Start with a college teacher

Chapter 125 International Students

Chapter 125 International Students

When it comes to mobilizing hatred, Shen Guanglin is a good hand.

He can make everyone feel offended with a single sentence.

They thought that Shen Guanglin would talk about some new discoveries in physics, but he didn't. Shen Guanglin just paddled for a class.

It's not that Shen Guanglin likes to paddle, it's that they look at Shen Guanglin with discrimination like a monkey. Anyone who is not a fool can feel this strangeness.

Shen Guanglin didn't want to talk about professional knowledge anymore. Even if he told them, they wouldn't listen to them, and they wouldn't believe them. They made themselves unhappy, so it's better to make them unhappy first.

Their original purpose was to see how "watery" the teachers from Huaxia were.

Shen Guanglin decided to redefine "water" and show them "water".

The people in the audience are so upset.

In Shen Guanglin's point of view, their great Fusang turned out to be a typical example of "people are stupid and rich in money". According to Shen Guanglin's point of view, there are too many fools in Fusang, and there are not enough liars.

That Takeda company is a typical example, and he made it clear that he will go to Takeda headquarters to "cheat" the day after tomorrow, and this time he will get more money back.

Hey, why are you so angry!

The third question was finally asked about the academic aspect.

"Shen Sang, have you made any new discoveries in physics recently?"

Shen Guanglin also answered seriously, "I have a lot of new discoveries, but I don't know which one is the most important at the moment. I can come up with some new ideas anytime and anywhere. What is missing now is someone to prove my ideas. "

"Can't you prove it yourself?"

"Yes, but if I try to prove it myself, too many physical discoveries will be buried. The current richest man in the world is the boss of Wal-Mart. Made more money in time than he picked up."

Shen Guanglin's statement is very novel in this era, only Xiao Lincheng knows that Shen Guanglin is telling the truth.

Xiaolin's topic in China has not yet ended, and Shen Guanglin raised a new topic.

Pain and happiness.

Brother Yi Chuan didn't show up all day today, so he was immersed in the newly discovered happiness, and it may take a while before he leaves the customs.

Shen Guanglin's speech will be successfully concluded.

No one asked any more questions about physics, and everyone was immersed in the "hate" atmosphere towards this person.

Shen Guanglin declined the school's invitation to eat, and decided to invite domestic international students to have dinner together.

Before going to dinner, Kobayashi asked him if he would like to be a visiting professor at the school.

Did Shen Guanglin offer to give money?Or just by name?

"Give money, pay according to the normal salary of first-class professors, and every time a paper is completed, the school will give extra rewards."

"My honor belongs to Capital University!"

Shen Guanglin's attitude is very clear, he cherishes his identity as a teacher of Capital University even more.

"It doesn't matter, as long as you are our visiting professor, we will give you a reward for every paper you publish, and the school has this budget."

Shen Guanglin agreed.

The other party immediately brought over the letter of appointment. It seemed that they had already prepared for it, even the bonus.

"It's $[-]. You published a review in Science, and an article on standard equations, all of which have been praised by the academic community."

Scholars who can be included in "Science" have always been different. In later generations, Huaxia valued this the most, and the prize was as high as 16 US dollars.

Shen Guanglin now has two papers.

According to Kobayashi, the subject the three of them are cooperating with now is not difficult to get published in "Science" or "Nature", and it should be stable again.

The whole night yesterday was not in vain.

With his own [-] US dollars, Shen Guanglin felt that writing a thesis could be a way to make a fortune.

Now, the reward for publishing a paper in China is 100 yuan, and in Fusang, it is [-] U.S. dollars;
In later generations, the reward for publishing an article in "Nature" or "Science" in China is 16 U.S. dollars, and Fuso is 5000 U.S. dollars.

This is a long time.

Fusang's cafeteria is called Fangti (ほうだい), which is a personalized buffet, which is different from traditional cafeterias where dishes are prepared for everyone to choose freely.

"Leave the question" is to order by yourself, and the restaurant will make it on the spot. If you don't have enough, you can continue to order.

"Leave a question" seems to be a bit of a question, a question for the chef to do.

It is rare for someone to invite guests, but everyone still actively informs each other.

After all, it is the first year of studying abroad. There are really not many international students in Kyoto, and there are only about 30 people in total. More people are still studying abroad in Tokyo, after all, it is relatively hot there.

"Small Maruyama Free Question Store" has arrived.

Okonomiyaki, sushi, and barbecue are the main dishes of Kyoto in this era, and some seafood can also be ordered, such as crab and octopus.

Even if Shen Guanglin invites you to dinner, everyone still doesn't think how popular he is. Who can't afford a meal?

Everyone can come here because of Li Li's face. By the way, I want to see what kind of character has won her heart.

Shen Guanglin was also very self-aware. He didn't put on airs, but said in a low-key manner that he hoped that the students would study hard and return to China for construction after they finished their studies.

This rhetoric has not been well received.

Many students are passionate before going abroad, but after going abroad, they are in a basin of cold water.

All kinds of dissatisfaction with the country broke out in the accumulation of time.

They believe that all the misfortunes suffered abroad are caused by the poverty and weakness of the country.

In China, it is already a dragon and a phoenix among people, but when it comes to foreign countries, it is necessary to wash dishes and do the lowest level of work. This kind of psychological gap is a kind of hatred.

Shen Guanglin's words of dedication to the country are extremely unusable.

"Mr. Shen, I heard that you teach in China?" After a few glasses of sake, everyone became familiar, and the brother who was the rival in love was the first to attack.

"Yes, I am a physics teacher at Capital University, what's the problem?" Shen Guanglin was very proud of this identity.

"I think the leaders of Kyoto University treat you very well. Why don't you stay and teach?"

"I'm leaving, what about domestic physics education?"

"It's not like you're alone."

"What if everyone thinks like you? Science has no borders, but scientists do. I am willing to contribute to domestic education within my ability. This is the meaning of my coming to this era."

This kind of talk has been said many times, and Shen Guanglin himself believes it.

But the "senior" was not interested in Shen Guanglin's high-level language, and he no longer believed in it.

"Then you should let Li Li go back to China with you to suffer and suffer?"

"How can you tell that she is suffering and poor? Didn't she happily sit in the car I brought?"

"The conditions in China are so poor. Isn't living in China the same as suffering and poverty? Only with such good living conditions in Fusang can we live happily and engage in scientific research." Sure enough, this is the mentality. Many people don't want to go back after they come out. This is the mentality.

"Why is life here so good? The floors are high and low, the area is small, the room is like a pigeon cage, and people are also full of guard against each other. Why is this kind of life so desirable?" Shen Guanglin also sees the life of Fusang. Very thorough.

"Mr. Shen, you are too one-sided about Fusang. Could it be that the hotel room you live in is very small, so you have this illusion?"

"Oh, that's really not the case. I live in the Toba community on Shijo Street. It's a pretty good neighborhood."

The place Shen Guanglin mentioned was Xiao Lincheng's residence.

Kobayashi also said that the visiting professors of the school also live here, so they can go through the application procedures.

The rival brother firmly does not believe:

"How is it possible? It's a rich area, people without status and status can't live in it."

"Oh, it's such a coincidence that I can live in, and today, Li Li can also live in after dinner. However, there is nothing good about that house, there is not even a cucumber bean in the yard."

(End of this chapter)

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