Chapter 37
However, Teacher Shen's heart is not on them.

Mainly because this era does not allow it.

A certain young man who is now a sea king will eat peanuts in three years.

If it is placed in the future, it is absolutely possible to drive Ferrari on the ring line with impunity.

Now there is simply no soil for Aquaman to survive, not even movie stars.

Today's love between men and women, although it is not required to be one and the end, but it can not be picky.

Teacher Shen only looked at Li Li's sister, and didn't choose.

In ordinary romance dramas, the heroines are mostly glamorous and irresistible, and then the villain scum is entangled like flies, and then the hero is easily slapped in the face.

Today, Gao Zhijie doesn't think so. He is not willing to be a villain. In addition to his unremitting pursuit of the goddess, he also likes to be on the line and take Teacher Shen to wear a hat.

In real life, there is no such thing as a low-level mentally retarded person queuing up for a slap in the face, a bad review.

However, if Teacher Shen really wants to experience pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, it is not so easy.

For example, go for a walk in a certain store, dress in rags and then show off your wealth in a low-key manner, and receive the goods with envy?
Stop talking, the other party will not pay attention to you at all, and will only say politely, get out.

What is there to do with all these things? Let's accompany sister Li Li to study.

Now, Teacher Shen and Goddess Lily have completed an alternative cohabitation.

In addition to the three ladies, Li Rong, Li Li and Song Xiaoyu, there are also some boys, such as class leader Jianguo, neighbor Teacher Zhao, and very polite teacher Wang.

Now, driven by Shen Guanglin, the Fuyuanmen community is a lot more lively than before. Those who like to come here are not only Mr. Shen's students, but also many young people from society.

They all got the same instruction, that is, they must maintain the law and order around them, and if there is a gangster who dares to haunt here, knock out his mouth full of teeth.

With the progress of reform and opening up, especially the return of educated youth to their hometowns, a large number of blind people have emerged in the capital.
Shen Guanglin and Su Youpeng's careers have improved so much because there are too many unemployed young people.

That's what the locals are good at, always having a variety of relationships.

Su Youpeng's network is very "wide", just like Shen Guanglin in Jinling.

Su Youpeng's business is getting bigger and bigger now, and it's getting more and more scene.

His former classmates, Faxiao, and relatives joined him one by one and became his downline salespersons. Everyone improved their lives and made money.

However, these acquaintances are not allowed to appear near Mr. Shen's new home, not because Mr. Shen is domineering, but because Su Youpeng's "new home" is too close to Mr. Shen's house, it doesn't matter if they meet Mr. Shen, but Chai Jing sees It would be bad if he was not a Hong Kong businessman.

After Su Youpeng had a "new home", he almost never returned to his "hometown" in Shangqingqiao.

He didn't like the atmosphere of the neighbors at all.

When I was a child, my family was too poor, with three brothers and sisters. These years have been too hard.

Brother Su is lucky, he entered the factory early and became a worker, which is considered a stable income.However, Su Youpeng's luck was not very good. He went to the mountains to go to the countryside. Life in the villages and towns was hard. His parents often brought some food and clothing to others. Part of the family's poverty was also to take care of his livelihood after he went to the countryside.

Now, Su Youpeng is rich, but many people still think that he is not doing his right job. Even if he sees it, he raises his head high and looks like he continues to despise you.

However, Su Youpeng doesn't care about this, he can make money, he can make a lot of money, and he has a beautiful girlfriend, let you be envious.

People without thought, he must worry about.

What Su Youpeng urgently needs now is the identity of a Hong Kong businessman in addition to a child. It would be even better if he could be officially recognized.


Time is like a little pony that loves to show off, jumping and jumping and passing by.

Soon, Labor Day is coming.

This is Shen Guanglin's first long holiday since he came here. During this holiday, he will take his two younger brothers to Xiangjiang, and he is looking forward to it after thinking about it.

During this period of time, commuting to and from get off work on time every day, Shen Guanglin now has a sense of being a glorious worker in the workplace.

It’s been three months before I’ve been on and off work every day, and in just over a month, this semester’s courses will be over.

In the past three months, Shen Guanglin has also gained a lot. Not only has he become a glorious people's teacher when he first entered the workplace, but his physical fitness has also been greatly improved.

Because now Mr. Shen not only stopped drinking and clubbing, but also did radio gymnastics with his classmates every day, and he also had a healthy diet. The combination of meat and vegetables was perfect.

The only flaw is that I don't have a girlfriend yet.

The future "father-in-law" and "mother-in-law" have tried several times. The parents have no objection, only the person concerned pretends not to know what happened.

It's not that he hasn't tried drinking girls, but it's a pity that he failed again.

The reason for the drinking was well chosen, the paper was published, and Teacher Shen was happy, so please be sure to invite Guanglin, Song Xiaoyu, please get out of the way, and collect the pocket money that Teacher Shen gave you.

It's a pity that Miss Li Rong was also there that day, but it doesn't matter, it's just an extra pair of chopsticks.

If there is really no young lady here, then no one will cook. After all, Shen Haiwang doesn't have cooking skills.

When the food is on the table, the celebration cannot be without wine. Teacher Shen is all ready, can Brandy have a taste?
Unexpectedly, the first person to get drunk turned out to be Shen Guanglin.

The veteran cadres who were tested for alcohol directly overturned.

One bottle of white wine and two bottles of foreign wine were eaten, and the two sisters were in a slightly drunken state, and Shen Guanglin had already broken.

The wine was drunk, the food was eaten, and the people ran away.

Shen Guanglin didn't catch anything.

It was only the next day that I found myself throwing up a bed of loneliness.

Moreover, he was carried to bed by the two sisters, and he muttered: After drinking this cup, there are still three cups.

There is nothing wrong with what she said. After Mr. Shen was drunk, the sisters drank three more glasses. They also learned the correct way to open foreign wine: foreign wine and cola, the more they drink, the more joyful they are.

It won't work to use "crooked ways" decisively. As long as the girl doesn't give you a chance to pretend to be drunk, it is difficult to take the initiative to get drunk and pick up corpses.

Shen Guanglin could only return to the right path of "go with the flow and get angry over time".

At this moment, Shen Guanglin just wanted to send himself a "hidden face and cry" expression.

Lily beauty, what exactly do you want?
The society, Brother Lin, has been greedy for your body for a long time!

Before going far on May [-]st, Shen Guanglin decided to travel to a nearby place first.

The seasons of late spring and early summer are also the most suitable for traveling.

On the first day of the holiday, Shen Guanglin and sisters Li Rong and Li Li made an appointment to travel together, and the three planned to go to the Great Wall to take a look.

After all, if you don't get to the Yellow River, you won't die, and if you don't get to the Great Wall, you're not a hero.

Shen Guanglin also just learned that Miss Li Rong will be leaving her job soon, and visiting the Great Wall can also be regarded as her reward to herself.

Not knowing which nerve was wrong, Li Rong suddenly decided to "full-time" and go back to school to study again. She is also going to study at Beijing University.

Is she okay?Jingcheng University is also what you want to come?

She can do it!
First of all, Li Rong's family is very supportive when she decides to stop working and study, and her aunt even thinks about going to trouble Li Rong's grandfather to make peace.

Li Rong also has a grandfather?
How fresh!
Later, Shen Guanglin learned from Aunt Song that Mr. Li is not simple, and he is also a master who can play. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he also stopped his wife and remarried, and established a new family early.

Two children, two mothers, and two wives have a home.

It is precisely because of this that Li Rong's father, Lao Li, and Mr. Li are not very close, especially after the death of his own mother, he almost cut off contact with the old man.

Moreover, Uncle Li was not brought up by the old man. He grew up with the children in the "nursery home" in Yan'an.

Before the founding of the People's Republic of China, because of the needs of revolutionary work, there were regulations in the organization: only regimental-level cadres could get married, and children born after marriage could not be raised by themselves. Generally, the children were handed over to "nursery homes" to be raised on their behalf.

Director Li was one of the children who grew up in the nursery, and his mother was one of those famous women.

Because of the good educational conditions that Lao Li received since he was a child, he was successfully admitted to the military industry in Kazakhstan. After graduation, he was assigned to work in the military institute.

As for who Mr. Li was, Shen Guanglin didn't dare to ask in detail, and he didn't dare to say when he asked.

As for Shen Guanglin coveting his granddaughter, he doesn't care whether his grandfather agrees or not, as long as his parents agree.

In fact, her sister Li Rong is not too old. She is only 21 years old this year, which is just in line with the legal age for marriage.

My younger sister Li Li is only 19, so it's not enough to do anything legal.

However, Shen Guanglin still prefers his sister, there is no other reason, she is good-looking is the truth.

Cowherd stole Weaver Girl's clothes because she knitted them herself, so the fabric is good?

It is not the body that covets others.

Of course, after these few months of getting along day and night, the relationship between Teacher Shen and classmate Li Li is not completely without progress.

At least, the two of them can go out together or get along alone, and they don't need to wander around with Song Xiaoyu's oil bottle.

Li Li probably knew what Shen Guanglin meant, but Shen Guanglin didn't take the initiative to confess, and the relationship between the two was delayed.

It's a little pity that there is also a young lady Li Rong inserted in the middle, she will rush over every once in a while, destroying the beautiful scenery and directly interrupting the daily process.

Originally, when going to Badaling this time, Shen Guanglin thought it would be an in-depth self-driving tour again, but he ended up taking a train.

Chadao Village in Badaling has a railway station, a fourth-level station, and tourists come here by train.

Starting from the Jingcheng Railway Station, first pass through Changping, and then follow the Jingzhang Railway to Badaling soon.

The girls of this era really have the frankness of this era. The sisters both carry their own luggage and do not need help from others.

In fact, there is not much to take, mainly to bring water, and to eat beef with sauce, and then Shen Guanglin also asked his colleagues to borrow a Seagull camera.

Life is really inconvenient without a smartphone to take pictures.

Even if there is a polaroid, that's fine.

Polaroids really existed in this era, and the American Polaroid Company launched them in 1948.

Now, the most popular style is the SX-1972 pocket-sized instant camera launched by Polaroid in 70, unfortunately not available in Friendship Stores.

Shen Guanglin has never experienced the era of film photography, and holding an ordinary camera is also very novel.

Before we got to Badaling, we ran out of 36 sheets of film in one roll.

Changing the film is a technical job, Shen Guanglin can't do it, and Miss Li Rong will do it.

She is a life-saver.

The young lady is also brave. She hides the camera directly in her clothes and operates blindly with backlight.

Shen Guanglin was stunned, especially the whiteness on the hem of the clothes, and the cute navel, which was so blinding.

In the conservative era, it was very beautiful to show anything casually, unlike later generations, when some women wore it as if they didn't wear it, everyone still didn't like to see it.

(End of this chapter)

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