Chapter 63

Shen Guanglin has been very busy these days. He has to be busy writing speeches, so he said hello to Sister Xiuhua. He hasn't been home for dinner recently, and he has to take care of the meals and lodging at school.

This article is not easy to write, it should have both hot spots and depth.

But Shen Guanglin didn't want to give up the achievements of later generations that "shocked the world" in vain, so it was difficult to make a suitable choice.

With 40 years of forward-looking vision, there are so many directions for topics to choose from, which is actually difficult.

Then look for hotspots and see what the latest hotspots are. Who can't be hot.

Looking, looking, looking, and soon, Shen Guanglin found the list of Nobel laureates in 1979.

The 1979 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to Salam and Steven Weinberg for their theoretical discovery of the W and Z bosons.

Salam is a Pakistani, graduated from Cambridge from Eagle Country, and Steven Weinberg is a Jewish Citizen. They jointly won the Nobel Prize this year.

Of course, earlier in 1976, Ding Zhaozhong, a Chinese scientist from Rizhao, also won the Nobel Prize in Physics, and his research direction is also high-energy physics.

Although Mr. Ding is not as famous as Yang Lida, he is also an academic giant and has a good relationship with the motherland. In 1975, he became an honorary professor of the University of Science and Technology.

In January 1978, 1 domestic physicists came to Hamburg to participate in the international cooperation of the Mark-J experiment. Among them was Ding Zhaozhong, who was a professor from the School of Physics of Beijing University.

The common research fields of Ting Zhaozhong, Salam, and Steven Weinberg belong to the category of quantum field theory, which is compatible with quantum mechanics and special relativity.

In fact, the Chinese scientists Yang ZN and Li ZD also won the Nobel Prize for their achievements in this area.

This is indeed a good direction.

According to the current research results, elementary particles are divided into 7 categories, namely quarks, leptons, gluons, W particles, Z particles, photons, and Higgs particles.

Some of the particles here have been confirmed by experiments, and some are still in the theoretical stage, but many theoretical physicists have established the Standard Model of their interrelationships.

Shen Guanglin is also preparing to propose a model of his own, which is more in line with the practice of the future era.

Because the Standard Model of this era does not take into account the neutrino oscillations, it is inaccurate.

Shen Guanglin was going to first find out the neutrino oscillation from the theoretical derivation, and then let qualified scientific research units find the factual evidence for the existence of this neutrino oscillation. He only provided the basis and ideas.

There is no way, to test these theories, there must be an electron collider.

No one in China even came up with this idea in this day and age.

It is too expensive, and even in 2020, there are still many people who oppose the construction of this project.

However, neutrino oscillations are not difficult to spot.

In a previous life, around 1998, scientists at Fusang discovered neutrino oscillations, which meant that neutrinos had non-zero rest mass, which did not match the original version of the Standard Model of particle physics.

Therefore, Shen Guanglin is going to start from here, and deduce the conditions he needs based on the known results. If he does this, he will definitely be a blockbuster.

If you want to brush achievements, it is difficult to say it is difficult, and it is simple and simple.

This is a good thing at Jingcheng University. Although the school does not have much research funding, they can still subscribe to the most mainstream scientific journals and magazines in the world. If you want to keep up with the pace of the times, you just need to study hard.

Some scholars, by transforming foreign academic achievements, are filling the domestic gap.

Shen Guanglin naturally disdain to do such a thing, he wants to be self-reliant and lead the world trend.

Today is another fruitful day.

Shen Guanglin came out of the library, said goodbye to Li Li, and returned to the dormitory leisurely.

Li Li has also been very hard recently, but what she is trying to study is how to communicate with the local people when she arrives in Citiland, and what some local customs are like, is it as terrible as what Teacher Shen said, and what kind of nude beach, undressing prom.

The staff dormitory area and the student dormitory area are not in the same direction. Every day, Shen Guanglin will send Li Li back to the dormitory first, and then return to his old nest.

Li Li waved her hand upstairs, jumping like a little bunny elf.

In this era, there are no couples standing downstairs and kissing, so Shen Guanglin can only pat her butt when people are not paying attention.

In Shen Guanglin's era, the performance of couples was really crazy.

The girls were downstairs in the shade of the lights, and there were even people hugging each other and twitching their hips.

This is a levator ani exercise that is said to boost local blood circulation and prevent hemorrhoids.

With the mottled lights, the staff dormitory area arrived soon.

Because it was relatively late, the lights in several adjacent dormitories were also turned off, but I didn't know if Brother Zhao and Sister Zhao were running errands while the children were asleep.

Especially Sister Zhao, who likes to hide her ears and steal bells the most. She has a very loud voice. She has to wait for others to fall asleep before starting to shout, and she has to wake others up.

This trick of hers often makes Shen Guanglin invincible.

When she wanted to activate her fantasy, Sister Zhao had an average appearance; when she wanted to activate the shielding, the voice was so real that she could hardly hold back on the spot.


Just like when Brother Zhao borrowed money, Shen Guanglin stumbled again at the door.

Of course, it was not Brother Zhao who blocked his door, but the girl who wanted to go abroad, Bai Bing.

Bai Bing was sitting at the door of Shen Guanglin, and because Shen Guanglin came in the dark, he almost fell.

Both sides were startled, and judging by the voice, it turned out to be a girl.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" Shen Guanglin asked while opening the door, thinking that a certain student was looking for him.

Click, the lights are on.

With the light, it can be seen that the girl looks good, she is simply white and beautiful with long legs.

The family should also be in good condition, wearing a pair of small leather shoes, a "really good" short sleeve and pants, showing the fashion style of this era.

"Hello Mr. Shen, I'm here to talk to you about something." The girl didn't hesitate, she came here after all kinds of preparations.

"Then sit down first, and I'll pour you a glass of water." Shen Guanglin took out a piece of ice watermelon from the refrigerator while turning on the floor fan, and poured a glass of water into a cup.

"Do you drink hot or cold?"

"You don't have to work, I'm not thirsty." The girl subconsciously licked her lips when she saw the iced watermelon without taking a sip of water for a long time. This action seemed particularly sexy in Shen Guanglin's eyes.

Shen Guanglin couldn't see these young and beautiful girls, so he could only change the subject: "Tell me, what's the matter with you? Which college are you from? I don't think I've seen you before."

However, why don't you look for him in the office if you really have something to do, what's the matter with guarding the dormitory door?
Shen Guanglin was still a little puzzled.

"Hello Mr. Shen, my name is Bai Bing." The girl introduced herself.

Shen Guanglin understood in seconds, "You are Bai Bing!"

"Mr. Shen, do you know me?"

"I know, your hands and eyes are boundless, and you have boundless magic power. You can sneak in to occupy a spot in our exchange delegation of Jingcheng University. This is because you have super power." Shen Guanglin didn't mean to ridicule, just simply admired the forces behind her, However, he was still disturbed by someone Shen.

"The background is all fake, and it can't help you much. Recently, Professor Charlie gave a notice that none of us can go. Do you know the reason?" Miss Bai Bing gave a wry smile.

"I don't know." Of course Shen Guanglin couldn't admit that it was his fault.

The girl continued, "But he didn't say anything completely, Professor Charlie said it, it's just that the issue of funding is not easy to explain to the Foundation. I heard that Professor Charlie set up this exchange group for you, you are in There must be more authority in this matter.”

"So what?" Shen Guanglin didn't say yes or no.

"So I still want to go to Citi. See if you can accommodate me. You can mention the conditions. As long as I can meet it, I will do it. Moreover, I will also pay for the expenses of going abroad without spending Professor Charlie's funds at all."

The girl is not considered urgently ill to seek medical treatment. After she learned that she had been disqualified, she had been running around for a long time, and only then did she find the key person Shen Guanglin.

"Since you have money, why do you want me to help you? You can just go out by yourself." Shen Guanglin was also puzzled.

"It's not the same. I still need a legitimate name, otherwise what if there is a problem with my visa. Besides, when I arrive in Citiland, I don't need you to worry about everything about me. I have relatives there, and they will take me in." Bai Bing continued to make various explanations.

"Do you want to dance in a group?" Shen Guanglin immediately captured the key information in her words.

The behavior of "group jumping" still exists even in 2020.

In the 80s and [-]s, this behavior was a bit like the "North Korean defectors" in the Northern Dynasties. Such a detail was described in Feng Trousers' movie, probably in the movie "Party A and Party B". Ge You is a bad tour guide, he I have encountered such a breakaway as Bai Bing.

"I'm not, I don't want to, I am, I want to stay there and not come back, will you report me?" Bai Bing admitted generously, Teacher Shen is too smart to hide from him.

"What can I do to help you dance the group?"

Shen Guanglin wanted to know what kind of price people in this era could pay for going abroad.

"Mr. Shen, what do you want?" Bai Bing was also waiting for him to speak.

"Look at me, I have a good education, a status, and academic achievements. What am I lacking? I don't know what I want." This is also true. Bai Bing still doesn't know that Shen Guanglin came back from studying abroad, otherwise She will be more desperate.

"I can give you money." Bai Bing's family is not short of money, she just lacks an opportunity to go abroad. In a few years, she can marry a foreigner to get a visa.

Hearing the money, Shen Guanglin smiled. What he lacked most was money: "Look at the conditions of my dormitory, do I seem to be short of money?"

Looking around, there are refrigerators, TVs, and radios, but I really can't see what material needs Shen Guanglin has.

Bai Bing was silent, she could only use the last move.

"Mr. Shen, I know I have nothing to impress you. However, I'm still young, take my body away! I only have this now"

Speaking of Bai Bing, she began to take off her shirt, revealing a white high-waisted vest. Women in this era rarely wear bras, and that is not practical.

"Hey, don't, don't, don't do this, I'm not the principal"

Shen Guanglin thought of the principal who received the same treatment in Charlotte's troubles, and he might be ruined.

"I'm still a girl, you don't suffer."

"That can't be here either."

(End of this chapter)

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