Start with a college teacher

Chapter 494 Self-reliance

Chapter 494 Self-reliance
Dare to travel by car in this era, it is definitely a journey of in-depth experience of folk customs.

In particular, according to the route plan, they have to go through Jizhou, Yuzhou, Qilu, Huizhou, and Suzhou to reach the magic capital.

Among them, the most excited are two educated people with low education. They have been clamoring for collecting folk songs for a long time. In the spring, I am afraid they want to be bees picking flowers.

Writer Wang and Editor Ma excitedly called this journey a "cultural journey".

It is estimated that even after a cultural trip, you will not be able to become Yu Qiuyu.

Fortunately, Shen Guanglin was rich, so they prepared two cars for this trip, one of which was used to pull themselves, and the other was used to pull bodyguards.

The Mercedes-Benz burns diesel, so a few more oil barrels can be prepared to prevent the shortage of fuel, and a variety of dry food and outdoor living materials are also brought in case of emergencies.

Everything was ready, and in a sunny and warm spring weather, everyone set off happily.

The first stop they arrived at was Shen Guanglin's own farm in Jizhou, which is also the territory of Great Wall Biological Company. After all, this trip is a long way away, which is equivalent to inspecting their own business empire.

After enjoying the last barbecue meal at the farm, they didn't stop too much, and they were ready to continue to set off despite the wind and rain.

Spring is warm and flowers are blooming, and there is you on the road.

However, after all the calculations, they didn't calculate how many more tires they should prepare.

Along the national highway all the way south, after several years of crackdown, there are no bandits blocking the road now, but there are nails scattered by car repairers on the road, which are still triangular, and each nail is accurate.

This situation is often mentioned by drivers who pull goods, and it is not surprising that there are nails here, and there must be car repair shops elsewhere.

That is, if you want to live from now on and leave the new era version of Mailucai, even in 2020, this situation is not uncommon.

Since he chose to take the national road, he naturally had to face the Chinese people.

Sure enough, there was a car repair shop not far away, and what they were doing was this unique business.

If you want to sue someone and arrest him, you have no evidence yet, so you can only spend money to eliminate the disaster.

However, the next thing is really tragic. Let alone repairing a punctured tire, it is nothing more than spending some money. The problem is that these people only know how to puncture a tire, not repair it.

Such a high-end car has no inner tube, and the inflatable structure of the tire and the wheel hub is combined. How can this tire be repaired?

After a lot of tossing, the tire still couldn't be repaired, so I had to find a truck to take it back to the capital for repair.

They haven't left Ji Province yet, so they can only consider going back home.

Big-eyed Pharaoh complained, but dozens of people surrounded him. Even with bodyguards, two fists are no match for four.

The simple car repair shop master taught them a social lesson very well.

In economics, sometimes there is no demand, then create demand, but the created demand itself cannot satisfy the demand, which is a waste of social resources.

The three of them who returned to the capital were dejected and prepared to eat a meal of sheep and scorpions to vent their anger. Only Li Rong, who was smiling like a flower, was there to comfort: "You are already very good. Think about the son-in-law of General Yang and the treatment he received in Xinxiang , you should burn the incense.”

General Yang's son-in-law encountered an accident while traveling, which was also the origin of the YD movement in 83.

"You mean we didn't take a woman with us on the road?"

"Well, if it weren't for my damn job that I can't leave, I can go with you." Li Rong hasn't gone out with Shen Guanglin for a long time since she graduated from university. She feels that if she doesn't hurry up, she should Someone is challenging her heroine status.

However, it is not necessary to go together.

Shen Guanglin and the others still had to go to Shanghai, but additional preparations were necessary.

Fortunately, Shen Guanglin is a distinguished guest of the Shanghai Municipal Government, and there will be no shortage of cars in the Shanghai Municipal Government. The local government has long promised to coordinate a few cars for them to use.

In fact, in Shen Guanglin's eyes, the most valuable thing is not the car they provided, but the privileged license plate they provided.

Shen Guanglin even confessed that he would send a few cars to Shanghai and find them a more powerful license plate.

Of course, there are still many things to do when going to Shanghai this time.

Moreover, a group of Da Liu's staff has been preparing there for a long time, and they have been doing the preparatory work for the construction of the skyscraper.

However, Shen Guanglin insisted on giving the project to domestic construction companies, such as China Construction Engineering Group.

In addition to laying the foundation, he also coordinated this matter during his past visit.

I set off to Shanghai again, and the journey went much smoother.

After all, sprinkling nails on the road is not effective for aircraft tires, which are solid tires.

Under the attentive service of the stewardess, the magic capital has arrived.

There is a long way to go from the airport to the city. The writer is really good at discovering. There are still machine gun bunkers from the GMD period in the fields beside the road. The concrete structure looks like a tomb. It has the characteristics of the times.

Coming to Shanghai this time, it is very different from the last time.

The last time I came here was when the weather was cold, and the demons also had to wear down jackets, it was cold haha.

This time is different, this time is the turn of the Qingming Festival, a knitted sweater and a coat can get through the morning and evening.

The government sent official cars and staff to pick up the plane, and Liu was also in Shanghai, but he and his staff did not come, saying that they were waiting for them at the resident hotel.

Sure enough, when the convoy arrived at the hotel, all Da Liu's employees stood in suits and leather shoes to greet him at the hotel entrance. They waited for Shen Guanglin to get off the car, and then they all said in unison: "Welcome Shen Sheng to the magic city to guide the work." .”

This form is a bit nondescript, and Shen Guanglin doesn't like it.

Painting a tiger is no longer an anti-dog.

If you really want to greet me, you should go to the airport, not at the hotel entrance.

From the looks of it, it is estimated that Liu's employees are not particularly obedient, or they don't think much of this mainlander in their hearts.

Now is not the time to worry about this, Shen Guanglin said, "These two are my friends." Then he walked straight into the hotel.

Writer Wang whispered to Editor Ma, "Look, Mr. Shen is really full of aura."

Shen Guanglin was going up the steps and heard their conversation, but he didn't look back, but just glanced at Da Liu and the employees of his real estate company out of the corner of his eyes.

Their mood was indeed not very good, because Shen Guanglin did not condolence to them at all.

Along the way, he heard from the local pick-up staff that this real estate development company called Huaren Real Estate, their people are all arrogant and not easy to deal with, and they are not optimistic about this skyscraper project. .

Shen Guanglin is not a person who values ​​form, but if you are unwilling to come here to develop a project, then don't come, the melon that is twisted is not sweet.

I saw it today and it was indeed the case. Shen Guanglin didn't like the kind of arrogance that came out from inside.

What are you proud of, aren't you the second devil?

The staff in the Modu area are also too enthusiastic. They can't let them think that the people of the Great Wall Group are such piss, otherwise, how can they deal with each other in the future.

People in the Great Wall Group are really not like this, and Shen Guanglin wants to prove it to them one after another.

The dinner started, the dining table is very big, it is a big round table that can seat 30 people.

Eating is also a kind of knowledge, Shen Guanglin decided to show it.

There are three or four people in charge of coordinating from the government department. They take the seat, Shen Guanglin and his party have three, plus Da Liu separates the seat, and then there are vacant seats.

Da Liu originally wanted to introduce some middle and high-level executives of his company to Shen Guanglin, but Shen Guanglin said: "No need, this is a dinner party for our own people. Who are they? The name is not right."

Da Liu was a little embarrassed, so he had to give up.

The next day was the work coordination meeting. Writer Wang and Editor Ma were fine and participated in the meeting. After all, they were from Shen Guanglin's side, their own people.

"Mr. Shen, this is the agreement for the Great Wall Group to hire Huaren Real Estate to manage the construction on its behalf. Please also sign it." A female secretary wearing gold-rimmed glasses handed over a document and asked Shen Guanglin to sign it.

Huaren Land is a real estate development company owned by Da Liu Holdings, and it is also a well-established real estate company in Xiangjiang. It does have experience in developing high-rise buildings in Xiangjiang.

However, Shen Guanglin didn't like their attitude very much.

In addition, he also has some opinions on Liu.

Shen Guanglin also thought that after such a long time, Da Liu should have devoted himself to the Great Wall Group. After all, Da Liu's status was realized by holding the shares of someone Shen on his behalf.

"Didn't the Great Wall Group set up its own management office? Where are the staff? Why is the Great Wall Group's construction project handed over to you for management?"

Shen Guanglin was very upset.

The female secretary couldn't answer these words, she could only look at Da Liu, this was a job arranged by him.

"Mr. Shen, after all, it's not that the rich and the water don't flow to outsiders, isn't it? Huaren Property just has high-level development experience, and it's a matter of course for them to develop and manage. Don't worry, we won't charge indiscriminately. Everything is at cost price , Help the group build the headquarters well."

This is not a question of indiscriminate charging, it is a question of dominance, it is a question of attitude.

Huaxia has no experience in super high-rise buildings at present. Learning more and learning more can indeed save a lot of detours.

However, the attitude of these Xiangjiang people made Shen Guanglin very unhappy. These people have already regarded themselves as the masters, which made Shen Guanglin suddenly feel that this matter cannot be done like this. Stand firm in the magic capital and stand still.

Since China Construction Third Bureau already has experience in building 50-story buildings in Shenzhen City, it is somewhat difficult to expand to 99-story buildings, but the difficulty lies in resource integration.

Shen Guanglin himself is the planner of the 863 plan, and he actually used outsiders for his own project, which did not meet his psychological expectations.

Self-reliance, starting from its own group headquarters.

(End of this chapter)

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