Start with a college teacher

Chapter 530 Fan Lao Li

Chapter 530 Fan Old Li (2)

Things got a little louder.

In the past media reports, the background of the previous stories was that Chinese scientists broke through many obstacles before returning to their hometown and serving the motherland.

Mr. Qian is an example.

Of course, there are also scientists who broke through numerous obstacles and went abroad, but such things are not allowed to be reported.

Among them, there is a genetic biologist who went abroad in this way.

Now, it is no longer a special period, everything is going well, and Shen Guanglin is a well-known patriotic scientist. Who set up obstacles for scientists and no longer let him use passports?
The response speed in the country is very fast, and they immediately sent a formal letter to ask the Mexican office in China, what is going on?

In fact, before the Mexican office in China received the inquiry, they already knew what was going on in the Citigroup media.

Because, many people in Citigroup are already putting pressure on Mexico.

Being next to strong neighbors, they are also under a lot of pressure. The neighbor next door can come over and yell at them alone.

For this reason, they were well prepared for Professor Shen's message.

"It's your own office. They are the ones who revoked Professor Shen's passport. Professor Shen just moved out of the hotel. As for the rest, how can we control it?"

What?And this kind of thing.

Did you have an own problem?
Quickly called the overseas phone, Counselor Niu and the director of the office were stunned, and they didn't know what happened.

Why did Professor Shen lose contact?Isn't he still alive and kicking?

The car he rented parked at the door of the office from time to time. If the workers hadn't stepped forward to check, there was no Shen Guanglin inside, and they would have thought that Shen Guanglin had come to provoke him.

This time, Professor Shen was too embarrassing for them. I knew that it might be useless to revoke his passport, but I couldn't help but did it anyway.

The result of this is that the car rented by Shen Guanglin is blatantly driving back and forth at the door of the office.

The people in the office are not afraid, you always have to go back to your country, you don’t have a passport to use, what will you bring back to your country in the future?
Of course they know that the US-Mexico border is open.

However, since you have done smuggling, you will leave a dark history in the future.

If someone asks, how did you escape from Mexico?How should you Shen someone answer?

Even if you can detour back from Citigroup, but on the way from Mexico to Citigroup, are you using legal channels?

If you think about it, this is really the case.

Shen Guanglin himself didn't think so deeply.

Now, the domestic accountability call has come to the office, and Counselor Niu and the others really can't explain it.

So, they could only forcefully say, we don't know, we once asked the people below to invite Professor Shen to the office, probably because we didn't pay attention to the method and method, Professor Shen didn't come.

We don't know what happened after that. Everything was done by the people below.

There are many scapegoats. Although there are no temporary workers, anyone who is young and has little qualifications is prone to make mistakes.

However, the test of Bailing in the past has not been fooled by this.

Shen Guanglin's counterattack was particularly targeted, and the only thing missing was the output of the flying dragon riding on the face.

With Pfizer behind the scenes to help control the pace, Citigroup's reports followed up very quickly, and more detailed reports will come out soon.

People in the newspaper said convincingly: Counselor Niu of the office had Professor Shen's passport revoked, which caused Professor Shen to be homeless and became a refugee in Mexico. At present, he has been rescued by Pfizer .

Heck, Pfizer is still showing off in this.

The country is going to explode.

"Now, you immediately stop all the work you are doing and return to your country to report on your duties!"

Shen Guanglin didn't care about these things happening in China, he was just executing the game program according to his own plan.

Even, the hotel has advised him that it is best not to go out without a passport.

Shen Guanglin didn't listen, what should he do or what should he do, who knows what he looks like, there are so many bodyguards, just keep one as Shen Guanglin, you can tell who is who?

Professor Shen can still tell the difference, but others can't.

Colleagues at the Marriott Hotel have been punished, and the Ritz-Carlton doesn't want to do the same.

After all, it is really hard to be complained by Pfizer.

The Ritz-Carlton has a completely different style from Marriott. The Ritz-Carlton is a resort hotel, and it is different from Marriott's business-oriented positioning.

Shen Guanglin had a great time staying in such a hotel, where he could enjoy the scenery and watch the football.

Then, Li Rong told him that Lao Li was coming.

"Comrade Li, your father-in-law!"

"What are you doing?"

What else can be done, of course, to calm down these things caused by Shen Guanglin.

Of course, Shen Guanglin has not lost contact, and Li Rong has always been in touch with his family.

Therefore, Lao Li knew about Shen Guanglin's whereabouts.

Someone in China asked about Lao Li: Do you know the situation of Professor Shen?Do you know where he is now?

Lao Li said, I know.

Everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief, it's good to know.

"He is with Rong Rong. It is said that he left the hotel and moved to another place. Now Xiao Shen's passport can no longer be used, so he has been staying in the hotel and has never gone out."

Oops, that would be great!Do some things quickly.

Then, Lao Li came over, together with the new director of the office.

The original director and counselor have been suspended, and their whereabouts are unknown.

When Lao Li was led over by the service staff, Shen Guanglin was swimming.

The temperature in Mexico City is not high in summer, so wild swimming is not allowed, and only in hotels with constant temperature pools can you swim.

Li Rong wasn't here, she went out to play.

Even in foreign countries, Li Rong still can't adapt to wearing a bikini, but it doesn't matter if she is a beauty, she blooms her beauty wantonly.

If it weren't for Liu's strong status, the bodyguards would be really tempted.

This life is so corrupt!
But Lao Li also likes it a little bit, and he secretly glanced at the beauty pass several times.

Men, everyone understands.

Don't tell me, Lao Li's swimming posture is quite standard. I don't know that he still has this talent.

After a while, everyone was tired, so we sat around and ate snacks together.

"Xiao Shen, what are you doing here?"

"Do an experiment, a social science experiment, to verify one of my conjectures." Shen Guanglin replied very solemnly.

Lao Li accompanied Shen Guanglin to do the experiment. Anyway, he is already a clerical worker and usually has nothing to do.

However, maybe it was Da Liu's flattery, or maybe it was the two people who were really destined. It didn't take long for Lao Li and Da Liu to get acquainted, and the two became friends.

Now, Lao Li also knew that in the past games, Da Liu had not guessed the ball correctly, and he had already lost all the money he brought, and he lived on the help of someone Shen.

Now that the group stage is almost over, Shen Guanglin won all the Argentina he bought, but he didn't cash in all of them, but he still cashed in two games.

In the first game, Argentina defeated Bangziguo 3-1. In the second game, Argentina defeated Bulgaria 2-0, but Argentina and Italy ended in a draw.

The timing of Lao Li's arrival was just right. The quarter-finals will be held soon. The first two matches are Mexico vs. Bulgaria, and Belgium vs. Soviet Union.

In the previous game, everyone did not have any objections. They all believed that the host Mexico should be able to win. The difference was the second game.

Lao Li insisted that Belgium could win, and Liu was determined not to be optimistic about Belgium, because it lost to Mexico in the first game, and the performance in the next two games was also average. The results were Belgium 2-1 Iraq, Belgium 2- 2 Paraguay.

If it wasn't for 4 points, they'd be gone.

The Soviet Union was very strong in the group stage. They beat Hungary 6-0, Canada 2-0, and drew with France.

However, Da Liu has no money to buy lottery tickets, but Lao Li has the financial support of his daughter, who is much more stubborn than Da Liu.

Neither of them would admit defeat, and finally decided to make a bet.

Lao Li asked Da Liu curiously, I heard that all the money you brought over has been lost, what is your bet.

She, okay?
(End of this chapter)

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