Chapter 50 Movies
Life can't be lived like this, life can't be lived like this.

Shen Guanglin returned to school early in the morning on the second day after returning from Xiangjiang.

He is an honorable worker with a unit.

He came back to work with a suitcase.

It was a sunny day, the weather was fresh, the wind was gentle, and there were no clouds.

Shen Guanglin walked happily on the way to the office building, thinking that he had missed his dear teachers and classmates for a long time.

The students actually already knew that he was back.

Mr. Shen went to Xiangjiang for a two-week academic visit, which has now ended successfully and returned to Beijing.

This news was released after Song Xiaoyu came back to class. She followed Li Li to Fuyuanmen last night, and a group of people had a sumptuous dinner together before returning.

The two of them didn't stay overnight, and they could go back to school with their flashlights on.

The school's food level is still not good, and Shen Guanglin's yard has all kinds of vegetables, to the point that they will go bad if you don't eat them.

As for the meat, the beef in the refrigerator has been out of supply for a long time, waiting for Mr. Shen to come to stock up.

There are dozens of chicks in the yard, but they are moulting and growing wings. Eat now?It's too cruel.

I don't know where Teacher Shen bought the beef. It tastes really good, but it's not good to buy it myself.

After dinner in the evening, the two were immersed in the excitement of receiving the gift, and did not notice anything unusual about Shen Guanglin, nor did they know that he had been seriously ill.

Shen Guanglin was a little lost, but he was still happy to give them gifts.

In this way, their gifts were received earlier than other classmates.

Everyone's gift is different.

For example, Shen Guanglin brought Li Li a set of cosmetics and silver jewelry, while Song Xiaoyu brought a mirror and a book.

Song Xiaoyu is very happy, she loves to read, and girls, she also loves to look in the mirror.

As for the meaning or not, Xiaoyu said that he didn't understand your twists and turns.

Shen Guanglin's trip to Xiangjiang was still rewarding.

At least the students and teachers were looking forward to it, and they were waiting for him to talk about his experiences after he came back.

After all, there are not many opportunities to go abroad in this era, and now a trip to Xiangjiang can almost be regarded as going abroad.

Mr. Shen did not bring back any academic achievements, but brought back a lot of accompanying gifts.

Each student in the class is given an imported pen.

Male teachers like to smoke Zippo lighters, non-smokers have gadgets such as pedicure clippers and nail clipper sets, and female teachers have lipsticks, perfumes and headwear.

In short, Shen Guanglin was comprehensive, and no one was left behind.

Especially his mentor, the esteemed dean, Shen Guanglin even prepared exquisite pipes and cigars and other items that could reflect his status and wisdom, and he also brought the latest technology books to the "boss", which is the best one's gift.

The boss loves to read.

Or school life is good, quiet, peaceful, and more energetic to work.

Today is Thursday, and there are classes in the third and fourth quarters of the morning.

Shen Guanglin first chatted with his colleagues, and then found Teacher Zhang to understand the teaching progress, and then he was ready to go to the classroom.

look forward to.

Sure enough, the class was almost over, and everyone expressed a strong welcome to Shen Guanglin's return.

Especially after listening to Song Xiaoyu, Teacher Shen brought gifts to the classmates.

What kind of gift is it?

The first gifts that Shen Guanglin brought out were peach cakes, wife cakes, gingerbread cakes, chestnut cakes and egg rolls. They were of different brands. Among them, Kee Wah, Rong Hua and Maxim's were all well-known brands in Heungkong.

Shen Guanglin bought these originally with the intention of eating them on the road, but after a serious illness he kept them.

At this time, Shen Guanglin just invited everyone to a morning tea, which is also a living habit in European and American workplaces.

The classmates missed Mr. Shen very much, and they kept asking how Xiangjiang was, whether they were particularly rich, and what experience and knowledge they had.

It can be seen that the students are full of yearning for the exotic.

This is a big trend, and Shen Guanglin has no way to change it. He can only use his own way to leave as many elites as possible to the country.

"Students, today, before class, let's learn an ancient poem called "Denglou Fu", which is a famous poem by Wang Can, the first of the seven sons of Jian'an. There is this sentence in it, "Although I believe in beauty and not my land, Never was enough to stay less! ”, which means “Even if it’s really beautiful, but it’s not my homeland, how can it be worth my stay here? ".

I know that many students are thinking of studying abroad. I guess this is one of the reasons why you study English seriously.However, I would like to give you a suggestion, which is really just a suggestion. Although Liangyuan is good, it is not my homeland.

If you go abroad one day, please don’t forget the motherland. No matter how bad the motherland is, it is home after all. I still hope that everyone can come back and contribute to the prosperity and development of the motherland. "

Shen Guanglin really felt the huge gap between Xiangjiang and the mainland. Although he knew in his heart that there would be countless people who would make up for this gap through hard work, but Shen Guanglin still thought that among these people there were students of his own.

Whether the students are willing to listen or not, Shen Guanglin is not planning to go abroad anymore, he wants to stay to spread knowledge and ideas.

Not much gossip, and after that, the formal class begins.

Shen Guanglin first checked the students' learning progress.

It's really good, these calves are too powerful!

The level and ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing are rising steadily.

I haven't seen each other for more than half a month, and the students have made great progress.

Many students have been able to conduct conversations in relatively fluent English, regardless of whether the standard is not standard, at least dare to speak, dare to express is the best way to learn a language.

After class was about to end, Shen Guanglin took out his second gift and prepared to distribute it: "The students are indeed studying very seriously and hard, the old man is very comforted, and now I offer a small gift to encourage." After finishing speaking, Shen Guanglin took out Three boxes of pens.

All Parker's, of course not the gold pen and the big red, but the general-purpose type of ordinary models.

The students were very surprised, and Teacher Shen was too handsome.

It turns out that everyone's gift is the same, and there is no preference for Li Li.

Indeed, Shen Guanglin did not take special care of Li Li in class.

As for what's going on behind the scenes, this is not something that students should worry about.

Shen Guanglin was also a little surprised, because he could still see that Li Li was wearing light makeup today, using the same set of makeup from yesterday.

Shen Guanglin's eyes are very good. He is like a senior who checks makeup during an art exam. He can tell whether a lady is plain or not at a glance.

For ordinary men, except for the extra heavy makeup in a nightclub or a makeup that eats a dead child with a bloody mouth, they can't tell whether a woman wears makeup or not.

But Shen Guanglin can.

All the sea kings can.

It is because of the existence of people like him that girls' makeup is more meaningful.

Otherwise, who will it be shown to?

However, "makeup" itself is inconsistent with the current mainstream culture.

The current themes are still "Who says women are inferior to men" and "Women hold up half the sky".

Whether it is the media or the public, everyone's ideal expectation for women is that women can be used by men, and men can be used by animals.

In fact, since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee, women's aesthetic consciousness has begun to awaken again.

Some trendy girls are getting their perms again and wearing floral skirts and white shirts.

Before the reform and opening up, this was unimaginable.

In the past, girls would apply blush like a monkey's butt on their faces when they got married.

It's called beauty.

Of course, "blush" also appeared on the photos taken at that time, but it was the special effect of "duang!".

It was obviously a black-and-white photo, but it had to be painted red on the face, pretending to be in color. At the time, it seemed that this was beauty, and this was aesthetics.

Li Li is naturally beautiful and looks better than others.

She has a good family background and more abundant material conditions, so her temperament is also good. Even if she doesn't care about dressing up, as long as she has a little bit of grooming, she is definitely two images.

Seeing such a beautiful and lively 3D girl, Teacher Shen's heart was beating wildly.

It's definitely more impactful than watching a 2D flat feature film.

Many classmates also secretly greeted Li Li.

It is estimated that most of the students have not seen 2D feature films yet.

Shen Guanglin went to see it.

When he was in Xiangjiang, he took Su Youpeng and Erlen along with him. They really went to see a small movie, and it was two in a row.

It's the kind of video theater.

For classic film and television, they watched "Rapunzel" and "Shuangyan in the Golden Bottle" by Shaw Brothers.

The two-episode simulcast is particularly enjoyable.

Wen Jundu, the producer of "Young and Dangerous", once said that he had a nosebleed when he first saw the film "Golden Vase Shuangyan", and then left a deep impression in his heart.

Shen Guanglin didn't have a nosebleed, his expression was calm, and he paid attention to the storyline, but Er Leng and Su Youpeng couldn't take it anymore, they were swollen and painful.

That night, Er Leng and Su Youpeng disappeared for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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