Start with a college teacher

Chapter 225 New History

Chapter 225 New History

Seeing that the national team won, Shen Guanglin was going crazy.

He ran wildly, celebrating, and it took him a long time to stop.

Whether it was the domestic audience or the members of the national team who had just finished the game, everyone had a moderate celebration, just like the routine of husband and wife at night.

In the eyes of most people, this is just a trivial matter. Is it difficult for men's football to break out of Asia?
Really difficult!
They are not Shen Guanglin, they don't know what will happen in the future, and they don't know the significance of the national football team entering the World Cup.

Because, if the impact of the World Cup fails this time, the national football team will be more difficult every time from now on.

In a few years, Asia's World Cup quota has increased, but the chances of the national football team have decreased.

Unlike this World Cup, which had two quotas, the last World Cup was held in Argentina. There was only one quota for the whole of Asia, and Iran represented Asia. The result was not beyond everyone's expectations.

After a long time, Shen Guanglin calmed down.

The National Football Team has finally entered the World Cup!
This is the credit of someone from him!
Although no outsiders know it, it is enough for him to know it himself. Who can understand this kind of joy?
However, the national team has entered the World Cup in this era, so there are advantages and disadvantages.

Maybe, the tone of the Football Association will become higher in the future, how can we scold him.

In the later generations that Shen Guanglin is familiar with, the Football Association has become the most enlightened government organization in China, not one of them.

Because, if you are personally upset, you can scold them a few words.

"Brother Guanglin, I don't think you particularly like playing football. Why are you so interested in football?"

Li Rong didn't understand Shen Guanglin's behavior. Wouldn't watching the women's volleyball match be more refreshing?
"My concern is not football, but destiny."

Even if she told Li Rong about this feeling, she didn't understand it.

The game has officially ended, and Shen Guanglin's expression has calmed down.

He took Li Rong out of the stands and joined the national team in celebrating.

No one could understand the excitement in his heart. Even the players of the national football team were not as happy as Shen Guanglin.

Because he changed history.

Those who can change history are all heroes!

Shen Guanglin congratulated everyone, especially Rong Zhixing.

Rong Zhixing is worthy of being the core of the national team, he scored the only goal of the game.

Shen Guanglin wanted to charge a rocket to reward him.

It's a pity that there is no live broadcast platform, and there is no old iron 666. The Northeast is still a thriving old industrial base, and there are no old irons everywhere.

Those who have meritorious service should indeed be rewarded. Without spending some money, Shen Guanglin always feels that something is missing.

In this era, domestic football has not yet achieved professionalization.

Even as stars, everyone has little money.

Although it is normal to go abroad to participate in competitions, they can't get much allowance for going abroad. All actions follow orders.

However, their treatment was different this time, because they met Shen Guanglin, a big dog who aimed to change his fate against the sky.

The national team won the game, and the way Mr. Shen thought of celebrating was very simple and unpretentious, so let's send money!
The 5 SGD paid by Nanyang Technological University has not been spent yet, and the 5 SGD from the National University of Singapore has been received yesterday.

The money is so easy to earn, you can just spend it, and you don't have to find a bank to deposit it.

Cross-border remittances are also very troublesome in this era. Many people go abroad and carry money with them.

Shen Guanglin decided to treat everyone to a big meal and give out some money, and it was gold.

How much can you spend together?

Now that you have decided to send money, you need to pay attention to the amount.

It’s not okay to post too much, but it’s okay to post some commemorative numbers. SGD 250 is a very suitable number.

The national football team plus the goalkeeper has a total of 26 players, which is just enough to make up two teams for daily training. Even with more than a dozen team leaders and staff, the total number does not exceed 40.

Shen Guanglin first took out [-] new coins and sent them out!

Everyone who received the money was really happy, and some even started planning what they could buy with the money.

Of course, you can buy a lot of things. This 250 SGD is stronger than the purchasing power of 1000 million RMB, which is enough for everyone to buy a big item for their home.

[-] SGD can gain the favor of so many people, and Shen feels that it is worth it.

What is important in this era is fairness. Even a very ordinary accompanying staff member can still get 250 yuan, which is completely equal to everyone.

It's not that Shen Guanglin doesn't want to spend more money, it's that he can't.

The reason is also very simple. At the stage when everyone has no money, spending too much money will have a bad effect, and there is no need to show off that you really have a lot of money.

The leader of the national team does not charge money. He originally wanted to save Teacher Shen some money.

"Xiao Shen, it's not easy for your unit to earn some money. It's really inappropriate for us state officials to stop taking money. Besides, where did your money come from? It can't be from the Beijing University laboratory. You can’t touch the money of Beijing University.”

What he said was indeed justified, and they couldn't watch Shen Guanglin make mistakes.

Moreover, as a leader, it is a mistake to collect money by yourself. They refuse to accept it, firmly refuse to accept it, and they just don’t accept it.

Helpless, Shen Guanglin went to the mall and bought a shopping card worth [-] Singapore dollars.

There is still a quota of 250 yuan per person, and the leaders get two copies, because they did not receive the 250 yuan in cash after all.

It turns out that this is the correct way to open a gift.

When celebrating in the evening, the staff of the embassy also got shopping cards.

Of course, the two countries have not yet established diplomatic relations. Since the 80s, the two countries have exchanged representatives and established commercial representative offices, which are actually later embassies.

The leaders didn't like to take money, but persuaded Shen Guanglin to take it easy, after all, making money is not easy.

It is indeed not easy for Shen Guanglin to make money. He also wants to make money while lying down, but he can't. He has to stand for two hours tomorrow.

"It's really not easy to make money. A lecture has to stand for two hours in a row, and you can't go to the toilet in the middle, and you have to be criticized by others when it's over."

Shen Guanglin did not dare to drink too much water during the lecture, but his mouth was dry, so it was indeed not easy.

Hearing these words, the leaders didn't understand where Shen Guanglin got the money. What Xiao Shen meant was that he earned it himself?

"Xiao Shen, where do you think the money you spent came from? Even the money from the Xiangjiang joint venture cannot be spent indiscriminately. What if someone troubles you?"

After all, Shen Guanglin talked about sponsorship on behalf of the clothing company, and they thought that the money was also embezzled from the clothing company's funds.

"Leader, you have misunderstood. This is not the unit's money. This is the money I earn from giving lectures. It's the same as a star's going out. It's an appearance fee."

In this era, celebrities are not too popular yet, but everyone understands it.

"Then how much is your appearance fee?"

Shen Guanglin drank a little too much, he stretched out a slap to signal to everyone.

"500 yuan! So much!"

A lecture costs 500 SGD, after that month, won’t it cost more than 1?
SGD cannot be directly exchanged with RMB, but the exchange rate between SGD and USD is almost 1:1, and the official exchange rate between USD and RMB is 1:1.5. As we all know, 5 RMB cannot buy products worth [-] USD.

Come on, Shen Guanglin really can't say that he costs 5 SGD for a lecture, otherwise he would seem too ostentatious.

There will be a lecture tomorrow, invite the leaders of the office to listen to it.

The evening celebration was very lively. Shen Guanglin invited everyone to drink champagne. If Li Rong hadn't followed, he would have invited everyone to Geylang.

After all, this is a new history, a new stage, no matter for the national football team or Shen Guanglin, it is the same.

(End of this chapter)

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