Chapter 170

The Mediterranean Sea is one of the oldest oceans in the world, and its formation history is older than the Atlantic Ocean.

Moreover, the Mediterranean coast is also the birthplace of ancient civilizations. Here is the splendid culture of ancient Egypt, the prosperity of the Babylonian Kingdom and the Persian Empire, and the rise of Greece, the birthplace of European civilization.

There is a hairstyle known for being handsome called the Mediterranean hairstyle.

It is said that masters who study physics and mathematics like to wear this hairstyle the most.

It is said that this is particularly cool and eye-catching, and there is a hint of despair in the stubbornness.

There is another disease also called Mediterranean, that is, thalassemia.

Those who suffer from this disease are very pitiful.

It is a kind of congenital anemia that occurs since childhood. It is a kind of genetic disease. It is common in the Mediterranean region, and there are many cases in the coastal areas of southern my country.

And once you get this disease, there is almost no cure.

Only continuous blood transfusion or concentrated red blood cells can be used to supplement the insufficient supply of the body's own red blood cells.

However, receiving blood for a long time will lead to another phenomenon, that is, excessive iron load.

Some girls especially love to supplement iron, but in fact, iron cannot be supplemented too much.

Iron overload is also very harmful, such as liver cirrhosis, myocardial hypertrophy, muscle fiber degeneration and myocardial fibrosis leading to cardiac function damage.

And when the iron load in the human body is too much, its treatment principle is bloodletting, but patients with anemia cannot use this trick.

Therefore, a "deferiprone" for the treatment of iron overload was produced. The chemical name of "deferiprone" is: 3-hydroxy-1-dimethyl-2-(4H)-pyridone .

Its iron removal effect is good, but the side effects are also severe.

First of all, this drug is contraindicated for pregnant women and must be prescribed by a doctor.

Second, long-term use of this drug can cause atrophy of the thymus gland and testicles.

After testing, the conversion efficiency of the catalyst formula to chiral ketone is good.

Even if the effectiveness of the product cannot be increased, but the side effects of this medicine can be reduced, then catalysis is useful.

Shen Guanglin decided to use it as a breakthrough.

Takeda Pharmaceutical is the largest pharmaceutical company in Fuso. At this critical moment when it is officially ambitious and ready to challenge the world, any improvement will be their opponents in the same industry.

In the past few days, Fusang's economy has also been booming, and they have replaced German as the largest creditor of Citigroup.

Under such a background, if Shen Guang can come up with drugs that improve production efficiency or reduce side effects, they will be happy to accept it.

The journey along the way was not too sleepy, mainly because the surrounding area was too noisy and the smell of smoke was too strong.

A group of people were making a lot of noise, drinking and playing cards, making a lot of noise, never considering other people's feelings.

Halfway through the walk, Shen Guanglin still upgraded to business class.

A training teacher surnamed Zhang in Northeast China once said that when he first started working, he was on a business trip and wondered who would live in a five-star hotel, and who would live in a five-star hotel? Isn’t that stupid?

It wasn't until he actually lived in a five-star hotel that he realized that a five-star hotel is really fragrant.

After a not too long journey, the plane finally landed at Haneda International Airport.

This is the left bank of the Tama River estuary, 17 kilometers away from the city.

There are many Chinese people who come to Fusang together, most of them are various groups in China, and they come to foreign countries together with various purposes.

The pick-up staff of Takeda put up a big sign at the exit, which read: Takeda Pharmaceuticals, and a small sign: Welcome to the guidance of Professor Shen Guanglin.

While others were still busy checking and discussing the itinerary, Shen Guanglin and the others had already arranged everything in advance, and the treatment was really different.

Checking around, when the four of them went to the place where the pick-up personnel stood, a large group of people from another team also rushed towards the signboard, and immediately dispersed their unscrupulous team.

Not to mention Lilac, even Shen Guanglin was staggered.

What are you doing!

Originally, the other party's team leader wanted to turn around and apologize, after all, he was in a foreign country.

But at first glance, it was the Chinese people who were impacted, so forget it, just pretend not to see it.

After all, in a hurry.

Why are you so rude!

Both Zhang Peng and Dou Wei said forget it, Ding Xiang didn't dare to mind, only Shen Guanglin was very upset.

But I still decided not to care about it, because if I care too much, I am ashamed like them, and I have thrown them abroad.

When Shen Guanglin walked to the signboard of Takeda, it was full of people.

The staff on the other side were a few pretty girls, but they didn't respond eagerly to the question, instead they looked around anxiously.

"こんにちは (Hello) 私たちはどうやって Takeda Zhi薬に行きますか (How should we go to Takeda Pharmaceutical)"

The translator of the Huaxia team has been asking questions in Fusang, but the other party bowed first, and then replied in Chinese: "Sorry, we are here to pick up Professor Shen Guanglin."

"Since you are from Takeda Pharmaceutical, why can't you take us there first? We came here to discuss business cooperation." It turns out that these girls can speak Chinese, and it was a waste of time to find an interpreter just now.

The other party's response was still flat and unhurried. She bowed again and said, "I'm sorry, this is not the section I'm in charge of. We're here to pick up Professor Shen Guanglin. I'm sorry."

"Why are you so rigid? It doesn't matter if you pick up someone and send us there first. You little girl, you should be more flexible."

The little girl still bowed, and then said, "I'm sorry, we are here to pick you up."

Shen Guanglin laughed when he saw it. The pick-up person was also really funny. He bowed every time he spoke. He was obviously very impatient, but he didn't show it.

"Hello, beautiful teacher, I am Shen Guanglin you are going to pick up."

"こんにちは, hello Shen Sang, I am the receptionist of Takeda Pharmaceuticals. I am very glad to receive you, but I am not a teacher." The little girl finally received someone, very happy, and bowed deeply again.

"No, in my eyes, you Fusang girls are all teachers, and they are the first teachers." Shen Guanglin smiled meaningfully.

"Really, thank you. Please get in the car. The company has prepared a reception dinner." The little girl smiled and showed her eight teeth. Sure enough, their aesthetic standards are canine teeth and bow legs.

Shen Guanglin was also polite, and led the four of them to put their luggage on the car, and then got on the Alpha they brought.

People from another team quit, "What should we do? We also went to Takeda Pharmaceutical."

"I'm sorry, we are here to pick up Professor Shen." The girl was still so polite and bowed there.

"Young man, your surname is Shen? Professor Shen, right? Say hello to them. We also went to Takeda Pharmaceutical, but no one received us."

(End of this chapter)

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