Start with a college teacher

Chapter 73 Invitation

Chapter 73 Invitation

Shen Guanglin had never been pursued by so many men in his life, especially old men.

Teacher Shen can flip the brand.

"This gentleman in the front row, let's start with you."

Shen Guanglin didn't mean to pick someone, he pointed at someone casually, the one sitting in the front row was always easier to take care of.

"Mr. Shen, I see that you have not finished your own thesis topic, but you have been criticizing the problems of other scholars. Why is your focus always on others, and have you reflected on your own problems? This is a Is there a full academic report meeting? Is this the attitude a scholar should have?"

The one who questioned him turned out to be a blue-eyed and blond foreigner.

Are you Yi Lijing?Ask so many questions.

Those who come here are not good. They don't talk about specific issues, and they start moral criticism directly. This is not the attitude a scholar should have.

Perhaps, the paper provided by Shen Guanglin is indeed not too wrong, and all the views can be justified.

However, now is the question and answer session, he fired so many map guns, which caused strong resentment and dissatisfaction from others.

Can't blame others for making trouble with him in this regard.

Some people even think that maybe, there is a team behind Shen Guanglin working for him, so many middle-aged and elderly Chinese people should be members of his support group.

If nothing else, just look at his age, he shouldn't be so knowledgeable at this age.

This is a question and answer session. It would be a lie to say that Shen Guanglin is not nervous.

In the past life, how many well-known scholars, experts and professors have been questioned and left speechless under the mad dog-like attacks of their bosses.

Now, it's your turn, will there be such a person at the scene?
Afraid of wool!
After all, risk and opportunity coexist.

Such a high-end academic conference on theoretical physics was an opportunity to become famous in one fell swoop.

Perhaps, yesterday's Shen Guanglin was still unnoticed.

But, after today, he will be world-famous.

"This gentleman is not asking an academic question, but I'll give you an answer. It's a gift. I have a problem since I was a child. I like to pick up conversations. Because of this good habit, the teachers also like me very much. They always let me go out and listen to lectures because they are afraid that I will not be able to breathe fresh air."

There was a burst of knowing laughter at the scene. Many people have had such an experience. Too many children have been kicked out of the classroom because of being naughty.

"In the hallway, I counted the tiles on the classroom roof, established the language of mathematics, and had cordial and friendly debates with language lovers in other classes. This also formed another good habit: when I saw One of the first things that comes to mind is how to find out its problems, which can be said to have formed an occupational habit, also called occupational disease.


Look at things critically, and you'll make more progress than you expected. "

Shen Guanglin gave an answer that others should be able to understand and think of. He Shen was not to find fault, but to learn and improve.

In fact, there are no special rules for the question-and-answer session of the report. Shen Guanglin is too comfortable to answer such questions.

It is best not to ask questions of a professional nature.

The second person's question began below. Shen Guanglin thought about it and asked a scholar from the country.

Eastern neighbors, save face.

Unfortunately, the other party did not intend to give him face.

Sure enough, the question asked by the other party was the result that the Marang people had already studied, about the boson equation.

He asked Shen Guanglin what he thought of Mr. Arima's achievement.

Shen Guanglin had prepared this question in advance, and he had envisaged this kind of question at the beginning of writing his thesis.

It is hard to say what the cutting-edge science in the 80s will look like 40 years later. Some are still cutting-edge science, while others have undergone tremendous changes and breakthroughs.

Shen Guanglin thought about it for a few seconds, and then answered seriously: "Mr. Arima is a very admirable person, and he has a lot of academic achievements."

Then he came to a turning point.

"But people are different. Maybe, for you or you, the boson standard equation is difficult and important. But, for me, it's like picking up shells on the beach and accidentally I found a crab, what should I do? Eat it, there is not enough meat, let it go, but I can’t bear it.”

"It is said that the ancient Chinese classic "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is your favorite in the Footpan Kingdom. There is a sentence in Yang Xiu's death in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms". A soldier asked for the password for the march at night, and Cao Cao replied casually what? "

"Chicken ribs!"

"Yes, you are very knowledgeable." Shen Guanglin praised the person who answered the question.

As everyone knows, the faces of other scholars in the footpan country are darkened.

This is Shen Guanglin's blatant sarcasm. He perfected the boson standard equation, but he devalued the actual value of this equation. What is this called?He seemed to have nothing to lose.

Shen Guanglin knew too many scientific achievements in physics, what is the standard equation of boson, he hasn't said anything about gravitational waves.

My brother doesn't care about the things that you regard as precious.

Next, the third and fourth questions came one after another, all of which were where Shen Guanglin fired the map cannon.

Shen Guanglin used the AOE skill when giving a speech, and accidental injuries were inevitable.

Now that others are asking "humbly", he will naturally give them advice.

In the face of everyone's difficult questions, Shen Guanglin answered them one by one, and the clear and interesting way of answering them immediately made Shen Guanglin gain a lot of fan value.

Mr. Shen is really amazing!
What others don't know is that Shen Guanglin's greatness lies in the fact that he stands on the shoulders of giants, and even everyone here has provided him with support.

Taking the insights of 40 years later, to hang people 40 years ago, it is a bit incompetent, but why are you so happy.

The scheduled question-and-answer time has also arrived. Others are still reluctant to end the question, and even the reporter friends have not had their turn.

But Shen Guanglin is no longer ready to answer questions any more: "Dear reporters, if you want to interview me, you can go directly to the hotel. Let's find a conference room for an exclusive interview. I still have enough stories. It depends on whether you have any wine. "

After all, the conference hall is going to be given to Professor Seaman.

As soon as he walked out of the door of the lecture hall, a footpan scholar who spoke broken English chased after him: "Mr. Shen, I am Masakawa Minying from Kyoto University, if you have time, please come to Kyoto University to visit Mr. Shen. , our research funds and various expenses are very abundant, and scholars like Mr. Shen are very welcome."

"Okay, okay, I must think more about it."

Shen Guanglin offended people from Tokyo University, not from Kyoto University. They can still have friendly exchanges and contacts.

Kyoto University is also a good school, and is the second institution in the country after the University of Tokyo.

Therefore, the relationship between the two schools is very similar to Jingcheng University and Wudaokou Vocational and Technical College.

Also, in this era, there is no other country in the country, but it is rich.

Their investment in scientific research has also enabled them to continuously produce Nobel-level scientific research results.

Of course, Citigroup is more direct in retaining people.

Professor Charlie didn't say anything. He wanted to encourage Shen Guanglin to stay in Los Angeles for a long time, but Shen Guanglin didn't agree, he didn't like it.

Until, Harvard also threw an olive branch.

"Shen, I'm Higgins from Harvard University. I don't need to introduce more about our school. You know, our school is the best school in Citigroup, and Capital University is the best school in China. Only when we are No.1, we will cherish each other. On behalf of the Department of Physics of Harvard University, I hope to reach a strategic cooperation relationship with the Department of Physics of your school, and Mr. Shen will take the lead. What do you think?"

"Where is the source of funding?" Shen Guanglin didn't think Jingcheng University would have any money.

"There are various foundations to support, this is the last thing to worry about." High-end scholars like Higgins completely despise those who have some stinky money.

Shen Guanglin was moved again.

Of course there is no problem in reaching a cooperation.

However, as for MIT, why don't they come to fight?
In this era, countries around the world are relatively open to China, and foreign countries are surprisingly friendly towards China.

In this era, Citigroup even thought about selling the F16 fighter jet to Huaxia, and it has already entered the negotiation stage.

As a second choice, we accepted the old and American proposal to improve the J-8II fighter.

After the improvement of the old and the United States, the J-8II has changed a lot, and it can even reach more than 16% of the performance of the F-80.

At the same time, Huaxia also obtained various advanced equipment and technologies such as American-made Black Hawk helicopters, British-made anti-artillery radars, American-made anti-submarine torpedoes and Israeli air-to-air missiles.

Especially the Black Hawk helicopter, this technology has been acquired in the 80s, but we still cannot manufacture it until 2020, which is a pity.

In the venue, Shen Guanglin is the traffic, out of the venue, he is still a star.

A large number of reporters rushed to him, and everyone wanted to get first-hand information on this rising academic star.

(End of this chapter)

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