Chapter 46
This is not Shen Guanglin's first long-distance trip.

He has traveled as far as the other side of the ocean and across most of the world.

However, in the past moments, he lived a relaxed and happy life, but it was the first time in his life to experience such an unpleasant experience this time.

Throughout the ages, many people have died on the road.

Not to mention the literati and poker, there are many emperors who have died.

For example, Qin Shihuang, he went on tour 5 times, and finally died on the way to the place where he was touring, the specific place is Pingyuan City in Qilu Province;
For example, Zhu Di of Yongle, who made the Northern Expedition 5 times, finally died on the way back from the Northern Expedition. The specific location was in Ujumqin of NMG.

Of course, there were also some emperors who barely managed to get home.

For example, Zhou Shizong Guo Rong, he insisted on dying until Kaifeng, and then was usurped by Zhao Kuangyin.

Not to mention that they usurped the throne, they also forcibly helped Guo Rong to restore his surname "Chai".

There is great wisdom between life and death.

This was also the first time that Shen Guanglin thought about life and death.

When people are sick, they really think blindly.

Shen Guanglin even thought of the "candlelight and axe shadow" of his younger brother Zhao Guangyi when Zhao Kuangyin was seriously ill in bed.

The Northern Song Dynasty was destroyed on Zhao Lao Er.

Zhao Guangyi's internal affairs are no problem, and they have really "advanced with the times" on foreign affairs.

Zhao Lao Er's initial policy was to "prepare the border and connect well", and later began to "draw the Khitan".

In the battle of Sorghum River, after Zhao Lao Er was shot by an arrow in the butt, he changed from "drawing the Khitan" to "attacking the Liaoning with Yi Yi".

As he got older, and after the old soldiers left by his brother were all lost, the policy he left to his descendants could only be "cultivating virtue and cherishing distance".
The medicine given by the conductor was very "easy to use". Shen Guanglin felt sleepy immediately after taking it, and then fell asleep while thinking about it.

I don't know if this medicine can cure the disease, but the hypnotic effect is really good.

Shen Guanglin slept from morning until noon, and when he woke up again, he really didn't feel much burning, but his head hurt even more.

It was as if a few Zens were desperately calling out beside the ears, and the head also suddenly felt dizzy and weightless.

Not only a headache, but also nausea and nausea, and a burning throat.

Shen Guanglin was in a daze for most of the day, waking up several times and falling asleep several times in between.

Only when you are really sick do you feel that a good body is too important for a person.

After supporting until the evening, Shen Guanglin started to have a fever again, and this time he took the medicine again, but he still did not get better.

The girl who slept in the upper bunk finally felt that the state of the person in the lower bunk was a bit wrong.

He didn't get up all day, what's the matter?
"Daguo, what are you doing?" The strong Gan-Shaan dialect came to her face. No wonder she didn't like to talk. It turned out that she was not good at speaking Mandarin. She came from Yangcheng and could not speak Mandarin or vernacular. Naturally shut up.

It's just, listening to this voice, it doesn't look like a little girl.

It turned out that the girl was just dressed young, and the two ponytails deceived people. In fact, her real age is definitely not a teenager.

Shen Guanglin wanted to respond, but he was really weak, opened his mouth, his voice was hoarse, and he couldn't speak.

"Hey, you're irritating. It's so hot, you should be twitching."

This girl is too incapable of speaking, that is, bullying Shen Guanglin and unable to refute.

However, the girl's heart was quite kind. She took out a towel and poured a pot of boiling water at the connection of the carriage with the kettle, which was soaked and smeared on his face.

So hot!

Shen Guanglin was already a little confused.

He felt hot and wet on his face and body, he said he didn't fall asleep, and he said he was awake and not awake.

Several times, he tried to open his eyes, but failed.

In a daze, he felt that he was undressed and turned over, as if he had finished taking a bath, and an uncle was rubbing his back.

The uncle's strength is not small, and his back hurts.

It was hot and painful, but also a little comfortable.

Most of the night passed, and at dawn, Shen Guanglin finally woke up, and his whole body became clearer.

Always sleep in one position, the body is very tired.

He wanted to roll over, and then he came across a soft body.

It turned out that the girl was taking care of him.

It was too late and too tired, so she fell asleep on the small table when she was sleepy.

Meet good people on the road.

The two big model workers on the opposite side didn't respond at all. They went to the box next door to play cards with people during the day, and didn't come back until the lights went out at night.

The girl felt Shen Guanglin's movement: "Dagu, wake up."

"Well, thank you, you took care of me for a day yesterday."

Shen Guanglin looked at the scenery outside the window. It was dark outside. It could not be said that it was pitch black, but there was not much light in sight.

He was still sad, but thanked him with a hoarse voice.

"It doesn't matter. I think you are irritated by eating something bad. You should pay more attention to your diet and rest. I shaved you yesterday. You should be better now."

Simple girls are very confident, and confident girls show different beauty.

"How do you understand this?" Shen Guanglin expressed surprise. He ate a lot of seafood these days. Is that the reason?

The girl answered sincerely: "Er works in a pharmaceutical factory and understands a little medical theory. In fact, Ee is also a model worker."

It turned out that the girl heard the words of the two men on the opposite side. They always showed off their status as model workers, and it seemed that she had also heard her.

"Thank you, girl, what's your name? Please leave me your contact information. I must thank you well after returning to the capital." Shen Guanglin's gratitude was sincere.

"What girl, you can call me sister or sister-in-law, there are three children, and the youngest all go to the Yuhong class."

it is as expected.

"I can't see it at all. Yesterday when I saw your two braids, I thought you were only 27 or [-]. Today, I see you are a little tired, but you are only [-] or [-]. You don't look like a mother of three children at all."

Today, the eldest sister is a bit tired, she is no longer youthful, and the corners of her eyes have already grown lines. According to the maintenance level of later generations, she should be around 35 in this state.

"I don't even know if you're praising or scolding. I'm 26 years old this year, so I'm 28 or 17. I gave birth early, and I gave birth to a baby at the age of [-]. The man was an educated youth who went to the countryside, and then he ran away. I was looking for a man. In Yangcheng, a man, did you find him, and he settled down to work as a female worker in Baiyunshan Pharmaceutical Factory."

I'm going, embarrassed.

Shen Guanglin could only forcibly change the topic: "Eldest sister, what is the Yuhong class you are talking about?"

"It's preschool."

"Oh. I see, is it kindergarten?"

Shen Guanglin didn't even know that there was a preschool organization called Yuhong Class.

Shen Guanglin then asked, "Eldest sister, I haven't asked your name yet."

"Embroidery, Liu Embroidery."

"Nice name! Tranquil and far-reaching, elegant, yet with talent in simplicity."

Shen Guanglin couldn't fall asleep, so he sat up reluctantly, and Embroidered Sister made him a cup of malted milk essence.

Shen Guanglin reluctantly took a few sips, and then he couldn't drink any more.

The two continued to chat: "Sister Embroidery, what are you doing in the capital?"

"Uh, go to study, Jingcheng Medical College, have you heard of this school? I heard that it was separated from Jingcheng University." Liu Xiuhua was very proud, and it was not easy for her to get this opportunity.

Of course Shen Guanglin knew about this school. This was originally the medical department that was separated from Jingcheng University.

"I know this school, and it will be re-merged with Jingcheng University in the future."

"It would be great if it was merged. Ee can tell people that Ee has also studied at Jingcheng University, but Ee only went to high school, so I'm afraid I won't be able to keep up."

"What is a high school?" Shen Guanglin knew little about many vocabulary of the times.

"It's just an education, a high school education. A man is better. He was admitted to a college and a junior college. He said that he would take me with me if he got a junior college. In the end, he flew on his own."

Speaking of men, she sighed. It turns out that this eldest sister is also a talkative person, not an introverted master.

"Thank you eldest sister, if it wasn't for you yesterday, I don't know what would have happened."

Shen Guanglin is a polite person, especially when others helped him and saved him.

"What else can I do? It's over after a while. At the beginning, the man just went to the countryside and he had a fever and talked nonsense, just like you. He also took care of him like this, so he took advantage of his unpreparedness and took it away. When I got over my body, I was only [-] years old, and I knew that a man is really good. I don't have to be a man, but it's mainly three children in the family, so I can't live without "Da"."

The eldest sister's speech is very exciting, but the time for popular science has fallen again. What is "Da"?
In fact, "Dada" is the father, called "Yeye" in ancient times.

However, what does the eldest sister mean by saying this, is there any intention to say this?
"My eldest sister's life-saving grace can't be repaid by me. I can only repay this great kindness and great virtue by being a bull and a horse in the next life."

Teacher Shen quickly expressed his sincere thanks again.

Thanks can't just talk about it, but also have to take some practical actions.

Shen Guanglin stubbornly stood up again, opened the suitcase, the suitcase was full of gifts, of course lighters were not suitable, and Marlboro was almost meaningless, the radio is good, this can be given to him.

"I'll give it to you, sis, it's good to have entertainment facilities when you arrive in the capital. Listen to the radio and listen to music. It's good."

"Uh, I can't, this is too expensive."

The eldest sister seems to be saying that saving him is a big effort. If you really want to express your gratitude, you can consider the three babies.

"Don't you think that my life is not worth this radio?" Shen Guanglin's moral kidnapping was also a steal.

The eldest sister accepted it, and she still felt a little in love.

The sky was getting brighter, and I could see the scenery outside the window.

Still in the south, it is still a shuttle between the mountains and rice fields.

In fact, the train had already left Yueyang and entered Xianning.

The first station when the train enters Chubei is Puqi Station.

Looking at the word Puqi, Shen Guanglin thought for a long time.

Which city is this?There is actually a Puqi between Yueyang and Xianning? .

In fact, Puqi will no longer exist in a few years, and it will be renamed Chibi.

The older model worker on the opposite side woke up at some point: "This is a county in the Xianning area called Puqi County, and Chibi is here."

After speaking, he recited in unfluent Mandarin:
"The big river goes east, the waves are exhausted, and the romantic people of the ages.

Therefore, to the west of the rampart, the humanity is, the Three Kingdoms Zhou Lang Chibi.

The rocks pierced through the sky, the stormy waves hit the shore, and thousands of piles of snow were rolled up.

Picturesque, a moment how many hero.

Yao Xiang Gong Jin back then, Xiao Qiao married for the first time, majestic.

Lupin and Lun towel, between talking and laughing, disappeared in ashes.

My motherland wanders, loves to laugh at me, be born early.

Life is like a dream, and a statue is still in the river. "

I rubbed it, and the big brother on the opposite side showed me a face, and recited a poem in cadence.

Sister Embroidery was really interested: "Is this the place where Uncle Liu fought against the thief Cao?"

"Yes, Zhou Yu and Zhuge Liang set fire to Chibi here. Later, Su Shi wrote the heart-warming words after paying tribute. However, why are you so emotional? Cao Cao is not necessarily a bad person."

Is the middle-aged uncle in glasses ready to open a hundred forums?

Shen Guanglin was not going to give him a chance to pretend to be successful:

"This Chibi is indeed the place where the war occurred during the Three Kingdoms period, but this is not the Chibi where Su Shi wrote poetry."

"Chibi is actually divided into Wen Chibi and Wu Chibi. Wen Chibi is in Huanggang. Su Shi was a deputy regiment trainer in Huangzhou at the time. He misunderstood and mistook the Chibi over there as an ancient battlefield. In addition to writing "Nian Nujiao Chibi Nostalgia" , and also wrote some poems and fu, such as the phrase "the Yangtze River is surrounded by Guo Zhiyu, the beautiful bamboo is connected to the mountains, and the bamboo shoots are fragrant." It is very good, both a poem and a couplet."

The young model worker also came over at this time: "little brother, just sell me your lighter. You have so many in your box. Ten dollars is a lot."

It turned out that none of these people fell asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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