Start with a college teacher

Chapter 641 Press Conference

Chapter 641 Conference (2)

Shen Guanglin appeared, and the audience fell silent.

It turned out that he was Professor Shen!

At least, it was the first time for Xiao Lu to meet Professor Shen. He was so young, and his achievements were so high that he couldn't even get jealous.

Before the opening, all the reporters who entered the venue had been persuaded that Professor Shen would not be on the scene, and all photographs of him would be deleted, and only written reports were allowed.

Professor Shen doesn't want to become a celebrity, he also wants to play a few more scenes of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger among the people.

Of course, that's not what the original words said. The original words were that Professor Shen doesn't care about fame and fortune, and fame will affect his scientific and technological research and development.

A lectern table was set up on the stage, and three microphones were placed on it, probably because everyone might not be able to hear clearly.

Sitting behind the desk, Shen Guanglin took out his teacup, took a sip of water, then tapped the microphone, hello!Hello!
"let us start!"

After an hour later than expected, Shen Guanglin finally started. He took a stack of speech papers, which seemed to be really a result conference.

This is the only place for such a big occasion?Don't you even have a host?

Shen Guanglin himself is the host.

"Thank you for coming. Today, I'm going to make two reports. Are you ready?"

The pure Chinese he used was incomprehensible to at least half of the people in the audience, and there was no interpreter, but everyone still gave warm applause.

Of course, there is no problem with Professor Shen's language skills. He switched to English and asked by the names of the people in the audience:

"Mr. Charlie, isn't it a bit dull and boring to develop a conference like this?"

Charlie is Shen Guanglin's old friend and old dog licker. He is a lively person, but he doesn't know what to say on this occasion. Isn't the press conference the way it should be?

"If you don't tell me, I'll answer for you. This is not the press conference I want. Music! Dance!"

After speaking, Shen Guanglin pulled the tablecloth.

The water glass on the table is gone, the microphone is gone, and even the table is gone.

Hey, it's still magic!

The music sounded, it was Dunhuang's Flying Dance, which was very western-style, and Shen Guanglin's best was this one.

The audience in the audience was also fascinated, alas, there is still such a style of painting.

Xiao Lu realized something was wrong, because among the dancing girls, one of them was Jiajia, and the other girls were also very beautiful, but in his eyes, Jiajia was even more beautiful.

Fei Tian's dance costumes are very distinctive. In Shen Guanglin's time, they were actually very conservative, but they still showed their belly buttons, and the old men in the audience were stunned.

I wipe!It's good to have money, that's what the ancient emperors were like.

"Old Tian, ​​which song and dance troupe are these actors? I'll watch this kind of show next time."

"I don't know either. I have seen the performances of these song and dance troupes in the capital. I have never seen such a young and beautiful song and dance performance."

Xiao Lu really wanted to say that there was a dancing girl from our school, and this was probably the song and dance troupe organized by the laboratory itself.

However, he held back and pretended not to see it.

A dance is over.

There was thunderous applause, and some foreigners even whistled.

The girls went down panting, and Xiao Lu still felt a little heartbroken. This girl should only dance for herself.

Shen Guanglin came up again, this time he didn't take the speech.

"I know, after watching the dance, you don't want to hear my speech anymore, do you?"

Of course not!
Although the dance is very exciting, this is not Broadway after all. Everyone came all the way to hear Professor Shen's new achievement conference.

Shen Guanglin started ordering again.

"Young student No. 76 in the third row, tell me. I have two topics here, saving the world and changing the world. Which one do you choose?"

It was Xiao Lu who was spotted by Shen Guanglin.

Shen Guanglin already knew that this was Xiao Zhu's rival in love.Back then, he took Jia Jia away from the National People's Congress. Xiao Zhu's love rival is indeed good-looking, the kind that men hate.

However, since Xiao Zhu is his man, naturally he will not lose.

Worst of all, if you can't get her heart, you have to get her people.

Student Xiao Lu didn't know Professor Shen's vicious thoughts, but felt flattered. He thought about it and chose "save the world".

Literati, like romance, have the feeling of helping the world.

Shen Guanglin said approvingly: "Very good, you can sit down now. If it were me, then I would choose nothing. I want both subjects."

There was another round of applause from the audience.

Those who are familiar with Professor Shen know that he is indeed such a person, and he has indeed achieved both.

"However, since Xiao Lu chose the proposition of 'saving the world', let's start with the option of 'saving the world' first. Next, I invite today's first speaker, Miss Jiang Xiaotang."

After the applause, a beautiful woman came up, very beautiful, no worse than those dancing.

Moreover, this beautiful woman is very aura, wearing a suit, she is not very old, but she is very stylish.

"Hello everyone, I'm honored to be the first speaker today. The proposition that the classmate just pointed out was 'saving the world'. In my case, this matter is also 'changing the world'. This is the same proposition. At least, It changed my world, Professor Shen changed my world with his wisdom and intelligence."

Beautiful women are pleasing to the eye, even old men such as Lao Tian and Lao Liu still clicked their tongues a few times, chose a posture of leaning back, and listened carefully to her storytelling.

"Is this the girl from your school?"

Lao Tian knew what Lao Liu meant, but he shook his head and said, "No, this is another girl. Didn't you hear her say her surname is Jiang?"

Xiao Jiang's conversation ability is quite good, telling stories is like reciting poems, with both voice and emotion.

She started talking about her happy family, and continued until something unexpected happened. Her father was diagnosed with chronic leukemia during the physical examination, and her world collapsed.

At this time, the great Professor Shen came forward. It took him only half a year, from project establishment to target selection, to compound production, to animal experiments.

Finally, before her father's condition continued to deteriorate, a new drug was developed.

This is the good news for leukemia patients, and the effective rate of this drug in the treatment of chronic leukemia patients has reached [-]%.

Xiao Jiang's father is no different from a normal person.

Lao Jiang also stood on the stage and played a set of military boxing, which was really powerful.

This is impossible!

Leukemia is cancer. Can the treatment of cancer be [-]% effective?
Perhaps considering everyone's thoughts, Xiao Jiang continued, "You may think that I am a layman and I like to tell stories. The real story is: Professor Shen's laboratory has developed a new drug through unremitting efforts. Now, the first issue The results of clinical tests have come out, and the effectiveness has really reached 214%, and the number of samples is [-], not one, not three, and not five."

There was an uproar in the audience, is this true?

Immediately someone raised his hand, "What principle is this treating leukemia?"

At this moment, everyone seems to have forgotten that she is just a preacher and a family member of the patient.

However, she has become a good doctor after a long illness, and she is a showy person. She can really answer this question.

"Some of you may know about the Philadelphia chromosome. The Philadelphia chromosome refers to the translocation of the proto-oncogene abl on the long arm of chromosome 9 to bcr on chromosome 22.

What was not known, however, was that this genetic variant resulted in increased activity of the enzyme tyrosine kinase that triggers leukemia.

Now, the medicine developed by our laboratory inhibits the activity of tyrosine kinase to treat leukemia. This method is like military targeting, and we call it targeted therapy. "

Xiao Jiang spoke very slowly, and what she said was being interpreted simultaneously by an interpreter.

If there weren't those foreigners in the audience to join in, wouldn't this be singing a one-man show?

It is precisely because she speaks slowly that everyone has ample time to find out if there is such a thing.

There are indeed biological experts sitting here, and there are really some who study chronic leukemia.

As for why acute leukemia is not studied, it is because patients with acute leukemia usually cannot wait and leave first.

A passage from Xiao Jiang expresses two meanings.

The first meaning is that the gene mutation leads to an increase in the activity of tyrosine kinase, which is the cause of leukemia, also called the cause.

In the current scientific and medical circles, this argument has not been raised yet. This is a completely new viewpoint and understanding.

As for whether this is true, it needs professional experiments to verify, and someone immediately asked, "Is there any paper to support this?"


The assistants immediately started distributing pamphlets, both in Chinese and English, with graphic images and various data on them.

The paper is very thick and long, and it seems to be used to prove that the proto-oncogene abl on the long arm of chromosome 9 is translocated to bcr on chromosome 22, and the result is an increase in the activity of tyrosine kinase.

The on-site scene is too restricted, otherwise, many people would like to do verification experiments just around the corner.

However, everyone immediately thought, is this matter still used for verification? Based on this principle, people have developed all the drugs for treating leukemia.

"Is the purpose of today's press conference to say: This is a new direction for drug research and development?"

Someone in the audience finally understood what was going on, and Xiao Jiang's answer confirmed this

"Of course, according to human genetic conditions and pathogenesis, targeted research on therapeutic drugs can relieve or even eradicate many diseases that have plagued everyone for many years. This is why our press conference today aims to save the world.

What Professor Shen invented is not only a medicine, but also a method, a method that can save the world. "

(End of this chapter)

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