Chapter 31 Thesis
Paul Korchagin once said: Don't regret for wasting your time, don't be ashamed for mediocrity.

You can put it aside for a while to eat barbecue. After all, it is the end of February in the lunar calendar, and there are still a few days before the Qingming Festival.

Mr. Shen has been working hard since he decided on the "research" direction.

Today will be another fruitful day, and the fourth paper will be closed soon.

In the morning, Shen Guanglin was working diligently in the office, writing papers frantically.

In fact, writing a thesis sounds very high, but it is not difficult to do.

This is the same as writing an eight-legged essay. It has a fixed format and a fixed routine. As long as there is content and ideas, you can go down step by step according to the procedure. It is nothing more than the novelty of the argument and the fallacy of the point of view.

For Shen Guanglin, it is not difficult to write novel papers, and even for everyone, it is not difficult to come up with novel ideas.

After all, even an ordinary person can say that there is a time black hole between the earth and the sun, and those who go in can go back in time.

But how do you prove that this thing really exists?
This is the more difficult thing.

The most difficult thing for Shen Guanglin is not actually writing thesis arguments, but how to find citations, find arguments, and prove his arguments are correct.

Because he doesn't know the level of technological development in this era, and he doesn't know which article to cite is more appropriate. It would be nice if there was a team to help.

Even if you are making up papers, you must make them rationally and satisfactorily. This is a complex and huge systematic project.

Shen Guanglin's main job in the past was to write papers.

Four years as an undergraduate and two years as a graduate student, he has never done any groundbreaking work.

What Shen Guanglin and his classmates do the most is basically "repeated experiments".

Because they are all based on the original paper, as long as the experimental purpose can be achieved, it means that the person who wrote the paper is very "special" and does have research results.

If the experiment is repeated many times without success, there may be a big problem. This person's experiment is likely to be fabricated, that is, this person has gone "biased".

This is like the teacher Han Qiuyu of Jizhou University of Science and Technology. A new technology at the Nobel level that cannot be reproduced by others directly appeared out of thin air, which eventually led to his own disgrace and disgrace.

Shen Guanglin studied at a prestigious school. His boss was both a graduate student tutor and a doctoral tutor, but his boss was not a pioneering researcher, but a standard industry fraud inspector and an out-and-out critic.

For articles usually published in "Nature" or "Science", as long as the cost is not particularly high, the boss will arrange for his scientific research dogs to carry out repeated experiments. The purpose of the experiment is not to affirm, but to deny, find fault, and find fault.

Even some research results that did not have major problems but were not very rigorous, after their repeated attacks, can almost still make researchers discredited or even bear the hat of academic misconduct.

Scientific research does not tolerate a shred of moisture.

The cost of scientific research and tackling key problems is not cheap at all.

Shen Guanglin has never had the opportunity to develop his innovative ability. Although he studied in the world's top universities, the teacher's goal is not to achieve academic achievements, but to make a living by academic "blackmail" like paparazzi Zhuo Wei.

After coming to Jingcheng University, in the process of helping teachers translate and revise papers, Shen Guanglin found the familiar feeling in the past.

Although it is only a small paper, it is not too easy to find errors after Mr. Shen's review. It is also a delight to see that the paper is finally published through his wonderful handwriting.

After all, in any case, although it is only 50 yuan, it is still rich.

Shen Guanglin's thesis is written in English.

In the past, at MIT, under the boss's hands, Shen Guanglin was a pure paper writing tool. He wrote papers with his head down every day, and he had already formed the habit of writing papers directly in English. If he really wanted him to write Chinese papers, he would not It is easier to write in English.

Therefore, Shen Guanglin's first three papers and the fourth paper he is currently writing were written directly in English, and it was embarrassing for him to write Chinese.

Write English papers first, and then translate them into Chinese for publication.

Moreover, they usually send foreign journals first. If they are not favored, they will change hands and then deliver them to domestic journals. The waste will be reused.

Later, domestic journals also learned to be smart, and started not to include such articles, but made a public sign, how much money a paper sells, and only when you give money will you publish it.

It became a means of earning a living.

As for whether the paper has academic value, who cares?

It can make you graduate smoothly, evaluate professional titles, and win awards.

While Shen Guanglin's thesis was being written, a teacher came in.

The teacher's surname is Wang, and his name is Wang Mingming. He is the original author of the paper whose title has not been translated.

Mr. Wang used to be an athlete and was well versed in various fighting skills, but he was indeed weak in the academic field.

However, he has a keen sense of political smell, and he discovered the changes in the academic world very early, so he actively packaged himself. From then on, he no longer talked about "revolution as the key link" and "two whatevers", but carried the banner of academic research. Ready to be a professional scholar.

With Teacher Shen, as long as he is willing to spend money, Shen Guanglin doesn't mind helping him fulfill his academic dream.

Unlike other teachers who asked Shen Guanglin for help, not only did he not appreciate it, but instead urged him to catch up at every turn, Mr. Wang's attitude was very good:
"Hello Mr. Shen, I'm busy now. I see that you are working hard. I specially hired someone to bring a water fish from the countryside. Look at the skirt, it's thick."

Shen Guanglin looked up and saw that it was him again.

He smiled slightly, but didn't put down his work: "The turtle is a good thing, and it's also good to complement its shape. Huh, is it so big? It's so thick and long!"

The soft-shell turtle brought by Mr. Wang is indeed very big. It looks at least a dozen pounds. Generally speaking, a soft-shelled turtle of three or four pounds is very good and can be served on the table. Not easy.

Shen Guanglin took a pencil to tease the turtle, and the old guy stretched out his head with a flash and bit it with a click.

After a few moments, the pencil broke.

"Do you want to urge me to speed up my thesis again? I already know." Shen Guanglin understood what he meant.

"No, no, I just came to see you." Teacher Wang laughed insincerely.

"Teacher Wang, sit down, your thesis has been written, and there are many places to revise. You should read it yourself. It is best to translate it into Chinese and familiarize yourself with it first." It's not worth thinking about.

But 200 yuan is already the most money that Teacher Wang has put out. Some teachers only gave 50 yuan, and some teachers did not give a dime. They still think that you are a young man and let you translate because of you.

Shen Guanglin didn't argue, and secretly decided that after finishing this wave, he would never take up such a job again.

Teacher Wang picked up the paper on the table and read it, and then became silent.

Of course, there are countless teachers who can be teachers of Beijing University.

However, Mr. Wang is the traditional type of teacher who learns Russian. He asked him to read English papers. He worked hard for most of the day, and it was only a matter of recognizing some English words.

Shen Guanglin wrote there for a long time, and was about to check the reference materials. When he looked up, he saw that Teacher Wang was still there, as if he was still reading the paper very hard and attentively. With that serious look, it seemed that he had been in depth for a long time.

Cut, you have to pretend in front of me.

"How is it? It's worth your 200 yuan." Shen Guanglin asked with a smile.

This article is really difficult to correct. There are a total of 17 fallacies in the full text. To correct them one by one without losing the color of the original text, it really still needs to be a bit level.

"Mr. Shen, can I take it back and have a look?"

"Aren't you going to publish it? I'm going to mail it out together in the next two days, otherwise I won't spend a good time writing papers in the office." Shen Guanglin has not been playing with Li Li's sister for many days, and the man is working It's like playing a game and forgetting everything, woman, hehe.

"Published, of course I will publish it, but can I make a copy? Didn't you say that there are a lot of revisions, and I have to write down what I have revised."

It also makes sense, Lao Wang also knows that his academic level is not good.

Of course, Shen Guanglin had no reason to refuse, so Mr. Wang happily took his paper and left. He didn't know, and he also took a paper that Shen Guanglin originally wrote to him.

Since Shen Guanglin's papers were all written in pure English, Mr. Wang did not have the ability to translate them. After he brought back the papers, he first took them for photocopying, and then went to someone to translate them into Chinese.

It's not easy to operate at Beijing University, mainly because I can't save face, but it can be done very well at Wudaokou Vocational and Technical College.

In this era, foreign journals are very expensive, often costing tens or hundreds of dollars. Even if they are placed in later generations, some academic journals are not available for purchase.

Therefore, some scholars who are interested in academics will entrust people who go abroad to photocopy or extract important papers, and then bring them back to China and translate them into Chinese. If they understand and study on their own, they will keep up with the international advanced level.

Many people do this, not less than Teacher Wang.

The paper was quickly translated. There are two papers in total, one of which is the paper written by Mr. Wang himself, but the arguments and arguments are almost different, but the general meaning should remain the same.

The other paper is also Mr. Wang's "research field", which is an extension and development of his paper, and is his "next step" work in the future, but Shen Guanglin has completed it ahead of time, but the conclusion is completely different from the result in his mind.

After checking and deduction, Mr. Wang found that what Shen Guanglin wrote was correct, and Mr. Xiao Shen's research conclusion was more realistic.

This is the latest cutting-edge achievement, is it also prepared for myself?

What about him, the big deal is to pay him another 200 yuan.

Teacher Wang turned around and delivered the Chinese versions of these two papers to Acta Physica Sinica.

"Acta Physica Sinica" is a comprehensive Chinese academic journal of physics sponsored by the Society of Physics and the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

The teachers and professors of Jingcheng University have returned to their homes when they delivered the Journal of Physics.

Because now the editor-in-chief of "Acta Physica Sinica" is the vice president of Jingcheng University and the director of the theoretical physics teaching and research section, Mr. Wang Zhuxie. He is a master of physics in China. Yang Zhenning and Li Zhengdao were his students.

The "Introduction to Special Functions" written by Wang Lao is a book specially written for theoretical physicists, and has made great contributions to the development of Chinese physics.

And all this Shen Guanglin didn't know.

He was still immersed in the joy of writing, thinking about where to buy vegetables, what to prepare for a spring outing, where to be more fun, and how Sister Li Li would react.

(End of this chapter)

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