Start with a college teacher

Chapter 191 Side Evidence

Chapter 191 Side Evidence
It was a bit of a loss to come here this time. I spent [-] to [-] on the clothes, and I came here with bright clothes, but no one recognized them.

There wasn't even a female star at the banquet, the most beautiful one was Li Rong, but no one came up to strike up a conversation and ask for friendship.

We are all civilized people, and heroes are not given a chance to save the beauty.

For the rich, beautiful skins can be owned at any time, and opportunities for extraordinary wisdom and appreciation by nobles are even more rare.

Therefore, they would not bring a beautiful female companion to such a party, for fear of giving a frivolous impression.

Big loss.

It doesn't matter if Li Chaoren didn't hold his hand, it seems that someone from the Huo family has also come, and Shen Guanglin doesn't know him either.

And Mr. Shao Yifu from TVB, if it wasn't for Liu's guidance, he wouldn't have recognized him.

These are the big guys who will be all-powerful in the future.

"Brother Liu, you've failed so badly. There are so many big bosses, and no one wants to greet you."

Shen Guanglin was full of wine and food, and began to make fun of Da Liu.

"Shen Sheng, who am I? I'm just an ordinary small business owner. They are all billionaires. We can't compare."

Da Liu is very clear about his own position. He is the owner of a small electrical appliance factory with limited ability and limited funds.

"Don't belittle yourself, you can do it too. In the future, you will be their guest."

"With your good words, let's encourage each other! I must make more money, I must stand out, let the ship king take a look at me. Shen Sheng, you have to work harder to make money. When you come to Xiangjiang next time, it is best to be all Xiangjiang All the people came out to meet you."

Every time Liu met these rich people, he really felt that he was a poor man.

"Hey, brother Liu, we are not the same people. You are a businessman and I am a scientist. I don't need to let the ship king look up to me. As long as I announce who I am, all major academic institutions around the world will invite me crazy .”

Shen Guanglin decided not to pretend, he is a great scientist, he has a showdown.

It doesn't feel good to be underestimated at all, it's too uncomfortable to hold back!
Da Liu asked cooperatively, "You? Great scientist?"


"who are you?"

"I'm Shen Guanglin."

"Look, you are Shen Guanglin, you have announced that you are Shen Guanglin, why hasn't anyone invited you.

Did you see that person? He is the one talking to the son-in-law of the ship king. His name is Li Guozhang. He is the board member of Xiangjiang University. "

Sensing that Shen Guanglin and Liu Luanxiong were talking about themselves, the school director and the son-in-law of the ship tycoon all glanced this way, and then turned their faces blankly to continue their topic.

"People don't want to be demolished, big brother, let's not say more, let's withdraw."

"What?" Da Liu didn't understand what it meant to be tough.

"It's okay, let's go."

If you want to pretend to be a wave, you need the right timing and atmosphere. It seems that Shen's popularity is not enough.

Therefore, when you travel, you really can’t visit in private.

If Shen Guanglin played the official sign, whether he was visiting Xiangjiang University or visiting other universities, the treatment would definitely be different from what it is now.

Come on, let's go back.

Shen Guanglin took Li Rong to bid farewell with Da Liu, thanked them for their hospitality, and being able to get to know the living ship king was barely worthwhile.

"Goodbye, Mr. Bao, and goodbye, Zheng Sheng." Da Liu took the initiative to say goodbye, acting like a junior.

Zheng Weijian was quite polite, "Goodbye! Mr. Shen has any achievements. Now the two places have frequent exchanges. If there are achievements, you can apply to Xiangjiang as a visiting scholar. This is Mr. Li Guozhang, the board member of Xiangjiang University. It would be more convenient to have his referral."

Li Guozhang is a middle-aged man with a Mediterranean style. He also said politely: "This is a colleague from Beijing University, isn't it? If your academic achievements are qualified, you can indeed apply for a visiting scholar in our school, and we have this part of the budget. Yes, you don’t need to pay for it from your school, but if it fills the gap in your country, don’t show it. Our Xiangjiang University is oriented to the world, and the structure is different.”

It seemed that they had really discussed Shen Guanglin, but neither of them cared because he was a young man after all.

Waiting and waiting, has the opportunity to stand up finally come?

Shen Guanglin cheered up and said: "Thank you, Mr. Zheng, we will contact again when we have the opportunity. However, I have no intention of applying to Xiangjiang University as a visiting scholar. I usually only cooperate with schools that are ranked top in the world. The best university in Xiangjiang is indeed Xiangjiang University. Universities. However, in my list of possible cooperation projects, Xiangjiang University is still a bit weaker.”

After holding this breath for a long time, I can finally let it out freely.

I still don't know who looks down on whom.

Shen Guanglin's words made all Xiangjiang people feel offended, even Da Liu was no exception. How dare you look down on our Xiangjiang University from the mainland?

Da Liu tugged at Shen Guanglin, telling him to stop talking.

It is the bounden duty of school directors to protect the reputation of their own school, and school director Li really started to fight back:

"Young man, don't be too ambitious. Your courage is really commendable. Capital University is indeed the best university in your mainland, but in terms of international rankings, there is still a gap between us and Xiangjiang University. I want to be our visiting scholar. , it's not that easy."

"Ranking doesn't mean anything. The most important thing in a university is people, and Capital University has concentrated the best talents in the country. Therefore, when others look at whether China has scientific research innovations or outstanding talents, they look at this school. Of course, Wudaokou Technical School It's also interesting, what else..."

Shen Guanglin was not taken seriously all night, and before he left, he finally had a chance to perform.

"Then how good your gentleman is, let us learn a lot."

Li Guozhang was already very upset. If it wasn't for the charter king's venue, he would definitely drive people away.

"After all, I debuted in a short period of time, and I can't say that I am very good. Now I am just a tenured professor at Fuso Kyoto University and the chief scientist of Takeda Pharmaceutical. Jianqiao University, Harvard University, and Stanford University have also sent me visiting invitations. I I don’t have time to deal with it yet. Not much to say, I’m leaving. Goodbye, Mr. Zheng. Goodbye, Mr. Li. My surname is Shen, and my name is Shen Guanglin. Mr. Li can inquire about me in the physics department. "

In the inconceivable expressions of Li Guozhang and Zheng Weijian, Shen Guanglin took Li Rongshi Shiran out.

Fortunately, there is a Mercedes-Benz 500, which is not too embarrassing.

In fact, Liu didn't know what Shen Guanglin was doing. He said he was a university teacher who went to sea, but Liu didn't take it seriously.

He thought he was just an ordinary person, but he didn't expect Shen Guanglin to have academic achievements, and he didn't look like a fake.

People are gone, but the lingering sound is still there.

Being shown by Shen Guanglin, both of them were a little unhappy, and this person was too rude.

"Zheng Sheng, who is that? It seems that he has accomplished so much without shame." Li Guozhang asked.

"I'm not very sure, but I heard it's Fan Liu's friend."

Fan Liu studied in Maple Leaf Country, Waterloo is basically considered a good school.

In this era of information occlusion, it is not easy to know the news of a person, but for the top wave of people, it is not too difficult.

They couldn't bear it for a moment.

Li Guozhang called the school and asked if he had heard of a person named Shen Guanglin who studied physics at Beijing University in the Mainland.

Too heard of it!
"Mr. Shen Guanglin is incredible. Now some people call him "the light of the Chinese". The nanotechnology he recently proposed may change the future of the world."

"He proposed Nami? Is he so powerful?"

Sure enough, Li Guozhang knew about nanometers. This concept has been very popular recently, but everyone didn't know that the instigator was Shen Guanglin.

"Far more than that, Shen is still young, it is said that he is less than 30 years old, but his ideas are wild and unconstrained, and any creativity is at the forefront of the times. In the field of physics, some people evaluate him as the greatest after Einstein scientists."

Not only Xiangjiang University, but also physics circles all over the world know about Shen Guanglin.

"Has he ever won an award?"

"Not yet, but sooner or later.

If the Nobel Prize did not award him, it would not be Mr. Shen who lost, it must be something wrong with the Nobel Prize. "

(End of this chapter)

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