Chapter 491

Liulichang is located in the XC area, which has no connection with Chaoyang.

However, this did not prevent Shen Guanglin and the others from being besieged by the Chaoyang crowd.

The girls who are models are prettier and quieter, and haven't spoken yet, but the girls who draw pictures are already relentless, "Smelly rascal, who are you shooting!"

It is only the beginning of 1986, and it is still in a severe period. Although social security has improved greatly after the efforts of the past two years, the social atmosphere is still serious, and the three-year goal set at the beginning has not yet been realized. It is the time of strategic decisive battle.

Document No. 1983 of 31 stated: Hooligans and gang members are social scum produced under new historical conditions.They murdered innocent people by murdering, raping women, hijacking planes and boats, setting fires and explosions, etc., which did great harm to public security.We must understand the nature of hooligans and gangs, and we must not underestimate their destructive effects.It must be resolutely destroyed.The rogue gang members must be wiped out.

Now, the three of Shen Guanglin are sneaky, and they are not good people at first glance, especially Lao Wang and Lao Ma, both of them are ugly and mischievous, they look like hooligans, and the one with the camera is a beast in clothes.

The crowd surrounded them to prevent them from escaping.

"No, we're not hooligans, we're just passing by to pick up the wind." Old Wang quickly stood up and explained.

Shen Guanglin felt that this experience was quite special, so he didn't speak, and it was Wang Shuo who came out to explain.

"Caifeng? I think it's picking flowers! Catch them and send them to the police!"

It's rare for everyone to have a chance to make meritorious deeds, especially when they have captured ready-made evidence. The two girls are in the photo on the Polaroid, and this is the evidence!
Not to mention, the composition is pretty good, the shooting is pretty beautiful, and Shen Guanglin's skills are good.

Especially the girl who is the model, she is very good-looking, I am afraid she is not from the capital, otherwise such a beautiful girl cannot be unknown.

"Okay, stop explaining, we've seen a lot of hooligans like you, don't try to run, if you try to run, your legs will be broken, wait until the police come!"

In public, it was really useless to explain. The three felt that it would not be too late to wait for the police to come.

It didn't take long for the police to come, and they came with compulsory equipment such as pistols and handcuffs.

The police saw the anger of the audience, saw the two beautiful girls, and saw that two of the three people in the gang were relatively wretched.

In particular, they went to Liulichang to pick up leaks today, and they brought a lot of cash with them, but they wore simple clothes.

The onlookers found cash from them, which was quite a lot.

The policemen looked at each other, maybe this is not a big thief!Without further ado, he went straight to the restraint method.

"No, comrade, don't do this, we are just passing by, we are legal citizens."

However, the three of them had nothing in their pockets except money, and none of them had any valid documents.

In fact, the resident identity card system has been implemented in China since April 1984, 4, but whoever goes out with this when they have nothing to do.

Since you can't explain clearly, let's go to the office, there are many people outside, and it's chaotic.

The police station has arrived.

This is really regarded as a major economic theft, because the three people have a lot of money.

In this way, the three people were interrogated separately for fear of collusion.

Shen Guanglin didn't know about the interrogation of the other two, so Shen Guanglin followed the police all the way into the interrogation room.

He was the one who took the Polaroid, and he had the most money on him, so he was the most suspected of being the leader of a criminal gang.

The interrogation room was dark and cramped, with pale lights.

Under the four big words "Leniency for confession, strictness for resistance", someone Shen sat obediently.

"gender".The serious-looking policeman began to take notes.

"male".Shen Guanglin's answer was impeccable.

It turns out that this question will be asked in every age, and this is already a standard configuration for interrogation.


"Shen Guanglin."


"University professor."

"You, a university professor? There are also such young university professors. Which university do you teach, let alone the Beijing University." Old, wealth is not revealed.

"Yes." Shen Guanglin answered honestly, he was indeed teaching at Capital University.

"What is it! Be honest, what do you usually do? Where did you get this camera? Also, where did you get the money from?"

The policeman's expression became more serious. Even, they didn't mind using the killing stick and other measures to kill someone Shen's arrogance first.

When did Shen Guanglin become proud?

"Comrade policeman, I bought the camera myself. Didn't you guess just now, saying that I teach at Beijing University, and I am from Beijing University." Shen Guanglin was also a little speechless, and you wanted to hit someone if you disagreed. This is too uncivilized law enforcement.

"Is it really Jingcheng University? What's the phone number of your unit? We need to verify it. If you are really a professor of Jingcheng University, I will give you a chance to defend your innocence." It seems that the police are still awake.

"It's better not to hit our unit. It's embarrassing to say it, and it won't end well. If you want to hit the guy surnamed Ma, he is the editor of youth literature and works for Huaxia Youth Publishing House. You can also prove it by looking for the guy surnamed Wang. Our identity, although he does not have a formal job, but he is a writer and has a bit of fame."

Shen Guanglin hurriedly made various explanations, because if he put on airs again, he would really be beaten, and they couldn't wait.

"real or fake?"


Really can't be fake.

The matter is not complicated, Shen Guanglin's work unit did not check, but Lao Ma's work unit has been confirmed, he is indeed the editor of youth literature, and Wang Shuo is really a famous writer, so Shen Guanglin is a professor It shouldn't be a lie.

All misunderstandings were resolved.

During the interrogation, Lao Ma got to know Shen Guanglin's background, "Please don't contact my work unit, you should contact Professor Shen's work unit. He is the one who made the insect-resistant cotton that was very popular last year."

However, Lao Wang's performance is better, "I am a writer, "Stewardess" is my work, and the other two are my friends, one is an editor, and the other is a professor. Please don't contact their units. not good."

Several facts have proved that the three people should not have lied.

Moreover, they also understood clearly that these three people went to Liuli Street to buy antiques, so they were dressed in shabby clothes, but they brought a lot of money.

The truth came out.

"Sorry, we made a mistake." The two girls began to apologize, but they didn't expect that these three people had quite a background, one was an editor, one was a famous writer, and the other was a university professor.

It's just that if an apology is useful, what do you need the police for?

However, Shen Guanglin still wanted to make up for it. The two men who were not firm had already forgiven them.

They also introduced themselves.

These two girls turned out to be people from Shanghai, who came to visit the capital. The model girl was named Li Yuanyuan, from Quancheng, and she was studying at Shanghai School of Drama; the one who painted was called Li Jianqun, who was also studying at Shanghai School of Comedy. , but he studied in the Department of Stage Design and studied under the famous painter Chen Yifei.

When Shen Guanglin realized it, the four of them were already on fire.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Shen. I knew you were a cultural person at a glance. I'm really sorry." The tall Li Jianqun complained to Li Yuanyuan: "Let me just say, how could such a handsome person be a gangster and criminal? Look at what you're doing."

"It's okay, it's okay, Teacher Shen is not a stingy person." The two men took the initiative to help someone Shen answer.

In this situation, Shen Guanglin can only say, labor and management forgive you.

The comrades in the police are still very enthusiastic: "It's fine for you to smile away your grievances, maybe you don't know each other, and you may become good friends in the future."

Lao Wang and Lao Ma nodded quickly, "Yes, yes, we will be good friends from now on."

Since they are good friends, they naturally want to talk about why they are going. I heard that they are going to Liulichang to buy things. The two girls are also very curious and want to go together.

Then go for it.

This is indeed fate. They were able to get to know these two big hooligans, and it may be easier to go on the road of acting in the future.

However, they are from the Shanghai Academy of Drama, which has guaranteed that their starting point will not be low, at least they will not starve to death, but they don't know what kind of achievements they will achieve.

For art students, the level of education and background are very important, which determines the difficulty of the future performing arts path.

Students graduating from the film and television academy, whether they are doing art or entering the entertainment industry, basically have a way to go.

And among those grassroots actors with no education and no background, how many of them can become famous?
Even if you are really famous, you still have to be on guard against your wife and the agent giving you a cuckold. The final result is that the man is green and the woman is popular.

(End of this chapter)

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