Chapter 58

Mr. Lei once said: Treat comrades as warm as spring, treat work as hot as summer, treat individualism as swept away leaves by the autumn wind, and treat enemies as ruthless as harsh winter.

Almighty God, the names of our role models have now become sensitive words and cannot be quoted.

However, no matter how cruel, ruthless or unreasonable you are to treat the enemy, there must be a bottom line.

Gao Zhijie playing like this obviously surpassed the bottom line that Shen Guanglin thought.

Even during the confrontation between the two large-scale military and political organizations, the means we used were only to clear our own traitors, and basically would not take assassination actions against the enemy.

Now, what Gao Zhijie is playing is a naked assassination attempt.

Shen Guanglin was indeed a little carried away.

Recently, after Shen Guanglin returned from Xiangjiang, the relationship between him and his sister Li Li began to grow by leaps and bounds.

In particular, after he took back his "Hong Kong nationality" identity certificate, the two seemed to eliminate all kinds of estrangements overnight.

Now, the two of them have basically established a couple relationship without the little sister Li Rong's knowledge, but they haven't reached the step of piercing the window paper, and there is still a suitable opportunity left.

Shen Guanglin knew who was behind the scenes, and then let go of these thugs who ordered vegetables.

It's not easy for others to come out and do something. It's not good to block people, and they've been beaten.

Teacher Shen also pays attention to people. He gave each person ten dollars, which was medical expenses. Even if he received the money, he didn't have any grudges.

It's not smart for Gao to do this kind of thing, and it's probably because he watched Li Li drift away.

This is the same as Yuan Hua in Charlotte's Anxiety. For Qiuya, he asked the gangster to teach Charlotte a lesson.

Now, for Li Li, Gao Zhijie also found someone to "teach" Shen Guanglin.

Women are really strange creatures, and sometimes the more desperate you are, the easier it is to lose her.

Gao Zhijie did this, basically it would be very difficult to gain Li Li's favor.

The only fly in the ointment is that Mr. Shen didn't really suffer this beating. If he was beaten and hospitalized, Li Li's sister would come to take good care of him every day, and that would be a beautiful thing.

However, Shen Guanglin was also afraid that if he was actually hospitalized, the girl not only did not come to take care of him, but ran away with others, that would be the loss of his wife and the loss of the army.

Aunt Zhang, do not sell overnight meat.

Uncle Shen, don't take revenge overnight.

Encountered this, the two of them didn't have the heart to continue wandering around, let's go back.

Li Li was sent back to school by Shen Guanglin, and she wanted to go back to wake up.

Shen Guanglin was going to find Shunzi, and this hatred naturally needed a reasonable solution, otherwise it would be suffocated.

Shunzi listened to what happened to Shen Guanglin and took it seriously.

"Mr. Shen, do we want to have a bodyguard?" This is the basic quality of a dog's leg.

Shen Guanglin really thought about this, he will be a "rich man" in the future, and the security force needs to be strengthened.

What if there is a fierce man like Zhang Ziqiang?
Oops, what was the name of the worker who came out of Da Liu, Ye Jihuan?

Is it similar to the name of the masked thief, what did the masked thief do before?

Liu Luanxiong hasn't made a fortune yet, so he can also see the power of golf.

I'm looking for a bodyguard.

Not to mention others, even Yu Minhong has encountered danger several times when he started a training institution. His business will only get bigger and bigger, and more and more people will covet him.

Wealth cannot be revealed.

However, that is a matter of the future, and the most urgent task now is how to "revenge".

As a qualified dogleg, Sunja naturally has to come up with ideas: "How about we knock his teeth too?"

So much anger?
Totally inadvisable.

"You're crazy! His father is a senior leader. This kind of thing can only be done at noon, or you have to go in sooner or later."

Shen Guanglin still wanted to enjoy a happy life, so he didn't want to explain it like this.

Shen Guanglin thought about it for a while, and said in the tone of an educator: "We must be wise and methodical when doing things, we can't be reckless, and we can't leave the beginning and the end behind."

Instead, he continued to ask Shunzi, "Do you know the kind of female educated youth who are unemployed at home and who look good?"

"I know, but what do you want to do? Teacher Shen, you are someone who has a target." Shunzi felt that although he didn't have much culture, he still knew a bit of shame than Teacher Shen.

Readers, bah!
Shen Guanglin refuted: "You have to listen to everything, don't make random guesses in the middle. You don't even understand what I mean.

What I mean is, find a girl like this, pack it up, push it to Gao Zhijie, and then have a firewood and fire, and hit it in one shot. "

Shen Guanglin has only heard of Lalang's work, but has not done it yet.

"What do you mean?" Shunzi said he didn't understand.

Shen Guanglin continued his education: You think, which girl doesn't want to marry into a high-ranking family?Which girl doesn't want to pursue a wealthy life? "

"Sister Li Li doesn't want to." Shunzi immediately found a ready-made candidate.

"Fuck off, she is a wealthy family herself."

"I'm talking about ordinary girls, especially educated youths who are unemployed at home. If there is an opportunity to change their fate, do you think she will seize it?" Shen Guanglin followed suit.

Shunzi still didn't believe it: "Gao Zhijie may not be able to marry, right? One is a top student from Beijing University, and the other is an ordinary young woman. If you were you, would you marry?"

"What if there is a child."

"Still not marrying." Sunja shook her head.

"I don't care if he wants to marry or not. If you cry and hang yourself, the goal will be achieved."

This is indeed the case. Shen Guanglin's purpose is not to find a good match for him, but mainly to ruin his reputation.

"High, it is high!"

Shen Guanglin then gave a face-to-face instruction: "You'd better find someone who is more nimble, less able to hold one's body, and a little more feisty. Such a girl is free and has the right to pursue happiness."

Sunja fought a cold war, don't offend the scholar.

There is a saying that the father is cowardly, and the mother is cowardly, and the Gao family is afraid that it will be defeated.

 I'm very busy today, I can only update it once, it's a little short, I'll make up for it tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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