Chapter 75 Airport
In the evening, Shen Guanglin wrote a business trip report in his executive suite.

This is called planning ahead.

Li Li was pouring water into the tea at the front end, serving attentively.

This is called red sleeves and incense.

It is the dream of many people to be accompanied by beautiful women on business trips and to live in an executive suite.

These few days abroad are a rare opportunity for the two to be alone.

Except that the last step has not yet been taken, the intimacy and tacit understanding of the two people have increased a lot.

Especially, when Teacher Shen was doing intimate actions, Li Li didn't hide anymore. Even in public places, as long as there were no members of the Huaxia delegation, she would not object to holding hands and walking together.

Shen Guanglin's business trip report was written in great detail, and there was basically no blank time period, and the arrangement was very compact.

Shen Guanglin once read a short article called "The Prime Minister's Day".

There are only one or two hundred words, it is a pure timeline and narrative, but it makes people want to cry.

The content is like this:

wake up at 3pm

4pm meeting with Nyerere ([-]th floor)

Dinner at 7pm

Politburo meeting at 10 p.m.
At 2:[-] in the morning, there is a meeting with comrades from the Civil Aviation Administration

Office at 7 am

Go to the eastern suburbs at 12 noon to meet Prince and Queen Sihanouk

2pm break.

Shen Guanglin's business trip report is also written in time period, just like writing a diary.

He started writing from the time of departure, starting from the domestic plane in the capital, when and where he arrived, who was there, what did he do, every moment of every day, and the whole process was recorded 24 hours a day.

Li Li is not a pure life secretary, she also has certain academic ability and reading and writing skills: "Brother Guanglin, is it appropriate for you to write a business trip record like this?"

"Of course it's appropriate, otherwise how should I write the business trip record? There are other reasons for me to be more detailed."

"what reason?"

"I can't say it yet, I'll find out when you go back."

Enjoying the water refill service provided by Li Li, Shen Guanglin wrote several thousand words in a report, and he has no intention of finishing it yet.

Shen Guanglin couldn't do anything either. Tomorrow was the last day of the whole trip, and it was estimated that Bai Bing would "leave the group" at this time.

She fled at this time, and the people in the exchange group didn't have time to react, and all calls to the police were nonsense.

In the vast sea of ​​people, people who are unfamiliar in life, looking for someone who deliberately hides is really like looking for a needle in a haystack.

In this case, you have to be extra careful tomorrow, and you must pick yourself up clearly.

The reason why Shen Guanglin wrote so carefully is that he and Bai Bing did not have any intersection during the whole trip.

"Leaving the group" is of a very serious nature, and it must be dealt with seriously in China. It is estimated that everyone will be reviewed again, and it has to be taken seriously.

Since the 70s and [-]s, many people have left the organization and escaped by taking the opportunity of visiting abroad.

Even in 2020, there are still people who have left the group by taking advantage of travel opportunities.

By the time Shen Guanglin finished writing, it was late at night and it was time to go to bed.

Li Li was still doing service beside her. She was gently massaging Shen Guanglin. Although the technique was blunt, the effect was very good.

Shen Guanglin suddenly embraced her waist, and said softly that the girl's waist felt really good.

"Is there anything to gain from coming out this time?" Shen Guanglin's hands walked up and down his waist.

Li Li didn't struggle, and she also enjoyed this rare leisure time: "I have gained a lot, and only when I came out did I realize the vastness of the world. Citigroup is really strong and rich, which is so desirable. It's a pity that there is too little time. Lack of freedom, even here you have to abide by those hateful dogmatisms."

"Freedom comes at a price, but I don't know who the price will fall on." Shen Guanglin buried his head in the unknown.

In a novel, there are four unknown places, namely the second floor of the academy, Zhishouguan, Hanging Temple, and Mozong.

Shen Guanglin's favorite is Ye Hongyu in the first TV series. Unfortunately, in the novel, Ye Hongyu's childhood was cheaper than Xiong Chumo, and he was destined to not be the heroine.

Sister Li Li is good at this. When you want to do something, she doesn't struggle or resist. You can come when you want, and I'll cooperate.

Of course, she didn't have the consciousness to expect her to take the initiative to do something intimate.

After some intimacy, Shen Guanglin didn't accomplish anything except that the whole two were out of breath.

Just wash up and go to bed.

Early the next morning, before dawn, Shen Guanglin and Li Li got up. Today is the day to return to China, and they have to pack their bags early.

It was Vice Principal Liu who got up earlier than them. He was too excited and too old to fall asleep at night.

Anyway, you can continue to sleep on the plane, and you don't have to force yourself to toss and turn on the bed and dodge your old waist.

The money in Vice President Liu's hand has not been used up yet. When we go to the duty-free shop at the airport, we can buy some more large items to take back home. Just think about it and look forward to it.

The little girl is also really sensible. Knowing that I have worked hard to help her apply for a place to go abroad, not only is she grateful, but the money is more affordable.

The rest of the exchange group also got up early to wash up and prepare for the return trip.

Everyone felt that this trip abroad was very rewarding. Of course, the biggest reward was the valuable money and things.

A sponsored trip is a really good trip!

With money, you can buy a lot of enviable and in short supply materials, which can earn you a lot of face in front of colleagues and neighbors.

A group of people ate the earliest hotel buffet, and then took the bus to the airport.

For the flight after [-]:[-] in the afternoon, they only arrived at the airport at [-]:[-] in the morning.

Vice President Liu explained to Yan Yuese: "We still have a lot of time. If you have shopping needs, you can buy some souvenirs in the store and go back. After all, it is not easy to come here all the way."

"Captain, we don't want to go shopping, can we go to the terminal ahead of time?" It was Shen Guanglin who asked the question, and Li Li wanted to take him for a stroll, but didn't hold back.

"Also, but everyone has to report to me wherever they go. If there is nowhere to go, they will wait for the flight in advance."

"Okay." Everyone responded.

Shen Guanglin saw Bai Bing's bright eyes and understood the meaning in her eyes, but they didn't speak.

Since then, we have separated from each other, and we don't know when we will meet again.

Shen Guanglin took Li Li through the security check, received the boarding pass, and entered the waiting hall after verifying his identity.

"Brother Guanglin, why don't we go shopping, even if we go to the bookstore to read books." Li Li expressed puzzled.

"There are also restaurants and bookstores in the terminal building."


When encountering a domineering president, Li Li said she had no choice.

Waiting is always a long time, but fortunately, with beauty, I don't feel lonely, but I feel that time is wonderful.

Shen Guanglin mastered all kinds of strange knowledge, Li Li was willing to learn, Shen Guanglin was willing to teach, the two of them could hardly finish talking.

At this moment, another group of Asians came in bustlingly in the terminal building, lining up, wearing Chinese tunic suits and carrying black handbags, they looked like domestic comrades.


"Four joys in life when we meet old friends in a foreign land. We have met our compatriots." Shen Guanglin and Li Li said softly.

When Shen Guanglin saw them, they also saw Shen Guanglin.

After all, the combination of handsome men and beautiful women is rarely seen anywhere.

"Little comrades, are you also going back to the capital?"

"Yes, we are also on this flight, connecting from Budapest, what a coincidence."

(End of this chapter)

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