Start with a college teacher

Chapter 137 Laboratory

Chapter 137 Laboratory

Gao Zhijie is still a child after all.

I have not yet enjoyed the beatings of society.

Soon, he confessed to what he had done, and in less than two days and two nights, he fully explained what he had committed.

After all, the child is young, and he knows almost nothing about the deterrence of some forces and the ability to overcome difficulties.

Why are the punks on the street so afraid of some people? Are they afraid of reform through labor and imprisonment?

Everyone there is talented, and they speak nicely. They like it very much. The only thing they fear is the process of arresting their people and disposing of them.

Just like doctors and teachers.

Some professional skills are inherited in one continuous line and have not changed for hundreds of years.

From ancient times to the present, breaking the law will not be particularly comfortable.

A strong man like Wu Song will also be rewarded with a killing stick after being exiled to Mengzhou.

If a woman goes to jail.

Oops, how long has it been since the cell boss started eating meat?

Now, Hongdong County still retains a romantic Ming Dynasty prison called "Susan Prison".

The novelist Feng Menglong wrote "A Hard Time to Find a Husband in the Fall of Yu Tang", which was included in "Words of the Warning to the World", telling such a story:
"Su San" was originally a woman who lost her way, and she sponsored Wang Jinglong, a scholar who was rushing for an exam.

However, she was sold to Shen Yanlin, a horse dealer in Hongdong, Shanxi, as a concubine. His wife, Pi, had an affair with his neighbor Zhao Ang, plotting to kill Shen Yanlin, but blaming Su San.

At the right time, Wang Jinglong was promoted to Shanxi inspector, rescued the Sumerians in the prison, and finally got married.

However, in the real ancient times, when a woman went to prison, she really had no face to live.

After entering the door, the killing sticks were all taken off their pants, and no one was spared.

The ancient government also knew that they were not clean, and even ransacked the house, and the female relatives were sold directly, because the women who had been in prison did not even want the brothel.

Up to now, some bad habits have been changed, but some customs have been preserved.

Normal people, it doesn't matter if you commit crimes or not, as long as you catch them, enjoying a simple and rough meal of braised pork is just an appetizer.

They have excellent skills, and they can open and close to make violent wind and rain; they can also turn spring wind into rain and moisten things silently.

Sometimes, they are not trying to extract a confession, but purely honing their craft.

After Gao Zhijie went in, he was put down very quickly, and each case was outrageous.

He is simply a talented artist, even the investigators admire him.

It has to be said that Gao still has some artistic talent. Every nude girl draws both form and spirit, which makes people think infinitely.

Why didn't Shen Guanglin think of this? It's been a waste of ten years of painting.

He already thought it was a great thing to make a "blackboard newspaper" by himself, but he didn't expect that classmate Gao was a good hand in creation.

This is much more elegant than a minister in Bianliang who likes to collect hair tissue.

This thing is over.

Shen Guanglin also really helped Lin Dong find a new job.

Just leave him in the lab as an office administrator.

After all, to be able to be the deputy director of the office, you will not lack in ability, and you are a good hand in reception.

As for betrayal?

Isn't it normal to fly separately in times of disaster?

When the laboratory is opened in the future, the reception work will definitely be indispensable. My niece is a mixed-worker, so she can't be a big deal.

However, what Lin Dong brought about the gangster also reminded Shen Guanglin.

Now that the law and order in the capital is getting worse and worse, it's time to strengthen our own security work.

From time to time, you can hear about highway robbery cases and girls being bullied.

Not every day, but very often.

For this reason, Miss Embroidery is a lot more conservative when going out.

If it wasn't for the poor security to a certain extent, it is estimated that the rectification action in 83 would not have occurred.

This is the same as the formation process of the film review system.

Movies from the 80s didn't have these tricks, and they were really easy to watch and play casually.

Even French QS films can be screened as in-house films.

Even the exchange of partners has happened from time to time.

Emancipated the mind, but also brought hooligans.

Shen Guanglin was also afraid that his personal safety would not be guaranteed suddenly, so he specifically asked "Brother Shun" for help.

Shunzi can no longer be called that, but Brother Shun.

Moreover, Shunzi's ostentation became more and more magnificent, and the only way to find him for dinner was Lao Mo and other high-end restaurants.

When Shen Guanglin saw Shunzi again, he found that it was really not him who was already inflated.

Shen Guanglin, as the leader who led him to make a fortune, was no longer taken seriously by others, and it was probably the same when Su Youpeng came.

The two ate a meal in harmony, and Shen Guanglin didn't mention asking him to help.

Forget about each other, it's good.

This way was blocked, Shen Guanglin thought about whether to hire some "Zhongnanhai bodyguards".

Heart is worse than action.

There are 10 establishments in my own laboratory, and it is okay to take out two for "professionals" to change jobs.


It's not that Shen Guanglin's side has not had good changes recently, at least the communication is convenient.

As the renovation came to an end, Shen Guanglin's office was finally equipped with a telephone.

Although you can't make international calls, you can already make free calls within the country.

It is very troublesome to make international long-distance calls now. Manual transfer is required, and a special application is required. Except for the embassy, ​​it is basically impossible to make calls in other places.

Finally, I can remotely command the entrepreneurial team in Yangcheng!
When will mobile communication arrive?Hi brother!

Even if there is no big brother, what about the BP machine?It's okay to have that thing.

The first thing Shen Guanglin learned after the phone call in his office was: Chai Jing and Su Youpeng broke up.

Sure enough, there is no permanent banquet in the world!
The current establishment of the Shencheng factory is: Su Youpeng is the general manager, Chai Jing is the marketing director, and Er Leng is the security captain.

Now, they finally broke up, and all of this did not go beyond Shen Guanglin's expectations.

As for whether it will affect the operation, Shen Guanglin is not worried. Anyway, his goal is the land, and he doesn't really make a lot of money.

Moreover, two people were not together because of love in the first place, and it is only natural that they choose to separate after knowing each other deeply.

Su Youpeng and Er Leng also finally felt that since they were still young anyway, it would be good to play for two more years.

Chai Jing has finally found her own direction in life, and she is more suitable for career.

Unlike Shen Guanglin, who had no expectations for the new factory, the new factory is actually thriving day by day.

Today, the new garment manufacturing workshop has also been built, and the workers have been organized.

The sales are very good. Except for regular shipments to the mainland, most of the clothes produced by their factory are for export.

Chai Jing has a language advantage, and has contacted many overseas buyers through Xiangjiang.

With the blessing of foreign currency, the support of local governments has become stronger.

The garment factory has just been put into production, and the principal has not been recovered yet, so they are thinking about expanding the scale of production again.

The main reason is that local governments are also urging, they can provide funds, as long as you have as much foreign currency, I dare to lend you as much cash as RMB.

Okay, now is indeed not the golden age for real estate development, so let's buy some land to continue building factories.

Regarding the development direction of the company, Su Youpeng even thought about when Shen Guanglin could go to Shencheng to guide the work again, after all, he is the boss.

It can only be winter vacation.

It's not convenient to fly now, and it takes a week to travel by train. After the winter vacation, I can just escape the cold and warm up.

Now I think those are superfluous, Shen Guanglin's right way is to seriously build a laboratory.

Today, the hardware conditions of the laboratory are perfect, but the software is not enough.

The key is the lack of people, and everyone will lose face, and they are unwilling to come to such a three-no laboratory.

The head of the Department of Biology did indeed say that anyone you want can do it, and you must give your full support.

The problem is that the teachers don't want to come at all.

Shen Guanglin went to the Biology Department for a private interview and went to the Department of Biology for a few days, asking which teacher was better.

There are indeed powerful teachers, but they just refuse to come.

No matter how good you say, people don't believe it, and they don't want it.

They are not willing to submit to you, Shen Guanglin.

How can this be?

Even if you have money, you can't recruit the Golden Phoenix?
Now is not the era of a big explosion in scientific research funding for later generations.

Which university in later generations has scientific research funding that is not calculated in billions?

The only difference is whether it is [-] billion or [-] billion.

Now, only Peking University and Wudaokou can receive tens of millions of scientific research funds, and they have to use this money to subsidize the livelihood of faculty and staff.

I really want to do scientific research, but I can only do some repeated experiments. It is already a great thing to be able to fill the gap in China.

Shen Guanglin's laboratory doesn't even have a single hair, and it comes up with the most cutting-edge technology in the world, and he himself is still a "fool".

My biology teacher also talked about it several times, and Shen Guanglin is indeed not very "proficient" in physics and chemistry.

Just like this, you have to set a lofty goal, and money is not squandered like this.

Moreover, the money has been lost when buying chemical experiment equipment, how much is left for biology?
If that money is only $100 million, the laboratory is indeed out of money.

Wu Xiaoyun was a little embarrassed, Shen Guanglin didn't buy anything for himself, all he bought was chemical equipment.

The total amount is 70 US dollars. If this continues, the laboratory will go bankrupt before it even opens.

I don't know if he went to Fusang last time and got financing back.

However, when Shen Guanglin was at a loss for his own laboratory, the scientific research task assigned by his superior arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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