449 Genius
Really sensational!
This CCTV report immediately caused a sensation all over the world!
No matter domestic or foreign, people called or sent telegrams one after another, all asking about cloning cows.

Is it true what is said on TV?

It just took the somatic cells of a cow, and then bred a brand new cow, and took a vulgar name called Cuihua.

Cuihua, a name with Chinese characteristics, immediately attracted the attention of the whole world.

On TV, it was amazing that the calf that was nursing carefree turned out to be someone else's child.

Huaxia media has repeatedly confirmed: Of course this matter is true!

Because, after Shen Guanglin's explanation, even ordinary people in the TV station understood it, and they didn't think the technology was advanced, they just thought the idea was very clear.

It's just that the paper hasn't been published yet, and the TV media is not good at announcing the principle too quickly, they also want the incident to ferment for a while.

Finally, the laboratory paper was written.

Shen Guanglin is the corresponding author and the first author, and Dou Wei is the joint first author.

Shen Guanglin is not stupid, he is not going to give up the first author anymore, he can't contribute in vain.

The corresponding author and the first author are a pair of enemies who love and kill each other.

The first author usually leads most of the experimental work and is the core figure of a scientific research, of course it is very important.

In general, when a paper is cited, the first author's name is mentioned, which is the attribution of the scholarly discovery.

Therefore, Shen Guanglin learned later on, and he would be the first author of all important papers.

If you don't agree, please leave.

Although Shen Guanglin was very talkative, he didn't raise money to open a laboratory to do good deeds. If he really gave up the first author, he would suffer a big loss.

Although the corresponding author is also very important, it is not so important to Shen Guanglin.

The corresponding author is usually the overall person in charge of the project, responsible for the funding, design, writing and checking of the project, and is responsible for communicating with the journal during the submission, peer review and entire publishing process.

Important is of course also very important, and from the perspective of intellectual property rights, the research results are considered as the corresponding author.

Although the corresponding author can get benefits, but he, Shen, does not need such benefits, what he needs is reputation.

Although he, Shen Guanglin, has already received many honors, but he still doesn't want too much, he can get more, the more the better.

Moreover, regarding the technology of cloning cattle, it is also possible for Shen Guanglin to be the exclusive first author.

Because, the whole idea of ​​cloning was proposed by him, Shen, and Dou Wei was just the executor, so Dou Wei can still be the first author, so there is no injustice.

In fact, among the top scientists, cloning technology is actually a layer of window paper, which is just a matter of one sentence.

Even, the operation is not difficult at all, and even many ordinary scientific researchers can achieve this goal.

It is nothing more than the success rate.

The success rate of Shen Guanglin's laboratory is not high either. For one Cuihua, 200 cows were aborted.

However, the person who can think of this method is the most powerful.

Shen Guanglin is the most powerful person in this era.

Everyone came over and asked: How did you realize the cloned cow?Why don't we believe it.

There are even more vicious speculators, and their questioning angle is very strange: I am afraid that you may not use the first-generation somatic cells after embryo division as somatic cells in the traditional sense, this is not cloning.

After all, Huaxia's biotechnology is not advanced.

Although Shen Guanglin is a well-known physicist and has made some achievements in chemistry, the distance between bioengineering and these is still quite far. Shen can't be omnipotent.

Shen is omnipotent!

It's useless for you to be jealous, you are stupid if you haven't researched it!
Many people who supported Shen Guanglin immediately rebutted. They firmly believed that Professor Shen was omnipotent.

Now, Shen Guanglin's admirers have spread all over the world.

It is almost New Year's Day now, and the holidays in the West are from Christmas to New Year's Day.

We have been busy all year, and it is time to go out and take a break.

Therefore, when the Huaxia news first came out, many internationally renowned biologists were on vacation, and some were still sunbathing nude on tropical beaches.

However, this news directly interrupted all their plans.

The scientists who were still on vacation urgently canceled their vacation, and then booked a plane to China as soon as possible.

This thing is too subversive!
There was no news at all before, so the mammal was successfully cloned?
When did they start and how did the research succeed?
Scientists want to have first-hand information to see what happened to Cuihua.

Before the scientists got the information, many TV media had already started to speculate. There were all kinds of guesses, and some even said that this was a secret research by Huaxia.

Some people say that this is technology from aliens, but Professor Shen Guanglin is actually an alien.

Needless to say, this statement is quite popular.

Because many people don't know about Shen Guanglin's past.

Although the state tried its best to conceal it, some people still got the "true" news about Shen Guanglin.

He actually came back from studying in Citigroup?

Then which school did he study in? Why didn't he have any marks.

do not know!Don't let me know.

The official line is that Professor Shen is a scientific research talent trained by the state.


However, even if this matter is internal, no one is allowed to spread it without permission.

After all, Shen Guanglin's "father" is a real person. Now is not the period of the movement, and the past history is not so important.

Everyone used all kinds of thoughts and came to ask questions one after another.

Now that the thesis had been written and mailed out, Shen Guanglin was overwhelmed by the disturbance and directly asked for the method of cloning cows to be announced.

It really is very simple.

The more high-end research is often not complicated.

Just like when Shen Guanglin discovered superconducting materials and soccer balls, it seemed to be achieved easily.

Now, the same goes for cloned cows.

This comes from an idea of ​​Professor Shen.

At that time, he watched the scientific researchers in the biological base study the test-tube cows. When the fertilized eggs of the cows were divided into diploid or quadruple, they would be divided, so that two or four calves could be produced.

This technology is not uncommon. There have been such technologies in foreign countries many years ago, and even octoploids appeared, which is the embodiment of superb technology.

Shen Guanglin thought: What would happen if the nucleus of the fertilized egg and the somatic cell were exchanged?
Not so much.

Because the nucleus of the fertilized egg is replicating a new nucleus, the genetic material is chaotic, while the unfertilized egg cell is selected, and the genetic material is stable.

Therefore, he came up with the idea of ​​asking laboratory researchers to try to exchange the nuclei of somatic cells and unfertilized egg cells, and then stimulate the egg cells, and the cloning was completed.

It's that simple.

Sure enough, Shen Guanglin's laboratory was not stingy, and dispelled all their doubts with a few simple words.

It is now beyond doubt that animal cells are totipotent, and they also contain a complete set of animal genetic material.

You didn't think of how to achieve cloning, you are indeed stupid.

If you don't believe me, just go back and try it.

It may indeed be impossible to grow a single somatic cell into a complete mammal, but you can change the nucleus, why didn't you think of it.

It's too simple to operate.

That is, if the nucleus of the egg cell is replaced with the nucleus of the somatic cell, isn't the resultant a cloned animal?

It's that simple.

As long as someone with a little biological foundation can understand it as soon as they hear it.

This hate, I almost want to commit suicide.

Some came over and went back in the same day.

However, Cuihua is indeed famous.

However, Shen Guanglin and everyone are more convinced, he is really a genius

(End of this chapter)

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