Start with a college teacher

Chapter 651 Arrangement

Chapter 651 Arrangement
"Professor Shen, Professor Shen!"

Shen Guanglin was about to pack his things and go home when someone stopped him.

"Oh, it turned out to be Associate Professor Zhu. That's fine. Once you wear this little suit, you'll look like a pretty young man. You'll be able to marry a little wife soon." Shen Guanglin turned his head to see that his confidant, Xiaozhu, was his classmate, and immediately beamed with joy. He started to tease him, and he also hummed the tune about Zhu Bajie marrying a wife.

Journey to the West is very popular, and the popularity has gone out of the circle. Shen Guanglin pretended to watch it for the first time, and still liked it very much.

Moreover, Shen Guanglin's biggest gain from watching Journey to the West this time is that there are so many beauties in Journey to the West. They held a press conference in the capital. He went there, saw it, and was greedy.

How nice to be a scumbag.

Afterwards, Shen remembered Xiao Zhu who was fighting in another world, and immediately died down.

Seeing that she was being ridiculed, Xiao Zhu was unwilling to defend herself: "Mr. Shen, don't laugh at me. My surname is Zhu. I'm not a pig. I'm not stupid. Boss, I really have something to do with you." .”

"Just talk about it if you have something to say." Shen Guanglin left in no hurry, he sat down and prepared to listen carefully.

"Professor Shen, tell me, I am also an associate professor in our school now. I will take this certificate to confess to Jiajia. Do you think it is okay? Can she do it? Will she agree?"

It turned out that this is what Xiaozhu classmate found Shen Guanglin.

That's right, he's been holding it in for a long time, and he hasn't made it clear that he can't hold it in anymore.

Professor Shen has some experience in chasing girls, but his experience may not be able to adapt to this era.

In the past, he drove the Porsche with one hand, and when he stopped there, someone opened the door of the co-pilot.

Then, you can start driving.

There are not many types of drinks in this era, and it is probably not easy to put drinks on the hood.

Girls in this era probably don't need this. What they need is a job opportunity to stay in the capital, a place to study abroad, and an appearance that looks better than Pan An.

Xiao Zhu is good at everything else, he needs education, IQ, IQ, income, status, status, just one thing, he has no good looks.

Xiao Zhu has a slightly ordinary appearance, just like most people with high IQs, his appearance is ordinary.

Moreover, what he was challenging was a beauty of the National People's University's beauty level. A girl like Jiajia has many suitors. It must be a little difficult to win her favor.

This thing needs to be well planned.

Shen Guanglin asked Xiaozhu to sit down too, and closed the door to plot.

He arranges.

That's not how chasing girls works.

Shen Guanglin asked him if he wanted her heart or her person.

Xiao Zhu is also very practical. If he gets someone, where can his heart go?At that time, the baby's whole life, romantic or not, will not count as a ball.

This is a reasonable understanding of myself and beautiful girls.

Everyone has a white moonlight in their hearts. If you love her, you want her.

Now that student Xiaozhu has this awareness, it's easy.

First of all, Shen Guanglin wrote a letter of appointment, signed and sealed: Jiajia was hired as an experimental assistant in the physics group of the laboratory, and the work was contracted, and the contract work period was three years.

After the appointment was written, Shen Guanglin handed it to Xiaozhu and asked him to find a chance to send it over.

The meaning is obvious. This is to help Jiajia win the opportunity to officially stay in Shen Guanglin's laboratory at Capital University.

Of course, just doing this is not enough.

People are not cruel, they can't stand firm.

Shen Guanglin and classmate Xiao Zhu confirmed again and again, is it true that classmate Fei Jiajia will not marry?Will you do anything for her?

Xiao Zhu said yes.

He has been thinking about this since Jiajia's freshman year. At that time, Xiaozhu was doing orientation work at the train station, and he saw Jiajia in the crowd.

Then, the male banker followed him all the way to the National People's Congress.

Since then, she has become his demon.

In recent years, the number of piggy visits to the National People's Congress is no less than that of Professor Shen.

The problem is, Professor Shen was a combination of dogs and men at the time, full of affection; Xiaozhu was a single dog, unrequited love.

In the past three years, he watched Jiajia's boyfriend change from freshman to sophomore to junior, and none of them were him.

Even classmate Jiajia didn't know him before, that is, when he went to Shen Guanglin's laboratory for an internship, he met a group leader with strange eyes.

In these years, Xiaozhu has also worked hard enough to enrich himself and improve his competitiveness.

Finally, it was Xiaozhu who had made a name for himself in Shen Guanglin's laboratory, so he was qualified to ask Boss Shen for help.

Since Xiaozhu said that deeds don't care about one's heart, it's easy to handle.

In a legal way, Professor Shen said that he must not do some evil things, and it was all for their own good.

Isn't that normal in this day and age.

At that time, there were such a group of combat heroes who were disabled and could not marry. In order to solve the problems of their subordinates, the leader lured many Hunan girls into Tianshan Mountain.

Shen is just learning from others.

Every April and May are the days when various universities decide to study abroad as exchange students.

Isn't it time to determine the number of places to study abroad? Ask when the National People's Congress will finalize the draft?
Professor Shen decided to go to the National People's Congress to do work in person. The purpose was not to get a place, but to ensure that Jiajia would not go to study abroad.

It would be better if she didn't have the opportunity in the first place, and even if she had, it doesn't matter.

For her good.

Give her a better option.

Boss Shen can still handle this small job very well by using power to seek a little personal gain.

That's not all, girls love vanity or pursue romance, and student Xiaozhu has a place to travel abroad, so he can take classmate Jiajia to travel abroad.

Is it okay to pay for the laboratory? If you go to Xiangjiang, you will be in charge of all the food and lodging.

Since Xiaozhu has made such great achievements in LED, it doesn't matter what kind of house or car it is.

Shen Guanglin decided to give him a full job, everything was the best arrangement.

There is a strategy in courting girls.

Show your material conditions first, and then raise your in-depth needs. In all likelihood, Jiajia will consider it.

Girls mature prematurely, men don't understand.

In the graduation season of later generations, how many girls gave up their love for work.

The vows of eachother on campus are not worth the garage and savings of a middle-aged man. Who is willing to fight with you for a lifetime?

If you struggle without fruit, you will be poor all your life;

Shen Guanglin's idea for Xiao Zhu was a combination of punches.

First of all, we must ensure that Jiajia does not have the opportunity to study abroad, then give her a chance to go abroad to see the world, and at the same time give her a stable and reliable job, and finally give her an opportunity to form a wealthy family.

All these conditions are met, if she still can't win, unless she is from a high-ranking family like Li Rong.

After finishing a bad thing, Professor Shen was stopped just as he was about to leave.

This time it's journalist friends.

Oops, you finally came to interview me.

"Xiao Zhu, ask the teaching assistant to bring some small gifts here! It's no surprise that there are many gifts."

Sure enough, what the reporters were asking was actually the content released by Shen Guanglin at the press conference.

After these few days of fermentation, with everyone's in-depth understanding and investigation, this matter has intensified.

There is nothing in it that needs to be faked, it is all real achievements.

Although, regardless of the use of gene therapy to treat leukemia, or the introduction of various lighting display products through the invention of blue LEDs, all of them display high-tech components.

However, the quality of journalists can't keep up.

Moreover, such a level of technological capability is too high.

When the reporters came to ask, Shen Guanglin didn't have anything special to exaggerate, because this was already exaggerated, it was simply a science fiction story.

Today, the stories written in science fiction stories have actually happened around me, and this is the first time in the world. If this is not worth boasting about, what else is there to boast about.

However, journalists also have difficulties. Professor Shen's work is too great, how should we report it?
Everyone is not a science and technology reporter, so they are afraid of making a fool of themselves, which is not beautiful. After all, now is not the era of randomly launching satellites.

He arranges it!

The staff of Shen Guanglin's laboratory have already helped them write this matter. Not only are they good at writing papers, they are also good at writing drafts.

This is the Yanya series of later generations.

Although Yanya is often late for drafts, she is never absent.

The reporters looked at the sample manuscripts in Shen Guanglin's laboratory, and exclaimed suddenly, "I have learned, I have learned, how can you be more professional than our journalism majors?"

Oh, what about this matter, the one who defeated you may not be a peer, it is likely to be a crossover.

The reporters received the gifts, got what they wanted, and went back happily.

Shen Guanglin was about to go home when he was stopped by some people.

Reporter again?
Not like!

Shen Guanglin stood still and looked at the group of people with doubts in his eyes.

Jacket, leather shoes, pens, and a briefcase under his arm.

What kind of dress is this?Street trick?Bag company?

Not!This is the attire for people who eat public meals in this era.

And, judging from the thinning hair on top of their heads and the crow's feet around their eyes, it's probably not a kid.

Shen Guanglin didn't speak, just quietly watching what they were looking for.

"Hello, Professor Shen, my sire, Qiao Zhenhua, is the person in charge of the Jingcheng Pharmaceutical Factory. These are all comrades in our factory."

This Jingcheng pharmaceutical factory is interesting. The Mediterranean Sea is all in one color.

"Is something wrong?"

However, Director Qiao was not in a hurry to talk about things, but introduced the situation of the visitors and the history of their company.

Jingcheng Pharmaceutical Factory was born in Taihang Mountain base area in 1939 and is the largest pharmaceutical factory in Beijing.

and then?
"Professor Shen, we came to you to discuss how to produce a medicine for leukemia together."

"What?" Shen Guanglin didn't even know what happened.

"That's right. We heard that your laboratory has produced a drug for treating leukemia and tumors. We think it is most suitable for us to produce this drug." Director Qiao also stroked the hair on his forehead and smiled. Said: "Everyone is in the capital, we are the largest pharmaceutical factory in the capital, and we also have the task of earning foreign exchange, killing two birds with one stone."

They are all arranged.

 I have been watching the rescue live broadcast at night. May the deceased rest in peace. I just took a plane some time ago, and I am still in fear.

(End of this chapter)

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