Chapter 376

The guests returned after enjoying themselves, and the remaining three stayed together to do hygiene.

It was a busy and tiring day.

The three went to rest after finishing their work. Shen Guanglin and Li Li slept in the master bedroom, and Zhang Yue slept in the guest room.

No one went to the wrong room and missed the auxiliary car, and there was no war on the western front that night.

The second day of moving into the new house.

Zhang Yue went back to work early in the morning, and she drove away the Ferrari that Shen Guanglin gave to Li Li.

Such cool equipment, if you don't drive it out to show off, isn't this a secret investment by Mingzhu?

Li Li got up in the morning with a different hairstyle, and started to wear a ring on her ring finger, which means that I have a man.

It's useless for anyone to be envious or jealous, but they really don't know how to use a car, because it's a honeymoon trip.

The journey ends in Los Angeles and Hawaii.

Twenty hours later, the two first flew to Los Angeles.

At this time, the place where their dreams started, now they can be regarded as revisiting the old place, revisiting the stories that happened at that time.

The two checked into the same hotel and found the same suite.

"Is that girl surnamed Bai still in Los Angeles?" It turns out that Li Li also has a good memory, she still remembers this person, although they met by chance, the relationship between the two is good after all.

Shen Guanglin didn't know much about Bai Bing's situation, "She has already returned to China, and I don't know how she is doing now, I'll check later."

After that, no one talked about this topic anymore, let's review the postures we used at that time.

Because the two of them had been holding hands and sleeping while on the plane, they are very energetic now.

Playing tricks, tossing for a long time, the physical strength is not enough, but the spirit is still very good.

But after all, it was already night at this point in time, and the two of them could only watch TV together, and it was not safe to go out for a while.

Citigroup's talk shows and some interviews or social survey programs are still very popular.

The theme of one of the TV programs today is: How can I marry a rich man?
It was introduced on TV as follows: The person seeking help is a lady named Alice, 25 years old, beautiful, with a good figure, and a good education. Her middle class dream.

Following the host's interview, the girl also said that the man she dated had the highest annual salary of only $15. However, she wanted to live in a suburban villa in the affluent area of ​​Los Angeles, and the annual salary of $15 was far from enough.

But what should she do?
Then it's a matter of investigation.

First, where rich single men like to hang out.

Second, which age group should she place her search target on?

Third, the wives of some rich men seem to be mediocre, why they can, but she can't.

In Citigroup, everything can be discussed and traded, and love is no exception.

Here’s what one of the investment experts said:
From the perspective of a businessman, Alice's marriage attitude is actually a transaction of money and appearance.

You provide beauty like a flower, and I provide wealth as much as home.

But looks fade, but wealth doesn't.

Therefore, for the rich, the best way to preserve the value of investment is to rent rather than buy.

If Alice wants to seek love in the form of rental, he can provide it, otherwise don't continue the conversation.

One of the topics that will be extended below is: How do the young people around you with an annual salary of more than 30 US dollars do it?
There are many ways to do it, but most of them have something to do with family and background, and some are also because of high education.

One of the emotional experts from the University of California, Los Angeles gave an example. In fact, there are quite a few young people with an annual salary of 30, and he knows one.

At this time, an educator from the far east, not yet 30 years old, will come to Los Angeles to give two lectures recently, one at UCLA and one at Caltech.

And his labor fee is 5 US dollars per class, not to mention the annual salary of 30 US dollars, even the annual salary of 300 million US dollars is not a problem.
is this real?
of course it's true.

And New York University, Philadelphia University have invited him, and some other universities have also invited him.

Because of the distance, Shen Guanglin had more academic exchanges in Fusang, and many universities in Citigroup wanted to invite him but could not.

Is he that good?
Yes, he is that good.

What followed was a fancy meal of pursuit of Shen Guanglin.

Li Li saw the media reports and felt that she was honored.

When Shen Guanglin gave the lecture, it was really crowded, and the classroom was not useful enough.

Not only students, but also a lot of media came.

The media will naturally ask, "I heard that Professor Shen paid as much as US$5 in labor fees for giving a lecture.

Lectures worth $5 are rare in Citigroup.

In this case, Shen Guanglin couldn't continue paddling. He talked about the past life and new life of quantum entanglement.

In fact, quantum entanglement is also a topic of interest to many people, and its popularity is similar to that of Schrödinger's cat.

Regarding the principle of quantum entanglement, Shen Guanglin also gave an example. He has a pair of sneakers, which are packed in two shoe boxes, and the distance can be infinite.

At this time, no one knew whether one of the shoe boxes contained the left foot or the right foot. When one of the boxes was opened, the nature of the other box was also determined.

In fact, the theory of quantum entanglement is a theory that Einstein could not accept all his life. He had a saying that "God cannot throw dice".

However, God is so miraculous that he insists on throwing dice. .

Moreover, Shen Guanglin also cited a very popular example.

At that time, whether light was a wave or a particle caused international controversy, which led to the double-slit interference experiment of electrons.

At the beginning of the experiment, the device generates electrons forward, and there are two slits on the front baffle. When the electrons pass through the slits, two interference fringes will appear on the rear back plate.

This is Popeye's victory.

Particle faction expressed dissatisfaction.

They used a point light source to emit electrons to the double slit one by one. At the beginning, the position of the electrons was chaotic, but after the electrons reached a certain density, light interference ripples appeared.

Therefore, this is the double-slit interference experiment of light we learned in the book.

However, it would be too boring if we only talked about it here.

In this lecture, Shen Guanglin put forward a creepy hypothesis.

"If we modify the experimental conditions and install monitoring equipment at the positions of the two gaps to see how the electrons pass through the gaps, we can determine whether the electrons are waves or not.

What is incomprehensible is that when we installed the monitoring equipment, the observed electrons did pass through only one slit, but the problem was that the interference fringes on the backplane also disappeared. "

"That is to say, if you observe, the interference fringes will disappear, and if you don't observe, interference fringes will form. This is the concrete embodiment of quantum entanglement."

Fry the pan on the spot.

Is this still physics, is there anything more amazing than this
(End of this chapter)

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