Chapter 144 Thief
Writing a dissertation is a very dry and boring thing.

Since this is Shen Guanglin's own project, and it is still a pioneering paper without precedent, it is more difficult to write.

Anyway, the time is not urgent, Shen Guanglin is also writing in between classes with Li Rong, it can be regarded as a change of mind.

Entering December, with the first snow of winter in 12, the weather became colder.

Shen Guanglin was not a person who was afraid of the cold, but at this time he had to shrink his neck, put his hands in his sleeves, and tried his best to maintain a little temperature.

Going to class now is suffering, and you have to stomp your feet while lecturing.

There are so many people in the classroom, it is supposed to be not cold, but there is no way to prevent the air leakage.

This kind of traditional small glass window is good for lighting, but it is not frost-resistant. The gaps after the deformation of the wooden panes leak crazy air, and the heat insulation of the single-layer glass is extremely poor.

I don't know how these children survived the winters.

The condition of the laboratory is still good, the heating is full, and a little coal can make everyone feel warm, and there is hot water.

Shen Guanglin didn't care what happened to others. In his class, a briquette stove would be prepared in advance.

Put a kettle on it, and everyone can drink some boiled water, which is considered a student welfare.

The cost is not much.

There is no English teaching this semester, and there are only three classrooms for Shen Guanglin to attend, and he pays for it himself.

Burning briquettes for heating is very economical. A stove needs about 5 briquettes a day, and a briquette costs only 5 cents.

Shen Guanglin gave each class 100 yuan directly, and the extra money was counted as class fees, and he could buy some sweet potato steamed buns and the like for extra meals for the students.

However, this also caused his class to be very popular, and he had to endure hunger and cold to go to other classes.

The classroom where I was studying was warmer, but the classroom at the National People's University was still as cold.

Shen Guanglin sometimes accompanies Li Rong to class, and when he hears some courses similar to economics and politics, he can't help being sleepy.But now, the weather is too cold to sleep well.

The classrooms of Renmin University are even more dilapidated than that of Beijing University.

Boys basically rely on shaking to keep warm.

Girls have another way, use a glass bottle with a rubber stopper to fill a bottle of hot water to warm their stomachs.

That kind of bottle is very strange. It is used to sell milk, and it seems to be used to give injections and infusions.

Putting it in my arms, sitting there feels like every female student is a pregnant woman.

Li Rong's treatment is better, she has a traditional hot water bottle.

It is a kind of flat bag made of rubber. The mouth of the bag is a plug that can be rotated. This can be used for a long time, but it is more like a pregnant woman in the arms.

Shen Guanglin decided to make her a modern hot water bottle, the kind that can be heated by charging.

In fact, the ingredients are very simple, consisting of water, iron powder and ferrite, a heating resistor is placed in the charging plug, and some circuit devices are added.

Charge for 5 minutes and keep warm for 5 hours.

Just when everyone was thinking about various ways to keep out the cold, the poor woman with the child came to the school crying.

Something happened to Lai Hongmei again.

"Clothing Xishi" Jiang Zhenhua has a serious job and has a lot of savings, so he doesn't set up a stall anymore.

The main reason for not setting up a stall is because it is too cold, and it is really unbearable to be outside for a few hours.

Another very important reason is that work is really busy.

Now there are more than a dozen people in the laboratory, and she is in charge of everyone's eating and drinking. Although Sister Zhao is in charge of the big finances, she is the cashier.

The things that need to be bought have to be in place immediately, and there is really no time to set up a stall.

However, the prime location in the garage on the first floor that Shen Guanglin helped her find couldn't be neglected, so she pulled Lai Hongmei over.

She came out of the field, and Lai Hongmei came out, so it was a joint operation between the two.

Jiang Zhenhua only pays dividends, and can help out occasionally.

Some people are born with economic acumen. Jiang Zhenhua came to the capital for a few months and made seven to eight thousand close to tens of thousands of dollars.

When she had money, she didn't save it. Apart from mailing some to her family, the rest directly bought two shops for herself.

Although the location is not on Xiushui Street, it is also a street-facing shop near Wudaokou, which can be used for accommodation or to open a shop.

Of course, she followed Shen Guanglin's suggestion, anyway, uncle would not harm him.

Lai Hongmei can't do it anymore. She has worked very hard to sell clothes, but the sales volume is not as good as that of Xiaojiang.

Moreover, she never thought about buying a residence in the capital and settling down. She has always lived in the yard that Shen Guanglin bought.

The weather was cold, and after the stall was moved to the garage, the conditions were indeed much better, but she had to share the money she made alone, which made her feel very uncomfortable.

Last week, the two had a quarrel over the dividend.

Jiang Zhenhua doesn't look cowardly despite his gentle and quiet personality: "If you don't want to do it, you can move away. I have a lot of people here who are willing to use it. I provide the source of goods and the venue. Let alone 5%, 6% will be rushed to do it. "

Jiang Zhenhua is Teacher Shen's niece, and Lai Hongmei is just an outsider.

This garage was found by Shen Guanglin for Jiang Zhenhua, and Lai Hongmei had no choice.

It has been half a year since Lai Hongmei came to the capital, and the accumulated profits add up to several thousand yuan. Fortunately, this time, all her brains were stolen.

All the clothes temporarily stored in the garage were swept away, plus the money lost in the residence, the loss was less than [-] yuan.

It seems that it is not easy to make a living in any field.

Lai Hongmei was quite down and out when she found her, her hair was disheveled, her hands were as cold as radishes, and her face was chapped red, probably because she was not willing to buy cosmetics.

Her daughter was supposed to be in school, so she brought her with her. She was dressed in tatters, but her complexion was ruddy.

"Mr. Shen, you have to make the decision for me! I work from morning to night, and half a year of hard work is in vain! The thief who was murdered by God, left me nothing." The conditions haven't improved much, what about the money she makes?

"What do you want me to do?"

The way she cried annoyed Shen Guanglin so much, he couldn't bear it the most.

"I don't know, that's my savings for half a year, and I haven't left a penny!" She couldn't say 123, she just cried anyway.

"It's good that people have nothing to do. Let's do this. My laboratory is short of a chef to cook. Don't set up a stall. Come and cook. You can take care of your food and housing. You will receive a monthly salary, which is much better than those chefs in state-owned units." gone."

What Shen Guanglin lacked most here was jobs, and it was nothing more than an extra pair of chopsticks.

Lai Hongmei did not want to agree:

"Mr. Shen, don't bother you. Just lend me the shop on the first floor of Xiushui Street for a while. It's better to rely on yourself. I can ask Brother Shun for a little credit for clothes, and I'll pay him back when I make money. Zhenhua Didn’t the girl buy the shop herself, she won’t be able to use it here.”,
"Last week she asked for some money from me, but before I could bring it to her, the money disappeared."

The current law and order is really bad!
Shen Guanglin specifically told Shunzi to take care of the two of them, after all, it was not easy for a woman to take care of a child, and he didn't know what Shunzi would do.

However, it is said that Lai Hongmei has lived in the store recently, so how could the house be stolen?

An acquaintance committing a crime?

(End of this chapter)

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