Start with a college teacher

Chapter 231 Overseas Chinese

Chapter 231 Overseas Chinese
I often see articles on the Internet advocating courtyard houses and old houses in Beijing.

Shen Guanglin has never felt that these old houses are good, they are nothing but expensive.

Even a house as big as Fuyuanmen has no toilet or heating.

There is a toilet now. When Shen Guanglin took over, it was redecorated, and a septic tank was dug by a special person. It is a closed structure and is not connected to the municipal sewage pipe.

But without heating, this is an unsolvable problem. Municipal central heating does not include this semi-urban-rural junction.

Besides, there is no large-scale implementation of central heating in the current capital, and all units provide for themselves.

Many families rely on burning briquettes for heating in winter, and Shen Guanglin's is no exception.

It didn't take long for Shen Guanglin to move away from Fuyuanmen, and he didn't know who came up with the idea to set up a kang in the room.

The fine mahogany bed was once again idle.

The masters of the kang are quite skilled, and there is no leakage of smoke at all. A handful of firewood can heat the kang.

However, cutting firewood has become a problem again. Either go to Yuanmingyuan to cut wood, or go to Xiyuan, or Xishan if it doesn’t work.

Ever since Shen Guanglin moved away from Fuyuanmen, it was actually the old lady and future mother-in-law who let themselves go, and they were the ones tossing around in this yard.

Lao Li is busy with work and is often away from home. In the future, his mother-in-law will move in with her "mother-in-law". The house here is more comfortable than living in the military compound.

The main reason is that the yard is too spacious.

Now, not only are vegetables grown with organic fertilizers, but livestock and poultry are also raised.

The so-called livestock is a little yellow dog, and the so-called poultry are three little yellow geese.

Goose is an ordinary domestic goose, the kind that will be very fierce when it grows up;
The dog is an ordinary Chinese pastoral yellow, and it is still about the size of a furry palm. It has just opened its eyes and has not been completely weaned.

The Chinese pastoral yellows are the cutest when they are young, and they are very fluffy and cute. Since they start to twitch, they will become uglier and uglier.

When the ugliness reaches a certain stage and the fat is enough, throw it into the pot and simmer, add garlic, star anise, cinnamon, ginger, fennel, pour some wine, roll it, and the stew will be delicious.

Of course, the current Ah Huang is still young, and he can't bear such heavy expectations from Mr. Shen.

Goose is also a kind of good poultry. It can not only guard the house, but also live a long life.If it is free from disease and disaster, and it is far away from the iron pot, it can live for many years, and it may even send the owner away.

The next day, Shen Guanglin didn't sleep in, but he didn't wake up early on purpose. He had work to do, and he was going to the school and the laboratory to give gifts. Of course, he was not in such a hurry.

When they went to Singapore this time, the most they brought back were all kinds of leather goods, all of which were genuine leather, mostly crocodile skin.

Crocodile breeding in Singapore is still very famous, and local leather products are famous all over the world. Shen Guanglin's wallet belts are now all made of crocodile skin.

Shen Guanglin even bought a small whip made of crocodile skin.

I don't know if it hurts to smoke someone.

Li Rong didn't sleep with Shen Guanglin last night. With his mother-in-law here, the two still knew how to avoid it.

When Shen Guanglin woke up, everyone was already busy.

Even the young Ah Huang was molesting those little goslings who were also young.

Everyone is young, and the little goose is a bit weaker than the brazen little yellow dog.

The little yellow dog is very fat and dirty. It may be that there are too many drills on the stove, and his body is full of dust.

But this guy is a familiar one. When Shen Guanglin came, he walked around his feet, and Teacher Shen didn't kick him. After all, he was still too young, and it wouldn't be enough for a meal in case of injury.

The three women were busy in the vegetable garden early in the morning. They pulled out the cucumber seedlings and were planting pumpkins. They were going to do grafting as Shen Guanglin said.

Grafting is a technical job, and Shen Guanglin doesn't know it.

But it doesn't matter, the old lady will, there are apple trees and peach trees in their hometown, and she has also learned the technique of grafting nectarines.

Of course, apple trees also need to be grafted, and the target of grafting is crabapple.

The old lady used to have small feet, but she let go later, but her toes are still deformed, but all this does not affect her work, and she is very agile.

Fortunately, there is still a place to work, otherwise it would be quite boring to be alone.

It was only later that Shen Guanglin learned that the relationship between the old lady and her own daughter-in-law was not good, and the aunt was not filial, but the two had conflicting tempers.

This "eldest daughter-in-law" is really a good person, just like a girl, but the two get along very well.

The Fuyuanmen is not boring now, there are a few hairy children of Zhang Peng's family here.

I heard that Shen Guanglin came back from abroad, and they came to visit early in the morning. It is said that there must be delicious food here.

There are indeed delicious ones, but they are not brought by Shen Guanglin.

However, Shen Guanglin spent a few cents to buy firecrackers for them, and that was all right.

Big Brother is so nice!They immediately felt that Shen Guanglin was closer than their eldest brother.

Firecrackers are a good thing, but I dare not set them off in one go. It is best to disassemble them one by one.

Whenever there is a hole, a firecracker is stuffed into it.

Sure enough, it didn't take long before there were loud cursing voices on the street because something bad happened in the public toilet.

I don't know which wicked boy actually took out the twists of the firecrackers, stuck them in the squatting hole and lit them.

Tragedy just happened.

When Shen Guanglin came to his senses, the boys were helping grandma with work, they were very well-behaved.

Still, that's life.

Shen Guanglin pretended not to hear the swearing outside, he just paid the money and didn't instigate it.

Continue to lie on the recliner and sip the white coffee brought from Singapore, very leisurely.

Li Rong was determined not to buy cat poop coffee, so he could only buy some white coffee to bring back.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door, and the boys were so frightened that they immediately hid in the basement.

Could it be someone else's bitter master came to the door?

Li Rong went to open the door.

No, it was a guest, a guest of the Housing Authority.

Shen Guanglin hasn't bought a house for a long time, why are there still clients from the Housing Authority?
The 4 apartment buildings he built have all been lost, and he has not yet decided whether to make a wave of sales at the school.

The comrades from the Housing Management Bureau asked him to buy a house.

An overseas Chinese came back. According to relevant policies, he wanted to vacate and return his ancestral house, but the old overseas Chinese had no plans to return to the capital to settle down, so he wanted to dispose of his ancestral house.

There are not many houses, only two courtyard houses.

Uncle Zhang Peng and his family did inquire about real estate information when they first came to the capital, and the address and contact person they left was indeed Shen Guanglin.

The old overseas Chinese settled overseas, and this time they came to visit relatives, and did not plan to live in the capital for a long time.

But since the country is willing to return the house, it would be a windfall. It would be even better if it could be traded for some money.

In fact, since this year, Shen Guanglin's mood to acquire a courtyard house has faded a lot.

After all, in this era, it is too easy to make money, so what if you have more property?

When the courtyard house is really worth money and can be realized, he will be old and useless.

In the end, these assets will also be cheaper for the little brats.

Children and grandchildren have their own blessings, so don't deprive them of the opportunity to fight hard.

But since the Housing Management Bureau is looking for a "big guy" to take over the job, although Shen Guanglin feels that his head is not big, it doesn't hurt to go and have a look.

Shen Guanglin went to see the house with the comrades from the housing management bureau, but Li Rong didn't go, she wasn't interested.

Naturally, there is pomp when going out, the crown is very cool, the comrades of the housing management bureau feel that they are coming, this is a rich man.

The location of the courtyard house is very good. It is just on Nanchizi Street. There are many rooms and they are very big.

However, there are too many people living in it, and 13 families are crowded in a courtyard.

Shen Guanglin met the family of the old overseas Chinese here, and the overseas Chinese were too "overseas Chinese". The old man spoke with a capital accent, and so did his wife. He didn't even need to ask to know that his ancestors must be from the capital.

The surname of the overseas Chinese was Guan, and Shen Guanglin called "Uncle Guan" according to the habit of the people in the capital.

There aren't many people with the surname Guan in the capital, so maybe their ancestors were from the banners. After all, they are not familiar with each other, so Shen Guanglin didn't ask.

Overseas Chinese have a well-behaved daughter who looks pretty good and has fair skin. If she doesn't swallow her voice, Shen Guanglin will believe that they are from Maple Leaf Country. The girl opened her mouth and said, "Jiangzi, let me tell you."

Shen Guanglin came to see the apartment, not the woman, so it's meaningless for you, Jiang Zi, to say it.

The little girl's eyes lit up when she saw a handsome guy like Mr. Shen, and she almost introduced herself to this house in her boudoir as a dowry.

In particular, seeing that Shen Guanglin came with a crown, he felt that this kid was really good.

Then go to the next suite.

The location of the other house is also very good. It is in Dongchang Hutong, but it also houses 9 families.

It seems that there is a real shortage of housing in the capital. There are actually 21 households living in the two courtyards, with a total of 102 people.

If this is moving, how much work will it be.

However, Shen Guanglin still bought a house for 1 yuan.

The price is really not expensive.

Now the price of RMB is inflated, and the other party wants foreign exchange.

Of course there is no problem. The foreign exchange that Shen Guanglin received in Singapore was not used up, and he forgot to exchange it.

(End of this chapter)

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