Chapter 123

Both of them ignored the boy's existence at the same time.
"Brother Guanglin, why are you here!" Li Li's eyes were full of surprise.

"I'm here to treat you to a big meal."

"You really came here to invite me to dinner?" Shen Guanglin believed whatever Shen Guanglin said.

"Of course, I received your letter, and I don't want to reply, so I came to tell you that I miss you."

"Me too."

Girls' happiness is sometimes difficult and sometimes very simple.

The boy next to him hadn't left yet. He didn't want to believe that Li Li really had a boyfriend, even though Shen Guanglin was still hugging his beloved goddess.

"Student Li Li, who is he?"

There was a brother from China nearby, so Li Li got off Shen Guanglin and said openly, "He is my man."

Just hopeless.

The boy had imagined this kind of situation in his heart, but he didn't expect to actually encounter a live broadcast.

If only her boyfriend suspected her, she could say something ambiguous and misleading.

Unfortunately, Shen Guanglin didn't say anything and just pretended that he didn't exist.

"Let's go eat."


A woman who covets labor and capital, no one can see your little thoughts.

Shen Guanglin hugged her waist, then embraced her and walked towards the car next to her.

Material discrimination is often more harmful to people's hearts.

The car was slowly following them just now, Shen Guanglin said a few words, opened the car door, and took Li Li away.

Who is that man?

Why does he have such a status, and he still has a car to use, the embassy, ​​right?Is this for private use?
Damn the second generation of officials!

Xiao Lincheng took Shen Guanglin and the others to a very historic and famous Fusang restaurant, where they ordered a seafood feast of the highest standard.

"Shen Sang, the Dongxing Building you took me to is very good. I like it very much. Now, I'm taking you to the best and most famous luxury hotel in Kyoto. Please don't be surprised."

"Of course not." Shen Guang Lin Xin said, as long as you don't let me eat gold grains, I won't be surprised.

Sumitomo sashimi.

Zhang Yue is on duty today. After more than a year of training, she is finally ready to work.

She was right, she was an ordinary foreign student and an ordinary waitress before, but she had signed up for advanced services for a long time.

As an ordinary waiter, if there is no tip, the income can only be said to be average.

But as a senior waiter, there are 2000 yuan an hour.

For this position, she has suffered a lot. Before they actually take up the job, they receive very strict training.

In addition to the hardware conditions, the most basic principle is to put an egg on each of the 6 parts of the body and wait for four hours, and the egg is still in the original place to be basically qualified.

Moreover, the blood type must also be type A, and must be a virgin, otherwise the conditions cannot be met.

It is precisely because of this that Zhang Yue feels that it is a pity that Li Li has a boyfriend.

If she introduces a qualified "container", she can get a commission of 3 Fusang yuan.

But it doesn't matter, for today's meal, she can get 8000 Fusang yuan, which many international students can't get in a year.

There are many universities in Kyoto, and Kyoto University is the best one. Zhang Yue does not study in Kyoto University, so she meets Li Li to go shopping only when she is not too busy.

Not today, she is on duty today.

Sumitomo sashimi.

Shen Guanglin looked at the signboard. Isn't it just sashimi dipped in wasabi? I don't know if it is blue flag tuna or puffer fish.

The dining in Fusang is very monotonous.

When Shen Guanglin and the others came in, Yichuan Minying was already waiting.

He bowed and introduced that the "container" is ready, and today she is "newly opened", and it is the most suitable for the first time to entertain the most distinguished guests.

Of course, Shen Guanglin had thought about what kind of meal he would have on the way here. When he entered the door and saw the smoke and air-conditioning, he understood that this was a special meal. However, he brought his girlfriend, is it appropriate?


Xiao Lin brought his female companion, and Yi Chuan also brought him.

In the deformed Fuso culture, it's a high-end dining experience, attended by both men and women.

After Shen Guanglin came in, he was calm, and took a closer look. He has a good figure, his face is covered by feathers, and he must have good facial features.

Li Li was taken aback.

"Don't be surprised, this is a holy dining ceremony." Xiao Lin's female companion introduced to her, and they were already familiar with each other in the car.

Li Li looked at the place covered by the leaves, still felt embarrassed for the girl, and whispered to Shen Guanglin, "You are not allowed to look around!"

"Okay, I only look at you." Shen Guanglin replied in Chinese.

The "dinner plate" suddenly shook. Fortunately, the food hadn't been served yet, otherwise it would have been a major mistake.

What everyone didn't know was that she understood their conversation and couldn't hold back her surprise.

In addition to the beautiful dinner plate, Shen Guanglin took a look at the other dishes, oh, Beijing wild vegetables, matcha, tofu, the portions are very small, but exquisite, there is nothing else.

Kobayashi introduced in English, "Shen Sang, this is our culture, please enjoy the beautiful scenery and delicious food with a normal attitude."

"I understand, as long as you don't serve me that kind of fried food, I can accept everything else."

Xiao Lin looked confused. In fact, they didn't eat that kind of food in Fusang. Shen Guanglin misunderstood.

The guests are already assembled, and the chef arrives with sushi and a large piece of fish.

Sure enough, they came to show the plate and slice the fish.

"This is blue flag tuna, a kind of fish from the Atlantic Ocean. The production is not large, and it tastes good as sashimi." Shen Guanglin and Li Li did a science popularization.

Yi Chuan couldn't help but began to introduce, "Sashimi is a unique culture of ours, which originated in Hokkaido."

Although Fusang and Bangzi have different attitudes towards the issue of cultural attribution, Shen Guanglin still couldn't help but grab the topic: "Sashimi is indeed your culture, but eating sashimi comes from us. "Book of Songs" has " "Drinking Yu Zhuyou, Paogui and Carp", "Carp" is raw carp; "Book of Rites" has: "Scallions are used in spring and mustard in autumn", that is, mustard is used for eating sashimi."

"Brother Guanglin, what is sashimi?"

"It means that after the fish is killed, if the meat is not good enough to explain what kind of fish it is, then cut a piece of fish skin and stab it with a toothpick to label it."

All right, let's start eating.

Li Li was very uncomfortable eating, not only had to take care of food, but also people.

She didn't pick up the food on the dinner plate, nor did she let Shen Guanglin pick it up.

Shen Guanglin has been peeking at the purple grapes for a long time, and has long wanted to chopsticks, but has never had the chance.

"Shen Sang, congratulations on the publication of your thesis. Can you give a lecture in our teaching department tomorrow?" In order to resolve the embarrassment, Yichuan decided to change the subject and talked about academics.

Shen Sang is really an interesting person who is afraid of women.

"What paper?" Shen Guanglin finally got rid of the longing, and talked about normal topics.

"It's the paper on the Standard Model of Boson that you co-authored with Junior Brother Xiao Lin. It's very well written. After the publicity of "Science", you are now finally an internationally renowned physicist, worthy of your name." Yi Chuan said and took out the paper. "Science" magazine, Kyoto University also attaches great importance to the papers published in science, especially with the participation of its own school teachers.

"Show it to me." Shen Guanglin was surprised, and he only knew that his paper had been published.

The latest science has indeed published Shen Guanglin's article, but there is not such a fast delivery channel in China, unlike Fusang, which has dedicated people to collect such materials.

"Science" magazine comes out on the first day, and it can be placed on the desktops of major research institutions the next day.The content of the thesis is lackluster. What Shen Guanglin likes to read most is the evaluation. The editor's note is the most interesting: Shen is an excellent physical theorist.

This sentence is somewhat to the point.

(End of this chapter)

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