Start with a college teacher

Chapter 210 Receiver

Chapter 210 Receiver

After the game was over, Shen Guanglin took Li Rong to the locker room. He wanted to meet the managers of Huaxia Football.

In this era, they are still a bunch of idiots, and they have not yet become a pig association, nor have they been beaten.

It will only turn bad when they have been shamelessly educated in West Asia, but it is a pity that the hard power of their own national team is no longer good at that time.

The title of a university professor is still useful, especially if it is a professor at Capital University.

Shen Guanglin successfully met many people including the team leader and head coach. Although everyone was busy celebrating, they still received this unexpected guest.

Shen Guanglin didn't drag his feet, and he said it very directly. Apart from congratulating the national team for its victory, he also wanted to sponsor the national team to participate in the remaining games.

Not for fame, not for profit, just to help the national team enter the World Cup.

The head coach of this national team is Su Yongshun, a middle-aged man in his forties who was also a member of the national football team in the 50s.

Shen Guanglin didn't know him, nor had he heard of this football star, because he immigrated to Maple Leaf Butcher Country after he stepped down as the head coach.

All this did not prevent Coach Su from being alone at this time, he never thought that he would immigrate.

"Is Capital University going to sponsor the national football team?"

People don't really believe it. After all, it is impossible for an academic and educational institution to spend money to support such "absurd" things as playing football.

"It's not that the school wants to sponsor, but I personally, or on behalf of the company, provide sponsorship to our football team."

In this era, there is no Jianlibao, and there is no fake gold pot incident. Shen Guanglin proposed sponsorship. This method itself is very novel.

There is no need to give money, and the matter was quickly negotiated.

Shen Guanglin sponsored 30 Hong Kong dollars on behalf of the garment factory. There was only one requirement, that is, the national team had to embroider the logo of "Shencheng XX clothing" on the team uniform.

Of course, Shen Guanglin also has an unfeeling request, he will be an advisor to the national team.

Not in vain, really give money.

The national team wins a game, with a bonus of 1 yuan.

In this era, even for football players, their salary is only more than 100 a month.

There is really a bonus of 20 yuan, more than [-] people will share it, and everyone can share hundreds of dollars.

Without material incentives, sometimes it is impossible to perform at a high level and achieve excellent results.

This money is regarded as an additional sponsorship in addition to 30 Hong Kong dollars, and the purpose is to help everyone better prepare for the game.

Things are over here, and the national team has also begun to prepare for the next game.

Shen Guanglin, who returned to school, really became a character. Even in the mathematics department, everyone began to build a small group around him.

Don't ask where the hero came from.

Everyone knows that he probably majored in physics, but it is not known whether he is in the department of physics, geography, or astrophysics. Shen Guanglin doesn't like to talk about it. Anyway, they are all from the same school, so just play together.

In this era, there are many departments in Capital University, and there is one department for every two or three majors.

But this is not important, the most important thing is to be happy.

Since watching the national team game, it has opened up everyone's collective sense of honor. Shen Guanglin has also found a new way to keep fit, which is to play football together.

Playing football can still bring joy.

Shen Guanglin was happy, and Li Rong was also happy.

It's really different. Shen Guanglin's physical fitness has improved a lot, his abdominal muscles have also appeared, and his endurance has improved a lot.

If you really want to learn from the national football team, you can keep it unambiguous for 90 minutes.

Everyone learns from novices, no one really knows how to play football, relying on their youth and good physical strength.

Only Shen Guanglin can do a few standard moves, such as dribbling, such as the outer instep and the inner instep.

However, what everyone lacks most is enthusiasm. As long as they can eat enough, they feel that they can run endlessly.

It’s easy to say that you want to eat enough. Prices are very low in this era. Yanjing Beer, which was established only last year, began to sell beer to the outside world. A pot of beer only costs 1 cents.

That's right, not all beer is sold by the bottle. After all, bottles are more expensive. Some stores sell them in plastic jugs filled with soy sauce, which can be reused repeatedly, which is much cheaper.

In order to improve everyone's food, Shen Guanglin would bring back some sauced beef from home from time to time, and add a few pieces of delicious beef to the meal, which will have energy and memories.

After becoming famous, many people still recalled the good time in Beijing University. What everyone was looking forward to was the beef taste brought by Mr. Shen.

Shen Guanglin switched back and forth between teacher and student like this, very happy.

It's a pity that the venue of the Jingcheng University Stadium is still not very good.

The football field only has an iron pipe frame and no net, not to mention, and the ground is still ordinary slag ground. If you fall, you will be injured all over your body. That kind of cinder can rub off a layer of skin.

Want to grow a lawn?
If only someone could sponsor a football turf.

Shen Guanglin knocked this idea down on Lao Guo.

Guo Desheng's eldest son, Guo Bingxiang, has been released, and the money spent is not much, which is only 6 large numbers.

It's still Xiaoye who is very good, and achieved 6 small goals with ease. Shen Guanglin and the others worked so hard that they didn't earn a single amount.

However, Xiaoye is also a fastidious person. Without Shen Guanglin's knowledge, he actually took out a big sum and prepared to give it to Liu and Shen Guanglin.

Shen Guanglin really didn't dare to ask for it, he was afraid that something would happen to him. ,

However, Lao Guo was very grateful to him.

Even, to express his gratitude, Lao Guo took his son to the capital specifically to thank Shen Guanglin for saving his life.

Oh, it's hard to turn down the hospitality.

Then help us build a stadium. Everyone lacks space to play football and keep fit.

It wasn't like nothing else happened during this time.

For example, Shen Guanglin's Wubi input method has been promoted to the whole country.

Shen Guanglin declined the proposal to name it with his own name, it might as well be called "Beijing University Input Method".

Giving up the reputation to the collective has increased everyone's favor for him. Such a good teacher has a really noble character.

Of course, the input method is only a small-scale spread now.

After all, the computer age has not yet fully arrived, and most of the people who use the Wubi input method are some printing organizations or some word processors.

Many people are concerned about Mr. Shen's personal situation. He is 25 years old this year. He is really young, but he is not married yet.

Some warm-hearted leaders began to help Shen Guanglin introduce the object.

After all, there is a tradition of "catching a son-in-law under the list" in history.

No matter what era he was in, Shen Guanglin had never participated in blind dates. The main reason was that he was still young and never lacked girlfriends. How could he use blind dates to solve the problem of being single.

Of course, when it comes to getting married, it is really possible that the blind date will determine the belonging.

Now, a leader of the school is very enthusiastic about making connections, and he wants to introduce a partner to Teacher Shen.

Shen Guanglin originally wanted to refuse.

However, he couldn't convince himself of the pride in his heart, so he just took it as an experience of life, and it would be good to meet him, anyway, he wouldn't suffer.

If Li Rong dares to go on a blind date, break her legs.

After learning about the girl's information, Shen Guanglin was astonished.

I wipe, Bai Fumei.

The other party is the daughter of the leader of a certain department, a real-time leader, and seeing Mr. Shen as a young and handsome man with a bright future, he wanted to find everyone to match.

Among the children of high-ranking officials that Shen Guanglin had met, someone like Li Rong had already been favored by him.

However, although Mr. Li's rank is high, people don't want to see his grandson-in-law, and Lao Li's rank is just like that.

I have never experienced what the daughter of a real-time leader is like.

The main reason is that it is not easy to refuse, and it is also good to meet.

Shen Guanglin took the initiative to tell Li Rong about going on a blind date, and asked her what she thought, don't think about it, there really is nothing wrong.

Li Rong smiled without saying a word.

Shen Guanglin was just curious, and he promised that he would never betray the revolution.

The location is Lao Mo.

In fact, the taste here is average, but it has a strong style.

Li Rong, Auntie, and Uncle Zhang Peng were eating at the next table.

This staring is too rigid, and it is not easy to play.

As a last resort, Shen Guanglin changed his position, but it was still within sight.

The girl came here with the school leaders. She looks good, not to mention one in a hundred, she is quite beautiful.

The introducer briefly introduced the situation of both parties, and then retired.

The two of them were alone, and they had nothing to say.

"Comrade, your name is good. If you change "Ying" to "Ying", it will definitely have more texture."

The girl's surname is Chen, and her name is also very characteristic of the times. It is called "Chen Yuying".

After Shen Guanglin heard the name, he was no longer interested in learning more about it.

Fortunately, there are no more contemporary names like "Xiuying", "Guiying", "Xiulan", "Guilan" and "Magnolia".

The girl didn't hold back: "If the negotiation is over, let alone changing it to "Ying", it is also possible to change the surname to Shen, and it can be called "Shen Chen Yuying". Are you really a university professor already?"

This girl really dared to say it, but Shen Guanglin was already unable to answer the question: "It's just a stinking old nine. I don't know where Comrade Chen studied?"

"I didn't go to school anymore. I joined the army before graduating from university. I'm an art soldier in the song and dance troupe, and now I'm an announcer at the Beijing Radio Station."

Shen Guanglin was in awe: "Oh, what about the literary and art workers, they are amazing, and they are still a great anchor! What is the channel? 91?"

"Are you asking about FM?"

"Ah, no, that's all I feel."

The food was served, and the two of them chatted while eating. From time to time, he could see Li Rong and the other three looking at him.

This is a blind date in front of the daughter-in-law, testing back and forth on the verge of death.

It seems that going back today is not peaceful.

Suddenly, the girl said something that Shen Guanglin couldn't hold back: "I see, you look pretty good, and the conditions are good, let's get married."


Although Shen Guanglin was surprised, he didn't spit out the food in his mouth. He was stunned: "Let's not get to know each other? It's too soon."

"What do you know? Don't you already know? If you want to know something, I will tell you. My dad is the leader of the XX department, and my mother is the leader of the Department of Higher Education. She is in charge of your school. They will take care of you. Isn't it quicker to work?"

Shen Guanglin is not a casual person, although he was not a casual person before.

"That won't work. I'm not good enough for you. I think it's better for you to find someone with a good background. I'm just a fool who came from the countryside to the city."

The girl also defended him: "Don't, I think you are not bad, now you are a professor anyway, try to be a school leader, so that you are worthy of me. If you try harder to pursue me, you can't say that I am I promise you."

"Marriage is about feelings." Shen Guanglin originally came here for fun, but he didn't expect that before the meal was finished, he was already talking about marriage.

"Of course I know, but I can't wait."

Shen Guanglin's sensitivity is so high, he immediately stared at her belly.

It looks quite flat, not protruding when sitting, with a thin waist and a good figure.

"What are you looking at, I'm not pregnant."

"Then what are you so eager to do, let me be the pick-up man? I'm not the Hulk."

"Where is it? I can go abroad when I get married. Who is Hulk?"

(End of this chapter)

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