Start with a college teacher

Chapter 189 Chapter 196

Chapter 189 Investigation of the [-]th
Golf is a good game.

Liu Luanxiong in this era is not yet developed, he is just that fan Liu, and his golf is not good.

Perhaps, his mind was not on playing.

However, as an old friend, Shen Guanglin brought a gift for Liu this time, which was a box of Cuban cigars - Cohiba.

Cohiba cigars are the most valuable. It was born in Havana in 1966 and is Che Guevara's favorite variety. Now it is only given as a gift from the government to presidents and diplomatic envoys of various countries. Liu has no chance to get it.

"I only heard about his name, but never met him. Shen Sheng has a heart, thank you." Da Liu carefully put away the cigar. This gift is precious, and it can be a good gift when friends get together in the future.

Stealing Guevara is a celebrity, and there is also a famous saying, which Shen Guanglin always remembers: "I don't know how to do business. I just steal things like this to maintain my life."

While playing golf, Shen Guanglin talked about business with Da Liu. This is also the purpose of his coming to Xiangjiang. He wants to open an electrical factory.

"Really?" Da Liu was originally Ye Jihuan's boss, so he also knew something about the business of Shen Guanglin and Su Youpeng. Now their factory has more than 3000 people, which is almost the same as his own fan factory. It's only been a year, which is great!

"Shen Sheng, tell me honestly, how much money have you made this year?"

Da Liu watched them get up. The initial equipment was sold to them by Da Liu. Now their garment factory is so big that it is unbelievable.

"Not much, not much, just completed a small goal, only [-] million."

In fact, it was Shen Guanglin who was bragging. They had done an inventory, and together with the proceeds from reselling the falsified goods, the total amount of cash they could use was only 8000 million. The big number was just to make it sound nice.

"Throw it away!" Da Liu was really shocked.

Although the business of Da Liu's fan factory is very good, and the classic fans they produce are also very popular in Citigroup, they really don't make as much money as Shen Guanglin.

"Why do you make so much money? Why can't I make any money when I open a garment factory?"

"You don't need to ask why, how much is your worker's salary a month?" Shen Guanglin asked back.

"It's about 1000 Hong Kong dollars. It doesn't matter if the income is too low. Others have to support their families." In this way, he is still a capitalist with a conscience.

"Then do you know how much my factory costs per person?"

"How many?"

"Less than 200."

"You have also made clothes. Use the simplest way to calculate. My raw materials are from the Western Regions. The quality is better than that of Asan, and the price is also favorable. The labor cost is only more than 100 yuan and less than 200 yuan a month. I have more than 3000 workers, how much do you think I should have a month?"

Da Liu was silent, "I shouldn't have sold the garment factory to you, I should have gone to mainland China to open a factory."

"It's too late to go now."

Da Liu is not a hasty person, he still has not made up his mind, after all, he does not own the factory alone, he also has a partner.

"Shen Sheng, what kind of electrical appliance factory do you want to build when you come here this time? Do you also want to produce fans?" Liu Luanxiong was still quite worried about him, because Shen Guanglin also has a background in studying abroad and is familiar with the culture of Citigroup. He is engaged in import and export business. The advantages are more obvious.

"No! I don't make fans, I want to make refrigerators and radio cassette players."

"That's good, but where are you going to sell it? Fusang, Citigroup?"

"Just sell to the mainland."

"Are you so optimistic about the mainland market?"

"Of course, there are 10 billion people now, which translates to 2-3 million families. How big is this market?"

"They have no purchasing power."

"Look at the problem from the perspective of development."

There is no need for two people to argue, it is not necessary, each has its own judgment.

"Then why did you come here?

"I would like to see if there is any second-hand equipment that can be bought, preferably the one with the equipment."

Shen Guanglin stated his purpose of coming here. After all, there are not many qualified managers in China in this era, and there has not been a trend of going overseas. Experienced managers really need to look at Hong Kong people or people from the Mainland fleeing Hong Kong.

"Don't make me think of Meigao. It was founded by Liang Sheng and I. We still want to go public."

"Okay, then I wish you a successful listing."

To be honest, Shen Guanglin really defeated Da Liu. His fan factory also has 3000 to [-] people, so it is not an exaggeration to have a few managers.

As Shen Guanglin ended the battle with a score of 2 under par, the topic of the two also came to an end.

Today's round of golf was basically played by Shen Guanglin, Liu Luanxiong just watched, his ability is not good enough, he needs to practice more, it is best to hold two balls every day, like a walnut.

"From now on, I will take two golf balls with me when I sleep, and I will beat you!"

Da Liu is still good enough friends, he still took Shen Guanglin to a banquet after wandering around Xiangjiang for a few days.

Shen Guanglin also wanted to take the opportunity to experience what the upper class in Xiangjiang was like.

They didn't go to other places, but went to the ship king's house, which was a birthday party prepared by the charter king for his little daughter.

The top residences in Xiangjiang are all on the top of the mountain. In the past, only foreigners could live here. Later, with the rise of rich Chinese, the world has changed.

The first rich Chinese to live here was Ho Tung, who was the first richest man in Xiangjiang.

Down from the top of the mountain are Deep Water Bay and Repulse Bay in the Southern District, followed by Happy Valley and Kowloon Tong.

Villa No. 79 in Deep Water Bay is the mansion of the plastic flower king Li's family, and No. 77 next door is the home of the charter king.

The current charter king is richer than the Li family, but unfortunately he died young.

Shen Guanglin had visited this kind of mansion a long time ago, so he didn't think it was expensive to have a swimming pool and a parking lot. On the contrary, Li Rong was shocked, and couldn't help muttering: "The rich wine and meat stink, and the road is frozen to death!"

"Don't talk nonsense, your family is a wealthy family."

Of course, there is also something that shocks Shen Guanglin, and that is the housing price.

It is unimaginable that a top mansion like this is not expensive at all.

Shen Guanglin suddenly realized that after the Sino-British negotiations started, the housing prices here would continue to fall. It is estimated that the Li family took advantage of this wave of market conditions to make a fortune.

Chartered Ship King has a wide range of contacts and many friends.

Fan Liu and his friends are ordinary guests, not worthy of the attention of Mr. Bao, who is over sixty years old.

Sure enough, after they came in, only a few people of similar status greeted him, but Li Rong received the attention of many people.

Today's young lady is wearing a dress. Although the style is slightly conservative, it suits her temperament very well. She is graceful and luxurious but has a firm face.

There is a saying: Ju Yi Qi, Yang Yi body.

Li Rong, who came from a high-ranking family, has really extraordinary temperament, especially Shen Guanglin is her pride and backing, and she has more self-confidence.

Confident girls look best.

"Liu Sheng, don't you want to introduce this lady? You have changed girls again." Someone who knew Da Liu started to strike up a conversation.

"Go away, this is my friend Shen Sheng's fiancée - Ms. Li, you guys have some virtue in your mouth." Da Liu is not a person with a big brain, but respects women more, and many people have deep feelings for him. misunderstanding.

"Haven't you consulted these two friends?"

"This is my good friend, Shen Guanglin Shensheng from the Mainland, and this beautiful lady is his fiancée."

Everyone originally wanted to meet, but now they are not interested, just a Yankee.

(End of this chapter)

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