Chapter 128 Yiming

Shen Guanglin has a classmate with an interesting name, Zheng Li Yiming.

His father's surname is Zheng, and his mother's surname is Li. Everyone thinks that he can become a blockbuster, so it all shows.

Now is the time for Shen Guanglin to become a blockbuster.

As for any large pharmaceutical company, the confidentiality measures are excellent.

Takeda's laboratory has quite a few places that need to be kept secret, so it is not convenient to open it to the outside world.

Even if Shen Guanglin came, he didn't have one more head and two noses than others.

Moreover, Shen Guanglin and Noyori Ryoji were not close, and they did not cherish each other like Kobayashi.

Because Makoto Kobayashi has always discriminated against Ryoji Noyori, Shen Guanglin, as a friend of Kobayashi, must have the same position, and he can only "discriminate" Ryoji Noyori, which is determined by his scientific research status.

However, everyone's research focuses on chirality, whether it is physical chirality, chemical chirality, or biological chirality, it is chirality anyway.

Physical chirality is a kind of property, a kind of inference, which can only be verified but not visualized; only biochemical chirality can include the whole world from macroscopic to microscopic.

Hearing Shen Guanglin's arrival, Noyori Ryoji still received him.

He just wanted Shen Guanglin to take a look at his research results and let him understand: your discrimination is unreasonable, and you can also produce first-class results in enterprises.

Ryoji Noyori's research is indeed the most cutting-edge technology.

Studying chiral substances is like studying proteins in living things.

And studying chiral material catalysis is like studying mRNA in vaccine production.

MRNA, also called messenger RNA, is a type of single-stranded ribonucleic acid that is transcribed from a strand of DNA as a template to carry genetic information and can guide protein synthesis. It is used as a vaccine with the highest efficiency and good effect.

If it's in the field of social sciences and humanities, it's okay for everyone to fool around with a few words. Anyway, it's hard to tell right from wrong.

However, in science, the field of research is actually very narrow, and it is very difficult to meet someone who understands oneself.

Scientists have few friends because it is difficult for everyone to be friends happily.

Shen Guanglin understands Makoto Kobayashi and Ryoji Noyori, but his friend can only be Makoto Kobayashi.

The laboratory still went in, Shen Guanglin walked and watched, and Noyori Ryoji explained.

Sure enough, Ryoji Noyori studied BINAP, and he won the Nobel Prize for this.

Although Ryoji Noyori's explanation was not detailed, and although Shen Guanglin studied physics, he still understood what they were doing right away.

This is enough!

Recently, Shen Guanglin is doing homework in this area. He did not take any action at the Capital University, but hid in Wudaokou Technical School to make a breakthrough.

Their biochemical research ability is stronger, and the materials are not old or young. It is useless for the chemistry department to unilaterally block it.

Ryoji Noyori and the others are heading in the right direction, and the results are not far away.

Shen Guanglin knew it well.

Next is lecture time.

Shen Guanglin prepared a "big meal" and waited for people from Takeda to "eat".

They didn't know that the information Shen Guanglin had was world-class.

Shen Guanglin knows the conditions for some achievements to reach the application level.

But Shen Guanglin doesn't know what its transitional outcome will be like, and what it will look like going forward.

What he can give is the optimal solution in one step.

What Lao Hei can give is to reach the maximum value of the stomach in one step.

The conference room was gradually filled with people. I heard that it was the "outrageous" Huaxia scholar, and many people came to listen to the lecture.

Those who study pharmaceuticals are not only engaged in chemistry but also in biology. Although some researchers do not study this field, but their professionalism is still there, they still want to "judge" Shen Guanglin's level.

After all, Shen Guanglin scolded a group of people at Kyoto University in one breath. Although researchers like himself should not be included, others don't know that he is engaged in research and development, not those "stupid people with a lot of money" decision makers.

Even the host said, "Let us invite Mr. Shen Guanglin next, he will give a wonderful speech. He said, after the speech is over, you evil capitalists will give Shen Sang from China who has not yet built a speech." Good lab donated."

The audience laughed.

For the first time, I found out that the host of the company is quite humorous.

Shen Guanglin didn't rush, he asked someone to turn on the slide projector, and put the text on the slide onto the screen.

The first one is just a sentence: Let us suffocate our dreams together.

All of you here are professionals, and the stalk of "suffocating your dreams" is useless.

Shen Guanglin put away the first slide and prepared to start from the second slide.

There was laughter under the stage.

Shen Sang is here to brainwash her.

After all, in the traditional Fusang letters, the Pianjia characters do not appear.

What does that sentence mean? Everyone has no dyslexia.

Change to the second one.

Shen Guanglin's slides were written in Chinese characters, but the explanation was in English, and the lecture officially started.

"I am very glad that Mr. Ryoji Noyori invited me to visit his laboratory. His research results are fruitful and the research and development process is orderly. It can be said that he has been at the forefront of chiral catalysis. Not only is the catalytic theory impeccable, but the experimental progress is also progressing It’s remarkable.”

This kind of thing needs to be said. Ryoji Noyori himself is the chief scientist of Takeda Corporation, so there is no problem with his identity.

"I originally wanted to come here to show off my IQ of 150, but Mr. Ryoji Noyori made me feel that even without my guidance, he can develop a good catalyst."

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha."

The atmosphere was quite heated, and this group of scholars who were bored started to laugh out loud.

"He still wants to "guidance" Mr. Ryoji Noyori. Sure enough, he tells jokes all the time."

"This Shen is so low-end in finding the steps for himself. It doesn't fit his personality at all. Didn't he just say a few words and get Takeda to pay for it?"

There was a lot of discussion in the audience.

The Show must go on!
Shen Guanglin's speech is still going on.

He put on a new slide.

Inside is a molecular formula: (±)-2'-Bis(diphenylphosphino)-2'-binaphthalene, which means a diagram of two diphenylphosphino groups.

The structure is simple and eye-catching.

"I think that the molecular formula of the catalyst Mr. Ryoji Noyori is developing should be like this.

In my theory, if such a substance is made or synthesized, it will have a chiral catalytic effect on asymmetric ketones, styrene, enol ethers, and b amino acids.The next job is nothing more than what ligand to choose.

The choice of these two ligands is different, and the substances that can be catalyzed are also different. What should be the coordination elements that can be used? I think that rhodium, iridium, nickel, and copper should be chosen scientifically.This requires team experiments. I have not done experiments in this area, and the conditions are not yet available. "

Shen Guanglin's professional explanation was caught off guard.

Suddenly, everyone became serious.

Then Qi Qi looked at Noyori Ryoji.

Ryoji Noyori's expression became more serious, this is the final result of his vision, and now Shen Guanglin has clearly explained it.

Moreover, they have not carried out experiments on the catalytic methods mentioned by Shen Guanglin.

However, the theoretical basis is the same.

Everyone came to see the joke, but suddenly they couldn't laugh anymore.

I really can't laugh anymore.

Shen Guanglin talked for a while, then paused, wanting to read the feedback below.

As a result, I saw a group of serious faces, and it seemed that even the air began to become serious.

After a long time, Ryoji Noyori said: "Shen Sang, is this your understanding of chiral catalysis, or have you already made the finished product?"

"This is some superficial understanding of our team. After all, my laboratory has not been built yet. I and my partner, Mr. Wu Xiaoyun from Wudaokou Technical School, are just trying to propose some application attempts to solve catalytic problems. We The ultimate direction is to study the composition and operation of chirality, and it is enough for scientists to provide theoretical guidance."

Shen Guanglin originally wanted to change a slide, but it seems that there is no need, and they need to digest it for a while.

"How do you know this substance can produce amphoteric catalysis."

"Give stimulation, temperature, pH, pressure, these are all external conditions." Shen Guanglin said it casually, but these are the conclusions that Takeda spent countless money to come to, and Shen Guanglin opened his mouth to propose.

"But neither should you."

"Are you saying I shouldn't come up with the theory?"

There is nothing wrong with science!
Shen Guanglin's slides are designed for them, and Shen Guanglin's wording is also prepared for them.

Fortunately, after seeing their research direction, Shen Guanglin immediately pointed out their research results that will appear soon, and then said lightly that it was just a by-product of my research, and it was no big deal.

What was of no use to Shen Guanglin was exactly what Takeda Company dreamed of.

Shen Guanglin was about to become a blockbuster again.

(End of this chapter)

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