Chapter 158
Dou Heguang is a committee member of the Institute of Materials Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

"Faculty member" is a title with profound historical connotation in the academic circle.

In 1955, under the care of the Prime Minister, the Academy of Sciences established a department committee system, and a total of 233 department committee members were first criticized.

Although Dou Heguang was not the first batch of members of the academic department, he was the first batch of additional members later on, and his ability is beyond doubt.

As long as he can sit in this position, it shows that his academic ability and social status are not ordinary.

Each member of the academic department with such an identity is not in vain. Even the academicians of cigarettes and brewing in later generations have certain real talents.

Dou Heguang was a college student before the founding of the People's Republic of China. He once studied at Columbia University in Citigroup, and has been researching materials at the Chinese Academy of Sciences since returning to China.

Here, I have to mention one person, that is Mr. Guo, the old president of the Academy of Sciences.

It is precisely because of the existence of Mr. Guo that he has attracted quite a lot of firepower, so that Dou and Guang were less impacted during the exercise.

Ten years after the movement, the Chinese Academy of Sciences has become the hardest-hit area. In the end, only 40 or more of the more than 10 research institutes remained, and only Dou Heguang, who was so low-key and outrageous, escaped safely.

Mr. Guo's life was very controversial.

For example, he led the excavation of Dingling, which caused Emperor Wanli and two empresses to be burned.

During the exercise, it was precisely because he was more able to "command affairs" and knew how to flatter, so he kept himself safe. Otherwise, how could he be able to deliver the speech "The Spring of Science".

Compared with them, Dou Heguang is a relatively pure scholar. He seldom participates in sports. He has devoted himself to hiding and researching for more than ten years, and has accumulated good results in his hands.

After the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States, he also successively submitted some papers to SCI journals, and the publication effect was good, which further consolidated his academic status.

Recently, he heard that a young teacher from Capital University had successfully published an article in "Science", and he was very moved.

However, the threshold of "Science" is still a bit too high after all, and he plans to test the waters with RPL first.

After all, the PRL physics journal is also one of the top journals in the world. It is only a little less difficult than Science to publish articles on it.

It is precisely because of his academic status and academic achievements, no, even Su Huiqing, the goddess I once admired, invited him to be a guest at home during the Chinese New Year.

The two are old acquaintances.

At that time, Dou Heguang was a senior student of Southwest Associated University, and Su Huiqing was a junior student of Union University, but they were very popular because of their pretty looks.

Dou Heguang is one of the suitors.

It's a pity that Dou later went abroad to study, and after returning to China, things have changed.

The goddess has married a "handsome old man" with high status and authority. Although she has been honored all her life, she has never given birth.

Now, she invites herself to bring her son Dou Wei to her house as a guest. It is also rare to have such a courteous reception during the Spring Festival.

In fact, under Su Huiqing's introduction, the relationship between Commissioner Dou and Mr. Li is pretty good.

Mr. Li is now a big leader. When he makes decisions, he often consults the opinions of professionals. With his wife blowing the pillow, Committee Dou has a good voice.

Su Huiqing has lived through decades of glory, but it's a pity that she has never had a child. This is her biggest pain, so she can only pretend not to care.

Everyone knows that Mr. Li has a biological son in the capital, who is the deputy director of the Military Industry Institute. His son has two granddaughters, all of whom are beautiful and beautiful.

I don't think it's a pity when I'm young, but when I get old, I start to miss my offspring, and Mr. Li is no exception.

It's a pity that many years of grievances have accumulated, and his son doesn't get along with him at all, so his daughter-in-law will bring his two granddaughters to him for New Year's greetings, which can be regarded as comforting his old feelings.

On the fifth day of the first lunar month, Mr. Li rejected many requests for New Year greetings, and waited at home for his daughter-in-law and granddaughter to visit.

Su Huiqing is also sensible, knowing that her eldest granddaughter is already in her 20s and has no match, so she even arranges a marriage for her.

"Old Li, Lao Dou is a good person, and his children should be okay."

"Okay, I'll see you."

Dou and Guang are familiar with the road, and brought their son over early in the morning as guests.

"Old Dou, Dawei doesn't have a date right now. What do you think of my Rong Rong? She will come over to pay New Year's greetings in a while. Do they want to get to know each other?"

Su Huiqing is now in her 50s, but she is well-maintained, and her pose for handing photos reveals a special elegance.

This is a solo photo of Li Rong, posing on a tricycle, beautiful and heroic.

Of course Dou Heguang was very satisfied, and he showed it to his son Dou Wei, who also fell in love with this heroic girl at a glance.

Lao Tzu is a hero and a hero.

Dou Heguang is a senior researcher at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and his son Dou Wei is not too bad.

Due to the times, although he was a college student of workers, peasants and soldiers, he was still assigned to the Institute of Biology and became an honorable researcher.

He really didn't expect that he, Dou Wei, would be favored by heaven one day, and the other girl was the granddaughter of Mr. Li.

He has a good family background, looks good, and is a student of the National People's University.

They will come over later, and they must leave a good impression on each other.


Hearing that he was going to be a guest at Yuquan Mountain, Shen Guanglin trembled with excitement.

The long-awaited holy place.

Yuquan Mountain is part of the Summer Palace and one of the famous Eight Views of Yanjing.After the construction of the Jin, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, it has the scale it is today.

The drinking water for the courts of the Ming and Qing dynasties was taken from here. It is said that any building inside is made of golden nanmu.

Even in later generations, it has never been opened here.

Shen Guanglin has longed for it for a long time.

Being able to go to Yuquan Mountain for lunch, I am so angry!
Shen Guanglin drove and set off with Aunt Song and Li Rong, but Lao Li pretended not to know where they went.

He really didn't get along with the old man.

Passing through the heavily guarded guards with live ammunition, crossing the Nangong Gate, and driving all the way up the mountain road, it always makes people feel solemn, mysterious and unfathomable.

In the past, Shen Guanglin had only seen the two pagodas on the hill from a distance, and it was the first time he could really enter here.

With Aunt Song showing the way, Mr. Li's residence will arrive soon.

Grandma Huiqing was standing outside the door to greet her with a few staff members, but the old man did not go out out of reserve.

Shen Guanglin couldn't wait to look around after getting off the car. This kind of building was only seen in the Forbidden City. The people who can live in such a house are indeed very unusual.

Everyone got out of the car one after another.

There are so many New Year's clichés, Shen Guanglin helped to bring in the holiday gifts, although there is no shortage of them, but it is after all his heart.

Next is the New Year's greetings.

Although Mr. Li and Director Li didn't deal with each other, his daughter-in-law and granddaughter had no enmity. He had already told the kitchen to arrange a sumptuous meal and waited for the feast to begin.

"Come on, Rong Rong, come to Grandpa. This is Dawei, you are all young people, talk to each other more." The old man was in good spirits and had a kind smile.

"Happy New Year, Grandpa!" Li Rong took the red envelope from his grandfather, and then specifically greeted Dou Wei: "I'm Li Rong, Comrade Dawei, Happy New Year too."

Li Rong's performance can't be said to be enthusiastic, but she is not indifferent either. This is a compulsory course in parenting etiquette.

On the contrary, Shen Guanglin was somewhat restrained, and stood aside without talking to him, like a casual staff member.

Su Huiqing took the initiative to take over the right to speak: "Let me introduce formally. This is Uncle Dou, a member of your Chinese Academy of Sciences. This is his son Dou Wei. He is also working in the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He graduated from the University of Science and Technology of China."

The little grandma was very enthusiastic, took Li Rong's hand and began to ask for help and matchmaking.

Could it be that Su Can's uncle didn't file a complaint?

"Hello, Uncle Dou!" Li Rong could only greet Commissioner Dou, and it was still necessary to be polite.

"Hi, Li Rong. I heard that you are still studying at the National People's Congress. How are you? Are you nervous about your studies?" Dou Heguang was very kind, and he was really satisfied with this girl.

"It's okay, after all, it's an economics course, so it's not too difficult."

"Yes, it would be great if it's biophysics, so that Dawei can help you review your homework. If you study political economy, he can only help you with math. If you are a foreign language." Committee member Dou also meant Obviously, wish they had moved around a bit more.

"No need, Uncle Dou, I already have someone to help me with my homework, now, it's him, Shen Guanglin."

Li Rong took the opportunity to push Shen Guanglin out, which was why they brought Shen Guanglin here.

Aunt Song said that she was going to introduce Shen Guanglin to Grandpa.

Zhou Huiqing immediately made the next arrangement: "Let's take a seat and talk while eating, young man, you have a table with the staff, Rong Rong, you can sit with Dawei later."

(End of this chapter)

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