Chapter 4 Myself (recommendation ticket)

Happy times are always short-lived, and with the sound of the train banging and banging, both Miss Sister and Rowdy Liu were fascinated.

Everyone is young, and although they were born 40 years apart, their minds are actually similar.

If you have a common topic, you don't feel boring, time flies, and the capital is finally coming.

From the car window, you can still see the imprints left by the winter snow outside. The roofs of the city are also white, and most of the houses in the capital are bungalows. It really is a simple 80s!

Parting soon!

At this moment, the beautiful Xiao Li and the rude Xiao Liu are still a little reluctant.

Although this "bad guy" is abominable, he still speaks nicely, and it is especially interesting to chat with him.

And it looks good, just like a movie star, what is the name of a star, Chi Zhiqiang!

This Shen Guanglin and Chi Zhiqiang really look a bit alike!

I just don't know if the future Shen Guanglin will also sing a song:

"One shouldn't, two shouldn't,
You shouldn't love me secretly.

It doesn't matter if you love me secretly,

You shouldn't have come to my house"

There is no such thing as a banquet in the world, the train started to enter the station, and the time to part was not far away.

Now the train stops at Jingcheng Railway Station, which is the old railway station located at No. 13 Maojiawan Hutong A in DC District.

The Beijing West Railway Station in this era has not yet started construction.

The Beijing Railway Station was built in the 27th year of the reign of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty. The original site was located on the east side of the Urn City at Zhengyangmen. Historically, the station names such as "Qianmen Station", "Beiping Station" and "Xingcheng Station" were used. The day before the founding of the People's Republic of China was 1949. It was renamed "Beijing Railway Station" on September 9.

Shen Guanglin looked at the scenery of the capital outside the window. It was different from the capital in his impression. This was a strange city, and this was a strange era.

The car stopped and the atmosphere suddenly quieted down.

Miss Sister's eyes were full of apology, but in front of "big right and wrong", there is no room for personal feelings.

Before they could get off the train, they saw a group (three or four) of fully armed comrades rushing in. It seemed that they still attached great importance to the "bad guy" Shen Guanglin.

These people really came to supervise and accept Shen Guanglin. After all, it is not easy to catch a foreign "saboteur" who wants to set fire. Of course, this kind of thing must be taken seriously.

At the end of the year, it is also a good achievement to say that it is a gift to the Spring Festival.

In this soft sleeper box, the two waves of people completed the handover, and a few hours of friendship also came to an end here.

Although the young lady surnamed Li was a little reluctant, her family and national feelings made her unable to relax her vigilance and let this "bad guy" go.

After leaving the station, Shen Guanglin really did not go with Xiao Li Mei and Rough Xiao Liu. He was escorted into an army green truck.

During the entire escort process, Shen Guanglin's handcuffs were never removed, but they put a sackcloth on them to cover up his privacy and save Brother Lin a little face.

The soldiers are divided into two, and the words are two ends.

At the stall where Shen Guanglin was escorted into the car, the beautiful Xiao Li and the rude Xiao Liu had already returned to the unit to report their duties.

Beauty Xiao Li, whose real name is Li Rong, is a son of a high-ranking cadre. She does some clerical work in the security department of the Public Security Bureau.

The one who traveled with her was considered to be her valet, surnamed Liu, called Liu Wentian, and her background was not bad. Compared with Li Rong's family, it was only a few points behind.

The leader's concern for Comrade Xiao Li has absolutely nothing to do with his family and background.

"Comrade Xiao Li, I heard that you have brought a felon from Jinling, and you are also a foreign spy who wants to set fire to it?"

Although leaders are not always amiable, but after all, not everyone has an iron face, especially in the face of such a beautiful and lovely little girl, who does not want to show a kind side.

"Well, yes."

When she said this, Li Rong was actually a little hesitant, because she began to think that maybe this bad guy wasn't so bad, how good he would be if it wasn't for TW.

No way!I, Li Rong, are a glorious people's defender and a pillar of the country. I must defend national security and protect people's lives and work!
The little sister finally gave herself a good mental construction.

"How did you find out that he's a TW?" The leader began to inquire about his work normally.

"Looking at his clothes, I don't look like a normal person when I look at his clothes. At first glance, he is a saboteur fleeing from an imperialist country, and then I didn't think about anything, I just gave him a dizzy blow with a stick. caught."

"So sloppy... simple?"

"Yes, and I was afraid that the comrades in Jinling would be embarrassed, and I asked for a sleeper to bring that TW to the capital."

Speaking of this, Miss Li couldn't help but give herself a compliment in her heart. She is so witty and brave, she is simply a heroine.

"They were caught by you just because they were dressed differently?"

"Not only that, he also has English books on his body, a huge one."

The boss held his forehead: "It can't be judged that he is a spy. Let's not talk about this, let's ask ourselves. I heard that you came to sit on a soft sleeper?"

The leading comrades feel more and more that this matter may be an oolong, but it is not good to say this directly to Xiao Li, for fear of dampening the enthusiasm of others.

Xiao Li didn't feel anything, and was still immersed in the atmosphere of his hard work:

"Well, I used a little family connection, but I bought the tickets and meals with my own money. It doesn't matter if the employer doesn't report it... Alas, I finally arrived safely, and TW has successfully arrived."

The little beauty showed a triumphant smile, never thinking that she might catch the wrong person.

Shen Guanglin's treatment was different. He was taken directly into a closed room, without water, food and no human rights.

I knew I had eaten that bowl of leftovers on the train. Although the grade was not very good, I should fight against hunger.

However, Shen Guanglin had already thought about his own coping strategies, especially since he didn't really want to be detrimental to the country and the people, not to do bad things, and not to be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door.

The biggest problem now is how to get to Jinling. The only option is to smuggle in from the port city, and then spend money to take the train, otherwise there is no other way.

It's a pity, I don't know how I was caught by that little beauty, and what story happened in the middle.

Ask, ask is amnesia, was beaten by them, Brother Lin no longer remembers how he got here.

Shen Guanglin didn't wait long, and soon someone came to interrogate him.

Go through the corridor and enter a special interrogation room.

The presiding judges were two middle-aged men. Neither the rude Xiao Liu nor the beautiful young lady Xiao Li appeared.

The specific circumstances of the interrogation were similar to those shown on TV.

Shen Guanglin was sitting in the interrogation room like a prison cell, with a high-power incandescent lamp on his head, and iron railings in the middle. Behind the railings, two people were sitting with serious expressions, serious and upright.

However, the other party had already made a judgment in his heart that this young man should not be a TW, after all, Xiao Li's way of doing things like this is too amateur, and it's like a child's play.

However, the interrogation has to continue, otherwise people can drink a pot of apology or something.

It's better to give the young man a disgrace first, and then talk about the "misunderstanding" after he has succumbed.

The middle-aged uncle showed a kind and stern smile, and looked like he was harmless to humans and animals and wanted you to explain it honestly:
"Can you tell me about your origin now? I heard that your name is Shen Guanglin, right? Where are you from and how did you get to Jinling? What kind of activities are you engaged in, do you really want to set fire to it?"

I'm going, I said before that arson really can't escape it.

That little beauty reports everything to the top.

"Reporting to the government, can I answer question by question."

In an unfamiliar era, Shen Guanglin cooperated very well.

"Okay, then you can start talking." The other party took out a pen and began to record.

"My name is Shen Guanglin, male, 24 years old, formerly known as Shen Houlin, father Shen Longxian, native of Jinling City, Jiangsu Province, undergraduate degree, graduate student, graduated from MIT School of Engineering"

Shen Guanglin didn't stumble when he spoke. After all, it wasn't a pure lie, and he spoke with confidence.

"Oh, you're still a highly educated person, so how did you get on the path of 'criminal crime'? 'Arson' is a serious crime, especially the place where arson is still the important town of Jinling."

The middle-aged uncle didn't really mean to reprimand, because looking at Shen Guanglin's bearing, he also felt that he was definitely not a child of ordinary people.

College students in this era are scarce talents, let alone those who have studied in the lighthouse country. Maybe this is a person who is not easy to mess with.

There are still very few international students going to the lighthouse country. After all, the two countries have just established diplomatic relations last year. Most of the Chinese students in the lighthouse country have come from Wanwan and Xiangjiang.

"Oh, comrade leader, I didn't want to set fire! I went back to Jinling to visit relatives, and I didn't really want to set fire to Jinling City." Shen Guanglin felt that he was speechless.

"Then what did Xiao Li and Xiao Liu say you were going to set fire to? They said it was your own admission."

"I'm just joking, I don't really want to set fire to it. How do you say it, do you understand humor? Humor! What I originally meant was to set a fire in the heart of the beautiful lady, flirt, flirt, it's probably like that. Meaning."

Shen Guanglin is still a little unclear, and his language skills are seriously poor.

"I understand, you want to be a hooligan, right? Hooliganism is also very serious, especially for an unmarried lesbian."

The middle-aged cadre really understood what he meant, but came to another terrifying conclusion.

"I really can't tell you why. Don't you want to interrogate about "TW"? Don't care about these details, okay? Let me explain something about "TW"."

Shen Guanglin took the initiative to change the subject, because if he stayed here, he would fall into the pit, and there was no need.

The middle-aged uncle originally thought that he had mastered the basic situation, but he was actually looking for a step down, but he didn't expect that there would be unexpected gains. Shen Guanglin really wanted to confess about "TW".

"Then tell me why you want to be a spy. You don't want to be a good college student. The future is bright. You have to go to the dark place." The middle-aged uncle felt very sorry.

"I'm not a spy myself, I'm just an ordinary student, an upright Chinese. I've been studying in Citigroup before, and this time I'm going back to Jinling to visit relatives, but my father is indeed engaged in this industry. ."

Shen Guanglin had long thought about the words he was going to say, and he knew that his words would definitely attract the attention of the other party.

Sure enough, the two middle-aged men became serious and were no longer in that casual chatting attitude.

"Who is your father? What activity does he do?"

"I don't know what activities he was engaged in. My father died when I was about 10 years old. His name is Shen Longxian, from Jinling. From the letters he left me, we can see that he once worked in Huhai. , he was in the 30s, he was in 45 years, he was in 49"

Listening and listening, the expressions of the two middle-aged cadres became more serious.

"Later, I learned from the trustee that my father died at the Babacho execution ground. At that time, he should have been regarded as a senior cadre and made a lot of money. After all, there is enough money left for me to live on Hong Kong Island and the lighthouse. to complete their studies”

More than half of what Shen Guanglin said was true. After all, it was directly based on information released by later generations. Only his identity was fake, but there was nowhere to verify it.


"So, you only saw these documents after sorting out your father's relics?"

"Yes, I got the letter from the safe he left for me, and the documents and money are kept together.

Ever since I learned about my father's situation, I especially wanted to go back to Jinling to have a look, to see where my father grew up, and to see relatives in my hometown.Although I was not born in Jinling, I am an upright Chinese. "

Speaking of the emotional part, Shen Guanglin also left tears of excitement.

The grandfather Shen Long was unfortunate in his life, but it is estimated that he has no regrets.

"Do you still have the things your father left you?"

"The money is still there, but the letter is gone. It is said that it was still the period of white terror. I didn't dare to keep it, so I secretly burned it. I probably went all the way to Jinling, but this memory is gone, I really don't know. What kind of activities did I engage in before being caught by the young lady, I was stunned with a stick, my head hurts, and my recent memory is still blank."

This little Li really doesn't do a good job!

The middle-aged cadre slandered, and at first glance, this young man looked like a rich young man who had never suffered. If he were to be a spy, Chang Kaishen's coffin board probably wouldn't agree.

Although these things Shen Guanglin said have not been verified, it has been basically confirmed that this young man should be his own, strictly speaking, he should be his descendant.

(End of this chapter)

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