Chapter 140
A drink prevented them from getting drunk, but Zhang Cheng and Wu Xiaoyun were really together.

Shen Guanglin helped them pierce the layer of window paper, and the two were indeed like-minded, and then they took advantage of the trend and got together without shame.

At least, both of them are top students in the college entrance examination.

At least, both of them love mathematics.

At least, both of them work together.

At least, both of them are single.

That's enough.

They no longer shy away from the secular (Shen Guanglin and his colleagues) vision, they just go in and out together so blatantly, and even hide in the corner of the restaurant from time to time to feed and vote.

What everyone hates the most is that lovers feed each other in public. Wu Xiaoyun is still a little restrained, after all, she is the leader of the chemistry research group.

It doesn't matter if you are bald, and you are not afraid of the cold in winter, so you just shave your head bald, and finally you don't have to think about hair design anymore.

When Wu Xiaoyun had classes at Wudaokou Technical School, Zhang Chengcheng rode a bicycle to see her off, and then went back to school by himself.

It was the same when Zhang Cheng had classes.

Since Zhang Cheng is still a student, he has to go back to school every day.

Every time after class, Wu Xiaoyun would pick him up from Capital University, and the two of them sprinkled dog food while walking, which made the three who walked with them very upset.

"Brother Monkey, why don't we stay together?"

"then what do I do?"

It turns out that the love of top academics is also like a bear.

Even, sometimes when they discussed work late, Zhang Cheng would not go back to his dormitory.

He stayed directly in Wu Xiaoyun's room. After all, he had to re-warm the bed alone when he came back, which was strangely cold.

Therefore, on the whole, Shen Guanglin, a marriage introducer, is still useful, at least helping them solve their personal problems.

Wu Xiaoyun is anxious about reaching his age, and Zhang Cheng is anxious about growing up.

Now there is no need to worry, two people can work with peace of mind.

Moreover, the good things didn't stop with this building, Shen Guanglin's job title was also judged down.

One drink and one peck, it will be determined by the gods.

Shen Guanglin took over the scientific research project, but after leaving the scientific research funds to the school, the school also reciprocated, and immediately helped Shen Guanglin complete the selection process for the title of professor.

280 million is not a small amount of money. Teacher Shen doesn't want a penny, which is really noble.

In order to fear that Shen Guanglin would not be able to complete the task, the school also re-established a special research group as a supplement.

It can also be seen as a science and technology competition within the school.

Shen Guanglin became a university professor, but he was not the youngest professor in the history of Capital University.

Xu Baohuang is the one. He graduated from university at the age of 18, and then went to Citigroup University of Michigan to study for a master's degree in economics and journalism. At the age of 23, he returned to China to serve as a professor of journalism at Beijing University.

Moreover, not only Xu Baohuang, even Xu Beihong was only 23 years old when he was a professor, Liang Shuming was 25 years old, Hu Shi was 27 years old, and Liu Bannong was 27 years old.

It is not uncommon for Shen Guanglin to skip the associate professor in one step and be directly named a professor.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Mr. Hong became the director of the teaching and research section of world economy at the age of 27.

After receiving the letter of appointment, Shen Guanglin didn't stay at the school too long, and went directly to the National People's Congress to find his young lady, Li Rong, to announce the good news.

He is going to "strike up a conversation", this is the task.

Shen Guanglin was really not very familiar with the Renmin University of China.

What Yiyuan, Jingyuan, Baijiayuan and so on, he thinks they are not as good as Beijing University's Yanyuan and Jingchunyuan.

The lotus pond of old Mr. Zhu Ziqing of Wudaokou Technical School is also not good, only a few oranges are not bad, and they are so interesting.

Shen Guanglin mumbled all the way to the second teaching building, Room 202, and looked through the back door.

Huh, there are a lot of girls.

A slim little padded jacket.

No wonder the students of Wudaokou Technical School like to stroll around the National People's Congress, it turns out there is a purpose.

Speaking of Wudaokou Technical School, it is quite sad. It is difficult to find a girlfriend during college. Their tradition is to cry when they graduate, and bid farewell to being single with tears.

Next door to the left is a school with a lot of girls, but they generally produce and sell their own, so they don't think much of the monks in Wudaokou.

The situation of the University of Geosciences and Forestry University next door to the right is even worse than theirs, and they even want to try their luck at Wudaokou Technical School.

What if he counterattacks a talented woman?

What the cattle in Wudaokou can really look forward to is the National People's Congress and Language University.

Counting further to the south, Beijing Foreign Language School is farther away, and the girls there basically belong to the University of Science and Technology and the Youth College.

In the winter of 1980, there were no flowers for sale. Shen Guanglin came to the house to bring gifts, which was a task.

You can't bring two Hejian fires.

He didn't know how to fold flowers with money, so he could only bring a bouquet of the fake flowers arranged in the office.

Of course, for the sake of romance, Shen Guanglin also made some other articles.

For example, he made a cup of milk tea with milk. It doesn’t matter if there are no pearls or taro balls. If he cuts canned fruit into small cubes and stirs it in, the taste is just as good.

Li Rong called him here for a purpose and a reason, because when she started school, boys harassed her from time to time, let alone those who wrote love letters, and those who took the initiative to strike up a conversation were one after another.

Some boys went too far, Li Rong couldn't help but beat them up.

After doing this kind of thing four or five times, the nearby boys disappeared, but the boys from other schools were still there.

When Shen Guanglin came over, it was already the seventh or eighth class in the afternoon, and it was not far from school.

At this time, most of the students are actually doing self-study, because the formal courses usually end in the fifth and sixth quarters.

The curriculum of the National People's Congress is not as full as that arranged by the Capital University.

This is part of the reason why the National People's Congress is getting more and more declining.

If you can't see where Li Rong is from the back door, then look for it from the front door.

Mr. Shen is not a person who cares about face, he can let it go.

Sure enough, Li Rong was reading in the fifth row, and the two sisters looked like they were studying hard.

The only difference is that Li Rong is not allowed to do it next to others. She doesn't like to sit at the same table with others, and neither can girls.

Shen Guanglin's intrusion didn't arouse everyone's attention, he walked gently to the side of Li Rong's position, and sat down quietly.

Li Rong doesn't like to sit with other people, she saw one more person out of the corner of her eye, she said impatiently: "Student, please."

Seeing that it was Shen Guanglin, she first had a look of joy in her eyes, and then said in a somewhat fierce tone: "Hi, classmate, who are you? What are you doing here?"

"Student, I am your admirer, please marry me! My hometown is Cao County, and my family has three and a half acres of sorghum land. You come back with me, and you can freely feed chickens and sheep, and excrete dung to drive the market."

The students around were surprised when they heard it, it was the first time they had seen such a vulgar but down-to-earth way of courtship.

Moreover, Li Rong has a violent temper, and none of her classmates dared to show love to her.

"Okay, I promise you, when will you marry me in?"

The face changed really quickly, just now she was still looking fierce, but in a blink of an eye she was charming and charming.

What is Cao County?
Shen Guanglin replied: "Just today."

The two withdrew from the classroom, got into Shen Guanglin's car, and went straight to the Capital Hotel.

If you want to ask where the most upscale hotel in Beijing was in 1980, it must be the Beijing Hotel.

Finally, I don’t have to sit on three jumpers in winter anymore. When the cold wind blows on that thing, the snot will grow all the time, which will affect the image.

It’s better to have a small car. Turning on the heater doesn’t consume fuel, and you can use love to generate electricity.

There are not many people who can drive Crown cars in this era. The most popular and high-end car in China must be Hongqi, so it is not a second choice.

Shen Guanglin brought Li Rong in, and the waiter stepped forward, "Sir, how many are there?"


"Sir, we accept foreign exchange certificates here." The waiter began to hint frantically, meaning whether you have money.If you don't have foreign exchange certificates, you can't spend here. Of course, they won't discriminate against them, especially in the face of such a combination of handsome men and beautiful women.

"Well, we have foreign exchange certificates. Bring the menu."

We were seated smoothly.

There are no other stories happening in the Beijing Hotel, and the normal ones are not like a cool article, and there is no plot of pretending to be X.

"Brother Guanglin, is there something good about you acting so domineering today?"

"Of course, I'm rated as a professor."

(End of this chapter)

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