Chapter 197
Shen Guanglin originally planned to take Li Rong and his friends to visit Xiangjiang Bay the next day, but unfortunately the plan did not change quickly.

It's not that Li Rong doesn't agree to go out for fun, she has other arrangements, this day is an auspicious day, and she has to "get into the fire".

"Entering the fire" is a traditional custom, suitable for both the north and the south.

Moreover, she is still discussing with Shen Guanglin whether to hold a moving ceremony, isn't it that life should be full of rituals?

It's okay, after all, it's a housewarming, so let's celebrate it in a small area.

It's better to move early, but you know, they are "living under the fence" now, and they have no choice but to drink away their worries.

It's just that Romanee-Conti's consumption rate is a bit fast, and the ship tycoon can't hold it anymore. His purchase speed can't keep up with Shen's consumption rate.

The charter king said that there is another ship king in Xiangjiang, do you want to pay a visit there too?

The living distance of the two ship kings is not far away, and it takes only 15 minutes to drive.

There is indeed a boat king in Xiangjiang, surnamed Dong, who is about the same age as the charter boat king, and his hometown is also from the same place, but his hometown is Zhoushan.

Zhoushan is a good place, with a natural fishing port and many islands. It was here that Chang Kaishen was the last to evacuate.

But the property of this Dong Chuanwang is much worse than that of the chartered boat king.

In addition to the ocean transportation business, the charter king also has many other industries, and he has no debts himself. Dong Chuanwang can't do it. Although his merchant ship has a large tonnage, he owes a lot of money. After his death, he left it to his sons. A mess.

After all, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. After all, the eldest son has been the chief executive for one term. It's a pity that he wanted to build some low-rent housing, and moved the cake of the big water hoses. They encouraged the civilians to be kicked out.

It's easy to talk about moving, because Shen Guanglin has almost no assets in the charter king's house, except for a few changes of clothes, and those in stock drinks are not willing to be packed away. If you really want to leave, you can leave at any time .

All the things in Shen Guanglin's new home were purchased temporarily, which satisfies Li Rong's shopping desire very well.

It's a good meal to buy, buy, buy, and everything will be ready soon.

It's the first time to light a fire in a new home, so it's good to invite friends over to have a good time.

Shen Guanglin didn't have many friends in Xiangjiang, and the only ones he could call were Zhang Guorong and Xu Jinjiang from the wireless artist class.

Of course, they can't come in vain. They have to bring gifts when they come, and they have to do some work. The land that was originally used for greening has been leveled and is ready to plant some pineapples.

Pineapple is pineapple in Wanwan, which is the same as the difference between cherries and cherries.

Shen Guanglin's new house was not bought on the top of Taiping Mountain, but a little lower in the middle of the mountain. The scenery is very good, overlooking Repulse Bay, and it is also one of the "borrowed scenery" places in the villa area on the top of the mountain.

"Borrowing scenery" is a commonly used means of composing scenery in classical garden architecture.

It means to organize the better scenery of the outside world into the sight of your own garden within the range of your eyesight.

Borrowing scenes are divided into: near borrowing, far borrowing, neighboring borrowing, mutual borrowing, upward borrowing, downward borrowing, and timely borrowing.

However, for Shen Guanglin, that is called "not borrowing".

Originally, Shen Guanglin's villa was surrounded by yellow locust trees. This combination of shrubs and trees is very beautiful, lush and luxuriant.

However, the word "Huai" contains "ghost" after all, which is unlucky.

Someone from Shen gave an order to cut them all down and replace them with tropical fruit trees like lychee, mango, papaya, and passion fruit.

The durian was not planted anymore, not because its shell was so hard that it would not rot even on knees, but because it smelled bad. This is a kind of biochemical weapon, and the smell is much stronger than that of yellow locust tree.

Shen Guanglin can't stand food with a special taste, and he doesn't like anything that tastes too strong.

Therefore, besides durian, there are also things like stinky tofu and stinky mandarin fish that he doesn't like too much.

But when it comes to the smelliest, it must be snail noodles.

Because sour bamboo shoots are added to the snail noodles, there is a strong smell of amino acids released after the decomposition of amino acids in this kind of sour bamboo shoots.

Of course, many people have said that these things just smell bad, they don't taste bad.

That's for sure, because our tongues can't perceive bad smells.

The taste buds on the tongue can distinguish only five flavors: "sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and fresh".

Smell is the sense of smell, and spicy is the sense of pain, which can only be manifested in other ways, that's all.

This new house was decorated by Li Rong according to her own opinion. The style brings together the most popular Hong Kong Island style in the 80s. From the perspective of the 21st century, the low one is a bit cute.

However, this is after all someone's hard work, so just be honest.

The guests came one after another, most of them with their female companions.

Da Liu brought his wife Bao Yongqin. They are a model couple in this era. They are not only soul mates, but also business partners.

The elder brother Zhang Guorong is naturally taking the beauty off. She is very interested in Teacher Shen now, and always feels that he is hiding something deep and needs to be dug out.

As for Teacher Shen already has a partner, it doesn't matter, what to be afraid of, love is not afraid of gossip.

Liu Furong brought Qi Meizhen, his classmate from the wireless artist class.Although this classmate later married Miao Qiaowei, she is only 19 years old now, a young girl in her youth.

Even Xu Jinjiang, who has thick eyebrows and big eyes, brought an unknown student named Xue Caixia, and Xiao Xu, who has no beard, really can't partner with the king of heaven.

Only Ye Jihuan had nothing to bring with him. He appeared here as a friend of the owner, because he commanded two small trucks to help transport furniture and various supplies.

Shen Guanglin escorted the carriage to move things to the ship king's house, chatting along the way.

Xiaoye talked a lot this time, and he seemed to be asking Mr. Shen for confirmation: "This is the house of the owner of Hutchison Whampoa Li Jiacheng, right? Then this is the mansion of the charter king?"

Go in and pack your things and go home.

Shen Guanglin thanked the ship king for his hospitality. This time, he really did not find Romanee-Conti. However, Mr. Shen said that although he has a few bottles of 80-year-old Lafite, he can still entertain friends.

On the way back, Xiaoye walked and looked all the way, and he took out a map to compare: "Well, this is the Guo family's house, it's rich enough, I've already asked, Guo Desheng has three sons, they are called Guo Bing Xiang, Guo Binglian, Guo Bingjiang, the one who caught my brother is Guo Bingxiang"

The more Shen Guanglin listened, the more he felt something was wrong. Ye Jihuan had other plans.

"Xiaoye, you may not like to hear what I say, but I still hope that you can be a legal citizen and try not to overstep too much, otherwise it will be hard to end well."

Ye Jihuan really didn't like to hear it, but he also knew that Shen Guanglin had no malicious intentions: "Thank you, Mr. Shen, I understand."

Xiaoye was silent for a while, and then took the initiative to find a topic:

"Mr. Shen, I'm different from you gentlemen who have received a good education. I just died. My family has been poor since I was a child. I dropped out of school in the third grade. Later, I followed the same village to this place to work. The locals also look down on me. Me, call me Big Circle Boy, I don’t want to go on like this.”

Come on, everyone has his own aspirations.

It's just that some moles grow on the chin, and some grow on the lacrimal gland.

This time, Zhang Guorong and Meirenguan didn't have a Bentley to take when they were guests at Shen's house. They had to take a taxi by themselves. Teacher Shen also made it very clear that the borrowed car had already been returned.

Is that Bentley really not his car?

She pushed her appointment with Peter Wen and made a special trip here. Who made Peter Wen just a model and not a rich man?

However, actors in this era are also not allowed to have a public love life. She just joined this circle, so it is not suitable for a public relationship.

If she hadn't heard that Teacher Shen lived in Repulse Bay, she would definitely not have come here.

But since she decided to come over, she deliberately dressed up, not only wearing a tight-fitting dress with hips, but also wearing white sneakers and a cool ponytail.

Many rich people like this one, and the pure and energetic girl is extremely lethal.

Even the older brother, who was not a womanizer, was a little moved.

Shen Guanglin's home has arrived.

It turns out that this is the life of the rich!

The house is huge, with a swimming pool, garden, everything.

Moreover, the golf driving range and the racecourse are also complete.

Standing on the balcony on the roof, you can see the sparkling bay, and you can even see pedestrians walking on the beach.

Meirenguan was shocked, what kind of hostess deserves such a house?Could it be the mainland girl who grows pineapples at the door?

Walking from room to room, this is the house of her dreams, but what she didn't know was that it was renovated by the mainland girl who was digging and watering.

When she visited the other side of the balcony, Xu Jinjiang and Shen Guanglin were installing and adjusting the telescope on the balcony.

Because Shen Guanglin is a physics teacher, he is naturally interested in astronomy, so he specially set up a 75x telescope on the balcony, and it is super wide-angle.

People, you still need to have some personal hobbies. It must be good to watch the stars at night.

"Couldn't it be enough to just go straight to it? What's the matter with Fei!" Xu Jinjiang spoke Northeast dialect and said Qingcheng flavor when he didn't speak Cantonese.

With the help of friends, the pineapples were soon exhausted.

Once everything is tidied up, it's ready to eat.

Today is a picnic, right by the pool.

The meal was still very rich. Shen Guanglin paid homage to the beef that had not been played for a long time. It was paired with 80-year-old Lafite, and it really tasted like Sprite.

Li Rong's craftsmanship is indeed well-known, and even Meirenguan has to admit that this woman has other advantages besides being good-looking.

After drinking and eating, the guests bid farewell one after another.

Shen Guanglin took Ye Jihuan to another family as guests. They were going to visit the Guo family and see if they could spare those innocent passers-by.

(End of this chapter)

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