Chapter 26
Rich and noble do not return home, such as brocade clothing at night.

Shen Guanglin had to find someone to share the joy of buying a house immediately, but he was not looking for his younger sister Li Li, but his younger sister Li Rong.

After all, younger sister Li Li doesn't care about material conditions, although she doesn't eat less beef.The young lady is different. She is always complaining that Shen Guanglin's house is too small and not what she expected in life.

"Miss, I bought a yard in Shuimo Hutong?"

"Just buy it, tell me what to do."

Miss and sister is bending over to cook vegetables in the dormitory, and there is a white line on the back of the back. It seems that two "waist pockets" can still be seen. Oh, my mouth is dry again.

Spring is the season of contemplation, sin, sin.

"I said I bought a house, why aren't you happy for me?" Shen Guanglin was puzzled. Isn't the house always a major event related to the national economy and people's livelihood? How could she be indifferent.

"You buy a house and shut me up... What are you talking about, you bought a house! Where is it? You finally know that your kennel is too small." The little sister also realized it later, and then she realized that Shen Guanglin bought another one Commodity.

"No, Shen Guanglin, it costs a lot of money to buy a house, where did you get the money?" The little sister didn't look stupid, she knew that the organization gave Teacher Shen some money, but that money can't do so much.

Of course Shen Guanglin thought about this question.

So, he took out a stack of papers for other teachers to translate from his desk, "Did you see this? This is for a fee. After I revise the translation and deliver it to foreign publications, I can ask teachers to collect money for this stuff. "

"Manuscript fee?"

"Well, it can be said that it is."

Shen Guanglin can't explain what's going on. After all, the way to make money by eating and taking cards is not honorable. It would be best if the young lady can understand and make up her own mind.

"Oh, that's fine."

The little sister accepted this matter calmly. It seems that with the royalties, I can support the purchase of bicycles, TVs, refrigerators and houses. All of this is as it should be.

"No, Miss, why don't you ask again?" Shen Guanglin also prepared other remarks.

"What am I asking? How much did you get for the manuscript? I won't give you this opportunity to show off. To tell you the truth, my mother has a good friend named Liu Shaotang. He is a writer and earns a lot of money for writing manuscripts. I know this."

The Liu Shaotang Li Rong mentioned is indeed a well-known writer of the Lotus Lake School, known as the "son of the Grand Canal".

He once published 1960 articles before 4, and received a total of 18000 yuan for the manuscript fee.

After he became rich, he immediately spent 2500 yuan to buy a yard adjacent to Zhongnanhai, just like what he wrote in his novel: "Five houses, one kitchen, one toilet, one storage room, and five jujube trees. tree and five locust trees."

Later, he even chanted the slogan "strive for the 3 yuan manuscript fee".

Writers, most of them are not diligent in four aspects, and the grains are not divided, and there are still 2300 in savings in their hands.

This strange man, Shen Guanglin, really wants to get to know him, and I heard from the young lady that he is still the editorial board member of "Jingcheng Literature", and Brother Guanglin can also contribute to him.

Shen Guanglin did write a lot of manuscripts, but unfortunately they were all in English. Not only did they have no money to submit manuscripts, but some of them had to pay for their own publications.

I won't go into detail about this matter, it's good that Li Rong can understand by herself and not pursue it.

The house was vacated, but still needs repairs.

Shen Guanglin left Su Youpeng another 1000 yuan for repairs, which should be enough.

The total cost of buying six suites is less than 1 yuan. Oh, the house price is really cheap now.

However, money is very important now, and it must be held back. The US dollar in hand is less than [-].

Before moving, of course Miss Li Rong had to go there for a field trip, and she decided to have a room of her own.

As for why, who knows.

Oops, the urgency couldn't wait for a moment.

Although the school is not far from the new home, the bicycles still have to come in handy.

The spring sun is shining, the catkins are flying, and the laughter and laughter of a man and a woman on a bicycle is the whole spring.

The new house is coming soon.

"Is it so big?" The young lady expressed her surprise, which is much larger than the second-story building in her house.

"That's right, the more rooms you have, the better you can live in. I can have a bunch of children, each with a room." Shen Guanglin was still very satisfied with his first house.

"I'm afraid your daughter-in-law is not a sow." The young lady smiled.

"You can't say that about my sister."


Throwing the bicycle to Li Rong to support, Shen Guanglin stepped forward and opened the door:
"Ding ding ding dong, welcome!"

It's embarrassing, and following the opening of the door, there is a rotten stench, which is a different kind of hot stench.

The smell came from the yard, as if it had come to greet them.

What does it taste like?

Shen Guanglin took Li Rong into the yard. Looking around, the yard was completely different from before.

The two rockeries in the middle are still there, and the jujube and pomegranate trees are also preserved.

However, it turned out that the messy ground in the yard had been cleaned up and surrounded by stones.

It turned out that it was Huang Niu Ge Xiaosu and two other young men who were digging the ground. The whole yard was roughly divided into four or five plots of different sizes, each of which contained a dung heap.

The odor comes from here.

"What are you doing?"

"You are growing vegetables!"

Shen Guanglin and Li Rong exclaimed at the same time.

This is the difference between having a life experience and not having a life experience.

Although Shen Guanglin has a rural household registration, the family has a house and fields, and the scenery is endless, but he has never done farm work, he is completely a child who grew up in the city, and he can't even tell the difference between wheat seedlings and leeks.

Li Rong has an urban hukou since she was a child, and is also considered a "Jade Food".

But the old Li family also has a self-supporting part, because there is a vegetable field downstairs in her house.

Here, whether Lao Li or Aunt Song, whether Li Rong or Li Li, they all have to do some farm work.

Vegetables grown at home taste more delicious.

Therefore, Li Rong naturally felt an inexplicable intimacy when she saw Cai Yuanzi.

Su Youpeng, what's the situation?Not only can he be a scalper, he can also be a real estate agent, and now he can still grow vegetables?

Otherwise, you are the protagonist!
Look, the name is also awesome. According to the development trajectory of this name, it will be possible to form a group and become famous in 8 years.

Su Youpeng does have farming skills. After all, he has been in the countryside for so many years as an intellectual. If he could not learn farming again, he would have starved to death.

Whoever suffers from the hardships of the youth who go to the countryside knows who will suffer.

"Mr. Shen, sister-in-law, you are here."

Su Youpeng and the other two young men were in full swing. When they came in, they were digging soil with pickaxes.

"I said Xiao Su, just talk when you speak, don't give people random titles, if you really don't know what to call it, you can call me by my name, Rongrong, you can call her sister, after all, I also call her Miss Sister, other Don't shout about the title, because I still want it in the future."

"Shut up!" Li Rong did not stop Su Youpeng's words just now, but did not want Shen Guanglin to continue "nonsense".

"Mr. Shen, I'm already 28 this year. I don't think Sister Rongrong is over 20. It's inappropriate for me to call her sister like that."

"Okay, okay, you can call it whatever you like. But, what are you doing? I don't know the whole yard anymore."

Speaking of the new yard, Su Youpeng became interested:
"Brother Guanglin, have you seen it? Now I have cleaned up every room for you. The floor is covered with large blue bricks, which I pulled from the old city wall on the Xiyuan side; I also help you with the walls. The powder has been passed; the door has not been replaced, I see that the quality is ok, it has not been deformed for hundreds of years, and I have also replaced the glass for you, and it will be the same as new after repainting."

"I didn't say that, I said what are you doing now?" Shen Guanglin didn't like the original taste of this vegetable.

"Didn't you say you want to remove the big bluestone in the middle? I just thought about taking care of the yard together. It's a pity not to grow vegetables in such a big yard. Don't look at this work, it's quite grinding. Human, I worked all day yesterday, and I haven't finished it today..."

I'll go, this job is well done and subjective!
Originally, according to Shen Guanglin's plan, a few parking spaces were arranged in the yard, and then a garden fish pond was built. Now, it's a vegetable field.

"Where did this circle of stones come from? Why are they still carved and decorated so beautifully?" Shen Guanglin found that the enclosure of the vegetable garden was unusual.

"Most of them were originally in the yard, and some were picked up outside the door. The roadside to the fields is full of this kind of stones. I don't dare to ask for the ones with characters."

Shen Guanglin understood, this is probably a cultural relic again.

There are indeed many fields that are being planted in the Yuanmingyuan site now. When farmers are farming, they will pick out "rotten stones" and put them on the roadside. Most of the good stones are moved back to the local beam foundation.

"Where is the stone with the words, take me to see it."

"This, when I was cleaning the house, I found that there was one on the wall of a room, but it was not a tombstone, but there was a poem on it."

This is a novelty, go check it out.

Really a poem.

"Today is the eve of Qianlong, the Jiaqing year of the Ming Dynasty.

Rare in ancient and modern times, heaven and earth are graceful.

Parents dare to express their gratitude, and their hearts increase their piety.

The elderly near Cheng said that Yun Shi was fortunate to be able to do everything. "

Shiquan's masterpiece?It really is a valuable cultural relic, and it is estimated that these will be recovered in a few years.

"It's very good. I like those with words and flowers. After I pick them up outside, I'll lay them on both sides of the path. I'll study what words there are."

There is still a long way to go in the protection of cultural relics.

The next most important thing is to move.

Even though Shen Guanglin didn't cross over for a long time, he had accumulated quite a lot.

But fortunately, his appeal is strong enough, and there are many male students in the class, the distance is close, and there is no need to find a car, everyone will take it with their shoulders.

Even the refrigerator was carried by people, and the six young men were directly on the shoulders, accompanied by music all the way, mighty.

If you move, there must be a happy housewarming. Miss Rongrong even took the attitude of the hostess and entertained everyone with a hearty beef noodles.

The beef is ready-made, diced and stewed, with a few potatoes.

The noodles are made fresh, and with Song Xiaoyu, a pasta expert, the wide noodles cut out are very attractive, with the same width and width, and even thickness.

The one who ate this meal was in full swing, and Su Youpeng was busy with his two friends, so he couldn't tell that it was a gang of ticket dealers.

Su Youpeng's two friends also have names, one is called Shunzi and the other is called Erlang. Hearing it is Ma Zai's life, he is very obedient, especially Erlang, who is not tall, but he is very stocky and has a fierce face.

Everyone ate the noodles, some went back to school, and the rest went back to work.

Because, they're going to open the coffin, oh, to remove the stone blocking the basement.

It is not easy to transport such large bluestones, and it requires the help of derrick reels and manual hoists.

Machines are always stronger than humans, and the boulders blocking the door of the basement were quickly removed and stood aside.

Everyone swarmed to search for treasures, and then returned disappointed. It was just a pile of broken wood. It turned out that the old landlord's home was like that.

But it is not without surprises, that is, the layout of the south house, the wall adjacent to the outer road was built separately, as long as it is demolished, it is the facade, and it really is the layout of the front shop and the back factory.

It's a pity that self-employed businesses have not been opened yet, and even if they have a storefront, they can't operate. Shen Guanglin has no plans to really go into business. It is better to be a university teacher, which is a more promising career.

(End of this chapter)

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