Start with a college teacher

Chapter 175 Press Conference

Chapter 175 Press Conference

It is not Shen Guanglin's job to do legal education.

He is not Zhang San, an outlaw lunatic, and he doesn't know much about the law.

However, Shen Guanglin already knew the crux of the matter, Lao Qin's idea would definitely not work, it was going to other people's doorsteps to bully others abruptly.

Moreover, the other party is still a big man stronger than you, it is extraordinarily kind that he didn't drive out these people from Jinyao No. [-] Factory.

This kind of style is a bit like the long-standing Water Margin story.

Pan was originally Da Lang's wife, and this was earned by Da Lang working for the landlord for ten years, cooking cakes one by one.

In the end, by accident, the daughter-in-law was taken by Simon and used.

As soon as he used it, he found that it was quite easy to use, and he even thought about using it for others, and earning some extra money by the way.

Da Lang knew it, but he didn't say anything at first.

But the benefactors have said that Da Lang can't agree, we don't papa.
Ximen can only come to the door to negotiate.

Da Lang compromised, saying that it’s okay to give it to others if he wants to, but he has to pay for it. After all, Pan is still in my marriage.

Ximen also agreed to give the money, and his idea was that the two of them could split the bill for the work that Pan took on outside.

Who ever thought, but Da Lang disagreed: You, Ximen, can't play for nothing, you have to give money.

Ximen refused to do it: I didn’t give any money when I came to play before, why do I have to give it now?

It doesn't matter, anyway, the daughter-in-law is always Da Lang's, he has the ownership, and your actions before are infringements.

Therefore, it is reasonable that the negotiations have reached an impasse.

Shen Guanglin went to Wutian Company to find out the real situation. Lao Qin was right, and it was indeed what he described.

However, the current situation is that Jincheng's domestic investment has been completed, the new factory has been built, workers have been recruited, and the quality has indeed improved, but the cost has increased dramatically.

Now it's a bit of a mess, this product can only be used for export, because the production cost has exceeded the domestic ex-factory price.

According to the thinking of the managers, the domestic people do not need such high-quality medicines, what they need is cheap.

However, if you want to produce this drug for export, Takeda will not agree to authorize it.

The negotiator of Takeda also said that the management of pharmaceuticals and patents in your Huaxia market is particularly irregular, and there is no way to be infringed.

"It's not just the No. [-] Tianjin Pharmaceutical Factory, but also some other pharmaceutical companies. They also "stolen" the fruits of our labor."

Oops, a little embarrassing.

Authorization can't go on.

Shen Guanglin put forward a new idea: how about we set up a joint pharmaceutical company.

Takeda Pharmaceuticals included the patent of Dakopron, and Shen Guanglin also included the patent of ketones. The No. [-] Tianjin Pharmaceutical Factory sent people out of the field, and they jointly established an export-oriented pharmaceutical company.

As for how to distribute the profits?This can be discussed.

Takeda Company agreed, they were not afraid of anything else, but they were afraid that Shen Guanglin would have a brain twitch and insisted on disclosing the formula of the catalyst for manual catalysis.

If such a good product is made public, the loss will be great.

It should be known that this catalyst catalyzes not only deferiprone, but other ketones are equally effective.

To be specific about which substance it can act on, it takes money and time to try it out slowly.

At this stage of the conditions, the Third Tianjin Pharmaceutical Factory disagreed. You didn't take anything from the factory we worked so hard to build, but you came here to share the benefits.

It's too dark!

People in Fusang are so bad, but you, a Chinese, or a university teacher, are also so bad?

What else is there to say.

Shen Guanglin also said that there was nothing he could do, how could he have more time to care about his aunt, he had other things to be busy with.

Makoto Kobayashi finally came to DJ from Kyoto, and the other party also said that the article on the standard model has almost been written, and this is a draft.

Shen Guanglin read it, and it was well written, but there is still room for revision.

For a thesis brush, this is a professional instinct. The basic framework is out, and it is very easy to modify it.

Shen Guanglin asked Xiao Lincheng to read the batch of papers he had prepared recently.

Incredible!It was simply astonishing.

Xiaolin wanted to know what was going on in Shen Sang's head, why didn't everyone realize such a great physical discovery before.

This field is too broad, and I have to join in!
Shen Guanglin also talked about the predicament he was facing. He failed to submit a manuscript. This phenomenon is very abnormal, so he couldn't wait and decided to publish it in advance.

Xiao Lincheng really expressed his support. If he and Shen Guanglin were not friends, if he had the ability to bet or block this matter, he would do so, even if it was a share of the pie.

Probably, everyone did not expect Shen Guanglin to react so quickly.

Xiao Lincheng wanted to represent Kyoto University to strengthen inter-university cooperation, but Shen Guanglin did not have the authority to agree, and now is not the time to be busy with this.

All of this has to wait until Shen Guanglin is free, because he is going to hold a press conference soon.

The theme of this press conference is: Nano New Era.

The time was set for May 1981, 5, International Labor Day.

The organizer, Shen Guanglin, thought about it and decided to let the Huaxia Office in Fusang do it, and Shen Guanglin himself fully sponsored it.

Finding something for them is also to ease the relationship between the two parties.

Originally, Takeda wanted to pay, but Shen Guanglin disagreed.

It's enough for them to come forward to shake people. Don't be cold-hearted. The people invited this time must be highly respected professionals.

The location of the press conference is very grand, it is one of the largest and most luxurious hotels for DJ, the Ritz-Carlton Hotel.

This time, the director didn't bother with Shen Guanglin anymore, and he didn't continue to be angry.

After all, now is also the time to make political achievements.

This was the biggest scene he had organized since he took office, and it felt extravagant just thinking about it.

There is money to support the scene. There are quite a few overseas Chinese in Fusang, but many of them are recruited by the government, so they have a normal relationship with the domestic office.

Even many groups are closer to Wanwan.

For a long time, the DJ office has always wanted to hold a grand publicity event, but it has been delayed repeatedly due to limited funds.

This time the opportunity finally came, Shen Guanglin said that there is no upper limit, anyway, the laboratory will pay for it.

If you have money and don’t spend it, it’s useless if it’s broken.

The invitation letter was like water flowing out, there should be many guests coming.

International student groups from China are just one aspect. Many universities in Fusang have also received joint invitation letters from Kyoto University and Takeda Pharmaceutical.

The content of the letter is very simple, that is, Shen from Huaxia is going to give a speech here, and he wants to announce the arrival of a new era.

(End of this chapter)

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