zhao, who said no, was really good at it, and she dared to work hard.

"You guys who specialize in foreign languages ​​can also set up a laboratory? Xiao Shen, don't make fun of your sister Zhao." Sister Zhao saw that Shen Guanglin didn't seem to be fake, and began to face it squarely.

"I'm serious. I'm in the School of Physics. Teaching foreign languages ​​is only a part-time job. My job is to study physics. Why can't I have a laboratory for studying physics?"

"Good thing, are you serious? Is it okay to work part-time? Is it a salary?" Sister Zhao asked a long list in one breath.

Shen Guanglin replied: "Of course this is a serious job, and if you are not serious, you can't do it in front of Brother Zhao, right? Whoever does it if you don't have money, of course you will be paid."

"Then how much do you pay for a month?" Sister Zhao was really moved. It would be nice if I could give twenty or thirty.

"How much do you pay per month now?" Shen Guanglin thought it was interesting.

"It's 117 yuan and 5 yuan, what's the deal with you?"

"Then how about I give you 120, and make up a round number." Shen Guanglin has money in his account, and he can control it completely by himself, and there is no shortage of such things at all.

"Really?" Sister Zhao couldn't believe it again.

"Or 240 is fine. I'll pay you a month's salary first." Said Shen Guanglin took out the money from his pocket.

"It's still 120. I really can't sleep at 240. I must have knocked on your door in the middle of the night."

 The chapter name is wrong, don't mind, I can't modify it

(End of this chapter)

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