Start with a college teacher

Chapter 183 Wind Direction

Chapter 183 Wind Direction
The handjob landed in the capital.

Nothing happened on the way, except that the stewardess was a little courteous, who let him sit in the first class again.

Of course, he is also good-looking.

This made Shen Guanglin wonder if she likes me.

After all, he is the leading actor, so if he looks like Huang Bo, he won't be able to do it, and readers will also lack a sense of substitution.

Man, that's how confident he is.

Just like Yang Li said, you can never guess what is going on in a man's little head.

This time, there were acquaintances who took the flight together, that is, Lao Qin and the others, but Shen Guanglin didn't know them very well.

The people in Jin Yao No. 4000 Factory all sat in the economy class. They looked at the [-] yuan wasted by Shen Guanglin and felt it was a pity. If it was donated to those in need, how many great things could be done?

And the economy class is also very comfortable. When I sat on the 154, I couldn't stretch my feet.

Still sitting on Figure 154?Have you ever sat on a Trident earlier?

Of course, Eagle's domestically produced "Trident" 2E has fallen, but it is a special plane after all, and the space must be large enough.

However, saving money has never been Shen Guanglin's style, and it is not Shen Guanglin's business to do any big things. The money was cheated by him by expending his physical strength and energy, and he spent it smoothly.

However, during this period of time, Shen Guanglin felt that he was high-profile enough, and he should go back to recuperate in a low-key manner.

It is really hard to say how this wave of technology will be developed by him.

Hello Beijing!

Long time no see, missed you.

The younger sisters are all thinner, and they are thinner than Huang Hua, so they are ecstasy.

Shen Guanglin could swear to God that even though he had been away for a long time, he was still a teenager when he came back.

Shen Guanglin's absence from class this time is not short.

In order to make up for the loss of the teachers who helped him substitute for the class, Shen Guanglin brought back a lot of things they longed for and expected from Fusang.

Besides, the important thing is not the gift, but the friendship between colleagues.

During this trip to Fusang, Shen Guanglin also discovered another phenomenon. Many international students went there at their own expense, especially those who were DJs.

Although they don't spend money like water, they also have no worries about food and clothing.

Where does the money come from?

Although Shen Guanglin treats money like dung, he took out 10,000+ US dollars in one breath to improve everyone's study environment in Kyoto.

But for the domestic people, everyone's life is still poor, and it is still worth two cents for every penny.

Of course, living in a city like Beijing, the problem of food and clothing can still be solved. Even if it is not all white flour, mixed with some corn flour, it can barely be swallowed.

What everyone lacks the most is oil and water.

The reason why Goubuli's steamed stuffed buns are so popular is because of their thin skin and filling.

In a few decades, why doesn't everyone like to eat it?
Too greasy!It was hard to swallow, and hiccups and nausea, just like some actors.

Now, everyone's diet is not only short of meat, oil, but also vegetables.

It's summer now, so it's a bit better, at least you can buy different fresh vegetables, such as cucumbers, beans, and eggplants are not uncommon.

If it is in winter, there are really only cabbage, radish and potatoes.

In addition to these, the things that can go with the meal are probably old mustard heads, that is, old pickles.

Many people start making soy beans in autumn, that is, steaming soybeans and flour, drying them in the sun, then moldy and fermenting, and finally making bean paste, adding winter melon is winter melon sauce, adding watermelon is watermelon sauce.

Rich people are more powerful. They pickle peppers, garlic, and cucumbers with sugar and salt. In winter, they become delicious spicy cucumbers, which are crystal clear, crispy and delicious.

As for the vegetables in the greenhouse, only rich households like Shen Guanglin and some special families can enjoy them.

Although life is getting better day by day, this is still an era of material shortage.

Shen Guanglin's trip to Fusang was not without fruit. Many companies gave him gifts, and he never refused them. In the end, all the items sent to the capital were half a container small.

All kinds of gifts are simply dazzling.

Part of the reason why Zhang Peng and the others came back early was to escort the supplies.

What is the use of these, most of them are microwave ovens, rice cookers and the like, one is enough for one use, and it is useless if there are too many, so it is better to give it to colleagues.

Shen Guanglin came to the door with various gifts, and was naturally warmly welcomed by the teachers.

Everyone is very kind to this young teacher. After all, it is rare to be so good at being so young.

"Mr. Shen, a group of people are suing you. You should be careful recently. They say that you sold the country's strategic materials to Fusang people, so they donate to you."

A female teacher who was not familiar with Shen Guanglin told him something incomprehensible.

Her wife is from the Academy of Sciences, and she heard a little rumor.

"How is it possible! What have I done?"

Shen Guanglin felt completely baffled. He was only selling a few papers, so why did he sell strategic materials? What did he sell?
"I don't know much about the specifics. Be careful yourself. Someone is colluding, and they are going to gather to sue you."

After all, it wasn't that far away from that era. If Shen Guanglin wasn't really a good guy, she wouldn't have told him this.


Shen Guanglin felt that he was aboveboard. He had never spent a penny from anyone so far. He came here on alms by himself, so why did he become an enemy.

"You still ask why, how much fame you have gained in Fusang, have you seen any media reports in China?"

Yes, it really didn't report anything, not even doing what Su Can promised.

Could it be this uncle and grandpa playing tricks again?

Shen Guanglin has never experienced this era, and cannot imagine the beauty and darkness of this era. Only when he has personally experienced it can he understand it.

What happened?
Shen Guanglin called Su Can directly and asked Su Can, but the other party hesitated a bit.

It's not convenient to talk on the phone, let's talk in person.

"You have made a big fuss about this matter. It is said that some hearing will be held to discuss whether you are worth saving."

In a private room in Quanjude, "Uncle and Grandpa" talked about what he knew while drinking.

"What the hell, save it? Why do you need to save it? What did I do?"

Shen Guanglin felt even more baffled.

"How did I know that the old man had a bad impression of you at first, but someone said that you took the technology listed as a state secret to Fusang for disclosure, and privately gave it to some companies in Fusang."

"Who said that?"

Shen Guanglin has a little awareness, is it the matter of the insulation material last time?

There are quite a few people involved here, besides those from his own school, there should be people from Wudaokou and the Academy of Sciences.

"I'm not sure about this. I can only try to give you a chance to identify yourself, otherwise they may restrict your personal freedom."

It seems that this uncle is not so "bad" anymore.

After all, there is not much hatred between the two parties. It is a fact that her sister cannot have children. In fact, at this stage, Lao Li's family has basically "extinct".

Unless, Li Rong and sisters have their own child named Li, or her "cheap uncle" Zhang Peng has a child named Li.

Zhang Guanli came to wear it.

"How did this happen? What did I do? Could teaching be life-threatening?

"How is that possible? Von Braun designed the rocket, and no one from Citigroup killed him."

(End of this chapter)

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