Chapter 532 Appointment (1)

Mr. Yang Jiang wrote the memoir "Remembering Qian Zhongshu and "The Besieged City"", in which there is such a sentence:

"Once, I heard him say to an English lady on the phone: 'If you eat an egg and think it's good, why do you need to know the hen that lays the egg?'"

Now, Shen Guanglin is probably the hen that lays eggs.

The head of state of Mexico heard about Professor Shen's visit to China. Although he hadn't eaten many eggs, he still wanted to meet this Mr. Hen.

This is probably because this Mr. Hen laid a lot of eggs, and all of them were extremely sweet, and some of them were double-yolk. Although Mr. Yuan might not like to eat eggs, he still wanted to meet such a famous hen.

This wish has lasted for a long time and has not been realized, but I have not given up.

He didn't even know that many people in the office had already been implicated in order to meet "Mr. Hen".

Now, Lao Li is here, and he brings a very "harmonious" interpersonal relationship.

Shen Guanglin can quarrel with others, but he can't get angry with Lao Li. Therefore, in the past few days, he has been very peaceful and humble.

Fortunately, the new interim person in charge of the office is also an old friend of Lao Li, so he won't put on those inexplicable airs.

If it wasn't like this, Shen Guanglin would probably still not show any face.

Now, he has a very clear understanding of his identity. Some people just can't get used to it. If you get used to him, you may have more unreasonable thoughts.

At Shen Guanglin's current stage, as long as he doesn't die, no one can do anything to him.

Professor Shen couldn't easily put some problems, big or small, on Professor Shen. Even if he was capricious once in a while, everyone else would have to make concessions.

For Shen Guanglin, if it's a tiger, you have to lie down, and if it's a dragon, you have to coil up.

Of course, Professor Shen is not an unreasonable person. At Lao Li's request, he brought Li Rong to the office as a guest, and even ended up eating dumplings by himself.

How about making dumplings?Of course it doesn't exist.

Although making dumplings is not a particularly difficult technical job, Shen Guanglin still doesn't know how to do it, and he doesn't plan to learn it.

Shen Guanglin can't, but someone can.

It was only when he was abroad that he discovered that Lao Li is so versatile!He hides so deeply.

At least, Lao Li is very proficient at rolling dumpling wrappers. With one hand rolling the noodle stick, the other hand is flying up and down, and the dumpling wrappers pop out one by one.

Lao Li was in charge of rolling the dough, Li Rong and other people in the office were making dumplings, and Shen Guanglin chatted with the temporary person in charge.

Youdao is a barracks made of iron, soldiers of flowing water.

The ordinary staff of the office are the camp, and the leaders are the soldiers.

A few days ago, they were fighting against each other, and they were angry together that a professor surnamed Shen didn't know how to praise and didn't give face.

No, the new leaders have just been transferred from China, and they will immediately make a gesture of warmly welcoming Professor Shen to visit and guide.

Fortunately, although Professor Shen is very young, he is not bossy, and he is not as difficult as the previous leader said.

After everyone finished eating the dumplings, Shen Guanglin also quickly realized that the life of foreign offices in this era is really not rich, and the conditions in Mexico City are still worse than those in Los Angeles.

To this end, Shen Guanglin volunteered to donate several thousand dollars.

Originally, the new person in charge was resolutely unwilling to ask for it. Professor Shen was particular about it, and took the initiative to say that this was the proceeds from his lectures, and it should be handed over to the office.

That's where it should be. The place where Shen Guanglin gave his lectures is Los Angeles, and this is Mexico City. He is just inviting people's hearts.

Otherwise, why did you ask that the number of staff in the office is 13, and you still have to spend 6500 US dollars in full?

And they have to send out $500 per person on the spot, so why come?

This matter is easy to understand. It is certain that the leader who has been transferred back to the country will be punished, but there will inevitably be sympathizers, and spreading the word will also hurt Shen Guanglin's reputation.

Now that everyone has collected money, if someone asks about Professor Shen and what happened in Mexico City, can he not speak well of Professor Shen?

To refute rumors, it is best to let insiders speak.

Now, some people have spread the word that everyone wrongly blamed Professor Shen, and it was all the Counselor Niu who had to overwhelm Professor Shen.

Although Professor Shen has a gentle temper, he is also the master who takes the weak and not the hard, so everyone is worried and frightened.

After explaining it, you can see that Professor Shen is a kind and cheerful person. He really deserves to be a scientist trained by our country. There is nothing to say about his bearing.

Now that the relationship with the office has been coordinated, since the head of state of Mexico wants to meet Professor Shen, let's do it.

Shen Guanglin suggested: How about making an appointment to watch the game together?
Of course, the next game will be the quarter-finals. It depends on the match between Mexico and West Germany.

The head of state of Mexico is also amiable and easy-going.

Of course, in the face of world-renowned scientists, even a dictator has to behave like a corporal.

Watching Mexico vs West Germany?Not a good idea.

Even without guessing, Shen Guanglin knew that West Germany would win because they would meet Argentina in the final.

The result is already known, it would be unfair to see the host lose.

Shen Guanglin suggested again: How about we watch the match between Argentina and England? Everyone is a neutral fan, and the atmosphere for watching the game is good.

The other party agreed to invite Professor Shen to visit their important attractions.

It has to be said that the country of Mexico in this era is still richer than China.

Although their infrastructure construction is not as good as that of Citigroup next door, it is already very good.

Therefore, their governments are also ambitious and must build their country into a standard developed country.

However, how can you allow others to snore and sleep on the side of the couch.

Citigroup is actually a bad country, and it basically doesn't tolerate other people's good.

Therefore, it is hard to say that the Mexican economy has been in trouble since the 80s without it being behind the scenes.

Throughout the 80s, with the end of the oil crisis, the price of oil dropped repeatedly, and the countries that suffered were not only the Soviet Union, but also Mexico.

However, such an international event cannot be controlled by Shen, a scientist. He came to Mexico as a tourist.

To be honest, Shen Guanglin still likes this city.

During these days of playing here, he still found a lot of commonalities between Mexico and Huaxia.

For example, are full of historical relics.

For example, the people here are very distinctive, there are many mixed races, and they are good-looking, which also conforms to the oriental aesthetics.

Some people say that Native Americans are people of the yellow race who came from Asia. Although it is not necessarily reliable, the genetic factors are indeed similar.

(End of this chapter)

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