Chapter 34 Feather
When birds are courting, they will build a strong nest and put on a gorgeous feather to show each other.

This is the correct way to open courtship.

There is no future in thinking that there is no future for two people to hang out and be a dog licker. Shen Guanglin really needs to show his expertise in front of Li Li.

Although he said in front of Kent that he was not good in a certain way, sister Lily hadn't investigated it yet, so she had no right to speak.

Practice is the only criterion for testing truth.

Now, she just lacks a chance to practice.

Sister Li Li was born in a wealthy family, and she cannot be imagined as a materialistic girl at all. To impress her, it may not be possible to impress her only by frying beef and knowing foreign languages. She basically treats Brother Lin as a useful tool.

Although the tools are easy to use, their performance will gradually decrease after a long time of use.

Talent is the most deadly weapon.

Although Piku Wang has a lot of money, it is still his unrivaled talent that attracts international chapters most, not his headline-chasing skills.

The best way to chase girls is to be able to show yourself and hit others at the same time.

This kind of routine Shen Haiwang was very familiar with at first, but he forgot it after time travelling.

Of course, in his era, as long as he had the ability to make money, it would be fine.

With the ability to make money, even the queen of the sea can win, even if she has lived with her boyfriend for 886 days.

Then show off your talents.

To do this is nothing more than to choose a suitable opportunity at the right time and place, and stage some bridges of pretending to be pigs and eating tigers.

So, Shen Guanglin asked Li Li's sister to visit the Cultural Palace in Beijing.

Li Li didn't want to go at first, but Shen Guanglin said that the most popular musical instrument in the United States is the piano, and the piano is the king of musical instruments. I heard that there is a piano in the Cultural Palace. Would you like to go and see it together?
Sure enough, Li Li readily agreed.

The Beijing Cultural Palace usually refers to the Beijing Working People's Cultural Palace.

There is indeed a piano here, but if you want to go in and observe it, you still need certain means.

Li Li should be able to handle it, isn't there classmate Gao, who is the leader's young master, can he have some means?
Sure enough, Gao Zhijie soon found out that Li Li wanted to play the piano in the Cultural Palace.

Gao said that he can talk about the piano, and he can even teach Li Li.

Shit, don't go too far!

Brother Guanglin didn't say that he was very good at the tenth level of the piano, and he just wanted to pretend to be a low-key and perfect.

Piano education in China has been stagnant for so many years, and Shen Guanglin really doesn't believe how high the level of Gao is.

The weather in April in the Gregorian calendar is still sunny and refreshing.

April is the best day in the world.

The journey to the Cultural Palace is quite happy.

Because Shen Guanglin was riding a bicycle, Li Li was sitting in the back row, while Gao Zhijie, an aspiring young student, was riding a bicycle with Song Xiaoyu.

The wind is beautiful, the rain is also beautiful, and people on bicycles are the most beautiful.

The location of the Beijing Cultural Palace is the Taimiao of the Ming and Qing dynasties. It was originally a place where emperors worshiped their ancestors, but now it has become a people's park.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, it was handed over to the Beijing Federation of Trade Unions for management, and the trade union opened it to the outside world as a place for workers' cultural and entertainment activities.

The Cultural Palace occupies a large area, including a cultural activity hall, a staff university, an exhibition hall, a movie theater, a library, a chess room, a stadium, a theater, and other places. Of course, various technical classes and lectures are also held.

"Mr. Shen, you haven't studied in the Cultural Palace before. There are all kinds of courses here. It's not too late to study now."

Gao couldn't stand Li Li sitting in the back seat of Teacher Shen. Seeing Shen Guanglin's curious face, he took the initiative to attack.

"Yes, I really lack this kind of experience. I used to have the nanny bring the teacher over when I was going to take any class, and then bring the teacher back after the class. I really have never experienced this kind of big class with so many people. How does it feel, is the learning atmosphere better?"

Shen Guanglin's statement is very like the young master of the capitalists in the old society, full of the stench of capitalism.

Student Gao didn't want to talk anymore.

Still wanting to find a sense of superiority in front of Mr. Shen, I really want to eat farts.

The Cultural Palace is very large, with towering cypress trees and mottled figures.

A group of people began to wander awkwardly and silently.

Walking through classrooms one by one, calligraphy, painting, go, chess, all kinds of courses are available.

Shen Guanglin also saw many teenagers playing badminton, and his heart itch.

Badminton is one of the sports he really likes, and it is also an important way for Shen Haiwang to maintain his physical fitness and figure.

"Brother Guanglin, can you play badminton?"

"Just a little bit."

"Brother Guanglin, can you draw?"

"Just a little bit."

"Brother Guanglin, can you play the guitar?"

"Still a little."

"Mr. Shen, is there anything you don't know?"

Gao Zhijie finally couldn't listen anymore, this person is too good at pretending, especially in front of his goddess.

"Student Gao was joking, I don't know how to have children."

After Shen Guanglin finished speaking, he looked at Li Li with burning eyes, the meaning was obvious, if I can have children, why do I need her?

With such an obvious hint, Li Li was shy.

Fortunately, at this time, the staff brought the key to the piano room.

Since Gao Zhijie came here with a letter of introduction, the other party also opened the door of the piano room for this reason.

These are the basic operations of the powerful class, and others cannot envy them.

As an imported product, the piano has always been considered an important symbol of capitalism, and the systematic education in China has stagnated for many years.

In the music class of this era, the teachers usually use the pedal organ as the music accompaniment.

The shape of this organ is very similar to that of an upright piano, but when playing, you need to step on the bellows with your feet. It is a wind instrument.

The pianos in the Cultural Palace are from before the founding of the People’s Republic of China, and they have been around for some years. Fortunately, they are relatively professional and well maintained.

After all, it is a professional organization, and they even have a dedicated tuner.

Knowing that these young people want to use the piano, they actually tuned one, and the sound quality is quite accurate.

After the tone was set, the opponent left space for four young people who were just about to move.

The first person to experience the piano must be reserved for Li Limei, it goes without saying.

Li Li was also unambiguous, sat on it without hesitation, and played "Shandandan Blooming Red and Bright", which is one of teacher Guo Lanying's classic songs, and Li Li played it completely.

It is true that Li Li has never played the piano, but she has played the organ, at least the tune is correct.

The difference in performance between the two is actually not that big, but there is no obvious change in strength when playing the organ, and its timbre is a little different from that of the piano.

At the end of the song, Song Xiaoyu, Shen Guanglin and others applauded enthusiastically.

After all, there is nothing wrong with the syllables. As for her technique and emotion, don't ask so much for her first performance.

Next is Gao Zhijie's performance time.

Student Gao really seemed to have learned the piano, and he played it quite well. The seventh movement of the "Yellow River Cantata" was completed very smoothly.

This piece of music has spread so widely that Song Xiaoyu even sang it:
"The wind is howling,

the horse is braying,
the yellow river is roaring

the yellow river is roaring

Hexi mountains are ten thousand feet high

Hebei sorghum ripe
In the mountains
There are so many anti-Japanese heroes

green gauze tent
Guerrilla athletes are heroes..."

Song Xiaoyu bought it the most. Perhaps this song is one of the classic songs she can sing, or it may be that she rode the bicycle that Gao classmate rode.

"Very good, student Gao plays very well and deserves praise."

Teacher Shen affirmed Gao Zhijie's level with the tone of a teacher praising students.

However, in Gao's ears, this is really not a wonderful compliment.

"Mr. Shen, it's your turn. You know a little bit of everything. You can also play a piece."


Of course Shen Guanglin knew that Gao Zhijie would definitely send his troops.

It is better to use the method of wanting to promote before suppressing: "I didn't say that I can play a little bit of piano."

Classmate Gao understands in seconds.

"Oh, that's fine, what a coincidence, Mr. Shen just doesn't know how to play the piano, and I don't know who proposed to come to the Cultural Palace to learn about the piano."

Speaking of which, without Gao Zhijie's letter of introduction, they might not have been able to see the actual piano.

"No, that's not what I meant. Gao, you misunderstood me. When it comes to playing the piano, I really don't know a little bit, but a lot. Once, I had a nickname, Kato Takahito."

"What do you mean?" Everyone was puzzled

"It means that the skills on my fingers are superb."

Everyone doesn't believe it, and they don't understand the subtlety of this stalk.

"Okay, let me show you what it means to show off skills."

Shen Guanglin decided to take out the song "Flight of the Bumble Bee" for the Grade 9 exam to play a part.

In the amateur circle, "Flight of the Bumble Bee" has been a god, it can be regarded as a very difficult piece, and people with insufficient APM will definitely not be able to play it.

Shen Guanglin sat down, first familiarized himself with the position of the keyboard, then thought about the score, and then began to play.

Surprised all four!
It turns out that this is what a piano master looks like!
They didn't know whether the song was good or bad, but they only saw Shen Guanglin's fingers, and they saw phantoms. The finger speed was too fast, and the resolution of the eyes couldn't keep up.

Only about half of the time, Shen Guanglin stopped playing.

Forgot the score.

After all, it’s been so long since I played it, it’s already pretty good to be able to remember such a passage.

"Oh, I haven't played for a long time. I feel rusty. My fingers are not as flexible as before." Teacher Shen is very modest, expressing that his skills are not good enough.

But watching Li Li and Song Xiaoyu cast admiring gazes at Shen Guanglin, Gao Zhijie was heartbroken.

He couldn't help but secretly swear.

Such a person is simply unworthy of being a teacher, and he even messes with the students. I want to report him to the school!

After returning from the Cultural Palace, the relationship between Shen Guanglin and Li Li's sister has improved significantly.

Although Teacher Shen is indeed older, he is really a treasure boy.

There is an organ in the piano room of the school. Although it is too much to use as a piano, it can also be used for practice.

The teaching time was short and happy, Shen Guanglin smelled the good smell, touched the soft little hands and couldn't help thinking about it.

Four-hand playing is the most beautiful movement in the world.

April in the Gregorian calendar is a good time for spring flowers to go out for an outing.

A few people will go to Fuyuan Gate to fly kites when they are free.

Shen Guanglin just took out a piece of paper and a pencil, and with just a few strokes, he completed the sketch of the portrait. The image of the two sisters was drawn very vividly.

Teacher Shen is so amazing!
Now, there is only a chance for the two of them to be alone with raw rice and cooked rice.

(End of this chapter)

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