Chapter 60

Mao-faced Charlie is still a bit pure.

He didn't engage in color discrimination, and he didn't have any other bad intentions. He was a legitimate invitation and provided travel funds.

This is also a heavyweight invitation, but unfortunately he is not from the University of California, Berkeley, and the grade is a little worse.

Shen Guanglin refused without hesitation.

He felt he should have no shortage of similar opportunities himself.

For ordinary scholars, it is very difficult to publish a top journal, and a journal with an impact factor of 3.0 is not a person who can publish an article casually.

If you want to go higher, for example, with an impact factor of 10, you need excellent creativity, perfect writing, reasonable advancement, and chance coincidence, which can make a good article.

And what Shen Guanglin lacks most is creativity. The only difficulty he encounters is that he does not know which kind of understanding is more in line with the development of this era.

In addition, he lacks his own team members, and no one helps him search literature and follow up the latest academic progress.

Fortunately, it's only 1980, and nothing is in a hurry.

Charlie didn't give up, saying that Mr. Shen can give you two places, one for yourself, and the other for you to control at will.

One is a visiting scholar, and the other is a companion study.

It's only been a few days, this Charlie already knows the Chinese people's enthusiasm for studying abroad?

What does this mean?
Give two places and let yourself bring one person there?

With sister Li Rong?
With sister Li Li?
If you bring Li Li, then her wish has been fulfilled. How will the follow-up story unfold?
don't go!

Shen Guanglin refused, and it would be meaningless to go to Citi Country.

Although, California is indeed very good, with sunshine, beaches, nude hot springs, vineyards, wineries, beautiful cars, Hollywood, and major theme parks.

But these are not what Shen Guanglin likes.

He likes money, but he doesn't have enough money yet.

He likes Li Li, but he doesn't want Li Li to go to Citiland just like that.

If you love her, you must fulfill her. This is what a fool would say.

If you love her, keep her. That's what Teacher Shen should do.

No matter what era, living in Citiland, the happiness of the rich is the real happiness, and the happiness of the strugglers is the joy of suffering.

In case someone is middle-aged, if he loses his job, he will go to the street to pick up rubbish, and then he will be accidentally beaten to death by a black brother.

Of course, these dark side things are still invisible to everyone. What everyone sees is the beauty and wealth of Citi Country.

In this era, if anyone has a place to study abroad, it can be shown off in the capital.

If there is another place to accompany the study, I will be good, this is worth it, the daughter of the minister can marry at will.

It's not that Shen Guanglin doesn't want to be a noble visiting scholar, he doesn't want to be a visiting scholar at the University of Los Angeles, and his resume is not good.

In Shen Guanglin's mind, Harvard, Yale, MIT, Stanford, and Princeton are all okay. The worst is Berkeley, and it can't be worse.

Not only Wang Zhaoming understands the principle of saving the country by curve, but also Professor Mao-faced Charlie.

After these days of exchanges, he became more and more convinced that Shen was that kind of academic super genius!
His casual sentence is a high-level building, and when he talks about a certain point of view, Shen can immediately give extraordinary insights.

This wise man is definitely not to be missed!
This is a loss to the world of physics.

No wonder Shen can have an independent office at a young age.

None of their older professors have this treatment.

Sure enough, talents are respected wherever they are.

If you want to invite Shen to visit, Shen also needs to be respected by us.

Professor Cat Face Charlie made a direct call across the ocean and asked his sponsor foundation to contact the school, and then sent an invitation letter to Jingcheng University through the school and provided all the funds, and directly gave 10 visiting places, which can form an academic Exchange delegation to strengthen communication and collaboration between the two universities.

Shen Guanglin is a must, others are optional.

When he arrived in Los Angeles, Shen saw the advanced scientific research conditions of Citi, wouldn't he be tempted to stay?
This is a bit taken for granted.

Is Mr. Qian Xueshen moved?
The school is of course very happy to be able to organize a group to go to a world famous school for academic exchanges.

Just hosting a visiting scholar can bring such good things?
The other party made it clear that if Teacher Shen did not go, the exchange group would be cancelled.

Shen Guanglin can't do it if he doesn't go.

This is an executive order.

Okay, let's go, fortunately, it's just a short-term visit and exchange.

Do you want to bring a girlfriend or something?Otherwise, the road will be boring.

Miss Li Rong?
Sister Li Li?

Or ask the parties for their opinions.

The little sister wants to read a book, and her name is not right if she goes, and the same is true for my sister.

However, I heard that I can go to Citigroup to have a look, my sister's eyes are green.

"I must go!"

The long-suffering teacher Shen was captured by a softness.

Shen Guanglin told Mao-faced Charlie, I want to bring a female companion to be my life assistant.

Scientists are all lunatics. It is really possible for Shen to forget to eat and sleep at work. Bringing a life assistant is a trivial matter.

Therefore, the team added a quota, and Li Li became the No.11 member.

The purpose of their trip was to attend an international physics conference in Los Angeles.

In this era, being able to go abroad is an extremely enviable thing. In addition to being able to receive living allowances, the most important thing is that they can buy tax-free items to bring back home.

Now, the wedding market has been upgraded from four major items to eight major items, namely color TVs, refrigerators, washing machines, stereos, four-speaker tape recorders, imported watches and so on.

If you can go abroad, the most convenient thing is: you can pay abroad, place an order, and then go to the Friendship Store in China to pick it up with the ticket.

These materials are not attractive to Shen Guanglin, the only thing that can make him excited is to be able to speak at international academic conferences.

Moreover, Mao-faced Charlie won the morning show on the last day for him. Although it is not the finale performance, it is already a very important B corner.

After several twists and turns and multi-party games, the list of overseas inspections has finally been publicized.

In China, the tradition of publicizing important matters has a long history. Of course, big-character posters are also publicized together, which is just a bit different.

On this day, Shen Guanglin was preparing lessons in the office, and Li Li came in.

Without saying a word, she sat directly behind Shen Guanglin, and then lay on Shen Guanglin's back.

In summer, clothes are relatively light and thin, and Teacher Shen enjoys this pose very much.

In the past, his girlfriend often did this when he was playing chicken. He liked chicken and she liked it too.

Shen Guanglin worked hard, Li Li was seriously angry, neither of them said a word, they could only hear the whirring of the ceiling fan above their heads.

After a while, Shen Guanglin saw the angry sister Li Li behind her.

Teacher Shen patted her butt, "What's the matter, you look unhappy."

"The list of the exchange delegation to Citigroup has been announced, without me!" Li Li stood up and locked the door of the office. First, she was worried that the partition wall would have ears, and second, she knew that Teacher Shen liked to move.

"What?" Shen Guanglin was surprised.

Li Li repeated, and said, "I said that the list of the Citigroup exchange delegation has been announced, and there is no me in it!"

"How is that possible. Is there eleven people on the announced list?" What if there were ten, after all, Li Li added it later.

"That's right, there are eleven people. There are seven people in our school and four outside the school. There is no me here." Li Li couldn't stand the salty pig's hand, and sat down with her back to Shen Guanglin.

Sitting on the chair back to back, Teacher Shen listened to Li Li chat about her wishes.

"You mean there's an impostor?"

"Yes, my surname is Bai and my name is Bai Bing. It is said that he belongs to the foreign affairs department and his position is assistant to the delegation."

(End of this chapter)

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